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Re: Domain Registered

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 12:43 pm
by Telekill
Jibby wrote:
Telekill wrote: Can someone post a screenshot of the preorder page from this site please?

I can't get to it (at work) and I'm curious.

Here you go!


Thank you. It actually does look like a legit site. Hopefully this pans out into an actual release.

Re: Domain Registered

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:02 pm
by Peter
This topic is pure Shenmue Dojo circa 2005.

Re: Domain Registered

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:06 pm
by Yokosuka
south carmain wrote:
Yokosuka wrote:
iyapol wrote: I've just tried adding the game to cart to see if they're actually taking money off people, and they're definitely wanting some card details to process the order.

It's supposed to be a pre-order, what did you expect?

I don't know how it works in the usa but in Europe a lot of stores don't charge you until it's released. Pre-ordering at my local stores just means that they will make sure they have a copy available for you on release day.

I think your meant physical stores. Indeed, a little down payment is usually the most expensive scenario. But I presume the full payment is more widely used for online stores. I tried to buy Shenmue III in and the inferface asked me 70 euros by card (lolz).

Re: Domain Registered

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:17 pm
by Sappharad
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but the domain registration is now private (it was yesterday when I finally saw the news too) so you can no longer see who owns it. You can't prove that Sega owns these at the current time, as they currently point at a registrar's parking page, although I trust that the previous information is genuine.

My other point to make, which I think has been mentioned already but seems to be ignored, is that they were registered on September 7th of last year and somehow not noticed until now. This alone is good reason not to expect that news is pending in the near future. We already heard from them that they were "looking into" it after those sites had already been registered.

The April release thing is extremely likely to be fake just to help this guy sell more goods at his store. If they were actually doing a physical release, it would have to be released to manufacturing next month. When something gets a physical release, not being announced in advance is not feasible from a sales standpoint. It would also show up in a ratings database (ESRB, etc.) if it was ready for manufacturing, which hasn't happened. A physical release would be nice, I'd buy it. But at this point the existing evidence is not credible.

Re: Domain Registered

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:29 pm
by SheepheadCG
Sappharad wrote: I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but the domain registration is now private (it was yesterday when I finally saw the news too) so you can no longer see who owns it. You can't prove that Sega owns these at the current time, as they currently point at a registrar's parking page, although I trust that the previous information is genuine.

My other point to make, which I think has been mentioned already but seems to be ignored, is that they were registered on September 7th of last year and somehow not noticed until now. This alone is good reason not to expect that news is pending in the near future. We already heard from them that they were "looking into" it after those sites had already been registered.

The April release thing is extremely likely to be fake just to help this guy sell more goods at his store. If they were actually doing a physical release, it would have to be released to manufacturing next month. When something gets a physical release, not being announced in advance is not feasible from a sales standpoint. It would also show up in a ratings database (ESRB, etc.) if it was ready for manufacturing, which hasn't happened. A physical release would be nice, I'd buy it. But at this point the existing evidence is not credible.

So many great points! Very interesting that the domain reg is now private. I guess we will just had to do what we are best at doing guys, sit tight and wait lol. E3 is the most likely best time for Sega to drop this bomb. It's not that far away... Only 156 days, not that I'm counting ;)

Re: Domain Registered

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:32 pm
by Jibby
Speculation is what we as Shenmue fans do best :P

As long as we stay realistic and keep our expectations in check, I don't see the harm in it; it's just a bit of fun!

Re: Domain Registered

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:48 pm
by Serenade
Sappharad wrote: I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but the domain registration is now private (it was yesterday when I finally saw the news too) so you can no longer see who owns it. You can't prove that Sega owns these at the current time, as they currently point at a registrar's parking page, although I trust that the previous information is genuine.

My other point to make, which I think has been mentioned already but seems to be ignored, is that they were registered on September 7th of last year and somehow not noticed until now. This alone is good reason not to expect that news is pending in the near future. We already heard from them that they were "looking into" it after those sites had already been registered.

