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TheEdge wrote:I read the wikipedia review of Omikron and they said the word "Hiccups" as well.

That's cause I wrote the review section on wikipedia. :oops:
by Kenny
Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:00 pm
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Re: Omikron: the Nomad Soul

One of my all-time favorite games. I first played it on the PC, through to the final boss which I couldn't beat for the life of me. Years later I got it for the Dreamcast, didn't notice any bugs or glitches, and finally beat the boss. With a joypad.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Fri Dec 13, 2013 5:10 am
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

finally decided to go ahead and buy it
by south carmain
Fri Dec 13, 2013 2:20 am
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

I remember when getting a new psp model meant the picture got better. Now Sony makes it worse. I miss when getting a new model was pure gravy. (360 slim, psp 2000, 3000 ect) Now new models are just stripped down pieces of crap. Just look at the new PS3 model. Cheap plastic casing and lower quality parts. The xbox super slim omits ports and features, as does the newer wii that omits backwards compatibility and other features . At least in the past when a model was stripped down the savings would be passed onto the customer with a much lower price point.
by Sonikku
Sat Dec 14, 2013 2:05 pm
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

I had been eying an unopened copy of this on ebay for a long time, and just now figured I really ought to grab it up before it disappears. The price was excellent; less than half of what other new copies of the game go for.
So that'll complete my Gungriffon collection. Very import-friendly, too. Apparently plays just like the first game, and the missions are all very straightforward "destroy all" affairs, so a lack of Japanese reading ability will pose no problem at all.
by OL
Sun Dec 15, 2013 2:55 pm
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Just beat a link between worlds. It was exceptionally good, definitely one of the best Zelda's I've ever played. Although my only gripes are it was a tad easy and a tad short. They should make hero mode available by default.
by Stocke
Tue Dec 17, 2013 8:00 pm
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Re: GIF Depository Thread v2.0

Needs more psychedelics.

by Deschain
Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:09 pm
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Re: Zelda Hyrule Warriors

Oh boy. Just seeing that makes me want my Wii U even more.

Only one week to Christmas. =P~

I'm such a nerd.

Seeing all of these crazy cool crossover games being made for Nintendo consoles just warms the cockles of my heart.
by Henry Spencer
Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:13 pm
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Re: Gaming Deals

Good thread idea. Been thinking of doing it for awhile.
atm Best Buy has Ni No Kuni for $20.
If you have a PS3 but dont have that game yet then you pretty much dont deserve to own a PS3.
by Axm
Fri Dec 20, 2013 8:36 pm
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

I nostalgia'd hard thinking about when I used to play the night city levels in GT2 so went out and bought GT5 on an impulse buy
by south carmain
Mon Dec 23, 2013 7:00 am
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Well, I cant stop playing skyrim... Playing this game on PC on max settings with the xbox 360 controller is pretty dern awesome I must say. Its really gotten its hooks into me and its better than I had imagined, the world is rather pretty, which I was expecting a bit more bland so thats good, it does lack color but it what it lacks in that aspect, it makes up for in other visual areas, the art direction is actually pretty darn good and aesthetically sound. It seems like a great explanation of western RPG, the definition of it really, im getting sucked in.
by AnimeGamer183
Fri Dec 20, 2013 8:25 pm
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Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

phpBB [video]

Listen to this one guys. It's a beauty.

EDIT: I posted this in Random Thoughts by accident, hehe. 8-[
by Henry Spencer
Wed Dec 25, 2013 8:38 pm
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

I've got one. Good console with a solid library of games. It's too bad nobody knows about it.

BTW, WWHD is a great remake

It really is. The visuals are absolutely beautiful and this is coming from someone who was disappointed how the game looked at first (I'm a purist and it didn't look like they were capturing the look/feel of the original well enough). It's really held up well and is probably still my favourite Zelda. The game is so charming and rewards exploration.

I hope you were eventually able to redeem your code. I love my Wii U. Wind Waker is the best HD remake if you ask me. Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3 are awesome too. Love the slight upscale it does on Wii games as well. Not a true render, but it does in fact upscale them to 720p/1080p depending on your settings. And it is noticeable.

Well, at least there's two of you. Yeah, my redeem code worked and the eShop is finally back up. I'm planning on getting both Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101 in the future.

