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Re: Shenmue I & II original Japanese cdi

i dont have them unfortunately.
if you find them, please make a mirror if possible.
by shengoro86
Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:43 pm
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Unused Jimmy cutscene at Asia Travel Co.

I was looking for a quick way to get to the Jimmy QTE with the Beta and found a cutscene never seen before.
There are no voices or subtitles for this scene but everything else is intact.

It seems to me as Jimmy is giving Ryo the Hong Kong ticket. The way he apologizes and how calm Ryo stays makes it look that way. I wonder if this was intended to happen before or after the fight with Chai. This scene is on Disc 2.
Would be funny if you got this ticket when you managed to beat Chai and the game would skip straight to Ryo leaving Japan.
by BlueMue
Sun Mar 01, 2015 7:44 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

Ryo found a photo of Yu Suzuki in his room.

phpBB [video]

BlueMue wrote: What did I just see? How did you do this?

Looking scrutinizingly at the files, messing with them, error - feedback - repeat -> success(?), guessing / "what if", going crazy...
by Giorgio
Sun Feb 22, 2015 8:05 pm
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Re: Shenmue II Cutscene Comparison (DC, Xbox, Demul, Xbox 36

For those who haven't noticed it yet, Joy's motorcycle has a more detailed front suspension in the Xbox version.
I always found it irritating how it had no front axle in the original. It just looks as if they've forgotten to add it...

What's really strange is that this upgraded model of the motorcycle isn't used in every cutscene. Only in the very first ones, on the way to the COGH. So since I included the scene where Joy drives Ryo to work the difference doesn't show up in the video. That's why I made a quick screenshot.
by BlueMue
Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:12 pm
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Re: Shenmue II Cutscene Comparison (DC, Xbox, Demul, Xbox 36

Today I released my 100th video and I thought it would be best to celebrate it with another cutscene comparison. This time with stuff from disc 2. There is some QTE in it, so it packs a lot more action then the previous one.

phpBB [video]
by BlueMue
Sun Mar 08, 2015 12:37 pm
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^(belated) thanks for that Giorgio :)
So, turns out I actually missed a character out from the database, whoops. The character in question, Wen Cheng Xiao , has a profile in both official guidebooks, but I thought he was unused because I simply could not find him in the game; I always encountered a different character, Zai Hong En, at the Kowloon Dentist instead. I made a topic about this waaaay back in 2006 actually

However recently I discovered I was wrong - after watching Bluemue's video of one of his Kowloon room raids, specifically the Moon Child Bldg, I was very confused to see that he found Cheng Xiao in the dentist! So I investigated this myself and found out that, in fact, they are both at Kowloon Dentist - it just seems to be entirely random who you get. I entered and exited the dentist numerous times and found it kept changing between the two - in fact at a couple of points, I witnessed one TRANSFORM into the other in front of Ryo's very eyes! I'm not sure if the programmers intended this or whether its a glitch/oversight, as the Golden Dentist next door is always empty - no NPC can be found in there. I'm thinking one of them must have been meant to be put in there, especially considering the guidebooks say Hong En is at the Golden Dentist (when as I said, he is actually at Kowloon Dentist with Cheng Xiao).

So the long and short of it; I had to go back and add Cheng Xiao, as he is not unused as I first thought, meaning there are actually 701 characters in the game, not 700. It bothers my OCD slightly that the total isn't a round number, but there you go :P For those who actually care, the updated database is still in the link in my signature. Enjoy!
by Miles Prower
Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:22 pm
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It got it captured! Now you can all see the magic happening. NPCs despawn in respawn in front of Ryo.

phpBB [video]
by BlueMue
Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:59 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

Did someone just call me in for duty?


Personally never noticed this NPC that much. Looked like an average guy to me. Never considered his appearence to be something special. There definately are similarties though.
by BlueMue
Sat May 16, 2015 1:41 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

This has the clearest image I've ever seen on a Project Berkley related video!
phpBB [video]
by Giorgio
Fri Jun 05, 2015 9:36 am
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Shenmue 3 Kickstarter announced at E3 2015!

A Shenmue 3 Kickstarter has just been announced at Sony's E3 press conference! Let's make Yu Suzuki's dream a reality! Shenmue 3 Kickstarter Info site:

Kickstarter Links: Shenmue 3 Kickstarter | E3 Kickstarter Reveal | Kickstarter Promo
Shenmue Fan Communities: Shenmue 500k | NeoGAF | Yu Suzuki's Twitter
by Ziming
Sun Jun 14, 2015 4:46 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 Kickstarter announced at E3 2015!

Congratulations, everyone! :D :D :D
We all did it together! =D> =D> =D>
by Kiyuu
Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:08 am
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Re: Shenmue 1080p

Just the old faces over the new models.

by Esppiral
Wed Jun 17, 2015 8:27 am
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Re: Ideas to help the Kickstarter campaign

We should record a Shenmue 3 charity single. We can call it "Do They Know It's on Kickstarter?" by Ryo's Band Aid.
by Rakim
Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:59 am
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Re: If you donated to help Shenmue 3. Please post here.

I pledged the maximum $10,000, and will be having dinner with Yu Suzuki in Japan next September. I am beyond excited. I was watching E3 at the Opry Mills theater here in Nashville. As soon as it was announced, I ran out of the theater, hopped on my phone and pledged it immediately. Very reckless in all honesty as I'm not rich, but I just don't care. 8) I wonder who the other two are that'll have the dinner with me.
by LanDC
Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:40 am
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Famitsu Translation & Scans

thanks to kurushii for the scans.

Famitsu Translation by Axm and Switch

Feature Story
- Ryo Hazuki is coming back -

Shenmue III has set off
The fundraising campaign has started on Kickstarter

E3 2015 is being held in Los Angeles from June 17th till 19th (Japan time). Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) press conference was held in June 16th, a day before E3 starts, and a game creator Yu Suzuki announced the new “Shenmue 3.” He also revealed his campaign using the crowd-funding site “Kickstarter” to raise funds for this game.
It’s been 14 years since the release of Shenmue 2. What will this eagerly-awaited Shenmue 3 be like? Why did he chose Kickstarter?--- I have asked the executive produce Mr.Suzuki. (Interviewer: Famitsu chief editor Katsuhiko Hayashi)

Finally setting off the official sequel “Shenmue 3”

---The impact of the name of “Shenmue 3” is so great and it surprised me when I first heard it. Well, it’s been 14 years since Shenmue 2 was released. Why make Shenmue 3 now? Would you give us the accounts on how it started?
Suzuki: I have been always looking for the way to launch Shenmue 3, so it is not like we just started this project. Although it’s been more than a decade since Shenmue 2, there are many enthusiastic fans still existing and when I attend autograph sessions abroad, they always come ask me “When is Shenmue 3 coming?” For example in France, 80% of people who come to my autograph sessions are the Shenmue fans. The rest of 10% are Virtua Fighter fans and the other 10% are Hang-on fans or so. There are fans who still manage fan communities. Every year around March and April, the rumor “They say that they are making Shenmue 3” comes out and it reaches me.. haha.

---The eagerly waiting voices turn to rumors.
Suzuki: Yes that’s right. But slowly the fan’s voices have changed to something wistful. They say “It can be just a novel, so please give us the sequel story at least” or “Just manga is fine. We want to see a new “Shenmue”.” Those voices made me think that I should push the project forward somehow for the fans, no matter if I couldn’t make a full-spec game.

--- And for the means to make it happen, you chose Kickstarter. Why?
Suzuki: About three years ago, one of the fans who has experience using Kickstarter suggested me using it for the Shenmue project. That is when I first learned about Kickstarter, and started researching it. If it comes to really making the game, I have to make sure it satisfies my fans. So I couldn’t go like “OK I’m doing this with Kickstarter!” I seeked other ways,--- for instance finding a partner, but I couldn’t find one that meets my requirements. After careful consideration, we decided that Kickstarter is the best way to set off, and we were able to announce it finally in 2015.

