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Re: Why is Shenmue I better than Shenmue II

Well to a certain extent Shenmue does feel less like a game than Shenmue II. They were going a more unique way when they made the first entry in the series. The changes to the pace and the reduction of the mundane in Shenmue II made it more enjoyable overall but they also made it come closer to a traditional game while doing so.

Talking about the setting is a difficult matter. Shenmue is meant to have a familiar feeling city and a fixed location you can call home while Shenmue II is meant to throw you in a foreign enviroment with ever changing life conditions. Of course everyone can have their preferences but I don't think it's fair to say that one or the other setting is better. I could only rate how well the games manage to pull of their respective feel and to me the slight winner here is Shenmue II.

In specific points, this is where Shenmue has the upper hand
- Weather effects
- Importance of time (and how you go about to make it go by)
- NPC routines
- Free training
- Ease of counter attacks (the timing in II is so strict that for a long time I thought they were gone)
- Kitten
- Forklifts
- Telephones
- Online features of the Passport Disc (too bad it's so hard to access the stuff)
- Raffle and winning cans

There are only a handful of things missing from Shenmue II that go deeper into the details of the game, like the items that don't carry over or were made into capsule toys since they lost their purpose or how the camera can be moved during fights.
by BlueMue
Wed May 31, 2017 5:49 pm
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Re: Why is Shenmue I better than Shenmue II

Shenmue 1 felt like you were playing a big fish in a small pond.
It pretty much nailed the point that you're a naive teenager surrounded by the comfort of people who love you in a familiar location. The progression is Ryo realizing that through his hot-headed persistence and that using his fists he can do anything.
Shenmue 2 captured being fish out of water perfectly.
Ryo is thrown into the deep end, he's lost and way over his head. If it wasn't for the kindness of strangers and people teaching him how to survive and to calm his temper he would be killed.

From what I understand Shenmue is meant to be sadness, followed by anger and revenge, followed by forgiveness and that his skills are better spent on something much bigger than himself.

I honestly think Shenmue 3 will slow things down a bit, but with some big action scenes.
by jasonorme666
Sun Jun 04, 2017 5:35 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Boy that logo sticks out. It really sucks.

Other than that - HYPE. That looked pretty fucking good. Obviously the facial animations aren't there yet (probably waiting for actual voice recording to take place), but the Shenmue feel is there. And the environments are spectacular.

I'm amazed by just how cinematic it looks. Especially the bit where he's fighting the fisherman guy. And Chobu really does look like a watercolour come to life.
by KidMarine
Mon Aug 21, 2017 6:25 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

It's hard to come up with words right now. Trying to post news, upload video, make screenshots and whatnot.

First discovery! Look who's back at Shenhua's house (in the lower left corner).

by BlueMue
Mon Aug 21, 2017 6:45 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

The YT & NeoGAF comments are making me VERY emotional right now. What's happened to the gaming community I knew of 20+ years ago? Hell, you could've said it was more "kid-oriented" back then, but the toxicity today is unreal...
by VukBZ2005
Mon Aug 21, 2017 7:10 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

TwiceFriedRice wrote:
mjq jazz bar wrote:Man, this is getting savaged on NeoGAF. I don't think it looks that bad, but it looks too much like a generic UE4 game to me.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah... I mean what even is a "generic UE4 game"? No such thing.
by Rikitatsu
Mon Aug 21, 2017 7:11 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

I really don't understand people can't comprehend that this is early in-development footage. When you look at a teaser like this, and you see the insane detail in the environments and then you look at the characters and you realise there are no facial animations, surely it clicks in your head instantly, that they haven't started on them

Some gamers clearly have no idea what the fuck is going on in the playstation youtube comments. Kills me inside.
by SheepheadCG
Mon Aug 21, 2017 7:17 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

The way that Ryo just knocks Mr. Muscles down after protecting Shenhua and how he then fights him in that sunset scene makes me believe that it's some thug at first but he turns into a friend. You know, kinda like Goro, except that this guy actually has skills.

I have to say it now, I absolute love that training scene with the old man on the boats. Pure Shenmue and Kung-Fu movie essence and it's pretty damn well coreographed and animated.
by BlueMue
Mon Aug 21, 2017 7:17 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

The criticism on neogaf is ridiculous. How can they be so critical about the faces when it's clear the facial animation hasn't been implemented here at all beyond some mouth movement?

They will eat their words upon release.
by ShenmueForeseen
Mon Aug 21, 2017 7:21 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Oh my god, I loved this trailer! Shenmue 3 looks beautiful! Ryo and Shenhua looks so damn good! This trailer made me so happy! I wasn't expecting the game to look this good as it's still not out for another year or so but my god this is Shenmue! Right from the start it gave me that vibe! Seriously Yu Suzuki, you have done a great job and I couldn't be more grateful to you.

I don't think the characters look emotionless, I've never been one to care what others think but maybe they could show a bit more emotion I guess but this is one the first trailer. The FIRST trailer of Shenmue 3. Hopefully the emotions of the characters face will improve but it's still not bad. I definitely saw it in the characters and felt everything Shenmue through the whole trailer!

