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Re: Release Date Speculation

I think its all smoke and mirrors with him though. Just trying to promote his channel.
I believe the SEGA Europe rep themselves has said Adam knows a date. Think it was in the 500K Facebook group.

Whatever you think of Adam, he's still the guy SEGA picked from the community to promote the game in some way. I don't think he'd bullshit about stuff like that knowing a.) SEGA Europe are watching what he says and b.) he's got access to a lot of information we don't currently have so what would be the point in making something up on top of that?
by Spaghetti
Thu Jun 14, 2018 3:57 am
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Re: Kickstarter Update #83 - Survey Info #0

For those who still couldn't see all the add-ons Peter posted, here's another pic:

by sand4fish
Fri Jun 15, 2018 12:14 pm
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Re: Shenmue HD in magazines

I took one for the team and bought the Xbox magazine. Wish I hadn't.

Riddled with errors and childish jabs at Shenmue 3 and the "other" console.
Wow. Couldn't even get the developer right.

Somebody got PAID to write this. PAID. Games journalism really is money for old fucking rope.
by Spaghetti
Fri Jun 15, 2018 4:59 pm
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1999 Interview with Yu Suzuki "15 Secrets of Shenmue"

I've posted up a translation of an interview Yu Suzuki held with the media on 18th January 1999, soon after the successful Shenmue premiere events. Shenmue was still somewhat shrouded in mystery, so the "15 Secrets" this article refers to - while not representing special in-game secrets or the like - are an interesting reflection on both expectations from the media/public as well as Yu Suzuki's mindset almost a year before its actual release.

Not only that, but Suzuki mentions themes that he still holds with importance today with development of Shenmue III, such as "reality vs realism".

Link to the interview:

Part 1/2:

Part 2/2:
by Switch
Sat Jun 16, 2018 3:38 am
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Re: Random Thoughts

I can understand you are trying to keep excessive trolling out of the site, but may I ask what is exactly the level of shitposting acceptable in here from now on? The Haruto guy might have been a previous offender but the way I see it now his posts are pretty harmless specially when stacked with his contribution to the gaming section with new trailers and news. So once members are banned, will they be lockout for life? Do we get any warnings? Shouldnt the forum have some kind of guideline for tone and humour acceptable while posting? I don't get why even old time regulars Himuro and Bluecast were banned (or remain so). I'm asking because I'm kinda wary of attempting any lame jokes or even engage on any controversial discussions at the chance of being misunderstood as trolling or creating drama, when there were no such restrictions a year or so ago.

No... no....

The account that i personally banned...

First off, i really shouldn't be banning anyone whatsoever. I have selected the best staff that's ever been in place on these forums. We have an awesome mix of Shenmue die hards, casual gamers, and old skool veterans which keep a watchful eye over every aspect of

I shouldn't have stepped on their toes, but thanks to a member i wont name (they know who they are and have my humble thanks), i had info about them that made it more or less clear. Once i asked other members of staff for their opinion, it also became as clear as glass that this was what was going on.

The member "Haruto" was an old admin from here, who has a lot of history with the site. Now, in the interests of transparency, I would LOVE to go through all of that history. Its been backdated and recorded by various members of the Shenmue community. But, the reason i don't is because of the same reason i also don't rise to his bait, or any other bait that exists out there within the Shenmue community. From Youtube Channels, and their associations with fake Shenmue websites, to numerous banned members from here over the years. They crave attention. Its their fuel, and how they really achieve the attention they so desperately desire.

In your specific case Sandfish, no, of course have a laugh and a bit of craic! Enjoy yourself here! You have proven you are an upstanding member. What does that mean? Someone who has been here first and foremost for Shenmue! The reason the banner hangs high and proud above the door. Every member here shares that, and even if they dont, then ok! We have a general gaming forum for that. But, if anyone thinks they are gonna come in here, new member or old, and just start spamming 15-20 posts a day about anything that goes through their head, then that wont be tolerated. Let me reiterate that once again. 15-20 posts.... A DAY. That, is the definition of shitposting. They may be a post about Shenmue, general games, or current topics, but they are opinion-less, non engaging, words on a screen and nothing more posts. Thats it! aka... shitposting. That will not be happening here, and in all honesty, in 15 years, there has only ever been one person whos posts even define that, and thats the said member whom i banned.

