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What kind of Shenmue Remake/PC release do you imagine?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 6:14 pm
by ReeceKun
Back when the original game was released gameplay needed to be carefully optimized to keep polygons and textures low, now that isnt a huge issue on the PC what would you really like to see?

Level 1: - (Unchanged)
Assuming delevopers have the Original Game Models they could just simply port the Original Game for a PC/Console Release , This might be somewhat unsatisfying and 17 years too late but at least it would be 'out there'. Hopefully all the people who play by Emulator will also support the offical release (That could have been funding shenmue 3 for 17 years)

Level 2: - (HD)
With the Original Models Unchanged they simply add HD Textures,Widescreen & possibly use cleaner Sound files.

Level 3: - (HD Extended)
Before Shenmue was optimized its possible that Suzuki had a TON of ideas they needed to cut, so lets say they HD the game and then possibly add to it new roads/questions/side quests.

Level 4 - (RE-BOOT - The Highly Unlikely Option .. that might have been a better idea than starting Shenmue 3)
But what if they Completely Overhall the Game and start from sratch, They keep the same Game Environments but 'Re Imagine' and update them (possibly giving Ryo some sort of personality in the process)

(2 Options Available)

Re: What kind of Shenmue Remake/PC release do you imagine?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 6:33 pm
by celsowm
Same level as Sonic Adventure 2 (2012): widescreen, right analog stick for camera, achievements, hd resolution and HUD redrawn.

But maybe we'll have some surprises like: dual audio and what's shenmue dlc.

Re: What kind of Shenmue Remake/PC release do you imagine?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 7:08 am
by Spaghetti
It isn't listed in the poll, but somewhere between HD and what you're calling HD Extended.

Gameplay improvements (mainly in the first game):

- New dual analogue stick controls, with option to use D-Pad for QTEs and FREE Battles. Old control method also included.
- "Wait" function added to the original Shenmue.
- Improved loading times.
- Difficulty on QTEs dropped slightly, with the option to set them back to how they were.
- Camera control on right stick during FREE Battles.

Visual improvements:

- Arbitrary resolution support.
- Widescreen.
- Cleaned up UI.
- Anti-aliasing and texture filtering options.
- Higher resolution textures if available.

General improvements:

- Uncompressed (or at least not Dreamcast quality compressed) audio.
- Dual audio.
- Original music recordings, with the option to switch back to the Dreamcast sound chip-interpreted ones (if possible).
- Maybe an option for a little visual indicator to show when you should be holding the controller (a literal "for dummies" mode, I guess).

Re: What kind of Shenmue Remake/PC release do you imagine?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:56 am
by Telekill
I see it coming to both PC and PS4 if an HD collection is even released. Shenmue is 15-17 years old so even a PS3 could run the game at high rez textures without issue. PS4 won't be a problem.

Here's what I expect from a Shenmue HD Collection.
- HD resolution (1080p on PS4 \ up to 4K on PC)
- 30fps locked if not 60fps
- Trophy/Achievement support (required these days)
- Widescreen format
- Both games bundled together
- Limited physical run

That's everything I expect. Nothing more nothing less. I would hope they would add camera control to the right analog stick but even that is pushing it for Sega to shell out for in dev time. Honestly, if the collection isn't announced at this E3, I'm going to assume Sega has no plans for the collection at all and they just don't care about the series or its fans regardless of the 2015 comeback.

Re: What kind of Shenmue Remake/PC release do you imagine?

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2017 1:52 am
by RyoShenmue
I say HD Extended. I want everything as is, as in do not change what is already there in game play and story, but with better graphics, maybe sound. (Although to be quite honest I still think the original is pretty darn pleasing to look at and listen to.) I also want to hear it in both English and Japanese and also read it in both so it can be a fun learning tool. (Also in other langauges too so others from around the world can enjoy it.)

I want many more toy capsules and more arcade games, even playable pachinko machines. I want the pet cat to be more... active, with more options. And have what the creators originally envisioned, but perhaps be able to turn it off or choose between the two at start for player preference. Oh and have it like in Half Life 2 where as you play the game, you can activate speech bubbles and learn what the people behind the game, even voice actors were thinking, like a Director's Cut! I really love those things!

And if I could really only have one request, allow it to be fully modable, then most everything I just said above, minus the Director's Cut, could be implemented by the community, even online play for free and keep the game alive indefinitely.

New model textures, new home brew arcade games, new or more NPCs walking the streets. New dialogue with amateur, but good voice acting. Unlimited side quests. What really happened on the boat between S1 and S2?

Even have it from Lan Di's stand point or one of his thugs. Maybe even from Lan Di's traumatic experience when he was younger until he kills Ryo's father. Replacement models for vending machines, the whole works. Heck, even if no other Shenmue game came out, the fans could just make their own.

And what if Ryo never left Japan to follow Lan Di or his father was never killed in the first place? How would the game then play out with people and events? How were their lives or at least his close friends before all that? Maybe watch the little girl and the cat actually grow up. See some of the older people pass and your friends age as well. Some shops close, while others open up.

I mean the game is based in the 80's right? How has the world changed since then? He could go to completely different, but accurately created, parts of Japan or even other countries. Then the events and voice acting would be more believable, minus the Ryo character. But I am sure some one can imitate it good or piece together sound files from previous conversations seamlessly.

I mean if modable the possiblities are truly endless. I am not sure what other game I would even want to play, besides another original Shenmue game... Maybe Half Life 3 or the original Everquest Trilogy. But that is it. ^_^