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Re: Feminism

Postby Himuro » Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:45 pm

Holy shit, this thread is an abortion.

Not shocking that the Europeans who flex their superiority to American ethics espousing some of the backwards, cringeworthy, first year university student opinions.

Fucking :rotflmao: but this is exactly why I don't fuck with gamers and most nerds. Nerds end up thinking they are owed because they are so socially isolated they become entitled and bitter. And male nerds on top of that? :rotflmao:

The dudes in this thread belittling people just because they have different ideology is nice. The dudes belittling transgender identity and ceremoniously shitting on their fellow Dojoers at the same time is double nice.
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Re: Feminism

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:59 pm

I wouldnt pay any mind to any of this non-sense HImuro, this very thread was created as a troll thread by a now banned member that never should have been allowed to make this stupid/dividing thread in the first place. A mod or admin needs to lock this thing already, this forum is not the place for this discussion.
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Re: Feminism

Postby south carmain » Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:07 pm

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Re: Feminism

Postby Himuro » Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:09 pm

Henry Spencer wrote: When did this feminism thing take off anyway? I'm honestly curious, I try to just stay away from these sorts of things people get outraged at nowadays, but was it when Twitter was first created and people think they could "change" things? Is it social media's fault people complain about everything nowadays? (Hint: it is). People sure seem angrier now about everything. Is there something put into people's food to make their testosterone levels higher? Can't we just get along?

Feminism has a long storied history, at least in America. As a Black woman I can go long and deep into it. For example, many feminists, when they talk of feminism, they speak directly of WHITE feminism. The only equality they are after is for them and their own race of women. Back in the 1800's and early 1900's during the suffrage movement, many of these activists didn't consider black women to be women. So this goes years. Over a century, even.

But modern feminisms roots start in the 60's.

The fact you think it's new shows your own bubble.

All of what you're seeing today on social media isn't new. It's been said for decades, centuries. You're just now exposed to it because your world is a little smaller now thanks to the Internet.

In today's world, you must grow accustomed to varying points of opinion. Because as said, our world is a lot smaller now. It's not that people are more angry, though in the black community we definitely are, it's just that you are now exposed to views you never had to think about, consider, or even be around before the Internet. But it's been there for decades.
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Re: Feminism

Postby St. Elmo's Fire » Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:10 pm

^extremist and even just way over the top trolling opinions, from ANY side, are bad though. For the record, since you've just read this whole topic you'll have seen me mouth off more than most, my tirades were aimed at the ridiculous ends of the spectrum.
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Re: Feminism

Postby Riku Rose » Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:20 pm

I think you'll find most of the people who weren't just posting Gamergate crap (which I hope most here wouldn't associate with) were saying how they think women should have the same rights but these extremists are hurting everyone. From what I can see Henry is just talking about how every minor issue gets blown out of proportion nowadays by these extreme over reactors. I just don't understand these people who will go on Twitter and demand a comedian say he's sorry because he made a joke about how women can't drive when it's a joke or get upset because a pop singer threw up outside of a nightclub.

A woman recently wrote into my work as I had to call her and pretty much tell her something she didn't want to hear. She claimed I spoke down to her as she was a woman and treated her like shit which I apparently wouldn't have done if she was a man. My boss asked me about it as she has to and I just told her that I speak to all idiots the same way if they're a man or a woman. At the end of the day she was just trying to claim I was a sexist as she was backed into a corner and was fucked out of quite a bit of money. Luckily the call was recorded and listened to and it was seen that I did my job properly. All that woman did was make feminists look bad by pretending to be one, sadly with the way social media gives everyone a voice I feel like these people outweigh the sensible people out there.

If someone said women shouldn't be able to vote and meant it I think you'll find most here would think he's an idiot.
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Re: Feminism

Postby Himuro » Mon Oct 05, 2015 7:02 pm

After I encountered gamergate apologism and a lot of weird anti-feminist rhetoric I just glossed over most of posts.