---So you were just saying that you wanted to make the sequel, but really you have been working on it already for a long time.
Suzuki: Yes. Strong feedback after the Shenmue lecture at GDC 2014 also pushed me into coming this far. Sega agreeably licenced it to me and SCE also supported us by saying “We will support you if you are making Shenmue.” I knew that announcing the Kickstarter project at SCE’s conference is a very remarkable thing and am so happy that many people still support Shenmue this much.

---The title “Shenmue 3” is very direct and has no twist.
Suzuki: I couldn’t think of any other name. Shenmue 1, 2 and 3. It is not a spin-off. It comes to PS4 and PC.

---Its an eagerly awaited official sequel and fans will be definitely delighted. What is the goal of the Kickstarter funding?
Suzuki: 2 million yen at the very beginning.

---It must be easy to raise 2 million if it is for Shenmue.
Suzuki: However, 2 million is the very least amount of money you need for a game to come to exist. If it’s just 2 million, it will be more likely a very story-driven based game. If we can raise more, it will be more realistic for me to be able to do what I want to do. I want to try something new.

--- Just like you.. Your stance of “making something new” has never changed.
Suzuki: Yes. I will do my best to make a new Shenmue.

--- We will talk about this “New Shenmue” later. What are the pledge rewards for donating to Kickstarter?
Suzuki: I would like to adopt everyone’s opinion into the game to the extent that I can. For example if there are two designs of one character, then I will ask everyone to vote for each of them. I will provide the participation privilege for that kind of voting. Also while Shenmue 3 is under development, I will prepare a trial-demo so they can take a sneak peak of it.

--- So you are creating Shenmue 3 with your fans?
Suzuki: I think every one of the people who invested in this project has a leading role in it and I hope each one of them enjoy it. Please visit Kickstarter’s Shenmue page to learn more about the pledge rewards.

F: Next, I would like to ask about the key content of Shenmue 3. What kind of story developments can be expected in Shenmue 3?
YS: At the end of Shenmue 2 Ryo visits Guilin, said to be the most beautiful region in China. The area is famous for landscape paintings, and it has a river called the Li river. Shen Hua’s house is located on a tributary of the river. The story of Shenmue 2 ends at the point where Ryo reaches Shen Hua’s house, and the story of Shemue 3 continues right from there.
F: So, Ryo and Shen Hua will make an appearance, continuing from the previous part.
YS: For people who have played the Shenmue series, those familiar characters will appear as they were.
F: Will the setting be Guilin?
YS: Yes. For example, visiting a town(s) in the Guilin area, or going back to the mountains. Also infiltrating the Guilin chapter of an underground organization, the Chi You Men.
F: It could be said that Shenmue is the originator of open world gameplay, and has influenced many games since, but for Shenmue 3 what direction do you plan to take the open world model?
YS: When I created Shenmue 1, I was aiming to create exactly what is now called an “open world”. Being able to stop freely at any location you wish, advancing if you wish to move the story forward, or just standing still if you prefer. Back then, we called the system “FREE”, but in time it came to be referred to as open world. In Shenmue 2, with advances and technology and techniques, the open world was expanded even further.
F: In Shenmue 2, it was possible to walk through many towns over a wide area of Hong Kong, wasn’t it.
YS: Actually, at that time, I had decided that for Shenmue 3 I would delve in more deeply.
F: More deeply?
YS: Yes. People might expect that the open world would be made even broader, but in contrast to that, I will focus on depth. For example, for the case of 100 characters, splitting the development budget among them would limit the elements that could be incorporated into each character.
F: That’s true, it would make it harder to create each with detail.
YS: However, if we reduce the number to 10 characters, a lot of possibilities are opened up. The amount of conversation could be increased 10 times, or detailed A.I. provided for each character. As a result, conversations could be much richer. As an example, in Shenmue 3 the person that Ryo will speak with most is Shen Hua, so I want to portray her with depth. I envisage an approach where, by settings parameters for Shen Hua, on-going conversations with her will influence events such as changing her attitude, or changing the way that quests relating to her unfold.
F: I see. I think a lot of support for Shenmue comes not from just the realistic towns, but from the realism of the people inhabiting it. From what you have described, this realism will be further increased, and the world will feel even more “human”.
YS: Yes. In Shenmue this time I will be focusing particularly on digging down further on such internal aspects.
F: This is your vision for the new Shenmue, isn’t it.
YS: Of course, that’s not to say it will not be open world. Stretch goals will allow the town(s) to be expanded. However, what I would like to try first is to develop something that everyone has not anticipated; a deep Shenmue world.

F: I can’t wait to see this new Shenmue. Speaking of Shenmue, apart from its open world, its QTEs and minigames made it special, didn’t they.
YS: QTEs were originally included so that even people who were poor at battles could enjoy them. I’m happy that various games have included QTEs since then.
F: QTEs also had their origin in Shenmue, didn’t they.
YS: This time, I would like to show new QTEs; ones which can played by anyone, and which have carefully-crafted event sequences. In addition, I’d like to change the nature of free battles. (I will think of a different name, as I don’t want to call them free battles). I’d like to make a battle that is won by making the correct decision, rather than by correct timing of pushing buttons.
F: I believe Shenmue was made with the concept of being a game that can be enjoyed by any player, and this new system feels to be in keeping with that.
YS: Also this time I am planning a “technique scrolls” system. Ah.... maybe I have said too much (laughs).
F: Not at all, we’d like to hear more! (laughs)
YS: For example, with the free battle it is tough to practice and input the various commands required, so simply by obtaining a technique scroll you can apply the technique to help you win a battle. In the case of a QTE, the new technique could be unleashed during the QTE. I would like to make it so that a technique can be used to your advantage in battle just by obtaining a technique scroll. Furthermore, I’d like to make that technique scroll connect with various elements within the game.
F: Could you explain a bit more with respect to “connecting with elements”?
YS: Shenmue has had a number of ways you could play around, such as mini-games and gambling spots, but I have always been thinking about how to connect these together in some way. Of course, they are connected in the sense that you can take a part-time job to earn money, then increase that amount by gambling, then buy weapons... but not that kind of connection, something much closer. If the stretch goals can be reached and more detailed elements incorporated into the open world, this will allow technique scrolls to serve as the pivot for connecting together the various side games. That’s the kind of direction I would like to take it.
F: I see. So various elements of the open world will be connected together in a more natural way. Apart from that, are there any other elements that you are keen to include in Shenmue 3?
YS: One particular part of Shenmue that fans seem to have fallen in love with is the forklift part-time job, which is extremely popular. So I really want to include it in Shenmue 3 too, but how can you operate a forklift deep in the mountains of Guilin (laughs). I haven’t stopped thinking about how to find some way to include a forklift (laughs).