So glad you guys liked it too!
by adom11800
Mon Aug 21, 2017 7:31 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Fuck, this scene is just amazing! Beautiful and well animated, movements, even on the jacket are well done. Pretty impressive.

Fuck those comments on youtube and gaf, people are toxic and stupid these days!

Yes! Like Spaghetti, it's the way the choreography is that gives me confidence in the end product. Now, as for NeoGAF and YT comments, I'm, again, emotional. A lot of these people are straight-up immature and degenerate in their thinking. If they can't get that this is a WIP, then I don't know what else can be done with them.
by VukBZ2005
Mon Aug 21, 2017 7:34 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Can I just say, my 12 year old self who sat up playing Shenmue 2 when it first came out on DC (PAL) until 2 in the morning to get to the end of it is insanely happy right now to know that he will finally leave the cave.


by ShenmueForeseen
Mon Aug 21, 2017 7:35 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

The first trailer for Shenmue 3 was always going to be divisive. The sequel to a 128-bit Dreamcast game running on the modern Unreal Engine, of course things were going to look a little different. Overall though, I'm very pleased by what has been shown so far. The world of Shenmue 3 looks beautiful, there is obviously still work to be done but I have complete confidence in Yu Suzuki and his team to deliver.

It's a small detail, but the HD Phoenix Mirror really stood out for me. It looks beautiful!

Yeah, this is actually the moment in the trailer that really caught my attention as well. These new textures on the Phoenix Mirror really elevate the model above what could be achieved from the original. It's a work of art, which now better reflects the ancient jade that such a priceless artefact would be made of, this better emphases how important the Phoenix Mirror actually is to the story of Shenmue.
by Kintor
Mon Aug 21, 2017 8:40 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Great video by Johnny.

The general negative shenmue teaser response is typical internet hysteria. I left a detailed post on gaf about the current situation, which basically explained everything in detail from every possible perspective. Alot of ppl understood it when it was broken down for them. However ive learned over the last two days the following.

1) ALOT of people do not understand nuance

2) a good majority will comform to the group think of the discussion and jump on the trending bandwagon (no facial animations. Its the end of the world.....)

3) There is so much over sensitivity with ppl these days. They get triggered and outraged about anything.

4) ignorant trolls who want to shout the game down no matter what (yakuza is better so shenmue should just die. I hope it fails etc etc etc).

If someone is not sure and seeks and answer. No problem. But when you get the answer over and over again and you continue to be a dick, then there's an issue.

The biggest shock for me was neogaf. The biggest gaming forum on the net which should understand all the nuances in gaming development and such. Nope not a chance.

Why should you use your brain when you can just drop that smug one-liner and join the cool guys.

Also, let's stop overrating NeoGaf, all their industry insiders are long gone and most of their gaming discussions are fanboy ridden and trash-tier. Nowadays it's basically a GameFaqs with a fancier account-validation system and a politically extremist dictatorship.
by Verderame
Wed Aug 23, 2017 5:59 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Ryo's animation is good. The fisherman's one has something wrong and his very unpolished design makes the whole scene not to take seriously.

My brother no longer plays video games and has no time to follow the news but did beat Shenmue 2 and often watched myself playing the games in the past. He's not as fan as me but does enjoy the franchise. He told me that he fail to understand why YSnet showed this trailer to the world if the game shape is not ready enough.

Mmmh, maybe the fisherman having a little more head movement and facial expressions would help? I'm almost sure he's teaching Ryo a move to evade enemy punches with minimum movement of oneself.

As for your brothers question, you got your answer today. That executive producer guy used PR speak to say: "Deep Silver wanted us to show something at Gamescom since they just gave us a deal for S3 and wanted to create some hype for their Gamescom appearance. We didn't have time to make a proper teaser so we used this internal promo reel from which we removed the facial animations."

We may like it or not. But Deep Silver is a German publisher and Gamescom is the biggest gaming event in Europe so it's pretty clear that if you sign a deal with them and take their money, you're gonna have to give them something to show at Gamescom.

That's something Yu could be critizised for. If he was looking for a publisher, why didn't he make a teaser long ago? Any publishing company would ask for something to show when they announce the partnership, not just Deep Silver.
by Hyo Razuki
Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:21 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Actually, I think this trailer has been received fairly well by people of a sane disposition. I sometimes peruse rllmuk, a forum that kind of started out life as an EDGE magazine forum I think, and which members regularly refer to as the second cuntiest forum on the internet. Indeed I can attest to the level of cuntiness on that forum, they absolutely laughed me out of town during the old #giveyutheshenmuelicense (love that hashtag) days, it was so bad I actually cried. But just reading their reactions to the new trailer now, and it's almost entirely, overwhelmingly positive. And they aren't the easiest crowd.

The trailer has also gone down very well on here for the most part, so really, I think it's probably just loonies on neogaf that seem to think this trailer is 'ass'. And it was inevitable really. Everything I've seen of that forum has been fairly ridiculous and loony, and Shenmue 3, a small budget game yet with impossible hype and 15 years worth of dreams on it's shoulders, was always going to be an easy target for their bile.

