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Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:43 am
by ys
OL wrote: Played the Resident Evil 6 demo... and I'm kind of disappointed.
Keep in mind that this could all just be a sort of shock over how different the whole thing feels from RE4 or 5, but it just doesn't feel anywhere near as fun.
The controls feel really awkward and flighty, the laser sight wobbles all over the place (making long-distance shots almost impossible now), the camera is way too close to the character you're playing as (tons of camera problems because of this, especially in tight places), the cover system still feels really bad (especially when the game forces you into doing it), and the lighting makes it hard to even see anything under most conditions.

I'll give it a try later on to see for myself. That's something I dislike actually, when the camera is too close to the character. It annoyed me during some demo I played a while ago too. I prefer a character slightly smaller in the middle otherwise a shoulder and half a back cover the left side of the screen. By the way, was the vibe action-like or more towards earlier horror? I didn't follow the game since I lost a bit of interest since the fourth and didn't play the fifth due to this shift.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:47 am
by OL
It seems to have different scenarios catering toward different tastes, though all of them involve a lot of shooting.
Leon's scenario takes place in very dark environments with the slower, stiffer zombies lurking around. There are plenty of moments where a dead body on the floor will awaken and attack, and there was one sequence where an alarm starts going off and it attracts the zombies outside to come in through the windows. It doesn't necessarily feel just like the old games, and it still involves a lot of action, but they obviously made great efforts in Leon's scenario to make it cater more toward the "horror" gamers who were kind of unhappy with RE4 and 5. It's very dark, the pace is slower, the ammo is a little more scarce, it involves corridors more than open environments, etc.
Chris's scenario is the exact opposite; it takes place during a military operation of sorts, with a large group of soldiers moving through a city against a force of gun-toting mutant things. This one is more along the lines of RE5. Action, action, and more action.
I started playing the scenario with Wesker's son (forgot his name already) and Sherry Birkin, but ran into some new kind of monster early on which kept pulling incredibly cheap moves with almost no way to dodge them that I could tell, so I got frustrated and turned it off (it was late last night and I needed to go to bed anyway). Seemed like it was a bit of a mix of the previous two scenarios though, with dark environments and a feeling of horror, but with faster enemies (most of whom had guns).

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:14 pm
by Axm
Playing Boarderlands 2. Its really the same exact game just with better locations, guns and more quality missions. I like it. Fun and addicting game.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:17 pm
by Bluecast
OL describes Capcom in general. They can't decide what to do with their franchises anymore. So they either cancel them. throw them so a western dev or just try everything at once.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:20 pm
by OL
Um... not really.
RE6 is a response to all the fans who bitched about RE4 and 5 being too much an action game and not enough of a survival horror game. This is a pretty specific instance of them trying to fit various styles in for a very specific reason.
Can't think of another recent game of theirs that does this.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:22 pm
by Bluecast
MvC3. They tried to appeal to two gaming crowds in one game. Didn't work so well.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:25 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Bitching implies they were complaining for the sake of complaining. I'm sure you wouldn't be happy if tomorrow Tenchu became a FPS that takes place in Iraq.

I also really like RE6 based on what I've played, hope it gives some camera options though.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:49 pm
by OL
Bluecast wrote:MvC3. They tried to appeal to two gaming crowds in one game. Didn't work so well.

Gonna have to be more specific if you want me to know what you're talking about.

Either way, the ideas in RE6 are totally sound. Separate scenarios focusing on different genre styles.
It would work really well if only the controls had remained more like they were in RE5. It's just too flighty and loose now, with the camera flying all over the place in a haphazard manner.
It's not the idea that's the problem, it's the re-configuring of how it plays.
Like I said, I need to replay the demo though. It's probably better than I thought at first, I just likely have to get more used to how it plays.

Segata Sanshiro Jr. wrote:Bitching implies they were complaining for the sake of complaining.

Which they basically were. The subject became less about whether it was a good game or not, and more about whether you could label it one thing or another.
I just prefer to play a well-made game, so yeah, it comes off as bitching to me.

Segata Sanshiro Jr. wrote: I'm sure you wouldn't be happy if tomorrow Tenchu became a FPS that takes place in Iraq.

That comparison doesn't really make sense. You're naming two completely unrelated types of games.
RE4 and 5 are obviously very much like the earlier games in the series. There are guns, there are mutants and monsters, there are escape sequences and bullet-sponge bosses, and even the control scheme is incredibly similar as well. The main difference is in how liberally the action is handled. There's obviously a lot more of it in 4 and 5, while there's also a decrease in exploration. They're obviously different from their predecessors, but they're not the complete and utter 180 that people pretend they are.
I could understand people's complaints if the change were like your example, completely switching to an opposite genre (Resident Evil: The Flight Sim for example), but that's really not the case.

(EDIT: Actually, scratch that. I can understand people's complaints about it, but the problem comes in when they start acting like RE4 and 5 are shit because they aren't just like the older games. That's the part I really take umbrage with.)

Your example would make more sense if you likened it to turning Tenchu into something more along the lines of Ninja Gaiden. And while I'd prefer that Tenchu remain stealthy and slow-paced, I actually think playing a stylish action version of Rikimaru and Ayame would be pretty cool... :-k

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:56 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Thing is, I enjoyed Resident Evil more as a horror game, and removing that and making it an action game was cool but not true to what the series is. Like I've said a million times, once you lose whats important to your series then theres no point in saying its part of that series.

I like RE 4 and 5 a lot, but even playing RE 6, the part I liked most was the elevator scene in Leon's story.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:00 pm
by OL
I don't think I've seen the elevator scene... apparently the public demo is different from the one that was with Dragon's Dogma (I think it even says so when you go to download it).
But that's kind of the point I was making to Ryudo before; multiple scenarios focusing on different styles is a good thing. From what I played, I liked Leon's stages most as well.

I love survival horror, I just won't hold the general lack of it against RE4 and 5 when they're so good otherwise.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:04 pm
by Bluecast
Sorry OL my fault. I skimmed your post about RE6 and you saying how it mixes different style and at first saw it as them not working well. I used that as a metaphore of sorts to describe how Capcom has trouble making up it's mind what t wants to do as a company anymore in general. I should have read more closely and made myself more clear. :oops:

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:10 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
ehhhhhhhhhhh well atlast we all understand now. and yea now i'm gunna download the demo, seriosuly hope its got better options, it was hard finding enemies as Chris.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:11 pm
by Henry Spencer
So has anybody here played Revelations yet? Correct me if I am wrong, but that was supposed to be a more horror centric Resi Evil, right? I'll probably make that my next purchase.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:14 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Henry Spencer wrote: So has anybody here played Revelations yet? Correct me if I am wrong, but that was supposed to be a more horror centric Resi Evil, right? I'll probably make that my next purchase.

yea, it was really good, the enemies all look the same tho.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:21 am
by myshtuff
So whose played Jet Set Radio HD? Worth a buy if you already have the DC version?