I am in love with this console. It's so good. From the slick and beautiful UI across the board, the menu's music are relaxing rather than annoying and chirpy like the original Wii's was like. I can play Wind Waker in bed or another room with the tablet controller (which is amazing, btw). The fact that Wii U's online services actually have a presence, whereas Wii's did not really at all. The fact that you can play all of your games with one controller, as opposed to switching through my GC controller, the classic controller and Wiimote is just much better. No more games with forced motion controls, either. THANK GOD.

A big improvement on all fronts from the original Wii and the software library is quality over quantity , which I can appreciate being a Vita owner. Some people may scoff at that, but hey; It's the polar opposite to the original Wii with its shovelware. Just browsing through the games available on the Wii U eShop...there's plenty of games out for the system, it's just whether those games appeal to you , or not.

I also picked up some classy SNES games up like Brawl Brothers (a beat 'em up I've never heard of till now from Jaleco, which is sweet), Earthbound and ZombiU, which was on a sale.

There's plenty more still on the eShop for me to get next time too, especially from Capcom; Mega Man X 1 & 2, Super Castlevania, Final Fight 1, 2 & 3, Super Ghost & Goblins the list goes on and on. Just a fantastic selection of retro games and modern games on offer that really appeal to me.

Why do I always fall for the ones that sell so badly. :-({|=

MG Rising ive always held off on cause I didnt consider it a real Metal Gear game, but whatever ill take it for $20.
And the Mass Effect games ive played through all on 360 cause I started it on that, but frick it $20 for all on PS3, with all the DLC of the first two? Sold.

MG Rising is one of my GOTY. I loved it. Seems like I'm the only one on here who does though, since everyone else who played it hated it. A new one with Grey Fox (as both pre-Cyborg Ninja [in Rhodesia] and post-Cyborg Ninja) would be fantastic. So would a Solidus Snake spin-off or a Liquid Snake spin-off (set in Afghanistan where he was captured). Heck, why not just have the "Rising" series be a MG series starring various popular Metal Gear characters. It would interest me far more than whatever MGS5 is.

Love the Mass Effect series. 3 sucked overall, but the multiplayer was magnifico .

Assassin's Creed. The first one.

Since there are like five or six of them now, I figure I might as well actually play the first one for a change even though I know it's super repetitive.

God man, you have no idea how hard I've tried to like that series and see what everyone else is talking about so much. I love history. I love video games. I should love this series, right? But man, it's so vapid and boring. The first game is such a chore to play through.

And the amount of games the series has accumulated in just one generation span (yes, yes, longest one ever, I know) is just really off putting to me. I wouldn't even know where to start. They all look like the same game to me, despite how different each setting is, just with a new number attached to the end of the title.
by Henry Spencer
Fri Dec 27, 2013 2:30 pm
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Turns out I may be getting a Vita after all. I won't jump the gun until things play out.

It comes highly recommended. You especially would enjoy it joka, get it, you wont regret it.

the psp is one hell of a little hand held too, thst son of a bitch can play multiple libraries of games via emulators (vita custom firmware is scarce and still in beta and not even worth getting cause no psn) and the psps library on its own would make getting one worth it, everything else it can do are just lots of added bonuses. I wonder if PS2/Dreamcast/Game Cube/Original Xbox emulators will one day be playable on the vita? :shock: *crosses fingers*
by AnimeGamer183
Sat Dec 28, 2013 2:31 am
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

It'll be funny when she gets really old and starts looking more like a Goblin instead.
by Axm
Mon Dec 30, 2013 10:38 pm
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The 2013 Shenmue Dojo Awards Ceremony

Hello and welcome to the 2013 Shenmue Dojo Awards! I will be your host for the evening.

Please, have a seat, grab a beverage, pause redtube and get ready for the shocking results!

Now without further ado I present to you:

2013 Best Newcomer:
Runners Up:
Deschain (3)
Rhino Hazuki (3)
YCC (3)
ShenmueTree (3)

3rd Place:
ShenSun (4)

2nd Place:
Adam Koralik (8)

1st Place:
Radar (9)
Raithos (9)

A TIE! Congratulations gentlemen! Make sure to stick around!

2013 Buzz Killington:
Runners Up:
Thief (4)
south carmain (3)
lavrentis (2)
Who Really Cares (2)

3rd Place:
Mittenz (5)
Ryudo (5)

A Tie!

