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Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:20 am
by Bluecast
Dragon Slayer. Now more well known as Legend of Heroes or Trails in the Sky. Started in 1984 making it the very first JRPG ever made and guess what. It was an action RPG.

I don't know the chronological or canon of the series myself. It's a long and a bit confusing one for me. Tho I guess it's safe to start on the PSP. Just know the Trails in the Sky or TITS(yes we know the joke) is a very text heavy game. No seriously. The second TITS game contains so much text it takes two PSP UMD's. Why it's still in Japan ATM. In time we can only hope XSEED or someone can bring the rest of the series over eventually. Or if you speak Japanese you can play a couple of the games on Japanese PSN.

It had humble beginnings.

From this

phpBB [video]

To this

phpBB [video]

Now like all Falcom games the music will be fast paced rock heavy and energetic. Also very anime looking so if that's not your thing then might not be your series. Unlike some JRPG's over the last few years Falcom never apologizes for being very classic Japanese styled games but they do make it work and do change things up as well to keep it interesting.

Next month I plan to get TITS on PSP along with the OST.

Re: Dragon Slayer-LoH-TITS

PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:23 am
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
I've got almost every game in the series in english and japanese, love so much.

Re: Dragon Slayer-LoH-TITS

PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:25 pm
by Bluecast
I know this might be a daunting task but in detail can you explain the series. How it's chronological order works and why it goes by 3 different names? May get the NES game. Maybe briefly sum some spoiler free story up.

Re: Dragon Slayer-LoH-TITS

PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 1:32 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Ryudo wrote: I know this might be a daunting task but in detail can you explain the series. How it's chronological order works and why it goes by 3 different names? May get the NES game. Maybe briefly sum some spoiler free story up.

Tomorrow. Today is D-day for E3 submissions

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:58 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Me and this series man do we ever have history. Both Dragon Slayer and Ys were games I played when I was reaaaal little like 2 years old little.

Dragon Slayer itself has gone through a lot of changes, originally it was an action RPG. Then it spawned Xanadu which is a dungeon crawling action RPG. Its also spawned a turn based series called legend of heroes.

LOH 1 and 2 were pretty standard games, they were going for the same Wizardry and Ultima crowd that final fantasy and dragon quest were after and they had this really standard story of a prince trying to save his realm until 3 came out.

White witch, or something like that. Thats where LOH got most of its personality. The concept of two main characters and the idea of "the journey" started there. Also 3,4 and 5 have a continued storyline. They also introduced the battle system that would make the series a big deal.

Enter The Legend of Heroes 6: Sora no Kiseki, or in the US, Tits. Maaaaan i fucking love everything about this game. from the genre bending score, to the well rounded writing, and especially the battle system and stat system. Everything about this game oozes depth and polish. It has a story so great its still being told.

and the kicker is, the sequel one-ups it in almost every single way.

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:12 pm
by Bluecast
Maybe when done with DQIX I will switch to TITS. Or Fire Emblem. Much more interested in the series now. I can still wait for 2 even if it takes a while.

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:15 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
SC is one of the best games I've ever played. Everything makes sense, it has an amazing scale, and the flow of the game is amazing. Plus the battle system is refined a bit.

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:25 pm
by Bluecast

So this is awesome, mistake or not. I ordered the standard edition because the CE is 40$. I didn't have 40$ at that time. I also ordered the CD for 5$. SO for 25$ I got the CE. Which includes the OST,the game and the poster and pin. Xseed even when you mess up I love you.

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:29 pm
by AnimeGamer183
now put down every single game you are playing and dont stop playing this till you beat it. So me you and segata can have a circle jerk.

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:35 pm
by south carmain
I remember wandering what the hell AG was on about when he kept on mentioning how much he loved TITS in video game threads. this explains a lot

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:46 pm
by AnimeGamer183
the last horse finally crosses the finish line :P

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:22 pm
by Bluecast
In our earlier report, we covered the main characters and the type of attacks they’ll be specializing in for The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Flash. That said, we all know what makes RPG fights more exciting are the flashy special attacks. Falcom’s latest update introduces us to the skill system known as Crafts.

When a character reaches certain levels, they’ll learn special attacks called “Crafts” that are unique to each character. They will come in different varieties such as ranged attacks and abnormal status attacks. Some Crafts will also be used to support your party with heals and buffs.

Crafts can be performed by using CP, which are gained by hitting enemies and taking damage. The Crafts will vary in cost and effects for each character.

Read more at ... OlkdR57.99



Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 11:19 am
by AnimeGamer183
Its hard for me to get excited about the current kiseki games, after only playing the first game. I mean sure it looks awesome graphically and I like the character designs but its what? The 7th or 8th game? I feel like I will have to wait to truly be excited for it.

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:50 pm
by Bluecast
This Fall, Udon will release two new art books based on Falcom’s The Legend of Heroes series of games—The Legend of Heroes: The Illustrations and The Legend of Heroes: The Characters. Below are descriptions the two books from Udon.

The Legend of Heroes: The Illustrations weighs in at more than 272 pages, and is comprised entirely of gorgeous, fully-rendered artwork created for the games, including pin-ups, story artwork, advertising art, and much more. The Legend of Heroes: The Characters is also 272 pages, and is a character-designers dream come true!

It’s full to the brim with character designs, costumes, facial expressions, rough concepts, and tons more! Both books have been completely translated into English, and the artwork contained within covers the games Trails of Blue, Trails of Zero, and the Trails in the Sky trilogy, as well as the “Trails” artworks from the spin-off game “Ys vs. Trails in the Sky: Alternative Saga.”

The Legend of Heroes: The Characters and The Legend of Heroes: The Illustrations will be released simultaneously this November. Both will be 272 pages in length each, and cost $45, but Amazon are offering them at a discounted price, as per usual.

Read more at ... LXBURWM.99


I can't find where to pre-order on amazon. :???:

Re: Dragon Slayer-Legend of Heroes-TITS series

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:06 pm
by AnimeGamer183
*sigh* just looking at that makes me want TITS2 so bad... PWEASE SOMEONE, TAKE MY FUCKING MONEY!

btw ryudo, how far are you through TITS 1?