If you are asking why Bluecast was banned, ive just explained to you why. But really..... if you need to ask why Himuro was banned then i really have to ask you why you are questioning that. I will go on my gut feeling you dont know the whole story.... but Himuro maintained a posting attitude that went well beyond the limits of what i would describe as a level headed mentality within a fan based community forum. From questioning every single aspect of a game in development, threatening other members with abusive content, to even rallying the questionable gaming journalists that may or may not read these boards (which i know for a fact a lot do) to provoke action against YSNET... for a game that was in early development!!!! Think about that for a second. Questioning Yu Suzuki.......YU SUZUKI and rallying the media against him during the first full year of development. Really???

Himuro was one of those old member who's been warned (under previous accounts) over and over again across several years to can it. He's one of those who tends to follow a pattern. The staff knew who he was and could have banned him on the spot, but in the interest of fairness he was left to continue in his new account. He seemed a bit more reserved, so why not?
But his basic patterns started to emerge once again, and the staff has seen where it eventually goes if left alone.
You really have nothing to worry about. This one is more a matter of him having an actual history of shitposting and obnoxiousness that has previously resulted in the forum being... shall we say, offputting . To phrase it mildly. The ban was based on that, and where we could see his current manner eventually leading to. It's just an old dance that nobody feels like going through again.

So it was Himuro? I thought it may have been some one else, actually deleted another post because I realized it wasnt them. Does the staff actually have to recognize post style and pattern of banned members trying to weasel their way back in? Man this place has a long history of that too, trolling has been more or less a life time long problem of this place so I can see why doing what has to be done :/

No i think OL got slightly mixed up there.

The member banned is "Haruto", aka Bluecast, Ryudo, and about 10 other high prolific accounts he has had here over the years.

So what you guys are saying is that since this site's inception the same few trolls/crazies keep crawling back under different names for a span of what, 15 years? What kind of nuthouse is this place I got myself into?

Ohhhh you have no idea. But that's why it was important for me to keep OL and Henry Spencer on the current staff roster. For shit just exactly like this. Who keep me right in times like this. Me banning Haruto isn't some snap decision. It was discussed at length in a private staff forum we have. Every forum decision is discussed in there. No moderator takes it upon himself to go rogue and pull some shit, unless its necessary! Almost all decisions are brought to a table and discussed.

Mate, this place used to be much different. To the point where I wouldn't be surprised if even Peter or Spencer have been banned once or twice (though I don't think they ever have)


A lot of us old timers shouldn't even be here!

So whats the difference? Simple.... we grew up! We realised we were a bunch of young boys who, despite becoming men, shared a love or a respect for this site. Yea, we can all talk shite, that's a skill that doesn't go away, even with old age. But we grew in our posting attitude. We learned things like respect and maturity. We knew what words we say carry weight for other human beings within ears reach... or visions reach. We calmed down. Even if posting here was a habit, we went off, got lives, got jobs, got hobbies, got humility. Learned that everything in life is in moderation. Spending all the live long day on here posting message after message, after message was not a good way to live a life, and whilst we welcome everyone here, the purpose of the site overtakes the personal needs of a user. I'm sorry but thats just the way it is. This site is a Shenmue fan forum. Not psychology 101 for the impaired.

At different points in the history of this place, yes, and a few rare cases of it going on over extended years. This place was attacked and brought down a good few times in the more early years and I am trying to remember long it was down for at its worst. We even had a community divide and differences going on, and how many owners now? Part of it directly had to do with Shenmue going dark for over 10 years and obviously morale and activity dwindled during that time, but there was a lot of differences in the earlier days of the series going dark that resulted in many different opinions about a number of different things even down to how the forums and site were run and the individuals in charge. The Shenmue community took a huge hit because Shenmue III essentially was silently cancelled believe it or not, but some how this place has stayed here through the thick and thin, and that should be testament alone to how great Shenmue actually is. Ask some of the old veteran members to share a story or 2, as a whole everyone was extremely upset about Shenmue III in those days. Also ask about the epic stories that went on around here too ;-)

I got that part a few years ago when I read a topic with you guys discussing about it. But I seriously had no idea that some of these oldest members were still playing bipolar up to this day. And here I was thinking that maybe from time to time some genuine newbies'd be interested in Shenmue and this forum in general.

Anyway, I apologize to the moderators and Peter if whatever I said sounded insulting. I just always wondered about what criteria was used to ban members in this place as I never really paid attention to it when I first joined in all these years. Thank you all for the clarification.

There's absolutely no apology necessary Sandfish. Like i said before, you are an upstanding member. Whats the definition of an upstanding member? Very simply, someone who posts here for Shenmue, and is a genuine person in terms of posting style and attitude. We have members who have been here 15 years, and 15 minutes. Whats genuine about them is that they were all brought here for the one reason we all share and love Shenmue. But whilst they are here, they all contribute in a civil way. I don't even think i need to explain what that means, and the members banned are being banned for a very clear defined reason.

