Random Thoughts

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Kenny » Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:37 am

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fo ... sts/562693




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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Axm » Sat Jun 21, 2014 8:25 am

Just had to get this out..

Reasons Japanese TV is better

1. Variety and Quality- On any given day you'll find anything from travel shows, game shows, eating shows(not cooking, eating), educational, dramas etc They have everything the U.S does. The difference though? Quality and quantity. Always interesting, funny and you'll come away from it with a good feeling in the end. This is something I cant prove with words. You just have to see it for yourself. The news in unsensationalized and professional. The overall level of violence and sexuality is kept to a minimum.

2. The Commercials- For real. You know how you always reach for the remote when a commercial comes on? Here you'll never do that. The commercials here are always light hearted, funny, exciting and cute. Also you know that commercial you see every damn time on every channel you're on? Here, never. I've actually never seen a commercial more then 3 times tops. And if I have seen it more then that it'll be a different version of that commercial, slightly changed to keep it fresh. Otherwise its all new all the time. Which actually makes me look forward to the commercials. Its like the Super Bowl 24/7.

3. The price- Oh wait, their is none. I have 8 quality over the air HD channels at any given time showing something of worth. And if I felt so inclined to I could get a bunch of Cable channels (all of the major ones from the U.S) for half the price I used to pay. I'll probably get cable later on but at the momment its overkill when I have such great free channels.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Sonikku » Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:13 am

You know things have gotten crazy when Animegamer is the voice of reason...

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby mue 26 » Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:32 am

So its your way or the highway in terms of how this place should be ran? Your insulting all the moderators on this site, and also the owner in terms of how it's ran because it's not to your standard?

What are you on about? I never said it was my way or the highway, I was giving my honest opinion, I never expected to actually change anything, but I still wanted to give it. I've not insulted anyone, god, you're so hyper sensitive, all I've done is critiqued certain policies I don't agree with. It's a healthy thing to do. Thief (the most level headed guy on the forum) gets it, and you clearly don't. The closest thing to "insulting" that I said is that the staff here view trolling as entertainment, but given your responses to me, and looking at the historical record, I think it's a pretty factual statement. You're almost as bad as Ryudo at his worst, the way you can't handle criticism.

but there is using negative terminology such as "embarrassing, shameful, zero value, toxic, harmful", questioning the staff and their enforcement of the TOS of the Shenmue Dojo, questioning the history of the Shenmue community and pompously suggesting that he knows what's better for it than any other people and what he suggests is "the answer", speaking in a manner to Kenny which, lets not be stupid mate, is BLATENTLY indicative that he is wound up. I could go on but I will leave it there for now.

bruv, you are aware that I was using "embarrassing, shameful, zero value, toxic, harmful" to describe a RACIST TROLL THREAD, aren't you? This is just more evidence that you seem to view trolling as a valuable contribution. And yes, my style of writing is polemical, it always has been, I would have thought people would have understood that about me by now. But I've in no way been insulting or unfair to anyone, so get over yourself.

Thief wrote:
Peter wrote:rational conversation

I never expect such when speaking with you -- only hope. I'm simply defending his right to speak about his concerns with the forum. To be clear, I do not agree with him, but rather, I disagree with your overblown reaction to his moderate textual response and your obvious dismissal of his concerns because they do not coincide with your own.

Also, I'd be more than willing to make use of the private message system if you hadn't made if very clear to me in the past that my messages will ultimately end up being ignored. So, by you telling me to use private messages, you're essentially telling me to "shut up".

Pure truth.

Deleting and acting like the stuff never existed is part of the reaction trolls want

I'm sorry but this is just lunacy. A troll wants a reaction obviously, not to be deleted and ignored.

You supported Ryudo when all of his antics were going down

And so did you Peter, lest you forget how angry and defensive (similar to you now) you got at me when I was forced to call out Ryudo in Junk forum because you wouldn't move the thread out of there. And I actually agree with Thief that you were overly antagonistic towards him after he got stripped of his duties. Sorry, just sayin.