F: Please tell us about the development set-up for Shenmue 3.
YS: This time, the main development company is Neilo. The representative for Neilo, Takeshi Hirai, worked as the chief programmer for Shenmue and has a good understanding of Shenmue.
F: Since Shenmue is an open world game, I had thought that working with an overseas development company that is experienced in open world games would have been an option.
YS: Yes, that may have been an option. However, the main distinguishing characteristic of Shenmue is its culture. I believe that users overseas also have taken interest in the culture and customs of Asia. People have said they appreciate it when Ryo says “Thank you” for the smallest thing, for example. Someone who has worked all along on creating Shenmue understands that kind of culture and values.
F: So this time, development will be using Unreal Engine 4, won’t it.
YS: I have been looking at various engines for Shenmue 3 for the past 3 years, but the colors of Unreal Engine 4 are closest to those I envisage for the world of Shenmue. Although that’s a pretty broad statement, given that it’s a technical topic. The feeling of slight dampness in the air, the skin colors, the feel of materials etc were closest to my ideal.
F: Apart from the Neilo staff, are there others participating who have worked with Shenmue before?
YS: Yes, of course. I wanted to build up the team with past members as I believe that gives the fans some reassurance. Among others are scenario writer Masahiro Yoshimoto, and Kenji Miyawaki who is in charge of the character designs.
F: Given that this project is coming to life 14 years after the previous release of Shenmue, everyone must be very surprised.
YS: Mr Yoshimoto has been active in the world of television, and reacted with surprise saying “With television, producing something new with a theme that is 14 years old is unheard of”. But Mr Yoshimoto told me that he made many discoveries through his experience with Shenmue. Later on, I plan to release a video with comments from Mr Yoshimoto and the rest of the staff, so please watch out for it.
F: We are looking forward to seeing it. The fans are sure to be happy.
YS: I have gathered together quite a few of the original key members who gave Shenmue that special feel. I’m sure this will bring a feeling of both reassurance and nostalgia.
F: By the way, it may be a bit impatient to ask, but do you already have in mind how things will progress after Shenmue 3?
YS: Of course, I have that in mind. But first and foremost, I’d like to put primary focus on Shenmue 3.
F: When is the planned release date for Shenmue 3?
YS: I’d like to release it by the end of 2017.
F: That’s quite some way off, but we can’t wait. From speaking with you today, I can really appreciate the challenges that you are taking on of producing a new Shenmue. Finally, do you have a message for all the fans who have waited all this time for Shenmue 3?
YS: The fans have told me over the course of 14 years how they wanted part 3 to be made, and I have always told myself that I had to find some way to make it. And now, through the crowd-funding of Kickstarter, at last I have been able to make a start on the Shenmue 3 project. In order to bring about a Shenmue 3 that incorporates a perfect blend of both a Shenmue that everyone desires, as well as a Shenmue with the new challenges I want to take on, everyone’s effort is needed. Thank you so much for your support.

Picture captions:
1) This image shows the figures of Ryo and Shen Hua walking on a mountain path. Note that Ryo has changed clothes from the leather jacket he wears in the first and second parts of the series.
2) Using a telescope, Ryo observes buildings below a cliff. According to Yu Suzuki, before Ryo lies the enemy’s camp, which Ryo is searching for a way to infiltrate.
3) Shen Hua and Ryo, drawn by Kenji Miyawaki who is in charge of character design for the series. Shen Hua, the main heroine, did not appear much in the first and second parts of the series. In Shenmue 3, she will surely take a principle role.
4) Niao Sun, one of the leaders of the underground organisation opposing Ryo, the Chi You Men. Although her existence has previously been revealed, she has not made an in-game appearance until now.
by shenhua legend
Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:30 am
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The Shenmue Cast Ep. 0

Alright everyone. After a few requests and support from members in me doing this again and especially after Shenmue 3 was announced I decided it was indeed a great time to revitalize the podcast and stick to it.

I present to you all the first episode, which is really just an intro to where I want to go with this. Episode 0 is just myself but I will get others to join in soon enough.

Feedback is welcome. I want to turn this into a community podcast and build it up to help the fan base.


MP3 download and stream.

Slide show video
by Axm
Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:14 am
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Re: Famitsu scans

Time to increase your pledges everyone...

From the Kickstarter Reddit page:

"As you guys know there was a massive article in this Months Famistu. Luckily the user Varion from NeoGaf has translated the important parts and these 2 comments stood out!

2 million is the bare minimum for the game to exist, and if that was all they got, it would just be focused on the story. The more money it gets, the more of the things he wants to do will be possible.

As far as money goes, he expects the game's investment will primarily come from individual backers, so he wants them all to be happy with the finished product. Doesn't sound like Sony and others are giving them all THAT much.

These points are so so important. We have people not pledging high amounts because they think that Sony (and other investors) are going to jump in. These comments state, directly from Yu's mouth that that is NOT the case! The kickstarter is the main funding for the game.

Now I know people are sad that there might not be a physical PS4 copy, and I understand that you don't want to pledge over the $29, but really how are you going to feel when the game that you have waited 14 years for gets stripped of content that Yu wanted in his original vision? Please guys, lets get Yu as much money as we possibly can so he can make the game that he wants, and that he deserves!

Help share this message, as you still have people in the kickstarter comments, on here, on shenmuedojo saying that there is no reason to back the game as Sony are stepping in to fund it..."
by Sonoshee
Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:32 pm
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Yu Suzuki - Reddit AMA Today 21:30 PST / 05.30 GMT

In the latest update that's what it says! It starts at 9:30 PM PST!

I have compiled a list of questions and concerns from users of Shenmue Dojo:


Updated questions:

1. Will Shenmue III enable PayPal or a means to donate the project when the Kickstarter ends? Projects like Star Citizen gained tens of millions in donations by allowing this.

2. In Shenmue III will Ryo's notebook and Timex watch return?

3. the kickstarter page seems to be lacking a detailed summary of the series so far, are there any plans to update the page in order to provide more information for Shenmue newcomers? It makes the series not come off as friendly for newcomers.

4. In Shenmue III, will battles return? There has been talk that you are simplifying them, does this mean we will no longer get Virtua Fighter like fights? How will fights work? Will they be entirely QTE-based as seen in modern titles like Heavy Rain or will they still have corresponding punch and kick buttons like before?

5. How accurately will Shenmue III be compared to your original vision of the game or will there be major compromises?

6. Will Shenmue III be at Tokyo Game Show, GDC, and PAX or only Monaco?

7. Many fans want the option to play the game with a Japanese voice track. Is YSnet considering implementing this?

8. Are all the towns listed in the Kickstarter stretch goals in the game already, or are the stretch goals only there as a means to help give them more features and spice?

9. Sony and other investors are only funding a part of the games budget. Does this mean most of the budget will come from the Kickstarter? More importantly, how much does Suzuki-san want the Kickstater to reach in order for him to make the FULL vision for Shenmue III?

10. It would be helpful if the Kickstarter made stretch goals more straightforward. As they are now, they are quite vague and confusing, even to experienced Shenmue fans. For example, what exactly is rapport?

11. Will the gameplay in Shenmue III be more contemporary or will it be more in line with past Shenmue iterations?

12. Seeing as how the game is set in a remote forested region how sparsely populated will the game be, will there be wildlife?

13. What will the level of npc interactivity be and how detailed will their behavior be?

14. How much of an influence will fan base feedback have during the making of this game?

15. Will you try to finish the story over the course of 2-3 more games as you originally envisioned?

16. Online is a big component of modern day gaming, is there any consideration for incorporating some type of online game play? Some type of mini-games, co-op missions or fighting modes?

17. I am new to Shenmue and don't find the Kickstarter promotional video to be terribly informative. Are there plans in making a new one? I'd like to back it on Kickstarter but nothing on the page is telling me what Shenmue remotely is.

18. Will character polls compromise your artistic vision?

GavinGT from Neogaf has a good set of questions for his AMA. What questions would you like to see or ask?! Post them here!!

Updated List of Questions for Friday's Yu Suzuki AMA

- Why no physical PS4 disc?
- What's the deal with the other two towns mentioned in the Kickstarter video?
- Can we have some more higher tier Kickstarter rewards, please?
- What do you forecast the final budget to be?
- Will the game have English and Japanese VO?
- Will Corey Marshall reprise his role?
- Will you finish the story with Shemue III?
- Do you have access to Sega-branded arcade games and capsule toys?
- Can you go into more detail about what the stretch goals actually mean?
- Will you update the controls?
- Will we see a return of some Shenmue I systems, such as lots of interactivity with objects?
- Will the free battle system still exist in the game?
- How will you update QTEs?
- How many developers do you plan to have working on the game?
- Is an Xbox One version out of the question?
- Do you have any specific cost-cutting measures in mind?
- Will the final game be at full price?
by Himuro
Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:51 pm
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Re: Update; Interview with Tak Hirai, lead Shenmue programme

This is not Ryo's movement, this is the stock example character in UE4. If you download UE4, you can play around with it.