Like i said, its my fault regarding the ambiguity of why that member was banned. I didnt put a message within the post, as i have so strictly told staff members to do so whilst taking action to keep transparency. I acted and didny say why. For that im sorry. But, i would do it again tomorrow if i felt it was the right thing for this site. We are on the cusp of both Shenmue HD and Shenmue 3. Let that sink in for a second. Shenmue HD, available across all of modern day consoles, as well as Shenmue 3!!! That really was in impossible dream for a long ling time.

I will admit i have been quiet since taking over. I know i have. But that's because i am wasting no time at all to make changes. I took the week off work and have spent them more or less without sleep. A new site is on its way, completely backdated with news info since Shenmue 3. Up to date. Coherent. Organised. Simplified. A new logo. Clear. Defined. Signature. A new forum design. Updated, User friendly. Relationships with the community. Communicative. Easy to access. Beneficial. Clear. This is the future i always envisioned for this site, but it was never my place to do so. But now it is, and if people think i am bullshitting then come back to be in about 2 months time. I have never been more tired or stressed in my life, from working with designers, coders, community members, and other elements of the Shenmue team in general i don't feel i should name. Enjoy this old site, for it will soon be the last you see of it outside way back machine. I also know most people in general hate change, most of all Shenmue fans, but i have to follow my heart and believe that it's worth it for the self preservation, and continuation of this 15 year site. Am i ready for the backlash? Hells yea. Do i think its necessary and justified? OH HELLS YEA! Either weay i will live by my own sword and die by it. If people have an issue with the changes i bring, or the way i do things, then thats cool. Movements can be made to encourage to pass the site on. I will never have an issue doing that as long as it goes to the right person, much like it was decided beforehand that Yama should contact me to pass the torch.
by Peter
Sat Jun 16, 2018 9:15 pm
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Re: shenmue 3's music(?)

There's supposedly hundreds of leftover tracks from Shenmue I and II that have never been heard. If I recall, Yu intends to use a mix of these and new compositions by the original composer in Shenmue III.
by Jibby
Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:03 am
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Re: The Shenmue Dojo - past, present and future.

Quick update in here for now, and Mattis ( TheTimeRanger ) now joins Mr.Rod as part of the Designer/Coder group so he will have full permissions across the site, and is part of the team.

Its been 2 months now of sleepless nights, countless design ideas and full site restructuring.... but we are almost there! If we thought we were working hard before, then now is a big step up. Everyday of the week is now dedicated to working on the new site. Id say we are about 70% complete, with quite a few more things to do, but we are getting there. Its crunch time folks, so go visit the current site because its weeks away from going. Whilst its not completely 100% official yet, we are shooting for a release on July 20th . This could change slightly, but we want the new site up and functional by the end of the month, for stress tests and functionality before Gamescom rolls around. The site and forums will be offline for 3 day s, but our social media outlets will still be open, as well as being welcome to visit other community sites such as Shenmue Master, 500K, Team Yu, Shenmue Forever, Phantom Riverstone and others that are out there.

I will try and keep you updated as much as possible as we push towards the end. Now, wheres the coffee....
by Peter
Sun Jun 24, 2018 3:06 pm
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Updates since my last post:

25/06/2018: Miscellaneous changes and updated the slacker backer pledge total

23/04/2018: Updated with information from previous interviews and talks, and separated information about characters into its own section

18/04/2018: Updated with information from a 2016 DualShockers interview

15/04/2018: Updated with new information from SEGASaturno's MAGIC interview
by ShenGCH
Mon Jun 25, 2018 3:58 am
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Re: Random Shenmue HD Thoughts

Pre-order figures haven't been made public and likely won't be. All we have to go on is the strong performance we've seen in the Amazon charts.

Hopefully game hints will now be delivered in Iwao's voice through the speaker in the PS4 controller. :)

The noise after you obtain a move scroll should go to the controller. You know the DO DOOM DOOOOOM noise \:D/ \:D/
That's gonna scare the shit out of people who don't know it's coming.

...Do it :devillaugh:
by ShenGCH
Tue Jun 26, 2018 3:46 am
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Re: Random Shenmue HD Thoughts

SEGA Europe teasing something for next week's tweetathon.
by Spaghetti
Tue Jun 26, 2018 7:45 am
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Re: Kickstarter Update #84 - Survey Info #1: Survey Started!

