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Re: Sega sure seems to really be popping them out now

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:09 am
by Yokosuka Martian
At the end of the day it's all about money, a devoted fan base such as this will buy the games regardless. I don't think they need to have Shenmue 3 in the works in order to get these two games released. They might want to actually see if the first two can sell.

Re: Sega sure seems to really be popping them out now

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:53 am
by MiTT3NZ
Well, it's pretty obvious that Shenmue will eventually get a reboot or a third installment. The when is the only thing that's up in the air.

Re: Sega sure seems to really be popping them out now

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:10 am
by Who Really Cares?
DoubleO_Ren wrote:
Who Really Cares? wrote:
DoubleO_Ren wrote: It's almost like Sega have actually said NO to Shenmue HD ever coming out, the way you guys talk.
If I remember correctly it's leaning more towards reality; than fantasy that it will be released.
Unless someone can show me a recent article I missed saying it's not happening?

As I've said elsewhere Shenmue is different to the others. The story is not finished so Sega will only release the first 2 in HD if they all but green light the 3rd.

I didn't know you worked for Sega dude?

As much as you think that's how they operate, unless you know that for sure, it's purely speculation. Show me where SEGA states this and I'll be forced to agree with you.

I would say its pretty obvious. If they release it and it flops then what? They waste money on the 3rd or try to let it die again pissing off fans again?

They could be in a no win situation as far as III goes. Dare say the best thing to do would be for Sega to sell the IP to someone who will make the damn thing.

Re: Sega sure seems to really be popping them out now

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:23 am
by MiTT3NZ
Another problem is that I believe SEGA does have a certain degree of faith in the series. Looking back at the promo for Shenmue Online at the time, it's obvious that they want it to retain the image of having ground-breaking graphics, which - again - brings us back to money.

For Shenmue to be the IP that SEGA have always wanted it to be, the casual shooter trend needs to die out. The general consensus among gamers - not just the "hardcore" crowd - needs to be that they want immersive, story-driven, single player games. And right now, that simply isn't the case. It's all about shooting and online multiplayer. Not that I'm dissin it, I love online multiplayer, and whilst I prefer non-lethal stealth, I still enjoy having a quick blast shooting the shit out of anything and everything I see.

Gaming will eventually go through that natural change. It's happened with comic books. They went through the light-hearted to the grim n gritty to the character driven to the recent all-action approach. Look at films as well. At one point, invincible one-man-armies like Arnie and Stallone were in, nowadays we prefer more vulnerable humanised characters that can get hurt so try to avoid direct confrontation (e.g. Jason Bourne, Batman, etc.)

With games such as Hitman, The Last of Us, Dishonoured, the Arkham Series, and AC & SC trying to implement their intended stealth-orientated gameplay sections, gaming looks like it's going through another change and stealth may be returning to the forefront. It doesn't take a genius to work out that Japanese games will eventually be on top again, and when that happens, you can bank on SEGA cashing it by going all-out with the Yakuza series and possibly even a Shenmue reboot.

It's all in the timing.

Re: Sega sure seems to really be popping them out now

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:29 am
by Yokosuka Martian
That seems like an awfully long time though. Heres to hoping the remakes come out soon though. Wishful thinkings

Re: Sega sure seems to really be popping them out now

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:34 am
by MiTT3NZ
You never know, trends seem to take off pretty quickly, and it's the job of everyone in the entertainment industry to keep on top of them. I'd rather wait another ten years for a Shenmue reboot than just "making do" with HD ports tbh. I'm a Blue, so waiting a long time for something good to happen's something I'm more than used to.

Re: Sega sure seems to really be popping them out now

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:06 am
by DoubleO_Ren
Who Really Cares? wrote:
DoubleO_Ren wrote:
Who Really Cares? wrote:
DoubleO_Ren wrote: It's almost like Sega have actually said NO to Shenmue HD ever coming out, the way you guys talk.
If I remember correctly it's leaning more towards reality; than fantasy that it will be released.
Unless someone can show me a recent article I missed saying it's not happening?

As I've said elsewhere Shenmue is different to the others. The story is not finished so Sega will only release the first 2 in HD if they all but green light the 3rd.

I didn't know you worked for Sega dude?

As much as you think that's how they operate, unless you know that for sure, it's purely speculation. Show me where SEGA states this and I'll be forced to agree with you.

I would say its pretty obvious. If they release it and it flops then what? They waste money on the 3rd or try to let it die again pissing off fans again?

They could be in a no win situation as far as III goes. Dare say the best thing to do would be for Sega to sell the IP to someone who will make the damn thing.

It's also pretty obvious that Sega want's to bring it out to see how well it does. In order to evaluate putting in production a possible, highly requested Shenmue 3.
Works both ways.
If it sells shit then all Sega have to say to the heartbroken fans is "Shenmue HD didn't sell, not enough demand for Shenmue games" and that's it. I don't think Sega are that afraid of fans that they are avoiding making the HD versions.
If the fans are that scary and the hate mail, comments on websites, twitter, youtube are that frequent then we would have Shenmue 3 already. If Shenmue really is a title only a few 500 to 1000 niche fans keep bothering Sega about, I'm sure Sega wouldn't give a monkeys ass if they start having panic attacks if Shenmue HD doesn't sell well.

Lame ass excuse.

Re: Sega sure seems to really be popping them out now

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:09 am
by Who Really Cares?
It's also pretty obvious that Sega want's to bring it out to see how well it does

Is it? All we have had from them is some random guy saying its 1 of the most requested titles for a HD port.

Re: Sega sure seems to really be popping them out now

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:56 am
by DoubleO_Ren
Who Really Cares? wrote:
It's also pretty obvious that Sega want's to bring it out to see how well it does

Is it? All we have had from them is some random guy saying its 1 of the most requested titles for a HD port.

Exactly, when have we had anyone say "Shenmue HD? Naaaah if we bring that beast out people wont shut up about Shenmue 3!" If anything we have more positive news about Shenmue HD then negative.
No news would be negative and thus I would agree with you and it's a lot more than that, we've also had, "it's in the works" and in all honesty I truly believe it's in the works Shenmue is a big game and I'm sure (hoping to god) they do it right, Japanese dubs, PS3 QTE buttons and all that jazz.

Re: Sega sure seems to really be popping them out now

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:48 pm
by Yokosuka Martian
It wouldn't feel like a Shenmue without Corey Marshall's voice for me

Re: Sega sure seems to really be popping them out now

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:51 pm
by Who Really Cares?
Not to mention the larger % of western gamers wont touch it if its not got English voices.

Re: Sega sure seems to really be popping them out now

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:11 pm
by DoubleO_Ren
Jheez open your mind guys, when I say Japanese dub I don't mean get rid of the English dub, just let there be a choice for both games.
In this day and age with all the anime freaks and weeaboos about I wouldn't be surprised if new people interested in playing Shenmue, play it Japanese and I'm sure most Shenmue fans would advise their newly introduced friends to play it in Japanese but that's preference. I for one will play 1 in English then 2 in Japanese for nostalgic reasons, then play them both in Japanese.

Re: Sega sure seems to really be popping them out now

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:19 pm
by Yokosuka Martian
Lol i always found it funny how the first one was english, and then the 2nd one he decided to start speaking japanese in the european version. I know it was for money reasons, but still funny.