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Re: Wii U

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:19 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Who Really Cares? wrote: :lol: They did yesterday. But yes this has been the worst console announcement ever IMO.

Last years E3 reeked of desperation due to them having no games to announce [20 minutes of Zelda music, a crap load of stats that put Sony to shame and a piss poor announcement, Many thought they were simply releasing the tablet rather than a console] and this years was just as bad with them unable to give any actual details on the console and ending it with a dumb fire work show.

Remember when Microsoft was forced to announce the 360 because it leaked? or when the PS3 slim came out a month after it got announced, or when Sega f'ked up royal and announced the saturn when it came out.

I think people have bad memories. Now I'm not going to act like the nintendo conference was sliced bread but I don't think reeks of desperation is quite right (wonderbooks reeks of desperation)

Plus how can you be desperate with the 3ds? Have you noticed its the fastest selling console of all time? Its got a bunch of million sellers under its belt, quite a few of them first party. ]

Monolith was bought by Nintendo after the GC era, Baten Kaitos: Origins was one of the last games to be released and shortly after Nintendo bought them. So really Namco-Bandai was supporting them.
Maybe Bayonetta WILL be a system seller, Wonderful 101 doesn't play like an XBLA title it actually has a lot of meat to it. Just because of the art stye its not worth buying?
If Zombiu gets ported it won't be the same game, flat out.

and when it comes to reception well people are stupid. i'm really losing faith in consumers. in the past day I've actually heard a few more people talk about buying an Iphone 5 over a wiiu because the wiiu isn't a big enough upgrade.

At this point i don't care who it sells to or what it sells, it has a bunch of games I want, quite a few of them exclusive.

(PS the system will succeed because it is launching with a mario game, because mario games are guaranteed to sell over 1 mill it will likely outpace the vita within 6 months)

Who Really Cares? wrote:And its not being ignorant just because most of the Wiis software was shit. Yeah it has some gems but its mostly shit.

This is being ignorant seriously dude, really? Thee wii had stuff like platformers and sims, strategy games that weren't exclusively based on modern military and one of the better fighting games out there (Make fun of TvC but if you really had the choice you'd take it over MvC3 and SFxT) If you wanna talk about shovelware its not like Jimmy Johnson's anything with an engine didn't hit xbox 360, or Golden compass the game wasn't out on PS3. At this point does it matter? The system is on its way out, and a new system is coming.

Re: Wii U

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:37 pm
by Henry Spencer
To be fair though, the Wii had a lot of shovelware. Then again, so did the DS and that's one of the best gaming systems I've ever owned.

Re: Wii U

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:40 pm
by Dorian
People who seriously consider buying iPhone 5 over Wii U aren't people for whom the majority of Wii U's launch games are made. Those are just fad seekers, fucking "trenders" who treat gaming consoles like gadgets to play with on a few slow weekends. Every gamer with enough cash wants Wii U and if he doesn't buy it on launch, then it's only because he wants to wait for a newer, more reliable model.

Nintendo is doing one of the best console launches in YEARS. You can piss on their parade and it still won't make it any less awesome.


Re: Wii U

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:04 pm
by Riku Rose
Just canceled my Wiiu pre order and I'll be getting an iPhone 5. Nothing interests me on it other then Pikmin 3 and that won't be out for a few months. I'll most likely get the Wiiu on the day Pikmin comes out or soon after.

This whole iPhone v Wiiu debate is ridiculous anyway. They are two separate things one's a games console and ones a phone/mp3 player. It's like debating that people who buy a new mattress this year aren't real fans of freezers.

Re: Wii U

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:14 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Riku Rose wrote: Just canceled my Wiiu pre order and I'll be getting an iPhone 5. Nothing interests me on it other then Pikmin 3 and that won't be out for a few months. I'll most likely get the Wiiu on the day Pikmin comes out or soon after.

This whole iPhone v Wiiu debate is ridiculous anyway. They are two separate things one's a games console and ones a phone/mp3 player. It's like debating that people who buy a new mattress this year aren't real fans of freezers.