That ten days from within your pledge bit is for slacker backers pledging from now until the August 13th deadline when the service closes.
by Spaghetti
Thu Jun 28, 2018 5:50 am
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Re: Kickstarter Update #84 - Survey Info #1: Survey Started!

I'd find it off-putting and awkward for a main character like Shenhua to be breaking the fourth wall and talking directly to the viewer. I think they made the right call.
by Jibby
Thu Jun 28, 2018 7:30 am
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Re: Kickstarter Update #84 - Survey Info #1: Survey Started!

It's funny, sometimes I feel like I may be just about the only one who's actively avoiding most scraps of info that we get on the game. For all the money I spent on the kickstarter (good god, did I really spend that much?! Most expensive game I've ever bought, that's for damn sure) I'd rather the whole thing be as fresh as possible for me.

That being said, that survey video is actually impressive as hell to me. I've seen a few comments about the facial animations being bad, or about some of the effects feeling a generation or two behind.
Most important thing to me?

It actually has the same vibe as the original games.

Shucks to any of that complaining; I hope the whole game looks just like this. I didn't think they'd be able to do it, but despite the graphics obviously being far more advanced than they were in the originals, the overall visual style and the quality of the animation is weirdly comparable to the first two games, in terms of personality.
My biggest fear when the game was announced was that there would be some kind of ugly discord in visual style between games, so that going directly from a playthrough of S2 to S3 would feel jarring and unnatural. Jumps between generations can often be that way. I was one of those that used to always say, even as generations moved on, that I really wouldn't even mind if they just made S3 with the same graphics engine as the originals, in the interest of keeping the whole series as "harmonious" as can be. Always figured "next-gen" graphics would hurt it.
But no, it seems like they've made it so that the jump will be as seamless as is reasonably possible.
Serious kudos on that. It's just a throwaway survey video, but still. Fills me with a bit of extra faith that things are going well.
by OL
Thu Jun 28, 2018 3:11 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #84 - Survey Info #1: Survey Started!

Sigh, and already the misinformation in games media and comment sections begins in response to the surveys. I guess the preliminary minimum specs didn't get enough exposure with the initial batch of surveys but now that they've gone out for everyone, the media have caught wind of this whole "100GB" and "broadband internet" requirement. It clearly states this is preliminary and subject to change, it should be abundantly obvious that they don't yet know what the requirements exactly will be and so are giving a very broad very general idea just to cover all their bases, and the broadband requirement is probably just for downloading the game. (Since it says Steam disk, I assume it has to be downloaded from Steam.) Obviously if it requires downloading, the internet is necessary lol.

But the media and commentors' spin on this? "Shenmue 3 to require 100GB storage space and internet connectivity to play" which isn't even close to being confirmed yet, but the hate bandwagon has already started, yet again. Uuugh. >_< Now everyone assumes it's going to be rife with DRM or what have you. And then I also saw someone talking about how "Sega are publishing this so that confirms it'll have Denuvo," both of which are untrue lol. It's like being a Shenmue fan consists of a neverending cycle of being subject to the most misinformed commentary in video gaming history, once every few months, for almost two decades lmao.

I can already see the negative Steam review average in the game's future because of this no matter how many of us try to counter it. Sigh.
by Anonymous81
Thu Jun 28, 2018 10:34 pm
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Shenmue News Fangamer Survey Slacker Backer Campaign Ending

Hello everyone. Continuing with my monthly Shenmue News series, this video covers the fangamer survey, Shenmue's appearance at the PC Gaming Show, a rumor about Gamescom 2018, SEGA's recent tease about news on July 3rd, and an update on the Slacker Backer Campaign!
by WhiteLikePaste
Sun Jul 01, 2018 1:18 am
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Re: Random Shenmue HD Thoughts

Something interesting that Spaghetti picked up on is the background in this new screenshot of Shenmue HD:

It looks higher quality than usual. I went to check it against Mr357's Shenmue Movie remaster (which was recorded and uploaded in native 1080p) and sure enough, the texture is higher quality:

Have a zoom in on the images and see for yourself. Even H.264 + YouTube compression wouldn't blur the background that much.
Looks like we may be seeing some improved textures after all!
by Jibby
Mon Jul 02, 2018 6:43 pm
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Re: Adam Koralik explains the re-releases (4:3, audio etc)