2nd Place:
mue26 (8)

1st Place:
AnimeGamer (15)

By a landslide! Job well done sir!

2013 Most Missed Member:
Runners Up:
Mr Frozen (3)
Joe Pesci (3)
Brothaman (3)
Spokane (3)
Ryudo (3)

3rd Place:
Martin (4)
Tuffty (4)
Dorian (4)
A three way with Dorian! How fitting.

2nd Place:
Clint (5)

1st Place:
Kiba (12)

2013 Biggest Bully:
Runners Up:
Who Really Cares? (2)
Riku Rose (2)
Segata (2)

3rd Place:
beedle (7)
That's gotta hurt!

2nd Place:
Mittenz (10)

1st Place:
What a lead! Looks like he bullied the competition as well!

2013 Funniest Member:
Runners Up:
beedle (4)
Bambi (3)
Sailors? (2)
Crimson Ryan (2)
sonikku (2)

3rd Place:
Rakim (5)
Oh my! I'd like to thank the academy, my 6th grade teacher and Chappelle's Show reruns for making this all possible.

2nd Place:
Mittenz (9)
south carmain (9)
A tie! You're both hilarious!

1st Place:
Let's Get Sweaty (13)
Another tie! Its getting crazy in here tonight! Good luck to the both you.

2013 Biggest Punchbag:
Runners Up:
Jeff (2)

3rd Place:
Mue26 (6)

2nd Place:
Ryudo (8)

1st Place:
AnimeGamer (10)
Another 1st Place prize to Mr.Gamer! You're going somewhere kid!

2013 Coolest Member:
Runners Up:
mue26 (3)
mittenz (3)
Henry (3)
St. Elmo's Fire (3)
Kiyuu (3)
Raithos (3)
Ziming (3)
south carmain (3)

3rd Place:
Peter (4)

2nd Place:
Kenny (7)
OL (7)

1st Place:
Rakim (12)
Oh My Gawd! I don't know what to say! I've got to give it up to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for providing me with the strength to be so cool.

2013 Handheld GOTY:
Runners Up:
Sudoku (2)
Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon (2)
Animal Crossing 3DS (2)
Fire Emblem Awakening (2)

3rd Place:
Ys: Memories of Celceta (3)
Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers (3DS) (3)
MineSweeper (3)

2nd Place:
Persona 4: Golden (Vita) (5)

1st Place:
Zelda a link between worlds (6)

2013 Console/PC GOTY:
Runners Up:
Gone Home (2)
The Wolf Among Us (2)
GTA V (2)
Tekken Revolution (2)
Tales of Xillia (2)

3rd Place:
Assassin's Creed IV (3)
Killer is Dead (3)
Arkham Origins (3)
Metal Gear Rising (3)
dirty pantsu quest 9 (3)

2nd Place:
Ni no Kuni (6)

1st Place:
The Last of Us (9)

And now I'd like to bring you what you've all been waiting for. The awards for Best and Worst members of 2013!

2013 Worst Member:
Runners Up:
Segata (4)
Perfect Chaos (3)
mrslig (3)
beedle (3)

3rd Place:
mue26 (6)

2nd Place:
Ryudo (9)
Wow a blast from the past! Congratulations!

1st Place:
AnimeGamer (10)
Wow three first place trophies! Looks you're gonna be the big winner for tonight! Great job sir!

2013 Member of the Year:
Runners Up:
OL (7)
Rakim (7)
Ziming (6)
wude (5)
Kenny (4)

3rd Place:
Henry (8)

2nd Place:
Let's Get Sweaty (11)

1st Place:
MiTT3NZ (12)
Wow! I'm sure this is going to cause a stir! Congratulations to our 2013 Member of the Year!

Well that's that. It sure has been a wacky night!
Thanks again to all those that voted and congratulations to all of our winners!

Some of you have suggested prizes, well you're not getting anything from me, but you may be getting a PM from one of our more generous members here so keep an eye on your inbox. Good night.

There was a category called Community Contribution but most of youse voted for people instead of the contributions themselves so I took it out of the results. But to give props to those people doing cool stuff out there here is the full list of results.

