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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:54 pm
by Henry Spencer
OL wrote: I dunno, I thought it was pretty incredible, definitely worth the theater experience. As mainstream comicbook movies go, this was insanely good, and absolutely bucks the grand majority of formulaic elements that usually make these movies so underwhelming (and progressively more and more boring).
There's almost nothing in the way of sassy quip-trading, there's no forced love interest, there are no airship action climaxes, no one is out to "save the world." Hell, there's not even an element of revenge in it, even when
events happen that might justify such actions; instead, Logan would rather just drive away and keep to himself.

It's primarily a movie about a couple of disillusioned old guys who have lost their place in the world. It's about what kind of legacy they might leave behind, and whether reality matters more than the myths that have sprung up around them. I might not be that old, but I definitely feel old enough that all this stuff really resonated with me personally.
It's No Country For Old Men meets The Last of Us meets Wolverine (obviously).
Among comicbook movies -- particularly ones based on superheroes of all things -- the movie is wildly different from what we usually get, and actually has some amount of depth to it beyond what we're explicitly shown and told. I would really, wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who thinks these kinds of movies are getting stale, because it absolutely proves that that doesn't have to be the case. These movies don't have to be the same shit over and over.
And that's not even mentioning how incredibly brutal and satisfying the action is. Every time it kicked in, I got a mile-wide smile on my face, because finally someone has gotten Wolverine fight scenes right. If only the action could have been this badass in all of his previous movie appearances; it wasn't possible due to ratings constraints, but now that we have an honest-to-goodness R-rated Wolverine movie, it's finally happened. And they went all out with it. It's just a bummer that it's the last time we'll see it with Hugh Jackman. But goddamn, what a note to go out on.

All that being said, I think it's pretty safe to say that Fox are doing a pretty major turnaround from just a few years ago, when they fouled up the Fantastic Four so thoroughly. Allowing movies like Deadpool and Logan to be made (which both feel like films in which the studio backed away and actually trusted the filmmakers to create something good) feels like a big couple of steps in the right direction for them. Hopefully they keep on like that. They've also got this show Legion on FX, which is thus far, in my oh-so-humble opinion, just about the best show on tv at the moment.

I'm going to watch it this weekend but want to know, which do you prefer out of The Wolverine and Logan?

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 4:03 pm
by OL
I really, really liked The Wolverine (even counting the nutty comicbook scenes with the Silver Samurai near the end, which seemed to turn a lot of people off), and actually do think that up to that point, it was easily the best X-Men-related movie that had been made. Was certainly my favorite, at least. I always had a major soft spot for Wolverine's adventures in Asia in the comics, so finally seeing a lot of that translated into live-action was fantastic. Wolverine vs. a horde of ninjas is a win in my book, every time.
But I think it's safe to say that Logan is easily the better film, almost objectively. Like I said, the filmmakers seem to have been given almost entirely free reign to do whatever they want, and it results in a movie that's a helluva lot more creative, poignant, and emotionally-affecting than they could ever manage before, when studio intervention seemed to rule the day. It's based a bit in the future, so the movie isn't held back by having to tie-in to any other movies that are in production, and I honestly think it could probably stand completely on its own. I don't think the audience has to have seen any of the prior films for this movie to still work as well as it does, while I think The Wolverine obviously requires a bit of prior knowledge to fully enjoy.

Saying which one I "prefer" is difficult, since, like I said, there's a lot of stuff in The Wolverine that I've always had a soft spot for in the comics. It's much more the glossy superhero action movie, whereas Logan is more of a gritty human drama (that happens to have some ultraviolent action).
I guess I do think Logan is definitely the better film overall. I think it'll easily stand the test of time better.

AnimeGamer183 wrote:I could have watched Crystal Skull which I still havent seen, but I skipped it lol

Smart move. That movie was dumb trash that doesn't in any way live up to the originals. You're not missing anything if you never watch it.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 8:12 pm
by AnimeGamer183
Dead Pool

Finally. I loved it, didnt realize how much I identify with this character. OMG hes totally me in so many ways. I vaguely remember the DP (hehe DP...) comics back in the 90s and all I really remember was that they were super violent and I always remembered his swords. I think because of that I never got into him because I didnt want my parents to take away my comics lol.

Anyway, this movie removed the 4th wall completely, which was cool but not even really why I liked it so much. It was mainly his character and him trying to save his girl I loved and also the X-Men tie in. I would even say some parts are kind of slow, and dull at times but I think the film makes up for those flaws. I may be seriously getting more into Dead Pool soon, so freaking awesome.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 5:17 am
by OL
AnimeGamer183 wrote: Dead Pool

Finally. I loved it, didnt realize how much I identify with this character. OMG hes totally me in so many ways.