This is a fantastic and explanatory video. Gotta love Adam. Although I will very slightly (and respectfully lol) split hairs and disagree dialectically and semantically with him in saying it's "not even really a remaster." In my nomenclature, coming from the audio world, a remaster means taking original premaster source material, without changing them at all, and taking them through higher resolution audio converters, digitizing them if you're working with older media (which is a bit like porting I suppose lol,) maybe alter the mix slightly (change the arrangement via pan, maybe duplicate some tracks if need be, basically just making things clearer and sweeter, bring things up in the mix or down etc. etc.) possibly use new compression if you can get away with it without destroying dynamic range, etc. You might add new effects, like new reverb since effects technology tends to improve (which to me is akin to them adding new post processing effects to the game,) and all of this is done sparingly and carefully so as not to change the original audio at all, but just make things as good as they can be using newer technology.

Imo, this is precisely what they've done with Shenmue here. So, for ME, that's a remaster. Anything beyond would be a remake, and anything less would just be a straight port. I know not everyone agrees with that nomenclature, and I totally respect that. But for me, these are absolutely remasters. And not only that, but true remasters, rather than the quasi-remakes which keep getting called remasters (looks at Spyro lol.) Ironically though, it's the audio in this release which hasn't been remastered lol.

But ALL of that having been said, great video from Adam I will share around online to try and inform people with questions about these things!
by Anonymous81
Tue Jul 03, 2018 11:21 pm
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Re: RELEASE DATE CONFIRMED: Shenmue 1 & 2 will launch 21/8/

Today, I walked into my local Gamestop and preordered and fully paid two copies of S1 & 2 HD, one for PS4, one for Xbox One. Yes, I actually went into a shop and bought a Shenmue game. The guy in the shop didn't seem to know Shenmue but it took him like one second to find it in his system. He looked at the screen and said: "1 & 2 are coming in one package and they also got Shenmue 3 coming up. Do you want to preorder that one too?". I smiled at him and said "Just 1 & 2 today, I'll come back to buy Shenmue 3 some other time.".

It was so surreal. It felt amazing.

Oddly enough, he had November 18 in his system as a release date for S1 & 2, but I guess that's just a placeholder.

Got my preorders for the US PS4 and Xbox versions and the Asian PS4 version locked down at Play Asia. However, they don't have the Japanese version on preorder yet, which I find odd. Anyway, I'll get that later.

I'm still gonna buy an extra copy of both the Xbox and the PS4 versions for myself (one to play, one to stay for each version) and also some copies for my friends who have been waiting to play Shenmue for the first time. But I'm not gonna preorder those copies. I'll just buy them spontaneously when the game is out. Can you immagine how marvellous the feeling must be?

You walk into your local video game store/electronics shop, take a Shenmue (yes, Shenmue!!!) game out of the shelf, pay it and walk out. Just like that. Must be such a sweet, triumphant moment. Can't wait for it.

[-o< \:D/ =D>
by Hyo Razuki
Wed Jul 04, 2018 4:39 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #84 - Survey Info #1: Survey Started!

As I am in a bit of a conundrum on where I'll be when the game is shipped, I sent an e-mail direct to the survey support team to ask if there will be a way to update my shipping address beyond the Sept 30th mark. I also pledged on both the Kickstarter ($100 mark) and the Paypal Slacker Backer ($13 digital soundtrack is all I wanted), and asked if I should expect two different survey's.

I'll keep you guys posted with their reply.

They finally replied guys and given their answer... it looks like if you're on the fence about where you'll be, you'll be able to update your shipping address past the end of September.

Their reply is below:

Sorry for the confusion on the survey's close; that will close add-ons and changes to your tiers and questions, but it will not remove your ability to change your address. Fangamer will send you an email before we ship (or otherwise would have to lock addresses for some reason).

Thus, it looks like you'll have one final chance to give them where you want your physical backer rewards sent. Great news for me and anyone else that could be moving soon.
by Telekill
Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:31 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #84 - Survey Info #1: Survey Started!

I had news for those who wish to buy Shenmue III in a region other than that of their country of origin.

If I want to have a physical version presently of Shenmue III in Japanese version, must I enter a Japanese address? (I have friends in Japan who could receive him for me) I really hope this option will be available so that I can order several version different region of Shenmue III

Shenmue III NTSC-J (PS4 physical)
Shenmue III PAL-E (PS4 physical)

Shenmue III NTSC-J (PC physical)
Shenmue III PAL-E (PC physical)

Hey there Kogami,

Fangamer has received guidance from Ys Net instructing us (Fangamer) to not request separate regions, and to only use the backer's country information. Ys Net is looking into possibly opening up region selection later. For more questions — or to send comments about this decision — please get in contact with Ys Net directly by either sending a message to them on Kickstarter or sending Ys Net an email to [email protected].