2013 Community Contribution Award:
Let's Get Sweaty (12)
Ziming (11)
Rakim (5)
sm1th (4)
Kiyuu (3)
xhizors92 (3)
shengoro86 (2)
Giorgio (2)
Mittenz (1)
mike177 (1)
Yama (1)

Also, in case you haven't realized it, the numbers in parentheses are the number of points that member received.
by Rakim
Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:22 am
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Re: It's simple.

That's alotta bullshit to keep up with.

You only need one thing to be happy:

by Kenny
Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:58 pm
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Re: Latest Purchases

O...M...G... Mendocino Kush from northern cali, these buds were fucking HUGE, biggest high grade buds I have ever seen. 22 grams in those 3 buds. The guy said the biggest bud in the batch weighed 15 grams... I also got a zip of Blueberry yum yum. Time to have tokes. :mari: :mari: :mari:
by AnimeGamer183
Sat Dec 28, 2013 1:57 am
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Re: Latest Purchases


T-shirt design of one of my favorite comics.
by Kenny
Sat Jan 04, 2014 4:28 am
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Re: Latest Purchases

Okay, so here's the thing... I got a very generous giftcard for christmas, and it just so happened to come about right after I'd bought the Ultramarines Omnibus, which I posted about in another topic.
So I went ahead and bought the Space Marine collector's edition (the game, also posted in another topic), thinking that would be enough Warhammer for me at the moment. But as I read further into the Ultramarines Omnibus, my interest in the whole Warhammer 40k franchise grew and grew, and even though I hadn't even finished the first book in that omnibus yet, I knew I was going to want more.
So I started researching the property, seeing what else was out there, and I was shocked to the bone by just how much there is. So I look to the side and see that magical high-dollar giftcard laying there... and just kind of went wild.
Not even done yet, either. There are about twenty other books I can think of in the franchise that I want to grab at some point too.
Creating a damn library for myself.
And most of these suckers weigh in at around 750-1000 pages.
I think I have a lot of reading to get done.

Is there anybody on this website who isn't a stoner?

Never been one meself.
by OL
Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:27 am
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Re: The 2013 Shenmue Dojo Awards Ceremony

:roll: Especially since I didn't vote bought merchandise. Thanks everyone, it is so touching... :cry:


Raithos wrote: I win the tie because I have more vowels in my name.

2014 Worst Member:
1st Place: Raithos
by Radar
Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:09 pm
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Re: Giving up smoking

7 weeks strong, mother fuckers.
Tue Jan 07, 2014 1:06 am
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Latest Purchases

Some stuff I've wanted for a while.

Catherine :heart:


Pecking away at the Ghibli limited edition Blu-ray's. Few at a time.

by Yama
Tue Jan 07, 2014 9:41 pm
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Latest Purchases

Where are you picking yours up from? Online or a local store? Prices I see online seem pretty consistent across the board give or take a few bucks. I doubt either of the shops here in Houston carry them. Might ride around later and check. I know I saw Princess Mononoke at a trade event a several weeks back but the guy wanted $140 for it which was ridiculous. It's on Amazon for $70 bucks lol

I picked all three up for around $180 shipped via cdjapan. I didn't bother any friends or family as the prices were literally identical to shelf price at the time. Most items are fairly listed there and shipping is fast. Usually it's just bigger items like LE's or consoles that I bug my contacts over, simply because importers want to make an ungodly amount of profit.
by Yama
Wed Jan 08, 2014 5:35 pm
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Shenmue 2 Documentary (Real Life)

Hey guys,

I just came across this on youtube and thought it was pretty cool. Definitely check it out if you have a spare 20 minutes, and props to the dude who created it. :)

phpBB [video]
by ShenSun
Wed May 15, 2013 5:49 am
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I'd say Kazuma would win. He fights dirty and knows how to use his environment to his advantage. Ryo, on the other hand, can only adhere to strict, specific martial arts moves. It's like Bruce Lee said: the ultimate fighting style is no style at all. If you have a guy who adheres to a strict set of moves versus a guy who is open to any tactic at all, the winner will, most likely, be the one who is less predictable. And that title definitely goes to Kazuma.
by OL
Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:34 pm
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Re: Gaming Deals

Big sale tomorrow on PS store. ... ita-games/

Personally might be picking up Tales of Xillia for $10
Wolf Among Us season pass $13
by Axm
Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:42 am
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Re: Random Thoughts

I love the way this forum works well these days, no white screens and that.
by mue 26
Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:20 pm
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

Been wanting to get into this game for a long time but haven't gotten around to buying it for whatever reason -- plus I needed a new controller because my analog stick was all messed up on my other one. Nice official controller from Japan, complete with 10 foot cord :)

This video pushed me over the edge -- watch it and prepare to hold your breath for 25 minutes:
by Thief
Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:28 am
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Re: What Do You Collect?