We have been successfully trolled. See how easily he tried to come in here and turn each other against us? And it worked... :no:

That is total nonsense. It's nothing to do with that specific troll. This is a general discussion about the nature of dealing with trolls, which is a relevant subject.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Rakim » Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:48 am

Axm wrote: Just had to get this out..

Reasons Japanese TV is better
1. Variety and Quality- On any given day you'll find anything from travel shows, game shows, eating shows(not cooking, eating), educational, dramas etc They have everything the U.S does. The difference though? Quality and quantity. Always interesting, funny and you'll come away from it with a good feeling in the end. This is something I cant prove with words. You just have to see it for yourself. The news in unsensationalized and professional. The overall level of violence and sexuality is kept to a minimum.

2. The Commercials- For real. You know how you always reach for the remote when a commercial comes on? Here you'll never do that. The commercials here are always light hearted, funny, exciting and cute. Also you know that commercial you see every damn time on every channel you're on? Here, never. I've actually never seen a commercial more then 3 times tops. And if I have seen it more then that it'll be a different version of that commercial, slightly changed to keep it fresh. Otherwise its all new all the time. Which actually makes me look forward to the commercials. Its like the Super Bowl 24/7.

3. The price- Oh wait, their is none. I have 8 quality over the air HD channels at any given time showing something of worth. And if I felt so inclined to I could get a bunch of Cable channels (all of the major ones from the U.S) for half the price I used to pay. I'll probably get cable later on but at the momment its overkill when I have such great free channels.

Who are your favorite geinoujin axm? I rep the Ariyoshi fans all day. Also Tunnels and Heisei Nobushi Kobushi.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Raithos » Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:51 am

mue 26 wrote:
We have been successfully trolled. See how easily he tried to come in here and turn each other against us? And it worked... :no:

That is total nonsense. It's nothing to do with that specific troll. This is a general discussion about the nature of dealing with trolls, which is a relevant subject.

Nope, that is exactly what happened. The troll won because his thread spawned this discussion that has lasted for a couple days now, and caused friction between people. That is what trolls do.


" a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4]"
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Axm » Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:10 am

Rakim wrote:
Axm wrote: Just had to get this out..

Reasons Japanese TV is better
1. Variety and Quality- On any given day you'll find anything from travel shows, game shows, eating shows(not cooking, eating), educational, dramas etc They have everything the U.S does. The difference though? Quality and quantity. Always interesting, funny and you'll come away from it with a good feeling in the end. This is something I cant prove with words. You just have to see it for yourself. The news in unsensationalized and professional. The overall level of violence and sexuality is kept to a minimum.

2. The Commercials- For real. You know how you always reach for the remote when a commercial comes on? Here you'll never do that. The commercials here are always light hearted, funny, exciting and cute. Also you know that commercial you see every damn time on every channel you're on? Here, never. I've actually never seen a commercial more then 3 times tops. And if I have seen it more then that it'll be a different version of that commercial, slightly changed to keep it fresh. Otherwise its all new all the time. Which actually makes me look forward to the commercials. Its like the Super Bowl 24/7.

3. The price- Oh wait, their is none. I have 8 quality over the air HD channels at any given time showing something of worth. And if I felt so inclined to I could get a bunch of Cable channels (all of the major ones from the U.S) for half the price I used to pay. I'll probably get cable later on but at the momment its overkill when I have such great free channels.

Who are your favorite geinoujin axm? I rep the Ariyoshi fans all day. Also Tunnels and Heisei Nobushi Kobushi.

Today I just saw Kasuga enter a body building competition. Dude got riped actually! Haha I was dieing you gotta see that episode.
His face is just hilarious. All his Africa episodes are pure gold.

Im also a sucker for VS Arashi. That Ninochi is a dream lols. Hard worker though really with all the million commercials, shows, movies he's been in.

Also saw this today.
My IG, add me if you want.
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Last edited by Axm on Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:15 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby mue 26 » Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:11 am

Raithos wrote:
Nope, that is exactly what happened. The troll won because his thread spawned this discussion that has lasted for a couple days now, and caused friction between people. That is what trolls do.