Seeing posts make light of rape and have posters you respect like OL like it felt really hurtful. Especially hurtful since I myself have almost been raped.

One poster said that women shouldn't be responsible for what they say when drunk. It came off as highly sexist. He said that means women have no responsibility for our actions.

One time a guy I trusted got me drunk and he left for a while and told me to keep drinking. Then when he came back I was plastered and he used that as a time to try to rape me.

And I go on a random thread on a board of people I respect and they're making light of it.

Utterly disappointing.
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Re: Feminism

Postby shredingskin » Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:18 am

This is what happens when you live in your own bubble.

Like everyone is.
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Re: Feminism

Postby Thief » Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:14 am

I'm sorry people are so easily offended. I'm sorry people are too weak to toughen up and continue on with their life. I'm sorry people feel the need to identify with a gender, race, nationality, sexuality, or religion rather than just identifying with their own self. And most of all, I'm sorry people are too lazy, or apathetic, to attempt to fix a problem after they have identified it as being such.

Do not think that I am belittling anybody for being transgender, black, white, gay, a christian, a satanist, or any other arbitrary reason. No. I only belittle the weak and the lazy, because their actions have allowed them to be belittled.

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Re: Feminism

Postby shredingskin » Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:57 am

Thief wrote:I'm sorry people are so easily offended. I'm sorry people are too weak to toughen up and continue on with their life. I'm sorry people feel the need to identify with a gender, race, nationality, sexuality, or religion rather than just identifying with their own self.

Being offended is just a natural reaction, the only thing you can change is how you react to be offended.

And there's not such thing as "own self", everything we do in this life is trying to differentiate ourselves, make "something" out of us, that's pretty much what we do.

I do agree that there's no reason to be that much attached to anything, but it happens.
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Re: Feminism

Postby Kenny » Tue Oct 06, 2015 4:57 pm

Gamergate is just embarrassing either way you look at it.

Journalism ethics? They aren't covering fucking mass shootings, war, and genocides. They're rating fucking videogames. Give me a break. I gave up on the professional rating system a long time ago and just go by word of mouth via comments section for opinions that matter.

Supposed sexism in games? Counter with your own like here:

phpBB [video]

Make a floppy cock slapping dick simulator that targets only other males. Who cares.

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Re: Feminism

Postby shredingskin » Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:17 pm

Kenny wrote: Gamergate is just embarrassing either way you look at it.

Journalism ethics?

Well, the clickbait in Shenmue III has been pretty strong and misleading.

True that it's not important comparing to "real problems", even while in real journalism ethics are WAAAAAY worse, and with way worse implications.

I guess videogames take a lot of time from people (as opposed to other hobbies) and maybe flesh their personality more than other mediums, so people feel more attached to it (happens specially with minorities, that for some time "gamers" were).

I guess Gautama was buddha because he (apparently) got above attachment, so it's not that easy to do after all.
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Re: Feminism

Postby Himuro » Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:47 pm

Thief wrote: I'm sorry people are so easily offended. I'm sorry people are too weak to toughen up and continue on with their life. I'm sorry people feel the need to identify with a gender, race, nationality, sexuality, or religion rather than just identifying with their own self. And most of all, I'm sorry people are too lazy, or apathetic, to attempt to fix a problem after they have identified it as being such.

Do not think that I am belittling anybody for being transgender, black, white, gay, a christian, a satanist, or any other arbitrary reason. No. I only belittle the weak and the lazy, because their actions have allowed them to be belittled.

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Re: Feminism

Postby shredingskin » Wed Oct 07, 2015 12:33 am

In this I agree with Himuro.

It's easier to be less belittled if you are part of the "big mass" (that big mass is pretty much what whatever tells you, because we are sheeple). That can happen anywhere.

The wow factor is just a fag word to say "I'm offended by that". My take.
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Re: Feminism

Postby Himuro » Wed Oct 07, 2015 12:39 am

The fact that Thief posted such a sociopathic post and got likes is pretty :-k
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