I collected a bunch of junk when I was a kid and when the walls filled up I pretty much stopped and became more conservative with my purchases. It's not as neat or as cool looking as Bambi's collection, I take one look at that and say to myself HOLY FUCK. :shock:

Erm, here.

I lived and breathed Square, Working Designs and Nintendo in those days. Especially Star Fox.

That poster looks so retarded now. I put it up when I only had a few years of nintendo power, then was too lazy to take it down even after my magazine holder was literally bursting at the seams.

And yes, I collect certain Lego sets from time to time. I am no, I'm not ashamed. :---)

Probably a little ashamed of these.
by Sonikku
Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:58 pm
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Re: How does shenmue hold up today?

Still play both games once a year.

Then hate SEGA a little bit more.
by Who Really Cares?
Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:25 pm
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Persona 2 innocent sin and tales of eternia.
by south carmain
Thu Jan 16, 2014 11:04 am
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Re: What Do You Collect?

I smile every time I see someone else that owns Arc the Lad collection. At the time it was one of the best deals in gaming.

There's an oldschool figure left of Gilgamesh in picture two that would probably make you smile as well. :-o

As for Arc The Lad, I lived and breathed RPGs and Working Designs was no exception.

I'm especially proud of the Ghaleon hand puppet that was a rare bonus for ultra early preorders for Lunar 2. :oops:
by Sonikku
Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:56 pm
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Re: What Do You Collect?


Games and stuff, have a big spare room and a fairly understanding missus.
by Bambi
Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:25 pm
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RELEASE: Shenmue 2X - Final Boss Mod


**Requires PAL Shenmue 2X

HERE IT IS!!qVMFmYrJ!crIFziZzXEaryBiz4wUGSi9AwW148xlRtUxRurVLPb0


Hey guys,

I modded Shenmue 2 to give us the ability to fight Lan Di in Baihu's scene.

I used Kakuzawa's swapper tool to make this mod, so big thanks to Kakuzawa!

Here are some snapshots:

I will be making a video of it soon.

What's left:

-Explore ShadowData for npc char models
-Finish AFS packaging for replacing Baihu's voice


by shengoro86
Sat Jan 18, 2014 6:56 pm
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Re: Persona/Shin Megami Tensei series

People say the PSP version is best? :blink:
The PSP version adds the ability to play as a girl, but the whole presentation is scaled waaaay back (anime cutscenes re-cut as still pictures, environments during the day re-presented as menus, etc). I'd say the PSP one is for people who have already played P3 and want to experience it in a slightly different way.

Anyway, I would say FES is absolutely the best version, since it adds a bunch of new content to the main game while also adding on an "epilogue" chapter at the end, which is apparently somewhere around 20-30 hours long. The original P3 package with the art book and cd is great, but I wouldn't say the extras make it worth getting in lieu of FES. The cd is just a selection of the main tracks (not the full OST) and the art book is kind of small and short, sort of a "summarized" version. I'd say get FES, and if having a book of its art is that important to you afterward, you should get the actual Persona 3 artbook , which is surprisingly still pretty affordable for a videogame artbook.
by OL
Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:53 pm
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Persona/Shin Megami Tensei series

P3P: Ability to control your entire party in battle like P4. Able to choose a female main character, if it's your first time through you wouldn't want to. Point and click versus actual character control outside of dungeons.

P3 Fes: Can only control main character in battle. 'The Answer' scenario post game which adds 20hrs or so. Definitive version overall, less refined battle system. Full scale presentation. Battle enhancements and content over the original.
by Yama
Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:02 am
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases


Mid range but suits me fine :)
by lavrentis
Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:21 am
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Re: Good Looking Broads

Eri Takamatsu
by AM2
Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:03 am
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PS4 versus the One, two months in...

Unlike a lot of outlets, I didn't want to rush to conclusions, but instead actually use the two consoles regularly and without agenda. Granted there are a lot of comparative articles out there, though most date back to launch month. I'd like to provide a completely honest and seasoned opinion based on a hefty amount of hands on time. With that said, let's begin.

