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Re: Nintendo Switch

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 8:43 am
by Axm
But how will you play Knack 2?

Re: Nintendo Switch

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 8:58 am
by Anonymous81
Fire Emblem Warriors coming to it in 2017, and a proper FE coming in 2018 are both good news.

Re: Nintendo Switch

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:02 pm
by Sonikku
If any of you guys have a visa card and gamers club unlocked at Best Buy now is the time to preorder Switch games. Visa's 25 off $100 deal when coupled with GCU can let you preorder two $60 games for $75+ tax.

Re: Nintendo Switch

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 9:16 pm
by mrandyk
Coromasta wrote: Wait, you pay tax over the initial 300 dollars the switch costs? Sorry I've never really understood the tax system in the states.

Any purchase at any retailer is going to come with sales tax added onto the bill in the US. I believe the amount of tax varies between the states, but in my state 6% is added onto every purchase. That makes a $300 console effectively cost $318 once tax is added.

Re: Nintendo Switch

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 9:51 pm
by Anonymous81
Yep. For me, at Amazon, the total price for Switch, a charging grip, an additional adapter (so I can power the dock and the charging grip at the same time,) and Breath of the Wild, it comes to $443 USD. (Well, 442 and some change, but I round up.)

I'm down. I'm ready. That last Zelda trailer makes me cry EVERY time I watch it lol. The only other thing that has done that to me... is watching reactions to the Shenmue III reveal. :) System has problems/concerns imo, but I'm still down for it. Within the first year I'll definitely be buying (in addition to Zelda,) Fire Emblem Warriors, Mario Odyssey, and if it's not delayed, Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Third party worries me, but that's more than enough for me launch year.

Nintendo Switch

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 10:51 pm
by Axm
I'll probably end up buying it abit before or on when Mario comes out. When I go back home to the states for the holidays. Surely a good bundle and other deals will be going on. Maybe even a price drop on the system itself if its so dire.

It's either that or randomly in the summer as an irresponsible impulse buy like I did with the Wii U and immediately regretted.

Re: Nintendo Switch

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 12:30 am
by mrandyk
Axm wrote: I'll probably end up buying it abit before or on when Mario comes out. When I go back home to the states for the holidays. Surely a good bundle and other deals will be going on. Maybe even a price drop on the system itself if its so dire.

It's either that or randomly in the summer as an irresponsible impulse buy like I did with the Wii U and immediately regretted.

I could totally see myself impulsively buying this thing over the summer with those same results. I was able to wait on the Wii U until a good library of games was available at a discounted price, but I was disconnected from gaming when that system came out.

Re: Nintendo Switch

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:29 am
by Let's Get Sweaty
Anonymous81 wrote: Yep. For me, at Amazon, the total price for Switch, a charging grip, an additional adapter (so I can power the dock and the charging grip at the same time,) and Breath of the Wild, it comes to $443 USD. (Well, 442 and some change, but I round up.)

Living in the UK, I've always found the American concept of arriving at the counter with an armful of products and being charged more than the prices they were labelled with on the shelves to be utterly insane. Why should the customer have to calculate the real cost before knowing whether they've brought enough cash?

Re: Nintendo Switch

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 6:20 am
by drunkensailor
Let's Get Sweaty wrote:
Anonymous81 wrote: Yep. For me, at Amazon, the total price for Switch, a charging grip, an additional adapter (so I can power the dock and the charging grip at the same time,) and Breath of the Wild, it comes to $443 USD. (Well, 442 and some change, but I round up.)

Living in the UK, I've always found the American concept of arriving at the counter with an armful of products and being charged more than the prices they were labelled with on the shelves to be utterly insane. Why should the customer have to calculate the real cost before knowing whether they've brought enough cash?

It's crazy something that could absolutely never happen in Europe. I agree

Re: Nintendo Switch

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 1:20 pm
by Anonymous81
Yeah we yanks are a weird lot lol. (Today more than ever. :p)

It's partly because every state has its own sales tax. Different states charge different things. In my state for instance:

California adds a mandatory local rate of 1.25% that increases the total state sales and use tax base to 7.25%. Depending on local municipalities, the total tax rate can be as high at 9.75%. Food and prescription drugs are exempt from sales tax.

In more Switch news...

... Amazon now shows Breath of the Wild - the Switch version, not the Wii U version which seems to be selling more poorly - as being the third best seller in video games for all platforms right now, behind Madden 17 on both PS4 and Xbox One. Those Madden games are perennial sellers, so this is hopefully a good sign. Also a possible good sign that it's selling better on Switch apparently than Wii U.

Re: Nintendo Switch

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 1:41 pm
by Let's Get Sweaty
Anonymous81 wrote:It's partly because every state has its own sales tax. Different states charge different things.

Unless your store physically straddles a border between two states, that's no reason to not label goods with a tax-inclusive price.

Online, sure, I can see how it's easier to just say "plus tax" after the figure. But - correct me if I'm wrong - you've been doing it this way since long before Internet shopping became a thing, right?

A weird lot indeed.

Re: Nintendo Switch

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 1:49 pm
by Anonymous81
I'm definitely not disagreeing lol.

Re: Nintendo Switch

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:08 pm
by drunkensailor
Anonymous81 wrote: Yeah we yanks are a weird lot lol. (Today more than ever. :p)

It's partly because every state has its own sales tax. Different states charge different things. In my state for instance:

California adds a mandatory local rate of 1.25% that increases the total state sales and use tax base to 7.25%. Depending on local municipalities, the total tax rate can be as high at 9.75%. Food and prescription drugs are exempt from sales tax.

In more Switch news...

... Amazon now shows Breath of the Wild - the Switch version, not the Wii U version which seems to be selling more poorly - as being the third best seller in video games for all platforms right now, behind Madden 17 on both PS4 and Xbox One. Those Madden games are perennial sellers, so this is hopefully a good sign. Also a possible good sign that it's selling better on Switch apparently than Wii U.

we in the eu also live in a pretty much federal state without real borders and different taxes and each state simply has to get taxes included in the prices on the labels.

Re: Nintendo Switch

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:57 pm
by Sonikku
Apparently you can play Zelda with the far superior Japanese voice acting but toggling converts everything from the text to the menus to Japanese as well. Your options are to either learn Japanese or to learn to love the Dynasty Warriors eque English voice acting in emotional moments.

Nintendo Switch

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 2:17 am
by Axm
Good to know. Which probably means if I pick up the Japanese Zelda physical here ill be able to switch to English.
Always a hassle trying to find out which Japanese physical releases have English support.

I just came back from the game store actually. Saw they had the Switch promotional displays up for pre-orders.
I had a Switch pre-order request slip in hand and and a copy of The Last Guardian in the other.

What did I do?
Put both down.
I already have too many other games to play.
Its nothing funds wise. Purely a matter of self control and patience. These days the industry rewards the patient more than ever.