Random Thoughts

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Raithos » Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:08 pm

mue 26 wrote:Link me to whatever convinced you of the fact that she's the most ignorant hypocrite on the internet, please?

Here's one of many Mue. This is just the first random video I pulled up. It proves how big of a liar she is. She constantly goes against things shes said in the past. People seem to forget that she was on the internet long before this crusade she started against the way video games portray women (among other things) in 2012. She actually had a lot of common sense at one time. I remember reading things she had written and videos of her LONG before this whole issue started. She wrote blogs about society being too judgmental, and trying to force their views onto others instead of supporting individualism. But wait, that's what she does now. They are out there, just look for them. Hell there are people out there who AGREE with her, that bash her for contradicting her own work. People she's worked with in the past calling her a fraud. She chose a medium that was growing in popularity and attacked it. There are better things she could be doing to help women than going after video games. She's full of it. You and I both know, if she really gave a shit about the way women are portrayed/treated video games would be the last thing on her mind.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby south carmain » Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:19 pm

If anyone is interested in following a university course without actually going to university or having to pick up a new subject here's a good website for it https://www.khanacademy.org/welcome

It's completely free and offers a wide range of subjects.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Rakim » Thu Oct 30, 2014 10:48 pm

Cool. Have you taken any of their courses? I did a couple on a different site before so I might try this one out.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby south carmain » Thu Oct 30, 2014 10:54 pm

^I'm currently doing the stocks and bonds course which I have enjoyed so far and found very informative and clear even though some of the videos could do with a quality update. From what I've read the courses are all made by qualified people including university professors and you can interact with teachers, coaches and students from all over the world (though I haven't actually done any of this yet so I don't know how good of an experience you would get with it)

It has a pretty good reputation and is simple to use though so I'm sure you wouldn't regret checking it out.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Rakim » Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:32 am

I think we might have a similar approach. The online classes like this that I took I just watched the lectures and did the reading. Screw assignments and participation.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby St. Elmo's Fire » Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:31 pm

south carmain wrote:
AnimeGamer183 wrote: mue is trolling right? please say he is.

Just because he has a different opinion doesn't make him a troll.

His hand-wringing has come SO far it's full circle now though, almost like he is parodying himself! :lol:

Mue 26 does seem to have quite a lot of guilt about being a white, middle class (presumably), British male. Any time an opportunity to support another side comes along, he is usually there. ;-)
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby south carmain » Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:54 am

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby mue 26 » Sun Nov 02, 2014 12:10 pm

though I enjoy GTA and violent games in general I would like the industry to have higher standards in story telling and to be more diverse too however it's not by telling artists to stop creating said games that you will achieve that

But in none of the videos in that series I've seen has she told anyone to stop making those games. She has literally just been highlighting certain issues and trends that exist in the industry in regards to the depiction of women. All these people who are acting as if their fav violent and sexist games are in danger of becoming extinct are just ridiculous, those games will always exist and are in no danger of going anywhere. All this talk of a feminist conspiracy to corrupt and censor the industry is just madness. It would be good if developers and publishers did consider these issues just a little bit more though.

I even think the whole "balance" issue is silly anyway. Where in life is there ever the kind of balance that she's supposedly rallying for? Movies, tv, music, and books are all completely lopsided industries, catering more in one direction than the other, oftentimes rotating the audiences they pander to. There's never any "balance" in the entertainment world, and it's a silly, naive notion to pretend that we could ever make it so.

So we should just accept these sexist tropes and not try to strive for better? No thanks. As for the tactic of lambasting what you think is bad, I don't think it's a bad tactic at all. Celebrating what is good is also important, but if you just ignore the bad stuff and pretend like it's not happening, then things very rarely change. All of the great strides made in social equally were made through lambasting and combating the inequality, rather than simply celebrating the equality that already existed.

In my view she is just exploiting this feminist propaganda to the extreme and the fact that she has drawn so many people in is just embarrassing. It almost makes me think I could earn a living just making videos where I nitpick certain imbalances in pop-culture.

To be honest this whole topic is ridiculous there are far more important issues in life than this.

You are aware that the videos alone wouldn't have caused blip on their own, right? No one would have taken any fucking notice of her vids at all if it were not for the totally disproportionate and violent response from cloistered game nerds. They were their own worst enemy. And, exploiting feminist propaganda? Do you even have a clue what you're talking about? Telling people that the topic is "ridiculous" and there are "more important issues in life" is just another way of saying "woman be quiet!". So what if people have donated money for her videos? She is taking on an real issue she feels passionate about and she feels she can make a difference to, and probably has made a difference. So I'd rather donate to her than to someone asking for donations to make a new Megaman game or something.

mue is trolling right? please say he is.

Piss off.