Overall Design The PlayStation 4 has a sleek and edgy design. Upon unboxing the machine, it surprised me just how small it was considering the power it was packing, especially without the need for an external power brick. My only concern is the console does heat up quickly, so long sessions could potentially become hazardous. I haven't experienced this yet, though I don't like the operating temperature thus far. The system is fairly quiet, with the only true noise coming from the Blu-ray drive when accessed. Though it doesn't wobble, it doesn't sit entirely stable if any pressure is applied. Newer models should definitely have revised leg stands. The Xbox One is huge, plain and simple. With that said, it is well built and should draw comparisons to the original X-Box more so than the 360. With the forced inclusion of a Kinect and an external power brick, it takes up quite a bit of space. With that said, my console runs cool and has yet to show any signs of overheating. Considering it's used as a cable box (there is no HDMI pass through, so it must be on), it simply has to. I'm impressed by the cooling system thus far. Like the PS4, system noise is quiet with the only true noise coming from the Blu-ray drive when accessed. Though both are obviously well constructed, I'll have to pick the PS4. It's edgy yet simple design is surprisingly compact considering the horsepower within.

Controller The Dual Shock 4 is a huge step up from the Dual Shock 3. From a usability point, I enjoy it's grippy rear while the face retains a smooth look. The buttons are flat and easy to the press and the d-pad is what you'd expect, solid. The stick placement is widened which is perhaps the biggest improvement, for me at least. This takes away from that congested feeling during FPS movement. The sticks themselves feel a bit mushy which gives me the idea they'll wear somewhat quickly, though they are sticky enough that your thumb won't slide. The handle shape is also much more comfortable to the grip. It's a huge improvement under every necessary category and that's without even giving the nod to the newly introduced speaker and touch screen. These two features speak for themselves and work well for what they are. I also appreciate the ability to set my controllers auto turn off function to a set time, or none. Likewise, the share button is convenient. My only gripe is battery life, which seems like a third of the Dual Shock 3's. The Xbox One controller is a basic evolution of the 360 controller. My first impression is it fit into my hands like a glove. I also like the fact that the triggers have padded resistance inside, so it's not plastic smacking against plastic. It's a premium sort of feel. The rumble functions have been greatly improved and specific buttons can rumble to indicate different things. It's a difference maker in games like Forza where rumble helps to feel situational resistance and other elements. The buttons are convex, so it's a matter of preference. The sticks themselves feel great, with a nice grip around the edge to reduce sliding. They feel of a better build than the PS4's. With that said, there is an element that's a step back from the 360 and that's the sticks actual resistance. Hopefully this won't reflect poorly in gameplay, though only an accuracy based shooter will tell. The d-pad is an improvement over the 360/360S, though is still not great. The bumpers are also awkwardly placed, to the point I can't believe it got past Q&A. Granted you're supposed to use them in a different manner, using the middle of your finger instead of the top, though it doesn't feel natural. On the positive side, it's great not to have a huge battery bulk protruding from the bottom of the controller. Compared to the PS4 I prefer the stick layout as it's better for FPS, yet not detrimental to any other type of genre. The PS4's controller definitely improved upon it's predecessor more, though that's partly due to having more to improve upon. Both controllers feel great and are some of the best we've been offered in gaming. I'm going to vote neutral here because I honestly feel it comes down to preference.