Great interview, I wonder what will they do with the battle system. I'm hoping something similar to the original VF-esque combat.
by Rikitatsu
Fri Jun 19, 2015 6:21 am
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The Dojo and Shenmue Community linked on the OFFICIAL SITE

One of the proudest things i have ever seen. Thank you Yu for acknowledging the community!
by Peter
Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:52 am
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I have my opinions on the control scheme for S3. It should be a two stick camera that fits shenmue well. Tank controls should be an ADDITIONAL OPTION, not the default. We need S3 to be a success, and if we cling onto old controls we are already asking to have negative reactions from new players, reviewers, etc. So if it must be in S3 make it an OPTION. Otherwise modernize the control to a two stick format for now.
by FistOfTheNorthStar
Fri Jun 19, 2015 2:23 pm
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Yu Suzuki Gameinformer Interview

The gripping tale of Ryo Hazuki’s quest for vengeance captivated Dreamcast audiences when it released to widespread critical acclaim in 2000. Though Yu Suzuki’s masterpiece was beloved by fans, the astounding cost of its first two entries and poor sales of Shenmue II drove Sega to cancel the third game, leaving Suzuki’s saga without resolution.

Though the series was abandoned by Sega and written off as an impossibility for over a decade, the fan base has been unrelenting in its requests for the series to continue. Both Suzuki and Sega have been inundated by fan requests for Shenmue III, with online campaigns comprised of the most die-hard fans continuing to push forward through petitions and social media accounts.

Those fans were vindicated this week, when Shenmue III’s Kickstarter campaign not only grabbed valuable stage time on Sony’s E3 press conference for its reveal, but also went on to attract so much traffic that Kickstarter’s site crashed. With the Kickstarter campaign reaching its goal of $2 million in record time and Sony providing further funding, Shenmue III is finally a reality.

The reserved nature of Yu Suzuki did little to hide his passion and excitement for this project. With each question I asked, the legendary developer spoke quickly, smiled often, and held the composure of a man whose dream was finally coming true. During our conversation, we covered a variety of topics ranging from Sega’s role in Shenmue III to how the franchise remains relevant so long after it was thought lost forever.

Game Informer: It’s been 14 years since the last game. Why is now the right time for Shenmue to return?

Yu Suzuki: To make a game like Shenmue, obviously the question is how to get the funding to make a game like that and you know, it’s been really hard – I just couldn’t find a way to get it together. But three years ago, I learned of Kickstarter and I met some people who have done Kickstarter before and with all their help, we decided to put this Kickstarter together. With what we managed to fund on that site, as well as with the other funding sources my company, Ys Net, has procured, I believe now is the time that we can make Shenmue III.

Is it frustrating to have to wait so long to finally realize this project?

Pretty much everywhere I go, it’s always “Make Shenmue III! Make Shenmue III!” The reaction is so strong from the fans that I’ve always been looking at how I can make Shenmue III. These past years, it was very stressful, because I couldn’t make it. More than that, I couldn’t give the fans what they wanted. That was probably the worst part: I couldn’t answer their calls that they were sending out for me. Now that the project has started – lots of relief there.

Now that the announcement of the game is out there, was there one moment that was the biggest relief of all?

It was probably at the Sony press conference when I was waiting in line for Shenmue III to be announced. Adam [Boyes, VP of publisher and developer relations at PlayStation] was up on stage talking about something, then I saw that the Shenmue III promotion video was on and then all of a sudden there was this big well from the audience and this big noise that came from them. That was the time that I felt most relieved. Before that, it was really big titles like Destiny – everything before that was a big title – and I was kind of worried about how Shenmue III would shape up to these guys, but once the song came on, the rouse came from the audience. I knew it was then.

Were you surprised by how fast the Kickstarter goal was reached?

The thing that really surprised me first about the Kickstarter was the crash that happened. Kickstarter broke – that was a big surprise. I couldn’t believe that! The second one was how fast it went to $1 million. Apparently, it is the fastest game or entertainment project on Kickstarter to reach that number.

The first two Shenmue games were published by Sega. Does Sega have any involvement with Shenmue III?

So, YS Net received the licensing rights from Sega. Of course, the original properties are still licensed with Sega. This time, they’re allowing us to use it and allowing us to use the licensing rights. They also gave us a lot of resources from [Shenmue] I and II to help us with this project. They’ve been very happy to see Shenmue III being made and we have a very good relationship.

A big part of the original Shenmue games were the Sega Easter eggs, such as the capsule toys and playing Sega games in the arcades. Is there any possibility that those will appear in this game even though those licenses belong to Sega?

There are some things I can use and there are some things I can’t use. It’s kind of depending on further talks with Sega. I think there’s going to be a lot of small details that we’re going to have to speak with them on as we go along.

The challenging part, at least in the United States, is that Shenmue came out on Sega Dreamcast, Shenmue II came out on Xbox, and Shenmue III is coming to PlayStation 4 and PC, making it difficult for many fans to experience the first two games since they’re on separate platforms. Are there any plans to bring Shenmue I and Shenmue II to modern platforms?

If you have that question, it’s better that you ask Sega because they hold the rights to those. Those are their properties and I'm not in a position to talk about that, but I’m thinking about asking them!

Shenmue was a very revolutionary and influential game when it was released on Dreamcast. A lot has changed in the games industry since then. How does the team work to make a game just as revolutionary so long after the original?

It’s all about the new challenges with me, and I definitely want to try these new things. Of course, it’s going to come down to the funding and how much we’re going to be able to spend on Shenmue III, but if we get to that point, I believe it will be just as revolutionary as the ones before.

As we emerged from the small room where our conversation took place, a handful of Shenmue fans eagerly greeted Suzuki. Despite spending the majority of his day in that room, fielding questions from members of the media, Suzuki stopped to greet those fans, take pictures, and sign autographs. As we left, I heard the unmistakable sound of pure joy that follows a monumental moment such as what that encounter meant to those fans. It may have been 14 years since Shenmue II launched on the Dreamcast in Japan, and 13 since its release on the Xbox in the U.S., but through the hurdles, struggles, and disappointments taking place over the past decade and a half, the enduring passion of the Shenmue fan base has kept Suzuki’s dream alive.
by Riku Rose
Fri Jun 19, 2015 1:05 pm
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Reddit AMA Answers

Thought I'd compile all the reddit Q&A in an initial post so it's easy to read for those who don't want to go through 10 pages. I'll edit my initial post as it goes on.

How accurately will Shenmue III be compared to your original vision of the game or will there be major compromises?

YS: There are a total of 11 chapters that make up the whole story. Over the past 14 years I originally planned for there to 4 or five games to the series. If at all possible, I would still like to realize the full story of 11 chapters.

Will Shenmue III enable PayPal or a means to donate to the project when the Kickstarter ends? Projects like Star Citizen gained tens of millions in donations by allowing this.

YS: I am still thinking about it, but have not decided yet.

Shenmue is a Peach Blossom tree correct? Could you tell us what type of tree exactly?
I would like to plant one.

YS: It is more like a cherry blossom tree, that blooms its flowers in the springtime. It is actually a tree I made up for the story.

Hello Suzuku-san! Will a day-to-night cycle and weather system return to Shenmue 3? They added so much to the atmosphere of previous games. Thank you Suzuki-san!

YS: Of course!

Will you reassure us that Ryo's face will be changed back to the Ryo we all know and love when Shenmue 3 releases, and not this impostor wearing Ryo's jacket that you have on Kickstarter? That is NOT our Ryo!

YS: I am not happy with Ryo's face. It will be the face I have in my mind in the end.

Will the gameplay in Shenmue III be more contemporary or will it be more in line with past Shenmue iterations?

