Assassins Creed Series

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Re: Assassins Creed Series

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:40 pm

Who Really Cares? wrote:
It's being reported across the web that Assassin's Creed III: Liberation, on PS Vita has a few nasty bugs which could lose players their save file.

One bug sees heroine Avelie de Grandpre being trapped in the Animus loading screen. Apparently this bug appears when players attempt to reload after Avelie dies, or when they try to load progress from the main menu. Apparently the bug has appeared for quite a few people after several hours of play, meaning that you could lose a lot of progress.

Ubisoft have been made aware of the problem, in the meantime though it's best to save your game regularly and back-up until the publisher gets around to releasing a patch. It's a pity this bug has appeared, since Liberation is a great game, but we are sure it'll be fixed soon. ... m=facebook

Glad I didnt keep it then. Save Deletion is probably the worst bug a game could ever have.
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Re: Assassins Creed Series

Postby Perfect_Chaos » Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:41 pm

Ryudo wrote:
Perfect_Chaos wrote:
Ryudo wrote: Almost got AC but got LA NOIRE instead.

fatal error

Why? I been loving the hell out of it. I'm a big NOIRE fan and been wanting this since 2006. So far I am more than happy.

dont get me wrong L.A. Noire was great! but assassins creed is better IMO. i personally love the first Assassins Creed game. sure its repetitive but i enjoyed it so much i didnt mind doing the same thing over and over. if anything after i finished a task i wanted to do it again.

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Re: Assassins Creed Series

Postby OL » Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:49 am

Price is awfully steep though. I could understand about $100, but twice that doesn't seem quite right, even considering the inclusion of DLC.
Still, if it's all on-disc rather than a bunch of vouchers, I may have to cave eventually (I'll be looking for deals on it).
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Re: Assassins Creed Series

Postby MiTT3NZ » Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:54 am

Don't get me wrong, L.A. Noire's still a good game, it just failed to live up to the developers' promises. Much like the Fable series. It has a huge, but soulless environment, the "detective" aspect just felt cheap, and it annoyed me that so much of the game had to be cut because they were so intent on re-creating L.A.

I mean, if you're going to create such a huge map, at least give the player something to do with it. Driving just felt like a chore. With a game like GTA, it suits the sandbox style because of how much there is to do and the fact that you can just go on some random rampage whenever you feel like it. With L.A. Noire, it's just scenery. Highly detailed, yes, but it serves little to no purpose gameplay-wise, and it doesn't give you that sense of immersion that it, by all rights, it should.

Such a shame too, I'd been looking forward to the game for so long, it promised to be the detective game I've been pining for all these years, and whilst I still enjoyed it "as is", I couldn't help but mourn what it could and should have been.

EDIT: Just realised I used the same opening to my post as Perfect Chaos. Now I feel stupid.
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Re: Assassins Creed Series

Postby Perfect_Chaos » Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:59 am

Just finished AC3 and im quite disapointed they never explained how/why haythem (conners dad) had eagle vision, hidden blades etc... how was he a templar with assassins abilities?? i have yet to play the epilogue after the credits tho. the credits are rolling on my TV now
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Re: Assassins Creed Series

Postby Bluecast » Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:01 am

Getting too off topic her but will just say this. the only expectations I went in with is a bunch of crime solving in 1940's LA in a NOIRE style. I am getting just that and LOVE IT. Also maybe this has someting to do with it or not. 1940's for the US is a very romanticized era for us. The War,how strong the country was. Hollywood and many private detective films and books and NOIRE films and books. Considered a golden age. To me the game took a balance of that NOIRE and beloved era of fiction and fantasy and blended some reality in in a perfect balance. At least when doing the detective work on each case. I like the shooting more than let's say uncharted personally. Also love how it does not focus on it. I love how it focuses on solving the crime. The game is everything I would have wanted out of it and so since I waited since 2006. I'm very satisfied.

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Re: Assassins Creed Series

Postby Who Really Cares? » Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:46 am

You'll soon be able to own every Assassin's Creed console game and DLC add-on for £119.99, publisher Ubisoft has announced.