" a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4]"

Thanks for that, but where in that description does it say that trolls seek to be ignored and want their posts deleted, as you've suggested they do? And I've had an issue with how the staff deal with trolls here long before that Hitler guy showed up. It was the staff's attitude towards said troll that led me to finally state my concerns, not the troll itself. You seem to have trouble distinguishing emotional responses towards a troll's bait (and I'll admit that I gave a few in that thread) from a genuine substance based discussion. Blame Peter's emotional response to my criticism if you like, but my criticisms were not made with high emotion
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Raithos » Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:09 pm

Raithos wrote: I agree locking a troll thread then forgetting about it is the proper way to handle these things. Deleting and acting like the stuff never existed is part of the reaction trolls want, along with getting people worked up.

On the other hand, with this one in particular, I could see where someone would want it deleted. I mean this guy was clearly a troll, but people like him do exist. With the amount of global negativity Americans are already viewed with, having garbage like this one on a site people from around the world view would only add to it. But in the end logical people know a troll when they see it, and aren't bothered by them. Which is why I agree with it being locked and forgotten. When you delete things, people have a tendency to recreate them out of spite.

I don't have a problem distinguishing anything. Why don't you quote my entire thought like I just did, instead just one part? You are ignoring the fact that the thread did in fact get you riled up. The troll thread triggered the staffs handling of the situation, which you didn't agree with, that got you to give a reaction. So the troll thread did what it was intended to. You also ignored the part where I mentioned I totally agreed with why someone, you, would want a thread like that deleted. And gave my personal reasons for it as well. Its racist garbage. But there only seems to be one person upset by the thread, or handling of it, everyone else made jokes about it including myself. Trolls don't care when the response comes from, as long as they get it.

mue 26 wrote:
Deleting and acting like the stuff never existed is part of the reaction trolls want

I'm sorry but this is just lunacy. A troll wants a reaction obviously, not to be deleted and ignored.

Lunacy? LOL. You think deleting something doesn't give the desired effect a troll is after? You saw what happened when he was banned right? He created another account. Nine times out of ten, when you delete a troll comment or thread it REAPPEARS. That means you gave them attention, instead of locking and ignoring them all together. Which was the correct action to be taken. There is no reason to try and argue or have a debate with me man, everything I said is perfectly valid.

Edit: I am now guilty of contributing to the reaction myself :rotflmao:
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Kenny » Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:15 pm

Axm wrote: Just had to get this out..

Reasons Japanese TV is better

1. Variety and Quality- On any given day you'll find anything from travel shows, game shows, eating shows(not cooking, eating), educational, dramas etc They have everything the U.S does. The difference though? Quality and quantity. Always interesting, funny and you'll come away from it with a good feeling in the end. This is something I cant prove with words. You just have to see it for yourself. The news in unsensationalized and professional. The overall level of violence and sexuality is kept to a minimum.

2. The Commercials- For real. You know how you always reach for the remote when a commercial comes on? Here you'll never do that. The commercials here are always light hearted, funny, exciting and cute. Also you know that commercial you see every damn time on every channel you're on? Here, never. I've actually never seen a commercial more then 3 times tops. And if I have seen it more then that it'll be a different version of that commercial, slightly changed to keep it fresh. Otherwise its all new all the time. Which actually makes me look forward to the commercials. Its like the Super Bowl 24/7.

3. The price- Oh wait, their is none. I have 8 quality over the air HD channels at any given time showing something of worth. And if I felt so inclined to I could get a bunch of Cable channels (all of the major ones from the U.S) for half the price I used to pay. I'll probably get cable later on but at the momment its overkill when I have such great free channels.

Sounds like a novelty because i'm a foreigner but I bet i'll get used to it after awhile.

But half the price with cable?! How much is the internet over there and how fast is it?
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Axm » Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:19 pm

Dont even get me started on the internet.. I pay 28 bucks a month for this..

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Raithos » Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:22 pm

Wow. That's insane!
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Axm » Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:25 pm

And they tell me they are working on getting it to 500 by next year.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Kenny » Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:37 pm

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Sonikku » Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:38 pm

Good thing most of us live in America where we have a "free market" where would be competitors are legally barred from even competing with the big telecoms. :lol:

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