The April release thing is extremely likely to be fake just to help this guy sell more goods at his store. If they were actually doing a physical release, it would have to be released to manufacturing next month. When something gets a physical release, not being announced in advance is not feasible from a sales standpoint. It would also show up in a ratings database (ESRB, etc.) if it was ready for manufacturing, which hasn't happened. A physical release would be nice, I'd buy it. But at this point the existing evidence is not credible.


Re: Domain Registered

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:53 pm
by Telekill
Yeah. The earliest I'm expecting a Shenmue HD Collection announcement is this upcoming E3 in June. Beyond that, I don't see why they would announce it earlier.

Re: Domain Registered

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 4:17 pm
by khmlight3
If they release it in April they will announce it earlier then E3 of course!

Re: Domain Registered

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 4:31 pm
by Let's Get Sweaty
I wouldn't bet too much on that.

Re: Domain Registered

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 5:16 pm
by SheepheadCG
khmlight3 wrote: If they release it in April they will announce it earlier then E3 of course!

That's what we mean. We don't think that the April date is real. Shenmue HD is a MASSIVE deal in terms of a remake. People have been wanting this for a long time, Shenmue 3 has a HUGE buzz around it, to the point where people who previously had no idea about the game are now interested. All this means Free Money to Sega lol.

Sega is only in this for the money, so they want to get as many eyes as possible on the announcement as that will translate into the most sales for them. The only "big" gaming conference that is coming up, which allows the most eyes (and makes the most sense) is E3. It doesn't make sense for them to just release a blog post, and be like... hey guys we are doing Shenmue HD. It will be covered by the media and will get some impressions but the only people who will pay attention will be the Shenmue fans. If they do it at E3 they will get so so so many more eyes and an overall much bigger press presence. The non Shenmue fans will remember it from the Shenmue 3 announcement and might be more interested now that they can actually play the first 2 games. People who don't know Shenmue, will see people losing their shit lol and will be more interested, much like what happened with the Kickstarter.

IMO, this is the only way that it should be done. E3 is the only place that Sega should announce for maximum impact.

Re: Domain Registered

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 8:51 pm
by khmlight3
It will be fine as long as we get it! I know you think it will be announced at E3 2017 but I think it will be announced earlier even if they don't release it in April they can announce it earlier!

Re: Domain Registered

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 9:44 pm
by Himuro
Sappharad wrote: I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but the domain registration is now private (it was yesterday when I finally saw the news too) so you can no longer see who owns it. You can't prove that Sega owns these at the current time, as they currently point at a registrar's parking page, although I trust that the previous information is genuine.

My other point to make, which I think has been mentioned already but seems to be ignored, is that they were registered on September 7th of last year and somehow not noticed until now. This alone is good reason not to expect that news is pending in the near future. We already heard from them that they were "looking into" it after those sites had already been registered.

The April release thing is extremely likely to be fake just to help this guy sell more goods at his store. If they were actually doing a physical release, it would have to be released to manufacturing next month. When something gets a physical release, not being announced in advance is not feasible from a sales standpoint. It would also show up in a ratings database (ESRB, etc.) if it was ready for manufacturing, which hasn't happened. A physical release would be nice, I'd buy it. But at this point the existing evidence is not credible.

Just because the domain was registered last year and they said they were looking into it means anything concrete. This expects PR to be open and transparent with consumers at all times which obviously isn't happening and especially with something as widely requested as Shenmue HD. So you're expecting them to just uncerimoniously admit they're working on Shenmue HD?

Re: Domain Registered

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 6:40 am
by iyapol
A fan on 500k has been in contact with the Slovakian games store who have confirmed that all pre orders on their website are genuine, however there is a note on their internal system warning that the April 2017 release date may be postponed. Interesting...

Re: Domain Registered

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 7:36 am
by Spaghetti
I wouldn't put a tremendous amount of faith in what that retailer has to say regardless, but the note in their system makes this sound sketchier than it already is. The way publishers deal with informing distribution outlets is usually incredibly straightforward.

If there's no release date planned, it's TBA, or Q [insert number between 1-4] plus a year.

If they've got a date, that's usually it; no caveat of "oh, it might get delayed" else it would fall back into the first category.