AnimeGamer183 wrote:I vaguely remember the DP (hehe DP...) comics back in the 90s and all I really remember was that they were super violent and I always remembered his swords. I think because of that I never got into him because I didnt want my parents to take away my comics lol.

Well, you're probably remembering them wrong then, because Deadpool was never notably ultraviolent until the 2000s.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 12:16 pm
by AnimeGamer183
I dont remember much, I remember always wondering why he had the katanas but he didnt look like a ninja and why he also carried guns, maybe it was just the guns. I could be remembering stuff from the 2000s as well, but I did most of my comic buying in the 90s so im assuming what I remember is from around that time.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 9:48 am
by redline
i finailly saw the america remake of oldboy (2013), which was on tv a few days ago.

i wasn't really looking forward to watching the remake because i thought they would go over the top with the violence/incest as the 2003 original was pretty full on.

im going to have to be one of those guys and say.... the original was tones better than the remake.

among other things, the original made much more sense with both the daughter/father being hypnotized into falling in love. - the 2013 remake also tried to copy some of the cinematography, like the major fight scene but it couldn't touch the original.

phpBB [video]

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 1:55 pm
by Henry Spencer
John Wick 2 was good but I preferred the original overall for sure. Action was just as good if not better, everything else not as good, imo.

Logan was fucking incredible though. Best comic book film in almost a decade (best since The Dark Knight, I think). Fantastic film to end a legacy on, Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart are both iconic in their roles now. Been watching them play those characters since my teenage years so muchas gracias to them both for those films over the years. Can't really say which out of Logan or The Wolverine is better since they set out to do different things but both are fantastic films and both are a couple of my favourite Action films this decade.

Also, James Mangold is the best comic book director since Nolan now, too, I think. Hope they get him to make the next mainline X-Men film now, he's brilliant.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 3:06 am
by OL
Finally got to see X-Men: Apocalypse.
No, not the greatest superhero movie in the world, but I would say it's one of the better mainline X-Men ones. I'd personally hold it higher than Days of Future Past.
There are things I don't like; most notably the insistence on making Mystique such a major character. At best, she's a totally B-level character in the comics, and here she's played by one of the absolute most overrated actresses in recent Hollywood history. The character (and the actress) is boring as fuck in the movies, and I'd be overjoyed if I never have to see her in another X-Men movie ever again. There's no reason she needed to be in this. If anything, she was shoehorned in just because she happened to be in the previous ones.
Also, the special effects are pretty bad in a few places. Just in general.
That being said, I thought Oscar Isaac was excellent as Apocalypse. There's an inherent level of cheese to the actual character, but Isaac's performance is still great (and proves yet again how fucking versatile the guy is; thinking about the fact that this is the same guy who played Llewyn Davis makes my brain hurt). Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Storm... all pretty great. Not sure why they made Cyclops sort of the dorky type; I always figured him more for the highschool jock kind. But eh, what they do with him is good all the same. Nightcrawler is probably the most fun of the new additions, and it's just nice to finally have a non-Halle Berry version of Storm (Halle Berry: yet another actress I could happily live without ever seeing again).
I have no idea why, but for some reason Psylocke was always the X-girl I had a crush on when I was a kid reading the comics. And even though I never thought much of Olivia Munn before, I've suddenly warmed up to her quite a bit just because she played Psylocke. It's not a role particularly heavy on "acting" (her role is mostly all action and fighting), but the look is absolutely spot-on, and the action was pretty good. So I approve.
Quicksilver's new centerpiece scene is pretty fucking rad too. It makes him seem waaaaaay more powerful than he honestly should be, but it's a fun scene all the same.
And I totally forgot that there was gonna be a whole Weapon X escape scene. Took me by surprise, and even though it pales next to Logan, it was still a joy to see that stuff recreated in live-action.

Side-note: if Mystique can change her shape to look like anyone at all, why the fuck does she choose a form with moles all over her neck when she decides to look more human? More problems with the casting of Jennifer Lawrence.

Anyway, not a bad flick, but also not a fantastic one. I will admit to feeling a twinge of nostalgia and a slight welling of the eyes in a few scenes, when certain things actually managed to bring me back to why I loved the comics as a kid to begin with. Give me more of that and I think the movies will be heading in the right direction.
Whatever the case, I suddenly have the urge to go back and read some of the old Claremont comics.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 4:42 am
by Monkei
Finally saw Logan and loved it. Best X-Men movie so far. OL already summed it up nicely, leaving only one thing positive and a minor criticism for me to add:
Every scene with Dafne Keen/Laura/X23 in it was pure joy. Those humorous bits of father/daughter dynamic as well as everytime she went into rage mode and ripped bad guys apart. That first action scene where they shoot her with the harpoon and she keeps going - fucking badass.

