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Re: Tales Series

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 3:41 pm
by OL
^^These LE's nowadays drive me crazy. They drive up the prices like that, and yeah, sure, I might be able to understand it if it were for some better extras. Like how Ni No Kuni had that full spellbook which actually has a use in-game, or how Drakangard 3 had a fully-translated book of short stories. Or even how the newest King of Fighters has a full three-CD, 60-track soundtrack and 144-page art book.
All of these were $99.99 or less. I can totally do that. Great extras, reasonable prices.
The Berseria one has a translated prequel novel, and that's great... but then it's also packed with a bunch of 8-bit keychains, chibi figures, a "starter strategy guide" (not even a full one; who the fuck ever needs help with the beginning of a Tales game?), and a "special selection" music CD (a nice way of saying it's incomplete, probably a meager ten tracks or so).
The novel is cool, but the rest is all pointless junk and/or neutered versions of stuff that should be cool.
For $150.
Bums me out, because I used to be the guy clamoring for more LE's for series that I liked (Tales being one of those)... and now we get them, but they're all packed with overpriced nothingness.
And as much as I love Namco, they're absolutely the worst about it.

Re: Tales Series

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:16 pm
by Raithos
Yeah the prices are over the top now. They used to be a lot cheaper with better items. The two that always stick in my mind are the Ni No Kuni Wizard's Edition like OL mentioned and Tales of Symphonia Chronicles CE. Symphonia was $99 too. It came with two complete games, 5 chibi figures, 4 disc soundtrack, steelbook and the hard cover novella. All in a badass box.

I only paid $120 for Berseria though. Both Best Buy and Amazon have discounts which take it down to the same price. So only $20 more than what the Tales of CE's started out price wise originally. I'm OK with paying that. I wouldn't pay $150 though...

.. unless it was for Armored Core 6 [-o<

Re: Tales Series

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:41 pm
by AnimeGamer183
Wish I could have gotten it, its going to be a major collectors item. I bought Zesteria twice one CE and one regular for PS4 (the Zesteria CE has gone up in value and im sure will continue to keep going up) a play copy so I dont have to open my CE, if thats not dedication there is no such thing. I dont think I can do that this time around though.

Re: Tales Series

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 11:06 am
by Raithos
Do you buy CE's to resell later? I think I remember you mentioning something about keeping stuff sealed before but my memory isn't the best lol. If not why not just buy the one copy and open it? No way I would be buying two copies unless it was on PS3/4 and Vita with cross save. I use the extras that come with CE's. I rip all the soundtracks to listen to listen to them, read/look at the novella and artbooks, etc. If I didn't I probably wouldn't even buy them. Too much money to just leave in the package and hope to sell later. I would rather invest and not have to clutter my house :)

Also, every time someone mentions buying multiple of something to keep one sealed I remember this video lol

phpBB [video]

Re: Tales Series

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:02 pm
by AnimeGamer183
I dont re-sell my CEs and LEs they are for my collection some are open, some arent. Usually it just kind of happens, I buy a new CE and am in the middle of another game anyway so I dont even bother opening it, then by the time I get around to wanting to play them I check the prices of my sealed CEs and often find what I have bought has gone up significantly in value. Lets face it, New games and used/opened games are 2 totally different values, so in effort to keep my collection more valuable (you never know what may happen in the future and if worse comes to worse need to get rid of them many of my purchases have increased in value making it a good investment) I have not opened what I already know is worth more/better off left alone unopened and in Brand New condition. I think I only have 3 unopened CEs anyway so its not like its a huge amount my KH 2.5 HD CE, Tales of Zestiria CE and Xenoblade Chronicles X LE. Also by the time I got around to wanting to paly say Zestiria, buying a used copy to play is like $20. Sadly at this point I cant even afford to do that. Good news is I should be getting back to work and hopefully a more normal life style again this month. I plan on having a big year and doing alot, we'll see if my disabled status holds though and that I can actually be effective at work again, but I think I should be fine.