Raithos wrote:
phpBB [video]

Wow, that video really proved your point and showed me. NOT. You claim she is one of the biggest hypocrites on the internet and the best you can do is post that pathetically weak video made by a complete tosser. I should have guessed it was a waste of time since it has #gamergate and #notyourshield in the title. Those guys are just insane man-children.

St. Elmo's Fire wrote:
His hand-wringing has come SO far it's full circle now though, almost like he is parodying himself! :lol:

Mue 26 does seem to have quite a lot of guilt about being a white, middle class (presumably), British male. Any time an opportunity to support another side comes along, he is usually there. ;-)

Fuck off St. Elmos Fire. You don't know the slightest thing about me. It is clear from all your posts that you are a walking cliche of an ignorant Thatcher punani sucking bumpkin who never has anything worthwhile to actually say. You could have tried to actually post something of some substance that's related to what we're talking about, but instead you just try to insult me because I'm not a boring stoner like you who worships Margret Thatcher.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby St. Elmo's Fire » Sun Nov 02, 2014 1:27 pm

mue 26 wrote: but instead you just try to insult me because I'm not a boring stoner like you who worships Margret Thatcher.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I worship Thatcher now? Awesome! :lol:

Not sure where you get that from, Thatcher wasn't a very nice person by all accounts ;-), but I think I do remember posting that she was nowhere near as bad as some of the stories made out (which I heard all of, me being a Scot and all where she is well hated. PS in your list of slight insults, you could also have added Scottish there. ;-)) in a topic here celebrating her death. I am certainly no Tory fan either, though there's really NO party who I have much faith in, none of them are FULLY to blame to for the way things are, but all of them are FULLY capable of making unpopular choices to try to fix whichever mess each side is blaming each other for starting in previous administrations.

Also, I don't stone it up that much anymore, but do still think it should be legalised and regulated with the right taxes added. Instead of spending money trying to fight a battle they're not ever gonna win whilst the black market that grows it in their attic gets to keep all the proceeds, [insert prohibition-era America cliche here], simply allow and have the state make a shit ton of money from it. It'll be a business, so the competition will be there to ensure nice quality-controlled product, whilst the stoners will be paying roughly the same since they'd simply keep on going to their existing dealers if they were cheaper.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby lavrentis » Sun Nov 02, 2014 2:12 pm

Moved to London.

It's a nice city, expensive but nice.

Weird I live so close to so many world famous sites.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Thief » Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:19 pm

I guess the day has come when I can see dojo drama and can't even be bothered to read it.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Raithos » Sun Nov 02, 2014 7:49 pm

mue 26 wrote:Wow, that video really proved your point and showed me. NOT. You claim she is one of the biggest hypocrites on the internet and the best you can do is post that pathetically weak video made by a complete tosser.

The video showed she lies, but you say its weak. Go figure. So why would I bother wasting my time, proving she's a hypocrite by finding the old blogs and whatnot she's posted berating society for doing the same things shes doing now? No matter what I posted in response you would have argued with it, and I knew that. It seems everyone who supports her responds in the same manner. You show them anything to discredit her and they respond the same way you did, ignoring the fact that the video you say is made by a complete tosser proves shes a bold faced liar.

Wanting women represented better in different media is one thing, but blindly supporting people like her is another mess entirely. But you are free to look up and research her older stuff or ignore what ever you want man. That's your choice. I've seen and read what I needed, so my part in this conversation is over.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby mue 26 » Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:56 pm

The video showed she lies, but you say its weak. Go figure. So why would I bother wasting my time, proving she's a hypocrite by finding the old blogs and whatnot she's posted berating society for doing the same things shes doing now?

Maybe she didn't lie, maybe on that day she just didn't feel like a fan of video games. I often don't too. But yeah, she obviously does care about games. There are all these #gamergate guys who have tried so hard to paint her as some outsider who is lying and trying to destroy their precious hobby, and they are just morons.

But none of that even matters. The main point, and I would actually respect you if you could answer me this, what are these "same things" she's doing now? As I have mentioned, in none of her videos has she asked for censorship or expressed any desire for it. The videos have been solely about highlighting the rampant use of sexist tropes. She doesn't even offer much in the way of analysis. So, what the hell are these "same things" that she is now doing. Did she used to berate those who made videos highlighting sexist tropes :???:

I'm seeing a lot of hot air from you, but you don't seem to be able to actually articulate what your problem with her videos are, aside from the fact that she once said she wasn't a fan of games, which is neither here nor there.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby mue 26 » Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:36 pm

Also, sorry if I came off a little hostile. I really didn't intend to. But I will gladly tell animegamer to piss off if he accuses me of being a troll again, and tell SEF to fuck off if he accuses me of being a self hating white middle class man again. Night. Love ya'll

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Sonikku » Tue Nov 04, 2014 1:00 am

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