The fact that you missed the point makes this a bit comical. The stories I keep telling have to do with people not buying a Wiiu because its not a big enough change from current gen consoles and isn't a big upgrade over the wii.

But an iphone 5 is nominally different in terms of hardware and even features. Its mostly aesthetically different.

So its like saying "Man this new thing is just like this old thing, so I'm going to buy this new other thing thats almost exactly like the one I have"

(for future reference I don't think Nintendo or the wiiu is infallible, I'm just really excited for the launch since its shaping up pretty well. I'm worried about what comes after the launch window. i've pretty much abandoned the ps3, 360 and especially wii for pc gaming,so a new console that looks like it'll get a lot of exclusives in interesting to me. )

Re: Wii U

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:25 pm
by Riku Rose
^Dorian was calling out people who buy the Wiiu over the iPhone 5. The fact is people are buying them for different uses you might as well say people are idiots for not eating cheap shitty food for a month to save up for the WiiU.

Re: Wii U

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:32 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Riku Rose wrote: ^Dorian was calling out people who buy the Wiiu over the iPhone 5. The fact is people are buying them for different uses you might as well say people are idiots for not eating cheap shitty food for a month to save up for the WiiU.

Nah, I'm mostly making fun of how general society, especially here in NY, is really backwards with their perception and that they make no sense with buying habits and don't really apply any kind of logic to purchases.

You know why you do/don't want the console, and you've always had the buying habit of getting iOS phones so its not a dig at you (atleast not my end of it)

Its like one of my neighbors complained the other day that I'm buying a Wiiu, and that its dumb to waste my money. Then he went out and bought a 300$ pair of shoes that he doesn't plan to wear.

Re: Wii U

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:36 pm
by Dorian
Riku Rose wrote: ^Dorian was calling out people who buy the Wiiu over the iPhone 5. The fact is people are buying them for different uses you might as well say people are idiots for not eating cheap shitty food for a month to save up for the WiiU.

People who buy iPhone 5 on launch despite having perfectly working phones and living in an age that allows for a plethora of amazing experiences are fucking trenders who just want to feel revalorized as human beings. Yes, they are idiots and they make the economy as shitty as it is with their over-blown egos and pettiness.

Re: Wii U

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:39 pm
by Riku Rose
^I've only ever bought two Apple products before an iPod and iPhone 4. I need to upgrade so that's why I'm doing it. Also I'd say people who don't have jobs, don't pay tax and 'choose' to do nothing but play video games all day hurt the economy more.

We all have our hobby's and that's why certain people will choose a iPhone over WiiU. Plenty of people care more about phones then games consoles and that's most likely what them kids like. This whole they are idiots for liking that more is just childish.

Re: Wii U

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:47 pm
by Dorian
Riku Rose wrote: ^I've only ever bought two Apple products before an iPod and iPhone 4. I need to upgrade so that's why I'm doing it. Also I'd say people who don't have jobs, don't pay tax and 'choose' to do nothing but play video games all day hurt the economy more.

We all have our hobby's and that's why certain people will choose a iPhone over WiiU. Plenty of people care more about phones then games consoles and that's most likely what them kids like. This whole they are idiots for liking that more is just childish.

I wasn't referring to you when I wrote about trenders. I didn't even see your post until Manny quoted you since you're on my ignore list. If you have a meaningful reason for buying iPhone 5, then there's nothing wrong with that. It's a great piece of electronics, after all. I'm referring to people who treat pricey electronics like toys, people who spend their money irrationally just because they can. There's far too many modern men throwing money into endless pits of their pettiness. I see it every time when I'm in malls. It's scary how much cash gets wasted by them on products they aren't planning to use in the first place. Freedom comes with responsibility, but most people forget the responsibility part and just go wild.

Re: Wii U

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:48 pm
by OL
Dorian wrote:Yes, they are idiots and they make the economy as shitty as it is with their over-blown egos and pettiness.

Erm... buying things actually works in favor of the economy...

Re: Wii U

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:51 pm
by Dorian
OL wrote:
Dorian wrote:Yes, they are idiots and they make the economy as shitty as it is with their over-blown egos and pettiness.

Erm... buying things actually works in favor of the economy...