Please let us know if you have any other questions!

Ryan Alyea

Me to Ys Net:
Hello, I live in France, but I would like to have a physical version Playstation 4 of Shenmue III in Japanese version (box / manual, guide book etc ...) for my personal collection. I participated in the Kickstarter campaign and I made an offer of 500$ for this project to fund.

For this pack I would have liked to have it in Japanese full edition version, unfortunately, it is not possible to choose a Japanese version currently on the Fangamer form.

I sent an email to Fangamer to ask if it was possible to have it in Japanese and he told me that he was not allowed to propose the choice of the Shenmue III region and that it comes from your personal choice.

Please let us choose the choice of our Shenmue III region, I wish to buy several version of Shenmue III.

Shenmue III "NTSC-J" (PS4 physical) 500$
Shenmue III "PAL-E" (PS4 physical) 80$

Shenmue III "NTSC-J" (PC physical) 60$
Shenmue III "PAL-E" (PC physical) 60$

I am not alone in wanting to make this choice because many collectors own Shenmue I & II in different version (NTSC-J, NTSC-U and PAL-E)

Thanking you in advance!!!!

Ys Net:
Hello kogami,

Thank you very much for the message. Initially your address country decides your region, however, you will receive an email from Fangamer at a later date asking you to confirm your region, so you can change your region if you wish at that time.

Best Regards,
Oscar & the Shenmue III Team
by kogami
Thu Jul 05, 2018 10:05 am
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Re: Adam Koralik explains the re-releases (4:3, audio etc)

^ I seem to recall him mentioning some sort of crippling medical/anxiety issues; it might provide some context here.

In any case, he’s a good poster, so it’s unfortunate (and frankly a bit silly) to just abruptly quit like this, especially over an informative discussion.


Come back dude, it’s a good time to be a Shenmue fan.
Yep. He's one of the best posters imo. Shame to see him go.
by KidMarine
Wed Jul 04, 2018 5:46 pm
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Re: Adam Koralik explains the re-releases (4:3, audio etc)

Let's try to deescalate this a little bit...

I think Anonymous81 was also posting in the Steam discussion forums for Shenmue I & II as well, and let me tell you, that place puts the KS comments for Shenmue III to shame in terms of sheer madness. If that was them posting (as I believe it was, considering they said "peace out" pretty much around the same time they did here), then there was a commendable effort to keep calm and argue back against some shitty posters over there.

I'm not sure it was their intention to snap and decide to leave the Dojo, but dealing with the basically unmoderated hellhole of a Steam discussion board and then seeing the same major topic being raked over here, might have made things get more heated then they should have.

So let's maybe put the DRM discussion to bed for a bit.
by Spaghetti
Wed Jul 04, 2018 6:16 pm
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Re: RELEASE DATE CONFIRMED: Shenmue 1 & 2 will launch 21/8/

For complete clarity, let me accentuate that Technophillz (or anyone else for that matter) was never suspended for 'not being positive enough'. We do not ban people for rational criticism of Shenmue related projects. Just wanted to make that clear.
by Jibby
Thu Jul 05, 2018 10:29 am
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Re: Random Shenmue HD Thoughts

Good post!
I think this kind of stuff is acceptable in a fan hack, but in a commercially sold product I can see why they'd want to avoid it.
by Jibby
Mon Jul 09, 2018 8:00 am
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Re: Shenmue I & II HD : FAQs Answered by Sega & d3t

Here's a summary of the latest information released by Sega and Adam Koralik since the release date announcement.
by Kiske
Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:04 am
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Re: Random Shenmue HD Thoughts

Sorry for cutting off the discussion, but I would like to say how happy I am with the rerelease of Shenmue I & II.

I'm Brazilian and here Shenmue was not very well known (despite the effort of Tectoy, the Sega representative here), so I met the series only in 2016, in a playthrough of an oldgamer youtuber, Velberan.

It was love at first sight. I had a Dreamcast for a short time, but I never got close to that amazing game. I had to play in emulators, so I found this forum.

As I played and followed the forum, I began to participate in attempts to persuade Sega to relaunch the first games before Shenmue 3 be released. These few 2 years of waiting have already been a torture. I can only imagine the waiting and hope of all here since 2000, until finally the rerelease has been confirmed.

I really want to get the physical here in Brazil, but Sega is not very present here, so I think I'll have to settle for the digital version of PS4 and Steam, because I'll buy both.