YS: As for III, I would like to make a less stressful user interface, that will feature more usability. From now on, I will make that a focus.

Yu are my hero!
Shenmue is credited with introducing the QTE. Given the significant advances in gaming systems and technology over the last decade, are you confident that you can show the gaming world something we have not seen before?

YS: Thank you very much.

Will we see any capsule toys based on Ape Escape or any of the Sony franchise in Shenmue 3?

YS: I have not decided the capsule toys, so please keep your ideas coming.

Have you ever consider telling the rest of the tale for Shenmue in a book if the opportunity to make Shenmue III never came up?

YS: Yes, I have but if I did do that, it would give away the end of the story, and I thought that would be a big minus.

What was your inspiration for the story behind the first two Shenmue games?

YS: When I was making Virtua Fighter, I went location hunting in China. I was very inspired by Chinese martial arts. That very well may have been the beginning.

Will practicing moves make a return in Shenmue 3 along with the FREE battle system? A lot of fans feel not being able to practice moves was big piece missing in Shenmue 2, and I also personally loved being able to practice and make the moves stronger. It really makes you feel as if you are learning marital arts and then performing them in a skill-based actual battle feels very satisfying.

YS: I want to do it yes!

Will players have access to both the Japanese and English voice overs for the game?
And I wanted to say thank you so much for Shenmue and Shenmue II, it brought a tear to my eye seeing those games at E3 during the Shenmue III announcement, I cannot wait. Those two games are what made me curious about Japan as a child, and I am now trying to work as a Japanese translator!

YS: I am thinking about that, yes. However it is not for sure.
It is because of fans like you, I wanted to make a sequel. Thank you very much.

Will the band-aid ever come off?

YS: I am considering a special option where it could be removed.

Will we see Ryo's Journal return? Would be cool to be able to flip the pages using the PS4's touchpad.

YS: I would like to bring back the Journal. That is an interesting idea, I will look into it. Thank you.

What do you think of the current state of Japanese game development?

YS: I see the share of mobile games increasing, the budgets of games decreasing. It will be harder to express a game's vision.
I would hope the console and PC markets gain more popularity.

Any possibility of a bicycle finally being added to Shenmue 3? Thank you so much again, Yu!

YS: There is a 60 horsepower bike in Shenmue 1. For Shenmue, 3 I was thinking about something with 1 horsepower.

Will character polls compromise your artistic vision?

YS: I really want to get everyone's opinion on the characters. I have something in mind that won't break the world immersion.

In Suzuki-san’s opinion, what is the essence of arcade games? Are those influences in Shenmue?

YS: With an arcade game, you are restricted to a 3 minute window to express what the game is. That is how I made games for the longest time. I wanted to create a game that could be played at a more leisurely pace, so I created what ended up being Shenmue.

Yu, are you really going to be signing your autograph on the illustration for the $300 kickstarter signed collectors edition? So far there is almost 2000 backers, that is a lot of illustrations to sign!

YS: Of course I will write them all myself!

Will Shenmue 3 have any sort of multiplayer component? Perhaps Co-op or a versus mode?

YS: I am thinking about something that would resemble that.

Do you have any more details to share about the stretch goals? It's not clear to me what a "Rapport System" or "Character Perspective System" entails.

YS: They are new systems, so naturally they need new names. The Rapport System will govern changes in Shenhua's actions depending on your conversations with or actions towards her. The "Character Perspective System" will highlight different characters personalities as they go through the story.

What will Ryo do to earn money in Shenmue 3?
As great and engrossing as the story and gameplay were in Shenmue 1 and 2, I (and many others) really really liked the forklift driving. It was like I could learn a new (video game) skill, get good at it, and putter around the docks like a badass.

YS: There will be part time jobs that will be indicative of those you would find in China. In the Stretch goals there will also be the old favorites.

Do you have any dogs or cats?

YS: 3 yorkshire terriers and a turtle.

Love your work! You are a pioneer in this industry! As for my question:
How much game elements/features will we be missing in the game if the campaign doesn't reach the $5 million mark?

YS: I will say this: if we reach the $5 mil mark, one of the things I really want to do with Shenmue 3 will become a reality.
At $10 million, it will truly have the features of an open world.

Who would win a fight between Ryo and Akira?

YS: Akira! Akira is up to 5 now, and Ryo is still on 3.

Can we expect more duck racing in Shenmue III? That was the best easter egg I've ever seen in a video game.

YS: I would love it.

How was it working with mega64?

YS: It was really fun. I would love to do it again.
I hope they pitch in for the replica Ryo jacktet!

Will there be forklift gameplay in Shenmue III?

YS: Look for it in the Stretch Goals!

Given Shenmue 2's ending and previous items found within the series; will swordplay enter gameplay at all? What about the story, can we expect Ryo to use a sword at some point?

YS: I can't answer that.

Do you have a favorite game that you've developed other than Shenmue?

YS: I had fun making all the games I worked on, and can't say one was better than another. Boring answer I know, but it really is true.

I only have one statement. I think I speak for everyone here when I say that Shenmue is one of the greatest game series of all time. And one quick question, what can we expect for surprises in the 3rd installment without spoiling the storyline at all?

YS: How could I do that? Sorry, gotta pass. Thank you very much though!

I've always wondered, why did you set the game in the 1980s rather than present day?

YS: I wanted put forward the differences in culture and values between the two periods.

(Suzuki-san, thank you for coming today! Shenmue is the reason I came to Japan. Those living towns and people you showed in your games were so natural and real, that I wanted to see it for myself. So, now I am in my fourth year of living in Japan.
What I'd like to ask is, if you had billions of yen, what would your dream Shenmue be?
Also, were there any features or gameplay you liked that didn't make it into Shenmue 1 or 2?)

YS: One where the player could live in that world. A second life.

I have two important questions for you:
Do you know where I can find some sailors?
Would you like to try a game of Lucky Hit?

YS: Yes, but not right now.
Uh, ok.

I love the music from Shenmue, if anything kept me thinking about Shenmue from time to time during these 10+ years it was the music. Was is your favorite piece from the soundtrack? Thank you for bringing Shenmue to our lives, I can't thank you enough.

YS: Of course I love both the Shenmue and Shenhua themes, and all of them really, but the one that really sticks with me is the Tomato Mart.

Will there be more funding tiers added to the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter, specifically between the $500 and $3000 tier?

YS: Yes.

Shenmue 3 is just the start. How successful does the game need to be for us to get Shenmue 4 and so on until the saga is complete?

YS: If the fans are not happy with 3 there will not be a 4. So I please hope we can together make this game the best it can be.

What Sega console is your favourite and why?

YS: The Dreamcast. It has really good balance. I was involved with the hardware as well, so it had a lot of meaning for me.

Suzuki-San...welcome to the fantasy zone! It's finally happening. Any plans on more arcade games within Shenmue III?

YS: I plan on making plans.

Why do you create?

YS: Why does one climb the mountain?
The shark cannot breath when it does not swim.

Any info on the stretch goals for Choubu and Bailu village?

YS: Choubu is a riverside village with lots of shops, souvenir stores, hotels and temples. The quests in this village should be very enjoyable, I think.
Bailu is the village where Shenhua was raised and also a place that Ryo's father, Iwao, had visited when he was younger. Here as well the quests will play an important role as Ryo and Shenhua start their journey.

Are all the towns listed in the Kickstarter stretch goals in the game already, or are the stretch goals only there as a means to help give them more features and spice?

YS: They are there, but with more powered up through the stretch goals.

Will Ryo ever go back to Japan?

YS: Not in 3.

Who is your favorite Shenmue character?

YS: It has always been Shenhua.

Are you still involved in any programming activities?

YS: I still write algorithms, logic verification, and make simple prototypes.

Do you play airsoft, paintball, or anything similar?