The Assassin's Creed Anthology Edition will launch in the UK on 30th November and will be available exclusively from Amazon. PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions are currently listed - there's no sign of a PC equivalent.

Ubisoft confirmed the Anthology's existence to Eurogamer yesterday. Today it has listed every item included in the pack - which includes an Assassin's Creed 3 Season Pass.

The first slice arrives in "mid-December", Ubisoft has now confirmed. It's the opening chapter in an extra campaign that pits you against an evil George Washington.

The full list of content included in the Assassin's Creed Anthology Edition lies below.

Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed 2, plus Sequence 12: Battle of Forlì DLC and Sequence 13: Bonfire of the Vanities DLC
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - The Da Vinci Edition, includes The Da Vinci Disappearance single-player add-on, 2 additional missions: Trajan Market and the Aqueducts, new multiplayer features: 1 Map + 6 Characters + 2 new modes
Assassin's Creed Revelations - The Ottoman Edition, includes The Lost Archive single-player add-on, 3 Skins, Capacity upgrades and additional mission: Vlad the Impaler's Prison, plus new multiplayer features: 6 Maps + 7 Characters + Customisation Items
Assassin's Creed 3, plus a Season Pass for all forthcoming DLC, the first of which is available from mid-December 2012. ... this-month
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Re: Assassins Creed Series

Postby MiTT3NZ » Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:12 am

Does everyone who posts this get a free copy or summat?
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Re: Assassins Creed Series

Postby Who Really Cares? » Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:52 am

Well its official now and has a price [in the UK at least]
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Re: Assassins Creed Series

Postby Axm » Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:07 pm

For those in U.S on black friday at best buy AC3 is gonna be $34.99. Just got a flyer about it. That and alot of other $60 games are gonna be $34.99. And alot of $30-20 games will be $8.
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Re: Assassins Creed Series

Postby Bluecast » Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:09 pm

Axm wrote: For those in U.S on black friday at best buy AC3 is gonna be $34.99. Just got a flyer about it. That and alot of other $60 games are gonna be $34.99. And alot of $30-20 games will be $8.

I might do that as long as the deal is online. :)
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Re: Assassins Creed Series

Postby OL » Thu Nov 08, 2012 12:44 am

So I beat AC3 a couple hours ago.
Glitches aside (since that kind of stuff can -- and likely will -- be patched away), the game is great, just as the previous games are. I've heard plenty of people complain that the games are never different enough from eachother as the series goes on, but I actually like that about it. It's a series where after I finish one, I really just want more of the same, but with new story content. Not to say that AC3 doesn't differentiate itself by any means, but the core freerunning-->melee combat-->sidequests stuff is all pretty much AC-standard.
I do have a number of completely subjective story- and character-based complaints though.
People have complained that the ending sucks, but I don't necessarily think that's true. It's just that it isn't quite handled in the most effective way possible. Desmond's "death" (if that's what it really is) lacks anything in the way of dramatic build-up or execution. The basic ideas and story beats are great, it's just that the pacing in the cutscenes feels completely rushed. Part of it is due to the cutscene editing, part of it is due to bad voice direction. But it's really unfortunate that so many interesting and potentially affecting ideas are hurried along the way they are, as if the cutscene editor and voice directors were just trying to rush their way through a days work, rather than spending time to get the pacing right in a cutscene.
As it is, they wrap the story up so quickly that Desmond ends up feeling like a completely throwaway character. I mean, he was never exactly the most appealing or fascinating character in the world, but after spending 5 games with this guy, I would have expected them to handle something like his death scene with a much more careful hand.
Likewise, as I've mentioned before, Connor just isn't that great a character, which is doubley disappointing since his background as a half-British/half-Indian Assassin had such potential. I've always dreamed of playing a game where the main character is a lithe, tomahawk-weilding native warrior. And gameplay-wise, this doesn't disappoint at all (the counter-kills are excellent). But as a character, he's totally bland and lacking.
The game actually starts with you playing as his father, Haytham, who, in the words of the AC3 staff, was meant to be a sort of "dark James Bond". Thing is, they pull that idea off really well, which makes Haytham an incredibly fun and interesting character. But then you stop playing as him a fourth of the way through. And then you're stuck playing this no-personality hothead who gets angry like a teenager every five seconds. And then that angry teenager kills Haytham in one of the least climactic fights of the game.
And then you're just left thinking "fuck... I wish I would have been playing as that guy the whole time instead."