The trailer is fantastic, it's pleased 99% of Shenmue fans, so there's no need to worry at all. It's looking lovely :oops:
by mue 26
Tue Aug 22, 2017 8:28 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Suzuki has said that these re not final models and that facial mocap is not implemented, Dont worry about that people! How could someone think that he would release a game like this? So low expectations have the fans? He never would never allow that to happen. I'm very excited, the game has to be amazing!!
by Fei Fong Wong
Wed Aug 23, 2017 6:21 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

It's not about being blind fanboys, but more like being rational, thoughtful human beings with a functioning brain.
Literally no one is saying that everything in that teaser is good, that the characters model and their animations are flawless and no one should be allowed to say otherwise or something like that.

But it's really, really not that hard at all to understand that this is footage from a work-in-progress project that is still not going to come out untill a year and half or whatever.
Or are you saying that you actually believe that they're going to ship the game in this state? With marionette characters, unfinished shaders and no facial expressions whatsoever? Really?
I'm sorry but if that's the case, well, it's beyond stupidity.

That's it.

And, like i said before, everyone should stop being so worked up about dumb people's overreactions over the web.
Internet's loud minorities do not reflect real world. (Way) less than one hundred users from a couple of internet forums combined do not reflect reality.
There is no single reason to be emotional affected by any of that, you're just going to make your life worse.
by Verderame
Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:57 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Why release a trailer?

I think backers forced them to. We did. So many months in darkness, etc. caused people to light them up over paltry updates, skippage of large events(E3), etc. I think that pressure culminated in a need to show something, however unready it may be to show the project is progressing and money didnt dissipate to nothingness(like several Kickstarters)

I think they felt obligated to show something based on that. Damned either way.

I'm sorry--I think the game looks fine in recent screens, more is needed but it's 12-16 months AWAY from release..a lot can change.

Mass Effect: Andromeda made a lot of strides in the patches they did. Apples to oranges, but goes to show you much can change in a few months time.
by Valascaziel
Tue Aug 22, 2017 1:20 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

It's still Work In Progress guys.
They will take care of the facial expressions and other issues.
They are just not there yet.
by Kiske
Tue Aug 22, 2017 10:16 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Those faces are bad. I only watched it once but there seemed to be no emotion at all. I don't recall seeing anger, sadness or happiness at any point which makes me realise that Sonic in the Mega Drive/Genesis games is more expressive.

But the facial animations haven't been included yet, so why are you even discussing the lack of them? #-o
by Yama
Tue Aug 22, 2017 1:12 pm
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Re: Poem In Thousand White Church

After all this time, the fact that people are still able to find new stuff... it's phenomenal. It just goes to show the level of detail in the Shenmue franchise is and always has been outstanding.
by Sonoshee
Fri Aug 25, 2017 3:24 am
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Re: Poem In Thousand White Church

A lot of people seem to miss that you can just go there whenever you want. You can also go on the balcony through a door one floor higher. Not much to see there but still cool.

Another intesting fact about this area is that they censored the statue. In the Japanese version it's holding a baby, likely portraying Mary and Jesus.
by BlueMue
Fri Aug 25, 2017 5:09 pm
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Re: "Unlike Shenmue II it won't use the Virtua engine."

There are quite a few posts in a few other threads about this, but I guess a dedicated thread couldn't hurt even if it does start off a bit panicky.

Gimme a minute so I can dig out my other posts or maybe write up a condensed version.

Either way, the full context of what Yu has said about this sounds fine to me personally. He's justified changes on a technical and overall direction level IMO. Important we don't just take one line from an interview and then shut the book on everything else, or stopping attempts to understand the decision.
by Spaghetti
Thu Aug 24, 2017 3:49 pm
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Re: Shenmue Cinematic Wallpapers and Extras

Updated with Xiuying and Ryo. :)
Sat Nov 09, 2013 4:26 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

Chai is just a weirdo seeking attention. I don't think he has a real connection to the Chi You Men and I doubt his assaults on Ryo are based on orders. He just knows about them because he's constantly lurking around corners and overhearing conversations.
According to Chai's biography in the Prima guide, Chai is "a low ranking member of the Chi You Men," though as for whether that is in an official capacity, or he simply considers himself to be the aforementioned, we don't really know. Plus, remember when Terry says something along the lines of, "That creepy skinhead, he took him out to the ship?" I doubt Lan Di would allow some random stalker to follow him around, getting in the way of his business and such, unless he really did have some agency, however miniscule.
by ShenGCH
Sun Aug 06, 2017 12:38 am
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Re: Is Shenmue 3 a Scam?

No. Sod off with that bullshit mentality..That's such a stupid question.

An indie game not having AAA graphics does.not make it a scam.

You not seeing many screen shots or videos of a game that's only been in full production for a few years does not mean its a scam.

It means it is a game that is being developed.
by ShenmueTree
Fri Mar 02, 2018 6:06 am
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