YS: I think it was Afterburner that I really got into airsoft. The office floor was covered with plastic BBs. Yeah, the Berretta 93R rocks. I put a real hunting scope on that one.

Are you at all a fan of Anime? If so, what are your favourites?

YS: Sure, but its all pretty old stuff.

Will the game take advantage of the virtual reality goggles on PS4 and PC?

YS: Right now, there are no plans for a vr system compatibility, but I love the idea of using it to peer into the world of Shenmue.

When creating Shenmue 3, will you use any assets at all from 1 & 2? Or do you have to start all over from scratch because SEGA still owns the first two games?

YS: The assets from 1 & 2 will get a lot of use.
by Riku Rose
Sat Jun 20, 2015 1:22 am
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Re: Reddit AMA Answers

Ive started the effort of posting around various forums around the internet to drum up support like so. ... -32163813/…/t…/shenmue-3-needs-your-help.454505155/

I suggest you all do the same.
by Axm
Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:54 am
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"$30 on the 3rd" - ROAD TO $10 MILLION

--- UPDATE 6/27/15 ---
Guys, I've been working feverishly today to get this site up. It's collaboration between me and my wife. She does the design, I do the coding. I think we make a good team. So, as you tweet and share about $30 on the 3rd please direct people to this website that will explain the campaign to people who may not understand:

--- UPDATE 6/25/15 ---
I'm beyond excited about the response this campaign is getting! Thank you everyone!

As we're quickly approaching the 3rd of July we need to all step up our efforts to promote "$30 on the 3rd."

We need to focus on a different social media every day. Let's say days with an odd number focus on Facebook and even days focus on Twitter. If you see a $30 on the 3rd post share it. And every time you check the Kickstarter page for whatever reason leave a comment with $30 on the 3rd. I'm sure they get buried pretty quickly so the more often the more chance new people have to see it.

We REALLY need to get in touch with Yu and Awesome Japan and get them to promote the push. No one is going to have the audience they do. Can someone see if Aizen can tell Yu about the campaign and see if he can tweet it?

Also, don't dwell on the chance that this may not move the needle much. If you aim at nothing you'll hit it every time! Focus on $10 million! I know Yu is.

--- UPDATE 6/20/15 ---
So Yu Suzuki needs $10 million. This is NOT unreachable. It's actually VERY reachable. If they open donations to PayPal as they've suggested it will become the avenue to Yu's goal. If we continue with the monthly thunderbolt and focus our efforts on donating $30 on the 3rd of each month we WILL hit that number. I anticipate the Kickstarter will end up earning between $6 millon and $8 million because at the end everyone who hasn't donated will scramble to get their rewards and those who have extra cash to throw at it will do that. Even if it only makes $5 million that's fine.

PayPal is the ticket after July 17! If they keep PayPal open indefinitely we can continue to give month after month. And that's where the "$30 on the 3rd" makes BIG strides for the campaign.

$30 is nothing to most people. If you are struggling to make ends meet, please take care of yourself and your family first. But for those of us who are stable enough financially we can make a HUGE impact for Shenmue. $30 each month adds up, fast!

Mods, please sticky this. I really feel like this is the best route to take. We also need to get the Shenmue Kickstarter/advertising team, Twitter, Facebook groups, the Dojo homepage and any other non-English speaking Shenmue fansites involved to promote this idea.

Stay sweaty!


We need to form our own campaign booster to get people who have donated to add $25-$50 to their donation. No shaming for people who may not have donated very much, we're just trying to ice the cake. Instead of the monthly tweetathon on July 3rd let's do a "$30 on the 3rd" and everyone donate an extra $30(or more).

At the current count if everyone who've already donated added $30 it would add $1.24 million to the pot!

I'll donate another $30. That's three trips to the fast food restaurant or four trips to Starbucks. Who will join me?

My twitter is pathetic, so whoever organized the tweetathon feel free to take over in boosting this effort on Twitter and Facebook. And mods, move this post around if you want to use it in the News section.
by elfshadowreaper
Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:03 pm
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Twitter push to reach $10 Million! | #10MillionToShenmue3

Yu Suzuki just dropped this bombshell:

So unless you guys want to play Shenmue 3-lite, then we gotta push this to $10 Million, in anyway we can. So I thought we could take advantage of the social media to help with that.


In this hashtag, we will focus on the following:

- Explain that Yu Suzuki needs at least $10M from Kickstarter funding to make Shenmue 3 the proper Open World experience we all knew and loved.

- Clear the misunderstanding that Sony is footing the bill for the project, more information here .

- Overall promote the Shenmue series so that it might catch the interest of non-fans.

What say you? Am I going to find some energy here? or just cynicism? If this hashtags catches on, I'll create graphics like Avatars and sigs to help promote it.

by Rikitatsu
Sat Jun 20, 2015 7:24 am
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Lets remake the Kickstarter video

Hey all, ive seen a lot of discontent with the quality of the marketing around Shenmue 3 (i'm right there with you all). I'm glad it hasn't kept the game from getting funded, but with a few weeks left in the campaign we know this stuff can make a huge difference in attracting funding beyond the rabid folks that hangout here.

So my question is, are there any video editors in the dojo who want to take a stab at recutting a kickstarter video? Between the original video and the interviews they're posting, i think there is enough footage to do something better than what they came up with, at the very least just cut out the in-depth explanation of technique scrolls.

If i had any video editing ability myself i would give this a shot, but figured it was worth pitching to the group given the nice videos ive seen come out of this community over the years.

Just shooting from the hip, but here what I think the video shouldve been:

1) "14 years ago, Shenmue 1 & 2 told the story of Ryo Hazuki's quest to avenge the murder of his father"

2) Shenmue was reveloutionary at the time for XYZ reasons (clips from interviews with Yu, former Shenmue team members, gaming press, etc)

3) The Shenmue saga was never finished and a passionate community has been clammoring for a sequel since Shenmue 2 shipped

4) Now finally, the creator of Shenmue is ready to finish the story with your help

5) Shenmue 3 will continue Ryos story as he continues his journey with the mysterious Shenhua

6) Help make Shenmue 3 as amazing as the first 2 by funding the crap out of it (imply how expensive this type of game is)

Also, i think they shouldve just shown scenes from the first 2 games instead of weird demo footage with horrible voice acting. Seriously if i didnt already love shenmue and i saw those plastic renderings of Ryo + Shenhua, speaking like robots, and stiffly jumping on stones i would never fund this.
by Xandui
Fri Jun 19, 2015 6:09 pm
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Adam Koralik - Shenmue 3's KS & Sony - "Truth & Lies"

phpBB [video]
by Sonoshee
Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:33 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 Kickstarter Theme Music

Just beautiful. Takes me back. It really sounds like something from Shenmue. I think it might have hit me harder than the Kickstarter, because that was an announcement, while this is an appearance of actual Shenmue.
by ShinChuck
Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:41 pm
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4gamer interview - character perspective system [spoiler]

This is an interview with Yu Suzuki from the japanese site published 2015-06-19.
Here translated by me.

Original article:

Among other things it brings up interesting new information about the 5 million dollar stretch goal; the character perspective system.

There is also a slight spoiler of a character that might appear, so those of you who want to play the game totally spoiler free should maybe avoid reading this.

here we go.

-- Thanks for being here.
YS: Thanks for having me. before jumping into questions I just want to make clear that Shenmue is a Kickstarter project and the scope and contents depend on the stretch goals.

-- Yeah, looking at the Kickstarter stretch goals there are the rapport system and skill tree and other added.
YS: We add more stretch goals so as more people pledge the scope of the game will get bigger. So as of now I can’t talk in detail about the mechanics of the game. What I’m able to accomplish will very much depend on the funds we can gather. I want to avoid telling too much and end up betraying those who have paid.

-- Under those circumstances, what do you want to do with Shenmue III?
YS: I want to show the relationship between Ryo and Shenhua in more detail. Even further than previous games.