That's one of the biggest logical fallacies of our age. Buying expensive products of enormous corporations doesn't help the economy. The said corporations use cheap labour despite setting high prices and they accumulate wealth instead of letting in spread evenly throughout the world.

Re: Wii U

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:52 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.

Well both are tech with similar price points and based in entertainment. Yea they don't directly compete, they do have buyers that are overlapping.

Its the general hypocrisy that I'm pointing out, and it exists. People saying "Don't waste money on games" then buying sneakers, or saying the wiiu isn't a meaningful upgrade and buying a new iphone.

Like said before you're not saying you won't get one because its stupid, but you want the game you want for it. (i also though you bought more iOS stuff because i remember one time we were talking about you trying to offload some iphones you got a hold of)

OL wrote:
Dorian wrote:Yes, they are idiots and they make the economy as shitty as it is with their over-blown egos and pettiness.

Erm... buying things actually works in favor of the economy...

Well for us as Americans it doesn't mean much since Foxconn is underpaying foreign workers to make em. A majority of that money is actually getting removed from our economy which is hurting it pretty bad.

Re: Wii U

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:57 pm
by Who Really Cares?
Cant blame people for thinking the Wii U is not a worth while upgrade when Nintendo took well over a year since announcing it to release some of the specs and show off a bunch of games already out on the 360/PS3.
Yeah its a big upgrade on the Wii which lets be honest was was a Gamecube repacked but its not a big upgrade over the 360/PS3 which i dare say those kids on the train own as well as their Iphones. Its biggest plus is it probably already has more games running in 1080p than the 360 and PS3.

Yes Nintendo own controlling share of Monolith so how is it a big deal/Surprise that they are supporting the console?

B2 being exclusive has not set ''set the internet on fire with fuming rage and great excitement.'' like Blue said and i just don't see it being a system seller but people who supported it on 360/PS3 have the right to be annoyed if they are.

And you can get enough games like 101 on digital so again for me that's not the sort of game i would buy full price now days. Ive not said it wont be fun just its not a game i would buy full price.

And i stand by most of the Wii's games being shit/shovelware with the odd gem now and then.

And I'm looking at the Wii U from a UK launch perspective and its a weak line up[like PS3 launch weak].

And as the subjects changed, for the record i don't understand the people who upgrade to a new iphone/ipad every year when so little changes.

Re: Wii U

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:04 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Who Really Cares? wrote: Cant blame people for thinking the Wii U is not a worth while upgrade when Nintendo took well over a year since announcing it to release some of the specs and show off a bunch of games already out on the 360/PS3.
Yeah its a big upgrade on the Wii which lets be honest was was a Gamecube repacked but its not a big upgrade over the 360/PS3 which i dare say those kids on the train own as well as their Iphones. Its biggest plus is it probably already has more games running in 1080p than the 360 and PS3.

Yes Nintendo own controlling share of Monolith so how is it a big deal/Surprise that they are supporting the console?

B2 being exclusive has not set ''set the internet on fire with fuming rage and great excitement.'' like Blue said and i just don't see it being a system seller but people who supported it on 360/PS3 have the right to be annoyed if they are.

And you can get enough games like 101 on digital so again for me that's not the sort of game i would buy full price now days. Ive not said it wont be fun just its not a game i would buy full price.

And i stand by most of the Wii's games being shit/shovelware with the odd gem now and then.

And I'm looking at the Wii U from a UK launch perspective and its a weak line up[like PS3 launch weak].

I guess you've played Wonderful 101 then? You know sony started talking abut the PS3 before the PSP was released, it took Years to talk about specs. again maybe people have forgotten, but a console reveal dosen't mean specs, especially for nintendo which has never put focus on hardware specs.

The wii was 2x as powerful as wii, thats acceptable. Microsoft and sony made these huge 10x leaps but neither one grabbed market share and both had immense physical issues that also drove up the price of development and caused more studios to close and even lowered profit margins for game developers.

Does no one remember the 360 launch in 2005?

you also don't seem to much about the wiis library.

This is like the 3DS launch all over again, its like now that theres more information, people have forgot how things work.