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Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:17 pm
by ys
Peter wrote: Feminism was a module for my degree, and I still came out none the wiser.

Parts of those fields have been criticized for being quite pseudo-intellectual. Courses could be more about the teacher's bias and politics than facts. One problem with postmodernism is that they write in an obscure style to make things seem more deep than they actually are :
Modern feminism grew partly out of that. Read some texts and you will often see vaguely defined concepts and terms.

The link I posted above was about a physicist who wanted to test this. So he wrote nonsense in a postmodern style while confirming biases in the field. Those in the field weren't able to distinguish it from the real deal.

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:38 pm
by St. Elmo's Fire
Yukupo wrote:Where do I see all this evil sexism? By listening to women.

Listening to the wrong ones by the sound of it...

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:48 pm
by St. Elmo's Fire
Henry Spencer wrote: When did this feminism thing take off anyway? I'm honestly curious, I try to just stay away from these sorts of things people get outraged at nowadays, but was it when Twitter was first created and people think they could "change" things? Is it social media's fault people complain about everything nowadays? (Hint: it is). People sure seem angrier now about everything. Is there something put into people's food to make their testosterone levels higher? Can't we just get along?

TBH people have been dicks to one another since time began, the internet just means we can be lazy about it. I do notice society has got a lot more "outrage prone" in the past decade or so, but I push more of the blame for that at the media, and the twonks who get wound up by it (myself included) than at social media, though yes the news media and social media is a bad combo, so you're probably correct...

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:18 pm
by Riku Rose
^I think that if we had Facebook in the 60's and 70's people would have acted as outraged as they do today online. I think most people who say they're outraged by something on social media just write that they're outraged and don't really think about it again. The problem is that the media sees that 50,000 have complained about something and it doesn't matter if their complaint was half assed or not. I've always said that if I became famous whenever it came time to quit I'd just say something terrible and refuse to apologize just to fuck all these Mue and Facebook mum types.

There was the Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand radio incident and at the time only a handful of people complained but as soon as there was a big campaign online thousands jumped on the bandwagon. Yet as bad as everyone made it out too be I don't remember anyone being outraged when they spoke about it in person. If you was locked in a room with no outside communication and a radio playing you would have thought that incident was causing World War III. The most shocking thing was that Manuel wasn't Spanish.

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:56 pm
by Riku Rose

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:04 am
by shredingskin
It's funny how with a mass medium of communication as the internet, it's easier to live in a idelogical vacuum. We don't like to be challenged, we just want our ideas (no matter how stupid they are) to be recognized. That's pretty much why religions still survive.

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 11:44 pm
I agree with equal civil rights but in terms of third wave feminism that wants to suppress rights or superiority I don't agree with this at all.

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:49 am
by mue 26
shredingskin wrote: It's funny how with a mass medium of communication as the internet, it's easier to live in a idelogical vacuum. We don't like to be challenged, we just want our ideas (no matter how stupid they are) to be recognized. That's pretty much why religions still survive.

Yeah, this is why so much idiotic sexism survives. So many men still don't like to be challenged or criticized, and when they are they react with "STOP TRYING TO OPPRESS AND CENSOR ME SHE-NAZI!". So many of the guys who seemingly are vocally against censorship, also seem to have a desire to censor feminists from airing their opinions.

Whether you like her or not, and I certainly don't agree with every single thing she has said, Anita Sarkeesian has got people talking seriously about the issue of sexism related to gaming, and she deserves credit for that.

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:05 pm
by Calshot
phpBB [video]

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:15 am
by St. Elmo's Fire
mue 26 wrote:
shredingskin wrote: It's funny how with a mass medium of communication as the internet, it's easier to live in a idelogical vacuum. We don't like to be challenged, we just want our ideas (no matter how stupid they are) to be recognized. That's pretty much why religions still survive.

Yeah, this is why so much idiotic sexism survives. So many men still don't like to be challenged or criticized

Challenge and criticism against targets that do not NEED it is why it blows up and we say those things. Most men are pretty normal, so when we hear all this bullshit about how evil we all are, of COURSE we are going to react to it in a negative way. Every action has a reaction. Furthermore, if they're allowed the freedom of speech to aim hatred at us, we're also afforded the same privilege to do the same back!

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:06 am
by manuel tripero
mue 26 wrote:
Whether you like her or not, and I certainly don't agree with every single thing she has said, Anita Sarkeesian has got people talking seriously about the issue of sexism related to gaming, and she deserves credit for that.

I'm not mad at Anita, I think she saw an opportunity to make money and went with it (she even says she didn't like videogames). I think her videos are intellectually dishonest, lots of cherrypicking, missinformation, confirmation bias, pretty much a browsing of tvtropes, etc. That she is the one "holding the flag" just means that videogame "cultural analysis" suck (or that people prefer the radical panflet to sell more).

I think she deserves credit, it's true that now people "care more", some to the point that seem to want games to be the start of a joke (so a jew, a gay, a black man, a transvestite... walk into a bar). But her views are very sex negative, and the way she frames things pretty much means you can't have anything wrong happening to women in videogames, and doesn't care/know about writing/game design. Seems like she wants safe politically correct games, and that's not the way of improvement. Most of the "bad examples" are just the bad writing that games have/had and it's just a wrapper for gameplay and are apendixes to the real content. I agree that games should care more about narrative, but I think Anita's framework is culturally destructive (specially for a young medium like videogames).

With her mindset we couldn't have pretty much anything interesting (take for example catcher in the rye, nietszche works, tolstoi's, etc.), seems like the not to be challenged is making us little whinning kids, so I don't like her approach to making "safe" videogames, I don't think it's the way to evolution of the medium.

Also, she's the one that can't handle criticism, comment sections closed, disabled ratings, every critic you can have is "violence against women", talk about censorship.

Again I'm not mad about her, she's just doing her job (I think is lazy as fuck, and dishonest), I just don't like this approach of treating everybody like idiots that can't handle hearing anything they don't like and masquerading it as "equality" (equality of dumbness seems, always leveling down instead of up).

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 5:22 pm
by mue 26
But the representation of women in videogames is shockingly bad, no matter how you want to slice it. But now, more people are at least actually talking and thinking about the issue seriously. That can only be a good thing, no?

I just don't understand why, even if they don't like her arguments, so many gamers feel genuinely threatened by Anita Sarkeesian. What do they think is going to happen, that Anita will get to into a position of being an uber authority and be able to ban any games she doesn't like? :lol:

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 5:32 pm
by shredingskin
mue 26 wrote: But the representation of women in videogames is shockingly bad

Not really, Depends on the genre and the market. Adventure games, visual novels and those hide n seek have a lot of female protagonist.

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 5:41 pm
by MiTT3NZ
The bigger issue is the representation of Englishmen in anything American. I remember Manchester Black in Superman vs The Elite. You a scouser? Brummie? Manc? Cockney? Sheep shagger? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU!?! And we're always portrayed as the villain.

Fucking colonists...

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 5:58 pm
by amiga1200
hmm?! :???:
wasn't aware of this episode of shenmue, ryo is fucked good style. (bug out m8, get a chunk, put some aphex twin on, fire up the saturn.
street fighting and humping coffins (albiet bossed by a tasty leather clad woman, surprised you got the job done.) for a knackered back and shit wages doesn't seem really worth it.
and lan-di drinks petrol, and can do what he wants. :mrgreen: :rotflmao:
phpBB [video]

never gets old! :P