-- It’s kind of hard to imagine how that would work.
YS: Maybe so. I want to to challenge myself, but new things are hard to get people to understand and therefore harder to gain support for. That’s one of the reasons we have prepared stretch goals like larger map and mini games.

-- So you made easy to understand stretch goals first.
YS: As more money comes in, the world of Shenmue III gets larger, and the game becomes more complete. But if it becomes a question of what game has the largest world, the game with the largest budget has a sure advantage. When it comes to Shenmue III, I want to ensure that there are other parts to enjoy besides just the open world aspects.

-- Can you give us any examples?
YS: At 3.2 million dollars there is the rapport system stretch goal. Actions and conversations will affect the relation between Ryo and Shenhua in subtle ways. The way Shenhua speaks and cooperate etc. will change.

-- It seems like the story could change depending on the relationship.
YS: Let’s just say that it depends on the budget. Making statements like that is just asking for trouble (laugh).

-- I get it (laugh). Could you explain the 5 million dollar stretch goal; the character perspective system?
YS: That is where the player will take control of characters like Shenhua and Ren instead of Ryo.

-- At a certain point in the game will we be able to change characters freely?
YS: I can’t talk about details yet, so I will just say that it’s not necessarily like we are letting you control the other characters exactly like Ryo.

-- So it’s not like you can just change characters at will.
YS: The personality of Ren and Shenhua is different from Ryo, so even if they see the same thing the reactions would be different. When you played as Ryo it was his decisions, but playing as Ren and Shenhua would make it very interesting.

-- Hearing that makes me even more interested (laugh).
YS: I’m unable to describe it any more until the 5 million dollar stretch goal is reached, so I’ll stop here for today.

-- By the way, will the story end with this part.
YS: To tell the truth, the original story is too long to end here. So I decided against trying to fit it all in to Shenmue III.

-- Which means that after the Shenmue III project has been finished we have to wait for the the next part.
YS: First we have to do our best to make Shenmue III a solid game.

-- Let’s leave the appearance of Shenmue III and talk about the backend. Can you tell us why you chose to use Unreal Engine 4?
YS: It’s because it’s easy to use and fits with how I imagine Shenmue to look. There are like rendering tendencies for the different engines, and the base colors of Unreal Engine 4 added with “dampness and scent” makes it Shenmue.

-- Are the colors you imagine the same as with the first two parts?
YS: Of course. Shenmue had that air humidity feeling well presented and it had a smell too. That’s what I aim for with Shenmue III.

-- So you’re saying that if you take a scenery out of the game and look at it you’d be able to say “That’s Shenmue!”?
YS: Yeah, That’s what I want to do. But the promotional video we made for Kickstarter felt dry. Kind of ended up like the Californian humidity level (laugh).

-- Your idea of the exact colors or the “scent” of the graphics, is it hard to convey that to the developers?
YS: It it very very hard to explain it. It’s like trying to explain what a melon is to someone who only has seen watermelons and mandarins. Well, you can say the size is about in the middle, but trying to explain the taste is very hard.

-- With that said, do you have members from the former parts working on Shenmue III?
YS: Yes. So we have the original members that kind of know what Shenmue is about.

-- After fifteen years, it’s quite the thing to bring everyone together again.
YS: I think so. Everyone has gone independent or changed their positions, but even at this stage when the scope of the production isn’t set in stone they have gladly offered to join. That’s really heartwarming.

-- It feels like the relationship is deeper than what you could expect from work colleges.
YS: That’s because Shenmue was a project that was more than just work. Ten years after the development of Shenmue II we had this get-together and more than 100 people came.

-- That’s amazing. I’m not sure if I would call that just a get-together.

-- The level of creativity in the games you have created is often very high. Is there any secret to this?
YS: No. I never play games outside work, so I don’t get that influenced by other games. Maybe that’s the reason.

-- I had this idea that you researched other games thorough and tried to make something different, but I guess that’s not true then.
YS: Yeah. it easier to just make something from zero (laugh).

-- So maybe If someone from the media like me hear an explanation for a game and say “Is it like the mechanics from that other game?” you might not be able to get it?
YS: I’m sorry, but I guess that’s true. Well, maybe I have to study the trends in the most popular games.

-- By the way, this is the first in a long time that you get to work on a game this big.
YS: Yeah. It feels like it was a long time ago I got this invested in a game.

-- It’s not like you totally left the game industry, but what do you think of the game industry in Japan looking from a bit afar.
YS: The game engine Unity came out and made it easy for just one person to make his own game, which is a good thing. It wouldn’t be healthy if only big budget games were able to survive. It’s good that the market has expanded with more alternatives. But it’s kind of sad that a majority of games that make money are small like games for smartphones.

-- Do you feel like more effort should be made in making titles for the consoles?
YS: Yeah. Before, Japan was said to be number one in game making. It’s sad that the knowledge that had amassed during that time wasn’t used better.

-- Many of the people during that time went over to make games for smartphones.
YS: It’s not like games for smartphones are necessarily bad, but what’s characteristic of smartphone game making is that the development cycles from start to finished tend to be fast. It might be good for business, but I’m not really satisfied with that. If you compare to cars there’s the really popular cars that sell well. They make a lot of money for the company, but if they don’t develop their flagship model their technical advancement will suffer.

-- In USA there is still a lot of money spent in games for game consoles and PC.
YS: Yeah. That kind of rich content helps activate the whole industry. I hope the industry in Japan gets back on track like before...

-- Oh, the interview got very negative suddenly. Could you maybe give a word of encouragement to the young developers of today or people thinking about making games?
YS: Today is different from before. It’s possible for anyone to make games now. Before it was impossible to make games if you didn’t know how to program, but now there are tools for that. It’s also possible to study game development, and it’s easy to learn from the internet. Living in this age you shouldn't think too hard and just try for fun, go in the direction that feels best for you. Begin with having fun creating.

The character perspective system means taking control of characters other than Ryo. He literally says “レンやシェンファ” which means characters “like Shenhua and Ren” so it could be for other characters too. (Edit: Or it could be just an example of characters. Like Thief said: "It could mean that characters like Shenhua and Ren (as in main supporting cast characters) are playable. Ren could have merely been used as an example." Thanks Thief! )
But it’s pretty much as close of a confirmation that we can get that Ren will show up in Shenmue III in one way or another. There is a concept art image of him riding a horse so it’s maybe not that unexpected, but we can be fairly sure he will show up in part 3 and not 4 or even later. Horses were also pretty much confirmed in Yu Suzuki's Reddit AMA so the concept art could very well be of an event happening in Shenmue III.
by Capsule Toys Maniac
Mon Jun 22, 2015 9:42 am
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Re: Jim Sterling talks about Shenmue III KS

For reference, I was disappointed in his thing about "he won't like it".

I read his post on gaf about journalistic integrity and redacted findings in light of new information and it's the same good ol' Jim. I never unsubbed from him and never said I did.
by Himuro
Mon Jun 22, 2015 11:54 am
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Re: Jim Sterling talks about Shenmue III KS

Updated video:

phpBB [video]

Thought this was fair and balanced tbh, the Beyond Good & Evil 2 example is a good one.
by Amir
Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:57 pm
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Re: Ways to Help the Kickstarter Campaign - Spread the Word

Dunno if this was posted before, but this is a VERY GOOD video for new comers, spread it!

phpBB [video]
by Rikitatsu
Mon Jun 22, 2015 3:25 pm
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The Day The Snow Turned Into A Game

Dear Members,

As many of you know, last week was a week that will go down in history for our community. After 14 years of waiting and hoping, it was revealed by Yu Suzuki himself that he is finally in a position to move forward with the creation of Shenmue 3, albeit with a bit of a caveat. Through the announcement of a Kickstarter campaign , Suzuki-San as asked us the fans to help bring his dream, as well as ours, to life by backing and supporting a campaign to help fund the development of the project. While there are various entities supporting this project, Suzuki-san himself has stated that that the fate of Shenmue 3 now rests in our hands and that our actions as a community will dictate the capabilities his team will have in creating the game and to ideally meet its full creative potential.