EDIT: Oh, one minor and possibly nitpicky criticism though, a logic issue. How does an adamantium bullet to the brain kill X24? Wouldn't his skull und brain heal as usual, with only a chunk of adamantium missing from his head from then on? Why was Logan planning to shoot himself with that bullet? Couldn't he have shot himself in the eye with a normal bullet instead? Depends on what about that headshot would have killed him of course, the brain damage or the adamantium skull cracking. Now that I'm thinking about this - X24 even does get shot in the eye and doesn't die from it. Aren't magical bullets a taboo since X-Men Origins: Wolverine?
Sure, Logan is kind of a wolfman, and a silver bullet seems like a fitting way to end his life, but another problem this thing is creating is a situation similar to Luke Cage on Netflix. If there are bullets for the invulnerable, then they're not really invulnerable anymore. That's really as unimaginative as it gets when trying to find a way to threaten the life of characters like these. Oh well.
I get that it's pretty tricky to write a way to die for a character with such powers, and it isn't really bothering me that much at all. I was just wondering.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2017 5:52 pm
by Bluecast
An American Werewolf in London. I only just now realized Alex the Nurse is the old lady Shield Member Robert Redford shoots in Winter Soldier. Wow She aged a lot.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 12:00 am
by Calshot
They're making a new Hellboy movie.


Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 9:09 am
by OL
I always thought "If they can't get Ron Pearlman, a new Hellboy should never be made," but honestly... yeah, David Harbour's not a bad second choice if you can't get Pearlman.
Definitely a square enough head when you see his picture next to some art from the original comic. :lol:
Not sure about the director or new R-rated direction though. Del Toro's style was absolutely perfect for the subject matter, and strangely, as "freeing" as an R-rating might be, the comics always seemed pretty firmly planted in PG-13 territory to me; violence is one thing, but I'm not sure there needs to be a ton of F-bombs being dropped or anything like that.
Regardless, interesting news.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2017 12:17 pm
by OL
Harcore Henry.
Awesome and amazing. With this and the John Wick movies having come out in the span of a scant few years, it makes it feel like we're having kind of a small renaissance in the action genre. Original, inventive, and most of all, absolutely fun as all hell. We need more like this. More movies where the stunt men are pretty much entirely in charge.
Oh, and Sharlto Copley is great in this. But that's nothing new; he's always pretty great in anything.

Ex Machina.
Not a bad flick. Covers a lot of the usual bases that other movies about AI tend to cover, but tries to do it a little more "artistically," I suppose. It's totally gripping while you're watching it, but I'd say it kind of fails to pay everything off in the end. There's so much build-up, and so much expectation grows that something really, really clever is going to happen in the story... but then it doesn't. It ends a bit predictably, with kind of a weak "twist" that totally failed to get much of a reaction out of me.
Like I said though, it's not bad. Oscar Isaac is always a great presence to have around, and the girl playing the robot does a great job. The guy playing the main character kind of sucks though. About as uninteresting and awkward as a lead actor can be.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
Better than I thought it'd be, though its value is a bit lopsided.
On the one hand, it's got a really cool sci-fi story, totally reminiscent of the kinds of wacky things that might happen in old 70s deep-space comics. There are a few gags here and there that are really good (usually stuff with Drax and Mantis), and Kurt Russel is great, as always.
But on the other hand, the movie is usually trying waaaaaaay too hard to be funny, and it actually ruins the pacing at a few points. There are entire five-minute scenes dedicated to singular gags that might be fun enough on their own, but break the movie up way too much. Most of the humor falls pretty flat anyway. And there's way too much of Baby Groot (they're blatantly trying to cash in on peoples' retarded love for "cute" things, but it just makes me gag most of the time). And jesus, I've never seen another movie with more "heroes posing for the trailer" shots than this one. You know the type; some of the mains gathered together, looking around intensely as the camera spins around them and tons of CGI shit happens in the background, or just a simple slo-mo walking-toward-the-camera shot. There are so many of those shots in here, I sometimes just felt like I was watching a trailer. Because that kind of shit is made specifically for trailers. Which ultimately makes it feel a bit cheap, since "advertising" always feels like it's front-and-center, even when you're watching the movie itself.
Either way, it's still a generally fun flick. Definitely better than Civil War, especially in hindsight.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2017 5:29 pm
by BigTuna
Watching They Live right now. One of my all-time favorites. Everyone should see this shit.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 6:55 am
by dbzruler88
Watched the new Guardians of the Galaxy for the 2nd time last night. I saw it by myself the first time, but took the wife to see it yesterday. I already can't wait for Volume 3.