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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:02 am
by Vyse Hazuky
If it's really for the PSN I really can't see which one might be... unless it's a PSN Mini...

But it does really ring a bell, particularly the "he did all the sound effects for stuff like rockets" bit... I'll try and find out!

Edit: not this, is it? Max and the Magic Marker

Edit2: wait, wait, I found it: WHO'S YOUR GURU?!?!

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:08 am
by OL
Top 3 Nintendo DS games whose Japan-only status still bothers the hell out of me:

#3.) Sakura Note

This always looked like it would appeal to me in a huge way, from the graphical style, to the small-town setting, to the obvious presence of sentimentality. It just looked like a fun, attractive, unpretentious little game with a lot of charm going for it.


#2.) Nanashi no Game

Atmospheric horror on the DS. The kind that doesn't just involve a bunch of blood and gore (Dementium always looked kind of... "eh" to me).
And the concept of an old, haunted videogame cartridge... how can you not love that?
Square localizes stuff like Theatrhythm, but passed this one up. Insanity.


#1.) Front Mission 2089: Border of Madness

The fact that this was essentially just more Front Mission 1st (which was the game that convinced me to get a DS in the first place) makes it a guaranteed buy from me. Prequel to the entire series? Awesome.
I've always had a soft spot for the original Front Mission's style of presentation. Think about it: this was a new release, made using all of the old resources from the 1994 game (or at least emulating the original game in an incredibly accurate way). We don't get that kind of thing often enough.


Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:29 am
by Riku Rose
Sorry guys it was Scribble Shooter. Got a couple of things wrong. It's exclusive to PSHome (WTF), it's not a plat former and the kid was actually about 10.


Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:54 pm
by Bluecast
OL wrote: Top 3 Nintendo DS games whose Japan-only status still bothers the hell out of me:

#3.) Sakura Note

This always looked like it would appeal to me in a huge way, from the graphical style, to the small-town setting, to the obvious presence of sentimentality. It just looked like a fun, attractive, unpretentious little game with a lot of charm going for it.


#2.) Nanashi no Game

Atmospheric horror on the DS. The kind that doesn't just involve a bunch of blood and gore (Dementium always looked kind of... "eh" to me).
And the concept of an old, haunted videogame cartridge... how can you not love that?
Square localizes stuff like Theatrhythm, but passed this one up. Insanity.


#1.) Front Mission 2089: Border of Madness

The fact that this was essentially just more Front Mission 1st (which was the game that convinced me to get a DS in the first place) makes it a guaranteed buy from me. Prequel to the entire series? Awesome.
I've always had a soft spot for the original Front Mission's style of presentation. Think about it: this was a new release, made using all of the old resources from the 1994 game (or at least emulating the original game in an incredibly accurate way). We don't get that kind of thing often enough.


I would add ASH & Goeman

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:57 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
I think I've run through Goemon on DS about 16 times.

Also a localized version of Ash Exists, Nintendo canceled it at the last minute.

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:00 pm
by Bluecast
Segata Sanshiro Jr. wrote: I think I've run through Goemon on DS about 16 times.

Also a localized version of Ash Exists, Nintendo canceled it at the last minute.

Yeah I posted that in the Boxart topic after OL posted ASH. Pisses me off. I just never got around to getting Goeman. Actually never played the series but this looked awesome to me since day 1. I been wanting to get the SNES game and N64 games as well.

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:50 pm
by KiBa
I'm not sure if anyone else here subscribes to Johnny Millennium's YouTube channel, but I thought I'd post his latest episode because he got the Shenmue hoodie for his birthday.


Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:20 pm
by Bluecast
KiBa wrote: I'm not sure if anyone else here subscribes to Johnny Millennium's YouTube channel, but I thought I'd post his latest episode because he got the Shenmue hoodie for his birthday.


It's my fave channel.

EDIT HOLY SHIT! Wonderboy Creator signed all his games plus drew him MWVI pic as a bday gift. That's amazing!I know OL fell out of love with his channel but he has to love the MW stuff.

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:17 pm
by Henry Spencer
OL wrote: Top 3 Nintendo DS games whose Japan-only status still bothers the hell out of me:
#2.) Nanashi no Game

Just a heads up, there's actually a fan translation (100% complete) out now for Nanashi no Game. I know you're not into those nowadays, but it's out there if you ever change your mind.

OL wrote:#1.) Front Mission 2089: Border of Madness

Again, thankfully there will be a fan translation for that, hopefully. That is, if the Front Mission Translation Project manage to get through Front Mission: Alternative okay.

On the topic, here's some of my choices I'd like to have gotten localized:

Soma Bringer (DS):

A Monolith Soft game for the DS created by the Xenoblade team. It's an Action RPG with a very fun looking battle system and involving storyline. Great presentation for the DS too. The game looked really neat overall. I do realise there's a fan translation out there (99% complete) but it would be nice to be able to play it fully localized.

Project Hacker (DS)


No videos up on YouTube for it, but the game was basically a point and click adventure game developed by RED Entertainment (Gungrave, Bonk’s Adventure). The game would include solving crimes with puzzles and hacking. I saw footage of it a long time ago was hoping it would get an English release, alas, no such luck.

Night of the Sacrifice (Wii)


Of all the horror games released for the Wii, this was the one I wanted the most. The game has the same gameplay style as Ju-On and the other horror titles (Wiimote used as the flashlight for First Person horror scares) except this time, the human characters have a very cartoon look to them, whereas the monsters and "zombies" look really graphic and realistic. It made for a very interesting artistic pairing. Just watch the trailer and see what you think. Game looked scarier to me than the other (more generic) horror games (and was way more interesting looking on the aesthetics side of things).

Oh, and the first Growlanser for PSP, of course.


Also, I'm still miffed off about the ASH cancellation by Nintendo. I have no idea why Nintendo of Europe just didn't pick up Treehouse's (NOA's) translation and just release it over here instead? At least that way, it would be out there, for everybody to play. They even ESRB'd the damn game! It always interested me more than The Last Story, because you know, I love my Strategy RPG games and all.

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:35 pm
by OL
Ryudo wrote:EDIT HOLY SHIT! Wonderboy Creator signed all his games plus drew him MWVI pic as a bday gift. That's amazing!I know OL fell out of love with his channel but he has to love the MW stuff.

I might have enjoyed watching the video more, if only he could have taken the time to actually learn how to pronounce a Japanese name. You'd think that as much as he obsesses over Japanese-made games, he'd know not to pronounce "Ryuichi" as "Rye-oochie".
For some reason it felt like I was being stabbed in the eardrum every time it happened. :lol:
But yeah, the picture is cool.
The lack of Wonder Boy in Monster World is weird though. I question his taste in games sometimes. He's a little too nostalgia-obsessed, and sometimes ignores quality in favor of "Oh, it was so cool when I played this!"

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:40 pm
by Bluecast
Most people can't even pronounce Ryudo or spell it in my experience. I don't get why it's pretty easy.

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:28 pm
by Rakim
The real test of otaku skills is when the time comes to pronounce karaoke.

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 12:06 am
by lavrentis
Well after playing FIFA 13 for a long time I have concluded it is terrible. Don't get me wrong I love FIFA but career mode as a player is fucking frustrating.

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:21 am
by Vyse Hazuky

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 5:01 am
by OL
I want a Saturn a little less now...