If you have not already done so, please visit the campaign website and take some time to consider the extent to which you would be willing and able to support this project; note that there are a range of pledge levels with corresponding reward tiers for every single level of backing. As the campaign progresses, there will also be added levels of support to coincide with stretch funding goals as they are introduced. All of the funds that are pledged will be allocated to and utilized SOLELY by YSNET to develop the game.

Contrary to a lot of the dubiously sourced misinformation that has been circulating in recent days, Sony will NOT be funding the entire budget for the game nor will they subsidizing the development costs for YSNET. While Sony will provide various technical investments in conjunction with marketing and promotional support, this project will remain firmly in the directorial hands of Yu Suzuki and his staff. While it is true that there are a number of backers for Shenmue 3, we at this time do not know the scope of how these other entities are involved with the project. All that we can establish for now is that we as a community are in fact the primary patrons for the development of the game and that the responsibility of making Shenmue 3 the strongest game it can be ultimately resides with us.

Over the next few weeks leading up to the conclusion of the Kickstarter campaign, we will be introducing two specific social-media based initiatives to promote the backing of the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter and the series as a whole. The first initiative, #30onthe3rd , is a continuation of our monthly tweetathon #SaveShenmue but with a twist. On 7/3/2015, we encourage everyone to who is able to increase their pledge amount by $30 and post a corresponding tweet as a sign of solidarity within the community. The 2nd initiative, #10MillionToShenmue3 , is a hashtag campaign to be disseminated across all social media platforms to highlight the need for additional funding for Shenmue 3 in order have it be the project that Yu Suzuki has dreamed of creating. In a recent interview, Suzuki-san stated that at a $10 million funding level Shenmue 3 would feature a truly open world that would follow in the lineage of the previous installments.

The time has finally come for us in the Shenmue community to support the series that has given us so much over years. We are now in a position where we can directly impact and influence the creation of Shenmue 3 and give Suzuki-san our direct input While the task at hand may seem daunting, if we come together and collaborate our efforts we will attain the game that we have wanted and deserved for so long. Thank you all very much for your support and we would not be in the position we are in now if it was not for your perseverance and dedication for the series against all odds. We have truly made it.

Keep friends,

The Shenmue Dojo Staff
by Yama
Mon Jun 22, 2015 10:44 pm
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Alternative Shenmue Kickstarter video now featured on KS!

Original Post
If a mod or news poster could feature this video on the homepage, it would really help!

The current Kickstarter video for Shenmue III is quite bad. It doesn't outline the achievements of Shenmue or have any real Shenmue feel to it. It only appeals to a a very small audience and does very little to attract new people to the franchise. That is why me and some other members of the Dojo have collaborated and put our ideas together to create what we believe the Kickstarter video should have been.

Here is the most popular version with no dub (and a slightly different logo)
Some really awesome people on YouTube have made subtitles in Dutch, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish too! You can find them if desired by enabling the closed captions.

There is also a dubbed version.
(Thanks to Raunchy for the voiceover!)
Please share this around. Tweet it out to people, embed it in forums, reupload it to your own Youtube if you like - you don't need to credit me. This video clears up misconceptions about the Kickstarter (eg where the funding comes from), advertises the stretch goals and markets Shenmue to new audiences. It could be VERY beneficial to the campaign.

Some people in the production thread even suggested trying to get it seen by Yu Suzuki in the hope he will replace the current Kickstarter video with this one. It's a very long shot, but it's worth a try. Shenmue III recently got an official Twitter if people would like to tweet it to them.

We can make a difference if we advertise this campaign properly. This, combined with $30 on the 3rd could just be our ticket to 10mil. Please help in spreading the word by showing this to people who are misinformed, unconvinced, or might be interested in getting into Shenmue. Let's do this!

"The fate of Shenmue is in your hands now"

Thank you!
My alternative Kickstarter has now been featured on the Kickstarter project under the "What's Shenmue" heading! Yu Suzuki saw my video and wanted to use it and as a result I have been working with Awesome Japan to create a version that SEGA deem acceptable which has now been completed.
Take a look here:
by Jibby
Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:10 am
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Re: The Day The Snow Turned Into A Game

Also, it should be possible, but I was thinking to encourage more people to actually do the extra $30, you could create a second backer account, perhaps with the details of wife / spouse whatever etc, and pick the $29 tier. This would in theory allow you to own a digital copy for the PS4 and PC / or if you've already selected a higher tier, digital of either to go with your physical PC. This way I play the game on the PS4 aswell, and have my physical PC version also :), and obviously if ever they add a PS4 physical release, I would definately buy for essentially a third time to display the game box in all it's glory on my shelf and with the Adam Koralik head on, when the inevitable digital going offline situation arrises, Shenmue 3 won't vanish in thin air :)
by James Brown
Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:37 am
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Re: About the character design

Here are some of the polycounts, I couldn't find were I have stored Ryo's model from Shenmue I.

I don't know if anyone posted this or not but the character models used in the original Shenmue Engine are wierd. They're split into various parts with the head, body, arms, legs, feet and hair all being seperate models which are stiched by the movement engine.

Its not a simple import job to copy the old assets into the game (textures aside), also the assests are 15 years old - we've moved on. It will have to be done using the particular way the unreal engine handels character models, this gives them maximum flexability and its probably quicker to start again from scratch than trying to re-use old assests.

Back when Shenmue was developed the gaming world - especially on consoles - were using custom engines for everything. This isn't practical in this day and age where the development of these engines can outstrip the amount of time spent on a game!

Yes the models are split as you can see in the first pic of RYo's model I posted, and some joints are missing so the total amount of polygons should be higher.

As I've said before, even if they have lost the original assets they can always rip them from the game files, I'm pretty sure they can develop better tools to do it than the ones the community has done in the past years, and even If it weren't the case, they could use the community tools, rip the models and use them as a base for the new ones, that's exactly what I've done, and I started doing it with 0 knowledge in 3D modeling.

I fixed the faces and gave the characters new bodies trying to stay as close as possible to the original ones.



I am pretty sure they can do a way better job. It is fastest and cheapest than creating new models from scratch that look worse than the originals. And the passport faces looks absolutely stunning, with a few tweaks, honestly.

I just want to be clear, I am not complaining at all just talking about what I think is very important for Shenmue III over things like open world, extra content etc, number one priority should be stay closer to the original characters designs otherwise it would look lke I am playing a game with some people cosplaying shenmue characters, in fact that's how it looks it its current state.
by Esppiral
Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:50 am
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Re: Shuhei Yoshida Contributed $29 to Shenmue 3 Kickstarter

by NeoShredder
Thu Jun 25, 2015 4:04 pm
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Re: "$30 on the 3rd" - ROAD TO $10 MILLION

johnvivant wrote: how is the build up for this going?

I'm confident we'll do fine. I even spent time reminding people on the Kickstarter comments from time to time.
by sand4fish
Thu Jun 25, 2015 6:47 pm
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Re: "$30 on the 3rd" - ROAD TO $10 MILLION

people are spreading the word of $30 on the 3rd in the comments section of the kickstarter already. YES
by Sonne2
Thu Jun 25, 2015 6:55 pm
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Re: "$30 on the 3rd" - ROAD TO $10 MILLION

My mom's going to pledge $30 on the 3rd

what a gal. :lol:
by Thief
Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:47 pm
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Re: "$30 on the 3rd" - ROAD TO $10 MILLION

I just registered I'll create the site when I get home from work tonight. I'll let everyone know when I get it live and we'll start pushing traffic to it.
by elfshadowreaper
Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:36 am
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