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PostPosted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:30 pm
by ShenSun
wude wrote: Great job ShenSun, the game has the vibe of shenmue, the music is of course awesome

Thanks Wude. I hope you enjoyed the section where I included your work.

Did you get the good or bad ending?


PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:23 pm
by wude
i got the bad ending :lol:
if you need more screenshots/renders just lt me know :)


PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:32 pm
by ShenSun
wude wrote: i got the bad ending :lol:
if you need more screenshots/renders just lt me know :)

Awesome man.

When i was searching for resources to include in the game, i was amazed by the Shenmue content on your blog...........i'm sure Ryo was aswell, since he had a dream about it. haha.

I'll definitely message you in the near future. I'm going to need some help with some visual work on my next Shenmue project. I suck at photoshop. :sad:

Well, i suppose i'm not to bad, but i certainly anit no expert.

Everyone seems to be getting the bad ending. I wonder what could be triggering it. 8)

Thanks for playing Wude. :)


PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:52 am
by ShenSun
It's almost been about a month since I uploaded this game.

Just out of curiosity, how many of you actually figured out the triggers for the good and bad ending?


PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:57 am
by Rakim
Not 100% on exactly what the triggers were, but I did get both endings. My guesses are
the wish you have to make and/or talking to Megumi at the end about staying in Japan.


PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:27 am
by ThyDarkAngel
I want to try this but can't at the moment.
Seems a legit effort to make something charming with the world and characters. Good job!


PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:15 pm
by Axm
Would love to play it but don't have a PC atm. Great job though. Will play it as soon as I can.


PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:52 pm
by ShenSun
Just watched Giorgio play through of the game again. This guy is brilliant. Some of voice overs made me die of laughter.

AXM, and those who have yet to try the game. You might be interested in watching the let's play down below. It's over 2 hours long. :)

If you want to experience it for yourself, then hold off, or watch the first 30 minutes as a demo/tease.

There were some choices that i wished Giorgio would have made, such as the ones that trigger certain easter eggs etc.

Overall a solid playthrough.

@Rakim. Very close. Whatever the trigger is, it unfolds in the latter half of the game. =P~

phpBB [video]

phpBB [video]


PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 12:30 am
by AdamKoralik
Okay so time for my thoughts, because I was asked to give them.

1: The story was great. I highly respect stories that can correctly weave in to other stories and timelines.

2: Characters feel incredibly authentic.

3: Lots of typos, though I'm sure you guys are aware of this.

4: Would REALLY benefit from voice acting. Corey Marshall would make this thing work. Crowd sourcing for this might be something to be considered.

5: Remove any and all plugs to #SaveShenmue and channels (including my own). While nice, they take me out of the game. Imagine a Coca Cola ad popping up directly in Shenmue. Takes you out of it, that's why the vending machines work. Point is, make your advertisements vastly more subtle.

6: The title MUST change. As it stands, my instinct tells me it's some kind of Shenmue themed Calendar. Simply call it Shenmue 1.5. It also wouldn't have such a time stamp on it (2013), especially one that has nothing to do with the actual game.

7: As far as game play goes, I have a similar complaint as the dude who made the let's play. The game doesn't seem...fair. In that, getting the bad ending is far too easy. I realize the idea is to give us a reason to replay the game, but the actual Shenmue games got away with this by having a solid story (which this game does), and we need to have that story conclude properly. We're Shenmue fans, I'm sure we all hate lack of resolution. So, point is, much like the original Shenmue games, getting the bad ending should be more work than not getting it.

Hope that all helps.

If you do cast for voice actors...let me know. I'd love to be in it.


PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:26 pm
by ShenSun
AdamKoralik wrote: Okay so time for my thoughts, because I was asked to give them.

1: The story was great. I highly respect stories that can correctly weave in to other stories and timelines.

2: Characters feel incredibly authentic.

3: Lots of typos, though I'm sure you guys are aware of this.

