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Re: Yu Suzuki Live on Nico Nico Douga 07/12

James Brown wrote: What does he mean by Ryo's aspect will fully change, including his jacket?

He means that Kickstarter Ryo looks awful indeed, and he will improve a lot (face and jacket). Better than Shenmue II.
He said that on twitter i think.
by Otacon_ahs
Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:36 pm
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Re: The new trailer is bad ...

Yes, it's bad. I'm not worried about the trailer being an indicative of the final version, i can see Yu Suzuki doing interviews and other development staff doing other things and not focusing too much on the trailer. But, really, for new backers is really bad. "Oh let's look what Shenmue is and what it has to show... Oh shit... I'm not backing this crap".
by Otacon_ahs
Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:49 am
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Re: The new trailer is bad ...

I'm not sure exactly what you are saying here, but if you saying that the trailer looks bad and that is a fact, then you don't know the difference between a fact and an opinion. And it's hard to take your opinion seriously if you indeed don't know that distinction.

Some of us (Shenmue fans) thinking the trailer looks bad was the fact. Sorry if it was difficult, my english isn't perfect (obvious thing, i suppose haha).
by Otacon_ahs
Wed Jul 15, 2015 9:03 am
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Re: The new trailer is bad ...


The game isn't even in development yet.

How can you say that this looks bad to those new to the series? Are you new to the series?

Judging by the boost in funding since last night, Id hardly say this teaser had a negative impact.

I cannot wait for this campaign to end and for the game to go quietly into production so everyone can quit hyper-analyzing (aka bitching about) everything.

Bitching around?

We are worried, that's all. We already put money on Kickstarter.
Man, We are Shenmue FANS, that waited 14 YEARS, posting on SHENMUE dojo. We recognized Shenhua and Ryo, and the melody. We know it's super early pre-alpha footage, we are not bitching, we are worried because the trailer alone, and still some of us think the trailer looks bad. That's a fact.

So how is it supposed to appeal new backers that doesn't know about the series? They will see a trailer that zooms Shenhua ass, has fireflies and so, and maybe close the tab. I don't expect new backers to put money because this trailer, maybe has a negative effect, and still see some boost because it's normal, and maybe are some fans out there that have waited until now.

Youtube comments with positive review is not an indicative of nothing but the fact that there are near 55.000 backers, and most of them are hardcore Shenmue fans.

What other KS games had a trailer during the campaign showing some ingame graphics(even if just alpha builds)?

I recall Bloodstained and MN9 only having concept art...

Sometimes is better having really good artwork than an arguably bad ingame video.
by Otacon_ahs
Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:44 am
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What's wrong with some users

First of all, i don't want to start a war, this post only express my opinion. If any user or moderator would like to lock or delete this thread, i'm ok with that. I would open this on off-topic, but maybe some users wouldn't read this.

I'm a fan of Shenmue II, and, like all of us, i was really happy for the Shenmue 3 announcement, so i joined this community expecting to meet some lovely users and learn something too.

One of my first posts was that thread talking about "magic" in Shenmue 3. It was ok, though i felt stupid after a few answers, but that was ok, i don't blame any users for that because maybe it was my fault, i don't know.

But i'm feeling now as if somebody has some complaint, and that complaint is not about Awesome Japan, he must prepare himself for harsh answers that basically consist calling that guy stupid and telling things that he already knows. And though his complaint was about the game, some users will reply with things like "gotta be pretty slow not to see it coming", for example. I mean, that's not ok guys. Somebody felt offended (maybe it was justified, maybe not), to some users it was childish, ok, but he's not mentioning anyone directly and he's talking about something. For me his topic was as childish as some replies. We are all already backers of Shenmue 3 i think. We can have discussions between backers on this forum or not, but all that "positive wave" doesn't consist in locking threads and being harsh with some users, don't you think?

We can do something better here.

P.D: As always sorry for my english if something is somewhat difficult to understand.
by Otacon_ahs
Wed Jul 15, 2015 6:54 pm
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