OS The UI is silky smooth, well designed, organized and most of all fast. With many divisions of Sony cooperation merging, it's becoming apparent. The PlayStation division is taking on a more SonyStyle approach, something that has been long overdue. Finally introduced is the party system, which allows players to easily cross invite, cross chat and even cross platform using the PlayStation Vita. The actual chat quality is good (as long as you're using any microphone except the one packaged in the box) and the rooms also allow for text chat, room titles and other such options. The UI has the network built into it, thus users no longer seem like a "floaty" afterthought. Capturing in-game footage is incredibly easy, as is streaming to your favorite client. The entire feature is built into the network and UI, so it's fun and easy to both host and view content. The store is a bit sluggish and needs an update, though it's properly organized. The Blu-ray player is what you'd expect, though without the support of a Blu-ray remote seems a bit convoluted. Overall, the apps load quickly and are easy to navigate. The only "issue" I have with the UI is it seems a bit barren, though this is due to a lack of content. Something as such will obviously change through out the year and has nothing to do with the excellent UI itself. The One's OS is built in the same vein as Windows 8 and Windows smartphones therefore it's a jack of all trades and is very app centric. The One's name sounded funny at first, though started to make sense with some genuine play time. As a user you are able to define your own experience. If you'd like it to be experience centered around gaming, you have the option to pin the necessary content to your Home and disregard the rest (barely anything is pre-installed). If you'd like for it to be an all in one device, it's more than capable. The problem as of right now is many of the gaming options found on the 360 are missing and hinder the social gaming experience. While the party chat is crystal clear, it's interface is clunky at best. Integrating Smart Match has left me with nothing but a headache. If you're attempting to invite one of a few party members to a game, the system automatically chooses the person. The problem is it's not always the right person. The result is crashing the party, inviting the said individual first and then reforming once in game. With that said, to access your friends list also takes a decent amount of time because it's an app. Luckily this is the worst of it. The TV function is handy, though HDMI pass through would be ideal. Voice commands are surprisingly well done and are a nice bonus. You can easily control your volume, channel and other such aspects on the fly. In regards to apps, the ability to control my experience is appreciated, though I don't feel I should have to download every necessary utility including the Blu-ray player. That aside, the player is basic yet functional and the ability to control it via the handy Smartglass is appreciated. Perhaps the best feature of the OS however is the snap function which allows users to push apps into windows. It's a nice bonus to be able to watch Netflix, TV or a Twitch stream while leveling in a game or something else that requires a low attention span. A more usable example would be watching TV and wanting to quickly search the web for something, it's very easy to do and quite intuitive. The console also handles streaming from the PC with a single click, it's handy. The achievement system received an overhaul and is presented through sleek 1080p imagery. It now keeps track of individual achievements through percentages where applicable. Overall the OS is extremely flexible and is a multitasking monster, though it's plagued by slow navigation and a convoluted design in regards to basic necessities. Such elements would be better if integrated into the OS and not inside slow loading apps. It's quite obvious updates are coming, though I'm going by what I've used for months. As it stands, the PS4 ironically feels like a streamlined evolution to the 360, while the One takes off in an entirely different direction. This direction is commendable and even desirable, though the gaming features need much work. I'll have to go with the PS4's UI as it's the type of ease and performance I expect from a next-gen console, despite it's lack of content.

Accessory Support Over time, consoles have evolved as have the peripherals that connect to them. Compared to listening through a stereo television and chatting via a wired mono headset, playing via 7.1 headphones with built in chat dramatically changes the experience. From ease of use to sound quality, it's important. The same can be said about connecting to a home theater system. I was happy to use the PS4's optical out to pick up a 5.1 signal without any hitches and was equally as pleased to see they used a 3.5mm headset jack. With a $4 cable adapter, I was up and running without any hitches using my Turtle Beach XP500's. I was however disappointed to see that the Bluetooth option, while available, is unable to be used with any third party peripherals (and even first party of old). This is blasphemous. Though an update is apparently in the works, it remains to be seen just what will be able to connect. On the current side of peripherals, the PlayStation Camera is a great tool for broadcasting yourself during streams. Connecting the camera also adds the ability to use voice commands. While admittedly not as robust as the One's, it's a nice optional feature and I'm thankful it wasn't forced. The pack in mono microphone however is perhaps the worst microphone I've ever used. Throw it away, now. In regards to storage, you can remove and replace the PS4's HDD. I appreciate having control over this aspect, especially considering it helps future proof the console. Similar to the PS4, I started by connecting a 5.1 device via optical out. It only transmitted stereo. I took to the forums to find out it's something they are looking to add in early 2014, because apparently something that has been a standard since PS2 isn't available on an "all in one" media device . Unacceptable. There is no Bluetooth, so I'll excuse the lack of features thereof. It'd have been nice to use such devices out of the box, though Wi-fi Direct's 250mb/s compared to Bluetooth 2.1 EDR's 3mb/s is a step in the right direction and an understated feature of the console. With that said, there isn't a 3.5mm headphone jack either. To use traditional headsets we'll need an adapter, the same one that is not available until March 2014 despite the console releasing November of 2013. Poor planning would be an understatement. Both an update and adapter are necessary to make the console viable in the sound department, something that should have been sorted for launch day. As far as the pack in headset, it's crystal clear, though yet another wired mono headset. The Kinect itself is a great piece of technology. Despite this, I fail to see it's forced nature having used the console for months now. In no way is it a necessity, nor does it fully change the experience, it marginally helps streamline it. I do like it's features to read codes automatically, log me in based on facial structure and other express options. With that said, I can't claim it's worth the extra $100-$150 despite it's solid nature. Speaking of forced, the One's hard drive is not upgradable, so you're stuck with the performance and space limitations forever. The inability to use key media features on an all in one media device is simply unacceptable, thus I have to go with the less proprietary pushing PS4. I'm confident updates will fix said issues, though for the price and era we're in, we shouldn't have to play the waiting game for mainstream necessities.