On that note (the anti-climactic fight one), it just needs to be said that the AC development team really needs to learn how to better integrate gameplay into increasing the drama and impact of a story.
In a game where you play as an assassin, it's totally ridiculous that the last three "marks" are all killed in cutscenes. And for two of those three, the missions involved don't feel at all like anything big and intense and "end of game-worthy"... they actually feel like some of the least-exciting ones in the entire game.
One of them involves a big, elaborate, epic-sounding plan, detailed in the preceding cutscenes... a plan which gets cut short by a cannonball and ends with you fighting a single guy while your abilities are inhibited. :???:
And the other one involves a very short chase sequence which leads to a cutscene where the "mark" (the main villain of the game, actually) gets stabbed once and dies with little flair. Granted, it is one of the few cutscenes where the dramatic potential of the situation is properly communicated the way it should be, but it ends up feeling hollow nonetheless because there was little in the way of interactivity involved. The player doesn't beat the big, main bad guy... the game does it for you.
It just feels like the creative team and the gameplay team weren't working together much during development. The two elements feel completely separate from eachother, which clearly isn't the right way to do things.

All of this probably sounds really negative, but I actually do love the game. It's just easy to see that there's so much more potential here (especially considering the time period and setting), but little of it is properly fulfilled.

I also have to say that as much hooplah as they made over being able to render a thousand characters on-screen at once, they put it to use surprisingly little. Only one battle scene I can think of where it's used at all. And for that matter, for a game taking place during a war, it's surprising that there are only about three or four legitimate battles represented. Would have liked to see more than that, even if only as background action happening around you.

Complaints aside, it's still my favorite "yearly" game series. As quickly as they put these together, it's absolutely amazing that they turn out as good as they do. And the mythology they've created for the series is incredibly interesting, fun, and brimming with possibility. I think Revelations is still my favorite one, but they all have their own individual virtues that warrant playing them, and AC3 is no different.
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Re: Assassins Creed Series

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:09 am

i started it just to see what it was like story wise, and I agree and disagree about Connor.

He's not really as interesting as Altair and Ezio, but they were equally as hot headed. I actually think he should have been angrier, much, much, much angrier. I think an absolutely racist little tomahawk wielding psycho cunt that hates all white men would have been the perfect candidate to slaughter both factions without bias for the sake of getting revenge would have fit. Theres lots of things about being a native american (which is actually a really insulting title when you think about it) that could have been explored and clarified, but instead we just got the tip of the pissed off iceberg atleast as far as i've seen.

That'd never happen, but a mohawk during the revolutionary war wouldn't be jumping at the chance to help the colonies, and since he has a special grudge against the British, he'd likely want to eradicate them too (kinda like how Ezio wanted to do some very very bad things to Cesare and the rest of the Borgias and Pazzi and Altair's hardcore battle with Abbas)
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Re: Assassins Creed Series

Postby Bluecast » Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:37 am

Segata Sanshiro Jr. wrote: i started it just to see what it was like story wise, and I agree and disagree about Connor.

He's not really as interesting as Altair and Ezio, but they were equally as hot headed. I actually think he should have been angrier, much, much, much angrier. I think an absolutely racist little tomahawk wielding psycho cunt that hates all white men would have been the perfect candidate to slaughter both factions without bias for the sake of getting revenge would have fit.

No undertones there huh ;-)
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Re: Assassins Creed Series

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:38 am

maybe a few like 1 or 20

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