4: Would REALLY benefit from voice acting. Corey Marshall would make this thing work. Crowd sourcing for this might be something to be considered.

5: Remove any and all plugs to #SaveShenmue and channels (including my own). While nice, they take me out of the game. Imagine a Coca Cola ad popping up directly in Shenmue. Takes your out of it, that's why the vending machines work. Point is, maker your advertisements vastly more subtle.

6: The title MUST change. As it stands, my instinct tells me it's some kind of Shenmue themed Calendar. Simply call it Shenmue 1.5. It also wouldn't have such a time stamp on it (2013), especially one that has nothing to do with the actual game.

7: As far as game play goes, I have a similar complaint as the dude who made the let's play. The game doesn't seem...fair. In that, getting the bad ending is far too easy. I realize the idea is to give us a reason to replay the game, but the actual Shenmue games got away with this by having a solid story (which this game does), and we need to have that story conclude properly. We're Shenmue fans, I'm sure we all hate lack of resolution. So, point is, much like the original Shenmue games, getting the bad ending should be more work than not getting it.

Hope that all helps.

If you do cast for voice actors...let me know. I'd love to be in it.

Thanks for the feedback Adam. I'll answer some of the concerns here, and proceed accordingly somewhere down the road.

Question 1 and 2 = Thanks, I haven't played a Shenmue game in 8 years, so im happy I was able to keep all the characters true to their in game versions. The story was something I came up with very quickly. However, i am proud how I incorporated various scenes from the actual game into my story(Nozomi amulet, tom leaving etc)

Question 3 = Yeah i fully expected typos and grammar errors. I didn't get a chance to fully proofread everything. So i released this game RAW :)

Question 4 = Voice acting. I would love if Corey Marshall agreed to some voice work. I doubt he would however. We'd probably have to pay him. If you or any other dojo members want to voice any characters, im more then happy to pursue this. Send me a private message.

Question 5 = The advertisements. I see your point here. My reasoning behind this was to release something to support the campaign, and to make everyone aware of certain members that contribute to Shenmue greatly. (ziming, wude etc).
I thought it would be nice to place these shout-outs in Ryo's dreams. However, if everyone believes that it takes them out of the experience, and it is more of a nuisance, then im more than happy to remove all ads.

Question 6 = I totally agree. The title was never meant to be the "Christmas special". I just named the demo that as I released it during the Christmas period as a present for all Shenmue fans to enjoy. The full game will most certainly not be called that. :)

Question 7 = Strangely enough, i want to put at least 4 different endings into the game. I don't think the bad ending is super easy to get, but i can see why people are getting it. It was more of a cruel joke on my behalf. I thought to myself, what does every Shenmue fan want Ryo to do? I guess I knew everyone would choose that option on some level. Whenever i get a chance to release the second build, i'll definitely make it a lot more difficult to get the bad ending.

Thanks for playing, and thanks for the feedback.


PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:28 pm
by AdamKoralik
Happy to.

I would definitely like to do some of the voice acting if possible.

And while I agree Corey would likely want some cash, I assume it would be something a crowd sourcing project might able to do.

I mean, think about it this way.

The game made without him is a nice thing that fans can enjoy.

The game with him....well that get's featured on Kotaku...


PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:43 pm
by ShenSun
Awesome, as soon as Im well, we'll make a voiced version.

Feel free to do some samples of the dialog in the meantime. Use the let's play as a reference for the script.

I had some other demos on my computer.


PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:50 pm
by AdamKoralik
Oh I'd leave the casting to you. I'd be happy to record samples.

If you didn't think it sounded good, I would totally understand.


PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:07 pm
by ShenSun
AdamKoralik wrote: Oh I'd leave the casting to you. I'd be happy to record samples.

If you didn't think it sounded good, I would totally understand.

Have a go Adam. I'd be more than happy to give it a listen.

Ill upload a sample video of the game with your voice included, and take it from there.

It should be an enjoyable experience either way.



PostPosted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 2:36 am
by AdamKoralik
What character would you recommend?