Games Games have always been and always will be a preference, though the lack thereof is undebatable. PS4's launch was plagued by delays and a lack of exclusives. With that said, 2014 is looking much brighter. A big strength the PS4 has right now is superiority in regards to multiplatform titles. The extra horsepower under the hood is already starting to show and it'll only define itself more over time. The understated indie developed titles of the PS4 are also a great strength. Sony's incredible first party studios are guaranteed to push satisfying content in the not so far off future, though we'll definitely have to wait another year until we see anything from Naughty Dog and company. The Xbox One launch was actually one of the better launch line ups I've seen, it covered just about every genre with something satisfying. 2014 looks to have some heavy hitting exclusives both early and late into the year, including but not limited to Titanfall, Halo and Quantum Break. It's ability to secure unique endeavors like D4 also excites me. I'm not sure what's beyond that, though I'm going to have to live in the now and enjoy the undoubtedly great year of gaming the One has to offer. If it's a sign of more things to come, I'll be satisfied. Launch line up versus launch line up, the One supplied me with months of solid gaming where as the PS4 did not. Looking into 2014, the One is also bringing more heavy hitters along with new and unique IP's. I'm paying heed to the power differences of both consoles, thus securing my decision to get games like The Evil Within and Destiny on the PS4. I'm also well aware that the PS4 will positively have incredible exclusives by some of the most unique developers in the business by 2015 and that excites me more than anything. However, comparing what is available now and what will be available this year, I'm giving the nod to the Xbox One. The future however is looking blue.

Network PlayStation Network has dramatically improved since the launch of the PS4. The entire experience is streamlined and provides a social gaming atmosphere that is fun to partake in. I'm also impressed that it extends onto the PS Vita, with many options available between PS4 and Vita users. PSN finally feels whole and is the forefront of the PS4, not an after thought as it was on the PS3. I have experienced some terrible online matches however as well as the entire network going down on more than one occasion. It's still got a ways to go, though is finally taking large strides forward. PlayStation Plus however is king. The amount of savings and deals given to players is commendable. Xbox LIVE has been and remains one of the most consistent networks available for gaming. The newly introduced dedicated servers have allowed for some of the most smooth gameplay I've felt online. Despite having a top tier connection, many of my friends do not. The same people that would create a literal slide show in various fighting games suddenly feel like we're playing offline together, it's actually quite amazing. Granted, this is what eleven years of paid service culminates, funds for better servers. Even under the heaviest of loads on launch night or Christmas day, there wasn't a single hitch. Games for Gold however is a sorry PlayStation Plus rip off and I don't use that term lightly. The service literally throws bargain bin 360 titles at the user as if anyone actually wants them. Excellent dedicated servers and stability are key, I'd want nothing more from online gaming. Xbox LIVE is still king, though it'll have to keep up the pace because the competition is finally starting to make moves.

Verdict For once I can say I own two consoles at launch and the experience is different enough that I can warrant owning both. Both consoles are solid and quite impressive in their own right. The Xbox One needs some urgent updates, with those it'll become a dream machine of sorts. The PlayStation 4 did it right out of the box, all it needs is time to allow for all of the great software to release. I especially appreciate the speedy UI, it makes me want to turn on the console even just to browse. Either of these consoles are an investment, so you're looking for future proof hardware and studios that will continue to amaze down the line. The PlayStation 4 fits this bill at a cheaper price, thus it's my choice out of the two.
by Yama
Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:02 pm
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