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Shenmue Fandom/Myers Briggs Correlation?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 8:19 pm
by mbti_addict
I'm a huge fan of Shenmue, and used to be a member of this site several years ago. Unfortunately, I can't remember the username or the email I used here. I stalk the site periodically so the faux news can set my hopes up to be crushed. Anyways, over the past few years, I've become very acclimated with Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) which is a system developed to group people into personify types based on the research of Psychologist Carl Jung. According to the system, there are 16 types of personalities. If you delve deeply into MBTI, it is difficult to not be impressed by how accurate the system is.

On to the point of the post.... Shenmue is obviously not a game for everyone. Honestly, I cant think of one as polarizing, with most complaints dealing with the pacing of the game. Because of how accurate the personality profiles are, I came to the hypothesis certain types of people are more likely to like/dislike Shenmue. In MBTI, each type is made up of 4 letters. (E) Xtravert or (I) ntravert, i (N) tuitive or (S) ensor, (F) eeler or (T) hinker, and (P) erceiver or (J) udger. I am an INFP. My type is known for writing ability. Because I have the cognitive functions of a writer, I feel I am drawn to the slow pacing of Shenmue because it allows plot and character development., which most current gamers care nothing about.

Does anyone here know their MBTI? Is anyone willing to take the test online to see if there are any correlations between personality type and Shenmue enjoyment?

Re: Shenmue Fandom/Myers Briggs Correlation?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 8:52 am
by Giorgio
Once I took one (because someone at SEGA Forum proposed the same idea), as found here:

I do not know how accurate is the test or how accurately/objectively I answered, but I got these results:
Personality: INTJ, Variant: Assertive, Role: Analyst [Results in picture form:].

Re: Shenmue Fandom/Myers Briggs Correlation?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 3:00 pm
by ShenGCH
INFJ here. According to various definitions and explanations, INFJs are creative, insightful, inspiring and convincing, decisive, determined and passionate, and altruistic; but also sensitive, extremely private, perfectionists, always feel the need to have a cause, and can find themselves burned out easily.

How this works with my love for Shenmue, however... Hmm... I can only assume it's because of how easily engrossed and immersed I can sometimes find myself in situations, particularly where video games are concerned, and no-one can deny that Shenmue is one of the most immersive games ever created. So it's a perfect match, really. I'm always open to being immersed in a game, but so very rarely do games offer the link between a desire for immersion and the actual delivery of immersion. Shenmue is one of the very few that has provided this link, and, no matter how many times I play it, even though I know exactly what's going to happen at any given time, I can never not become engrossed and fall under its spell. I actually care about the game world. I find it very comforting.

For a personality type that doesn't take too well to the traits required to enjoy these kinds of games, however, I can totally see why it's a love/hate thing. Someone looking for something fast, furious and... well... Call of Duty-ish won't find what they're looking for in Shenmue. It'll be a five-minute thing.

Excellent topic, dude!


Re: Shenmue Fandom/Myers Briggs Correlation?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:52 pm
by The Grrreat Chai
Also INFP here.

Re: Shenmue Fandom/Myers Briggs Correlation?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 11:18 am
by mbti_addict
I am not surprised you guys are INXXs at all. For one, INXXs love the internet. Also, not to be condescending, INXXs are the deepest of the 16 types in general. Gamers that are Es and Ss are going to be drawn to more action oriented games. INXXs have incredible imaginations, and are capable of placing themselves into fantasy worlds. If I watch a movie, I do enjoy a good fight scene or e'splosion- but I am very aware of how well the characters, plot, and overall atmosphere of the film come together, and see these elements as far more important. INXXs are a pretty rare group of people. INFPs, INFJs, INTPs and INTJs combined make up around 10% of the population. Shenmue fans have complained for years about how mindless the average gamer is, and how they just want to shoot stuff up- we were, and are, right. I don't believe one type is better than another type, but the types definitely are different, and in my estimation, the majority of Shenmue fans will be INXXs; the intellectuals.

Re: Shenmue Fandom/Myers Briggs Correlation?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 12:26 pm
by south carmain
I'm INTJ but from what I read those tests are as scientifically accurate as horoscopes.

Re: Shenmue Fandom/Myers Briggs Correlation?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 1:01 pm
by mbti_addict
As an INTJ, you probably value objectivity a great deal, and dislike delving into things that cannot be grounded in concrete fact. The scientific community does not like psychology because much of it cannot be measured and analyzed with objective data. Just because something cannot be explained objectively does not make it false- not everything in life can be viewed with hard data- that's why psychology is a soft science. And yes, the test that helps you identify which of the 16 types you are is flawed, but the theory in which the 16 types are established upon is actually very strong. Most people who complain about MBTI have issues with the test itself. If they researched the theory, they would see how accurate the system is.

Re: Shenmue Fandom/Myers Briggs Correlation?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 1:50 pm
by south carmain
Actually it was psychologists saying that a test with so little questions could not possibly determine a person's personality and that the mind is too complex to properly categorise anyway. I'm not claiming to be an expert on it but it seems that reputable psychologists tend to have more doubts about it than not and believe it has too many flaws to be taken seriously.

Re: Shenmue Fandom/Myers Briggs Correlation?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:04 pm
by BlueMue
According to the test I'm INFJ. Seems the results of us here are all of with similar constelations.

Re: Shenmue Fandom/Myers Briggs Correlation?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 6:44 pm
by mbti_addict
BlueMue wrote: According to the test I'm INFJ. Seems the results of us here are all of with similar constelations.


Re: Shenmue Fandom/Myers Briggs Correlation?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 6:58 pm
by mbti_addict
south carmain wrote: Actually it was psychologists saying that a test with so little questions could not possibly determine a person's personality and that the mind is too complex to properly categorise anyway. I'm not claiming to be an expert on it but it seems that reputable psychologists tend to have more doubts about it than not and believe it has too many flaws to be taken seriously.

There are many who argue against it. There are also many who swear by it. I think many dislike the idea of putting people into boxes. The thing is, the people are already in their boxes. Look around you. In HS there were band kids, athletes, and preps. In adulthood, we still have certain kinds of people who behave in certain ways and are drawn to specific activities, people, and careers. If you are an INTJ, you can't stand to be wrong- and rarely are. That said, I highly doubt you could actually look into the theory and still tell me there are no observable patterns in people explained by MBTI that can be used to understand the people around us.

Re: Shenmue Fandom/Myers Briggs Correlation?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:01 am
by south carmain
Those who argue against it tend to be professionals while those who swear by it just common people without any real knowledge of psychology. This isn't a coincidence considering that the test is based off an untested theory by carl jung from the 1940s and has no real evidence to back it up. Even jung himself said that it was just rough tendencies he observed and that it would be wrong to use as a classification system. But hey if you disagree with them you can always write a paper saying how you know better than them and if it becomes widely accepted by renown psychologists then i will believe in MBTI tests and admit that you were right about whatever point you are trying to make.

And that without mentioning that the people who created the test itself didn't even have any training in psychology.

Re: Shenmue Fandom/Myers Briggs Correlation?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 11:03 am
by The Grrreat Chai
I think we can mostly agree that a test we took in 5 minutes on the internet for free that would define our entire personality, the results can be taken with a grain of salt. That being said though a lot of the result did seem to match some perceptions I had about myself anyway.

Still, I think it would be interesting to see the results across Shenmue fans.

Re: Shenmue Fandom/Myers Briggs Correlation?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 8:10 pm
by Esppiral
An INTJ here, it describes me prety well.

Re: Shenmue Fandom/Myers Briggs Correlation?

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 3:06 pm
by Upper Dave
I'm right on the line between INFJ and INFP.