[Sorry for this poor english
by lorddanilo
Tue Jul 10, 2018 11:05 am
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Re: Adam Koralik explains the re-releases (4:3, audio etc)

Ok... I agree with Adam in his new video that the guys that took the time to go back into the source code to get us the game on modern systems and in full 1080p deserve massive credit. It sounds like a very frustrating undertaking and I would shake the hand of every single one of the coders that did that. As I can't do that, the least I can do is buy the game right?

As for all the negativity surrounding the Shenmue HD Collection, I don't understand why people would show any kind of negativity towards this that were real fans. Is it a remake like Resident Evil 2... no. Is it 4K and/or 60fps like many modern releases... no. It doesn't matter. We are getting both games in an HD collection on modern systems. That in and of itself is enough to be excited over.

I think some may be forgetting that Shenmue fans right now are in the midst of an incredibly rare moment. The experience that we all love was cut short due to various reasons. 17 years after the last game released we are getting a full source code remaster of one of our favorite games/stories. Not only that but we are expecting it to finally continue with the third game releasing next year. Remember people... 4 years ago, the series was essentially dead. There was no reason to ever believe that we would get a remaster collection let alone a continuation to the story. We are getting both and from the success we're seeing, we could very well see Shenmue continue to completion. I don't believe I've ever seen or heard of another fanbase getting this kind of reboot to a favorite series.

Don't let the negative people online get you down. As a Shenmue fan... it's time to celebrate :!:
by Telekill
Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:45 am
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Re: Adam Koralik explains the re-releases (4:3, audio etc)

I don't think anybody is trying to suggest that these are the perfect dream ports of Shenmue.

Even I'll admit that there's stuff I wish they could have implemented. It'd be great to see 16:9 cutscenes. 4k? I'd love to play it on my 4k monitor. Obviously these things would make it a definitively better port; you'd be hard-pressed to find somebody who doesn't think this.

But are these problems enough to write off the entire port? I wouldn't say so. In the grand scheme of things some of these criticisms are fairly small. It's not like d3t and SEGA aren't putting effort into these ports. We could have had a lazily done emulated port with zero enhancements, but that's not the case. Things I rarely see the people who are overly saddened by these ports mention is features such as saving anywhere, both dubs, short loading times, modern controls etc. I'm not saying that people should ignore the shortcomings because there's good things too. But when you feign ignorance to these things and focus exclusively on the negatives then obviously you're going to be disappointed.

Do we deserve better? It's a tough one to answer. Technically we don't really deserve anything. Only a couple of months back getting any sort of remaster seemed like an impossibility with SEGA barely uttering a single word about Shenmue. Some are so quick to forget about this. I know that there are posters here who have never uttered a single positive thing about Shenmue, but even still, apply some context and realise that we're actually getting something pretty decent (albeit with a couple of shortcomings) instead of acting so ungrateful and demanding we have it better.

To summarise, I just don't get how people can get this upset over these ports and make SEGA and d3t out to be lazy and awful when what we're actually getting is going to be a well crafted, decent port (after many years of asking for it) with a few drawbacks.
by Jibby
Sat Jul 14, 2018 12:11 pm
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Re: Adam Koralik explains the re-releases (4:3, audio etc)

Just a matter of perspective. Maybe they could have done 4k, but would it matter much? Personally do I want to see how muddy some of the textures are and exacerbate how old this game really is graphically speaking in even finer detail? Not really as it's not a remake, just a HD enhancement as it is being advertised.

Is this a lazy port by d3t? I can't tell because I don't know the budget d3t was working with like AG mentioned. But I don't really think so, as they could just have used emulation and be done with it.

About the 4:3 cutscenes, those are Yu's cinematography at play. Others have pointed out before how old films originally 4:3 scanned to widescreen ended up showing stuff not meant to be seen like camera crews and out of place objects, in the end changing the original intended atmosphere of the scene. Well, the same can be said here as npcs shown in the 16:9 emulation, not meant to be seen in the original frame shot, are frozen in place as example. Even worse as the draw of extra geometry already shows distracting artifacts in the emulation, who is to say that in the engine d3t worked with it won't break the game? Either way, changing the original ratio of the constructed shot cutscenes is the same as changing Yu's original artistic vision imo.

