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Shenmue II Xbox Widescreen hack.

Update. Download link.


Original Post.

Hi, I am just crazy and I can't stop getting involved in new things.

Right now I need help to test Shenmue II on Xbox, this is a quick and dirt attempt to make the game run Widescreen and/or at 720, hex editing the default.xbe.

I need people with a softmoded Xbox, an HDTV cable and if possible, an upgraded ram Xbox.

The goal is mainly to achieve propper widescreen support, 720p is a plus.

My setup is somehow a mess ( Xbox v1.6....) so my console hangs at the first loading screen. I could be either bad video config on my end or just that the Xbox ran out of ram, so that's why I ask for upgraded ram xbox to test, anyway anyone can test and post their results.

Here it is the default resolution.

And here the widescreen 853x480 one.

As said my Xbox hangs at this screen and I need people with different set ups to test it.


720p .xbe!lF42yRiT!mv4uM7Pj-si2b06awYkD5tZHqgzv4w-CFnExbRoTM4k

853x480 .xbe!BNggyRAR!zVLNE-CjTRswYEO7kpydTSz_d6DiZKP45CDd0lMFp2Q

Just drag and drop the default xbe on the root of the game and overwrite, remember to make a backup of your original .xbe just in case.

by Esppiral
Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:12 pm
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Re: Need help for testing Shenmue II on Xbox (widescreen/720

Ok so......






Sorry for the crappy "screenshots"

Things to note, the Hud is not scaled just stretched, other thing to know is that, in the same fashion as the Dreamcast version emulated with the Widescreen hack on NullDC, geometry outside the 4:3 will start to disappear, but in a slightly different way, for instance, if Ryo's hand/arm goes out the 4:3 on Dreamcast, his arm and hand will disappear, on the Xbox, only if the full character is out of the 4:3 area will disappear, so the effect is less distracting.

The images above are a good example, the characters outside the 4:3 area are still "complete" and not "broken" as it would on the emulated DC version, also the extra FOV is awesome!!!!

I must thank MarvelousMirth I was failing miserably trying to change the aspect ratio, without him this couldn't be possible.

Next thing I want to do is increase a bit the internal resolution, from 640x480 to 720x480, the game shouldn't perform any worse and we could gain a bit of sharpness.

Edit I forgot to add the link lol

by Esppiral
Wed Sep 16, 2015 3:16 pm
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Re: Need help for testing Shenmue II on Xbox (widescreen/720

It runs fine on a default xbox, no need to upgrade the hardware.

My brother wants to sell me a xbox. So since it is my brother, how much should I pay him for it? I can't afford too much. It is a stock Xbox, so I would have to mod it without games that could do it like 007?

I wouldn't pay more than 60€ for it.

About softmodding the console, I have no idea, a friend of mine installed the chip for me.

A few decent screenshots showcasing the new 16:9 aspect ratio.

Ever wanted to know whats behing the walls?


Wireframe hack.
by Esppiral
Thu Sep 17, 2015 10:48 am
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Shenmue Undub [Japanese Speech Mod] [CD-R 80/99/GDI]

Shenmue is a 1999 adventure video game developed by Sega AM2 and published by Sega for the Dreamcast, produced and directed by Yu Suzuki. Suzuki coined a genre title for its nonlinear gameplay, "FREE" (Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment), for the game, based on the interactivity and freedom he wanted to give to the player. Suzuki intended to achieve this by simulating aspects of real life through the game, such as the day and night system, real-time variable weather effects (unheard of in a game of this kind at the time), fully voiced non-player characters with their own daily schedules, quick time events, and various other interactive elements such as vending machines, arcades, and convenience stores.

This version made by me offers users the ability to play Shenmue with Japanese voices and English subtitles. I used the official English translation for this undub version, but the Japanese version of Shenmue contains more dialogue, there is approximately 3% of Japanese text retained in my version (I have not yet managed to find a translator that is able to translate the remaining Japanese sentences into English for me).

I used the translation from "US Shenmue" to make this Undub version.

For this release, I copied all the necessary directories (Sound + Japanese Subtitle) into a PAL ISO for Shenmue and I changed most of the Japanese text into English one line at a time. Thanks to the translation tools that Sizious released.

The advantage of this method:
-Less errors/Synchronization bugs (lip sync)
-The subtitles for the dialogue are in good working order in the game
-I replaced the designs of the vending machines with the original Japanese versions
-For the CD-R 80 version, I downsampled some of the voices to avoid deleting any audio from the game (as a result all of the characters have speech)

Unfortunately, there is still some Japanese text in the script (3%) Because the Japanese script contains more text than the English script, and I am not able to translate them (This only concerns the NPCs).

Thus this version of Shenmue Undub corrects some of the errors that plagued Smiths version.

Two version are available (CD-R 80 and CD-R 99) with some difference to make it fit in the appropriate sizes,


Shenmue Undub "Disc 1" [PAL-E] (CD-R 80):
-I downsampled the NPC audio only (not cutscene) in FREE01.AFS from 14000hz to 11025hz.
-The language menu and text is in English only.

Shenmue Undub "Disc 2" [PAL-E] (CD-R 80):
-I downsampled the NPC audio only (not cutscene) in FREE02.AFS from 14000hz to 8000hz.
-The language menu and text is in English only.

Shenmue Undub "Disc 3" [PAL-E] (CD-R 80):
-I downsampled the NPC audio only (not cutscene) in FREE03.AFS from 14000hz to 8000hz.
-The language menu and text is in English only.
-Arcade game remove (Hang On/Space Harrier)
-Track CDDA remove ("Wish..." song motorcycle cutscene)

[Link removed]
[Link removed]
[Link removed]

Shenmue Undub "Disc 1" [PAL-E] (CD-R 99):
Shenmue Undub "Disc 2" [PAL-E] (CD-R 99):
Shenmue Undub "Disc 3" [PAL-E] (CD-R 99):
-Everything is untouched on the disk, no changes have been made.

Download: .mdf / .mds format "Alcohol 120%"
Shenmue Undub Disc 1 (CD-R 99)
Shenmue Undub Disc 2 (CD-R 99) [reupload bug fix 07/2015]
Shenmue Undub Disc 3 (CD-R 99)

Download: .cdi format "DiscJuggler"
Shenmue Undub Disc 1 (CD-R 99) CDI
Shenmue Undub Disc 2 (CD-R 99) CDI [reupload bug fix 07/2015]
Shenmue Undub Disc 3 (CD-R 99) CDI


Shenmue Undub [PAL-E] .GDI for GDEMU/USB-GDROM/Emulator: [News 07/11/15]
-Everything is untouched on the disk, no changes have been made.


Mediafire ( Disc 1,2,3) - Re-uploaded by shengoro86.

Shenmue Undub Disc 1 (GDI)
Shenmue Undub Disc 2 (GDI)
Shenmue Undub Disc 3 (GDI)

The savegame for this version is compatible with the PAL version of Shenmue II.

You will need Alcohol 120% to burn the file (.mdf / .mds).
Alcohol 120% trial v2.0.2.5830

Follow these instructions for burning to CD-R 80 and CD-R 99 discs:
Tuto Burning part 1
Tuto Burning part 2

Special thanks: Manic, Sizious, Shendream, Hiei-, MagicSeb, FamilyGuy.

Preview video:
by kogami
Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:53 pm
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