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Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:32 am
by SaM_4000
I decided to play Splatterhouse 2 last night and I was determined to finish it. This is a game I used to be able to play without getting hit once.

Well, last night I really, really struggled to beat the game. After using so many damn continues eventually beat the game and I now have the patterns of the bosses and enemies now etched into my brain once again. In all honesty, it had been a long time since I played through the game and I did have quite a few beers under my belt.... But man, it frustrated the hell out of me and I was ecstatic when I completed it.
Anyway, looking at my phone this morning I noticed I took a picture of the ending screen:

I can remember thinking last night that I would never be able to beat the game again. Anyway, this morning (with sober me) I was curious to see how far I could get into the game; I ended up completed it without using a continue. It really is one of those games that once you know the patterns, it's quite easy. Anyway, the ending theme is quite nice:

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Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:30 pm
by OL
^^Such a classic series, yet it never seems to get any love anymore. I liked the 2010 game a lot and kind of wish it would have gotten a sequel, just to let them refine the gameplay a bit more. A few tweaks (a lock-on button being chief among them) and it would have been excellent.
Kudos on the skillz though. I love the series, but I've never been particularly great at them.
The whole series seems to have some great music. My favorites from the original game and the 2010 game, respectively:

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Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 8:02 am
by SaM_4000
OL wrote: Kudos on the skillz though. I love the series, but I've never been particularly great at them.

Trust me, the second game is probably the easiest in the series. Once you learn the patterns you can just stroll through with ease.

Actually, I can't really say that it's the easiest, since the only other game in the Splatterhouse series that I've played is the original which destroys me every time. I have always wanted to play part 3, but it's just too damn expensive nowadays. If all goes to plan, I will most likely be playing the 2010 game this weekend...
And, I agree that the whole series does have amazing music. I am not sure what my favourite tracks are but that track from the original that you shared is a definite classic! Also, the new tracks seem to fit so damn well with the Splatterhouse universe I cannot wait to finally buy and play the game.

Anyway, keeping back on topic and with the Namco theme that's been created. Rolling Thunder 3 is a game that frustrates the hell out of me. Not because I find it too difficult, but because the copy I own won't work properly. The graphics are all garbled up for some reason, which renders it almost unplayable. I am not sure if it is my Megadrive's problem or the cart itself, either way it sucks that it doesn't work properly.
Oh well, I guess I can always listen to the music and think of what might of been...

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Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 11:09 am
by OL
Jesus man, it's like you're just me posting under a different account. :lol:
Rolling Thunder is one of my favorite old-school series, and yeah, the music is excellent. RT3 in particular has a really underappreciated OST (not the most popular game in the series, that's for sure, and I don't think many people have bothered playing it anyway). Odd game in the series anyway, because it was only released in the west, and not in Japan. Only Rolling Thunder game like that.

Anyway, and if you happen to find the 2010 version of Splatterhouse, it actually has all three of the original games on-disc as extras (or at least the PS3 version does... can't speak for 360, though I'd expect it to be the same). Can't remember if you have to find them as secrets or what, but the third game is definitely playable on there. Only place I've ever gotten to play it.

Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 5:12 pm
by Raithos
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Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 4:34 pm
by OL
^^Jeez, it doesn't matter the re-recording, which version I listen to or whatever; those Chrono tunes always get me. Classic as classic can be.

Anyway, just jogging around in ACIV recently got me to thinking about its ending again. Certainly the most resonant ending in the series, and this song helps a lot with that. Not even sure if this is actually on any of the soundtrack releases, which is a shame.

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Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 8:37 am
by OL
Started playing Assassin's Creed Syndicate, and it's pretty great. Fixed a helluva lot that was wrong with Unity, and it just feels good to be playing such a solid AC again.
One thing that absolutely stands out, though, is the soundtrack. I'm a sucker for a good bit of violin music, and it seems the grand majority of Syndicate's music is a lot of jaunty English fiddle work. It's fun, it's beautiful, it fits the game to a T, and really just hits my own personal tastes as if it was made just for me.
Even if you're not an AC fan, give this a listen. It's genuinely good work (and composed by Austin Wintory, the guy who did the Grammy-winning OST for Journey, so it's got some nice clout behind it).

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Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 1:32 am
by Thief
I've probably posted this a couple of times, but whatever, I really like this song and this game.

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I'm really really really really REALLY hoping this comes out as an HD remake with the zodiac job system. I've been wanting to replay the game but have been holding out for that edition. Probably closely tied with V as my favorite game in the series -- it's just really quite good.

Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 6:57 am
by Henry Spencer
XII is easily my favourite too, but I'm not a huge Final Fantasy kind of guy. FFXII is one of my favourite games of all time though, so is the original Tactics. I do think they will do a HD edition since they keep hinting at it.

So I've been in a really horror game mood lately mainly in large part thanks to the new Project Zero/Fatal Frame game and decided to check out some obscure horror games, including ones for the Wii, this one stood out the most to me and decided to listen to the music and it's got a very John Carpenter inspired sound like the track below and other tracks are Silent Hill inspired (as in, two awesome horror synth styles).
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Honestly bought Calling for the Wii just on the music alone; looking into it seems to be a point and click horror game from Hudson Soft with a J horror aesthetic.

Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 9:46 pm
by Mr357
A near perfect mix of cyber punk and metal, and I don't even like the latter.

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Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 8:46 pm
by KiBa
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Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:03 am
by kuwakodono
Just finished Child of Light recently, and really enjoyed the fairy tale-esque soundtrack. Something you might imagine a classic 16-bit RPG having if orchestrated music was available back in the day. The composer, Cœur de pirate, is a French Canadian singer-songwriter, great call by Ubisoft Montreal to bring her onboard.

The ethereal main theme:

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Boss theme - on par with Final Fantasy VII's One-Winged Angel IMO:

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Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:17 am
by Rakim
Dem Russian waltzes though.

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Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:40 am
by Henry Spencer
After I found out that the upcoming Digimon game (Cyber Sleuth) music was done solely by Masafumi Takada (AKA My favourite game composer) then I just had to give it a listen and by jove is it great. Takada is just the best for me. He also composed for killer7, Danganronpa series, Flower, Sun & Rain, No More Heroes 1, Fatal Frame IV and all of those old Human Entertainment games.

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I'd honestly buy an EP by this guy, outside of games, he is just that damn good.

Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:54 pm
by OL
^^Love that last one. Somehow it reminds me a bit of some of the wackier-sounding "feel good" stuff from the soundtrack for indie game Lisa (though obviously not quite so out-there). Maybe it's just the basic style of the synth, or just the beat or something, but that was the first vibe I got.
Yeah, it's weird, I generally tend to hate just about all things Pokemon-esque, but this new Digimon game actually seems to have some stuff going for it. Mostly just aesthetics (that music is great, and I love the art design by Suzuhito Yasuda), but that's easily more than these kinds of games usually have going for them.