Another thing I see it being complained about in other forums is the 30 fps. Well, besides being hard coded I believe it's tied to the time system in the game and it would mess with its mechanics and probably break the physics in the game. I'd imagine Shenmue HD 60 fps looking like this in execution:

Anyway, I'm stocked for the release of Shenmue 1 & 2 HD not because of me playing it, but it is finally the chance the franchise ever had to draw in new fans towards Shenmue 3 and beyond. And I'm confident the newcomers won't nitpick these games that are nearly as old as they probably are.
by sand4fish
Sat Jul 14, 2018 1:10 pm
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Re: Anyone disappointed with Shenmue 3 cartoon-like graphics

Im more concerned about the animation thats going to be applied to these graphics. From what they've shown, they've proven they don't understand animation basics.

Oh, really? What do you think is more likely... that the professionals working on Shenmue III somehow have landed this job without understanding animation basics? Or that a consumer who has been shown work-in-progress footage doesn't understand what they're seeing in regards to the overall game development schedule?
by Centrale
Tue Jul 17, 2018 1:17 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue HD Thoughts

But if it can be done by us at home, why wouldn't a professional developer be able to do it?

Just because people have made it work in specific places doesn't mean those changes just 'work' across every other possible moment and eventuality in the game. Its entirely possible they have tried all the same tweaks we have as a community and found it was too hit and miss and time consuming in reality. For example, just saying it's easy to just move the camera back to get a 16:9 ratio is daft.. Sure.. and that might work most of the time, but there could be a future cutscene where doing that even slightly pushes the camera inside another object... Can't move forwards, can't move backwards... What about the many characters that freeze when they leave the confines of the 4:3 border, add new animations too??

We are all talking like we are professional devs with full access to the code and shitting all over thier efforts as if they were lazy or incompetent. Don't be so arrogant and so sure of yourselves.. have some humility.. (people in general, not specifically you mrandyk)
by RiGoRmOrTiS
Thu Jul 19, 2018 11:20 am
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Re: Shenmue Dojo Streams Return! - Thursday 19th July 9PM BS

Unbelievable. I can't believe Sega were in chat. My jaw is still on the floor. Fair play to them, they really are reaching out. Sega in the Shenmue Dojo stream. That's insane to me. Inspires me more to get this new site out ASAP!!
by Peter
Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:23 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue HD Thoughts

Just can't help but feel what a missed oppertunity this was. I mean how much would it have taken to actually spend some time on the game and update the graphics? It looks old, probably will play old too and because of that, there is probably a bunch of potential fans that won't bother with the game.

You are entitled to your opinion but consider this..

Many cases rereleasing games as HD reboots have failed.

The first special edition monkey island had a lot of criticism for voice acting and graphical decisions that took away from the original monkey island feel.

Silent Hill rereleases were also controversial to the originals.

Gabriel Knight rerelease, many fans including new players prefer the originals

I can go on, realize the situation here..

1) Shenmue 1 was exclusive to Dreamcast and out of print for some time now, the GDroms will eventually fail. for new players, at some point Dreamcast hardware will dry up.

2) Shenmue II was never released in the US for Dreamcast outside of PAL versions imported, Shenmue IIx was released for xbox but also out of print now, the xbox 360 emulator doesnt load everything properly which also hinders and makes it difficult to obtain the game.

3) Realize that we had literally no news about Shenmue continuing let alone a re release spanning from 2002 to 2015 for shenmue III and a remastered rerelease in 2018. If you date back shenmue 1s release date in 99 thats almost 20 years that have lapsed from the first game. Understand that fans had been pushing for continuations and releases for roughly over a decade.

4)We are getting both games at a cheap price with both Japanese and English dubs and 1080p support. As much as I would love a remaster, I highly doubt SEGA would take the risk on a full retextured game. If sales are good for the game, then perhaps that will send a message that there is demand for a remake of the games similar to what occurred with Yakuza.
Sat Jul 21, 2018 1:57 am
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by MiTT3NZ
Tue Jul 24, 2018 4:49 am
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by Peter
Mon Jul 23, 2018 8:17 pm
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by Sappharad
Wed Jul 25, 2018 11:43 pm
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Re: Shenmue HD pre-order now out in Japan

Sorry about the late reply. I don't know why it has a German sticker on it, but it's only available to order by the seller If it were the German version I think it would be more expensive.

There are other imported versions on Amazon Japan that we can order and they are listed as 輸入版:北米 (Import version: North America) for triple the price. So I think the 4,157 JPY version should be the Japanese version.

P.S. it says that Koch Media GmbH is the publisher, so maybe the German company is also publishing the Japanese version?
by Kirino_Matsuyama
Thu Jul 26, 2018 10:56 am
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by MiTT3NZ
Thu Jul 26, 2018 4:12 pm
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