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Ryo in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:46 pm
by BlazeHeart ... -584380870

It would seem that Ryo had got himself sucked into the Neighborhood of Make-Believe and stumbled across the Tiger Family. He is in desperate need of returning back to Hong Kong in the search for his father's killer, Lan-Di that he goes up to them and tries to talk about his situation. The Tiger Family can't help but stare at this interesting individual who lacks the features that make them all look like they came from the same universe while Ryo looks very different from them.

You wanna know what the hardest part of this picture was? Huh, Huh? do ya??? If you guessed it was Mom holding Margaret like that, you were wrong. If you guessed it was that chair in the background, you'd be wrong again (though somebody should put it out of it's misery, it looks aweful) No, if you guessed Ryo Hazuki himself, youd be right. Oh my dear sweet god drawing a realistic looking character was hard for me, not to mention from the profile angle. I have to look up a lot of reference drawings just so I could get that angle. I gotta say though, I think it turned out pretty decently for my first profile of a character like Ryo, though his head seems a trifle too bug for the body but, eh, maybe next picture. Plus, I just loved the idea of the whole family interacting with a character who normally wouldn't fit in with the other characters from the show. I mean, even the human characters all have a certain exaggeration to certain parts of their bodies (the heads mostly) that make it surreal, and now here I am sticking "realistic" characters like Ryo into this world, what kind of monster am I?

This picture brought to you by Shenmue 3, now in production thanks to last June's Kick starter campaign.

Re: Ryo in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:53 am
by ReeceKun

Re: Ryo in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:30 pm
by BlazeHeart
XD How did you do that anyway?

Re: Ryo in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe

PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 12:02 pm
by ReeceKun
BlazeHeart wrote: XD How did you do that anyway?

Its the sega all stars ryo with a modified jacket texture , I bet nozomi would love it ^_^
For my skyrim mod I intend to create a completely new wardrobe based on the items and clothing ingame

Re: Ryo in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe

PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:14 pm
by BlazeHeart
but what do you do to make it so that Daniel appears on the back of his shirt and not that Tiger design?

Re: Ryo in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe

PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:55 am
by ReeceKun

This picture has a transparent background I just overlapped it on the original jacket texture
The free program called is a good alternative to photoshop (gimp is also free but i dont like it)

Re: Ryo in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 10:54 pm
by BlazeHeart
Pretty interesting.

Ok then, what do you think of my drawing?