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Flagship's Shenmue Design Projects

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 9:09 pm
by FlagshipFighter
Hi everyone!

With my product des. degree (finally) coming to a conclusion I invested in a 3d printer, engraver, scanner and drawing tool to learn how to keep up my interests and learn some new skills. I have a background in product, but I've never been familiar with working this sort of machine. And now that I own one, I'm keen on making it a hobby to produce some really cool pieces.

And what better place to start than Shenmue! I've just been running some quick tests by modifying images on google, but I hope to actually produce something bespoke whilst pertaining to Shenmue.

I started out with the Mirror to be drawn on sketch paper:


I was impressed with the output of this piece. I wanted the effect of natural ink strokes here. The machine took like an hour to do this though :/. I think next time I'll try engraving on cork...

Atm I'm in the process of benchmarking this machine in order to spot any defects as it's warranty period is short.

This piece may be unimpressive as you could just 2D print this, but I imagine it would look cool on a different material.

(BTW I think it's worth mentioning because I saw another 3D printing guy get flack for this on another thread, I do not intend to profit or sell this stuff, this is purely a pursuit of craft and passion for myself in my own time. I take the handling of other companies IP's seriously and wouldn't want to infringe. I do however intend to send some of the more 'creative' stuff to several of my favourite Dojo members as gifts for being awesome and an amazing source for this community over the years.)

Tl;dr Very excited to try out some more stuff and add to this thread! Share your thoughts! :)

Re: Flagship's Shenmue Design Projects

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 8:36 pm
by FlagshipFighter
Hey everyone,

It's been a while since my last update here, sorry about that! I've used this machine for a few work related and some quality of life projects but little else.

I've worked a little bit at some points earlier but didn't get to follow through... until yesterday during my playthrough of Yakuza 5 where I found myself bursting with joy with the games hilarious sidequests and engrossing pace that I had to make time to dedicate something cool towards my (now) two favourite game franchises.


And here we are, the dragon of dojima's tattoo and the 4 wude laser engraved (quite deep may I say) burned on wood. It took some time, I'm pleased with the results but deciding atm whether to use wood stain or varnish for full effect. Or might leave this as is atm and work on more pressing matters... for now xD.

Interested to hear your thoughts, excited for what may or may not await us at PSX!!! :-)

Re: Flagship's Shenmue Design Projects

PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 9:53 pm
by FlagshipFighter


Just a quick update: this was done a little while back but here are a couple looking more pieces done, using a the same technique as the prior two above.

Both these vectors are tracings and stylistic interpretations I've done based on reference images on shenmue/yakuza images on google (which I'll add citations once I have computer access), in order for the machine to effectively transcribe and engrave at a highest quality.

The shenmue one especially took around 16hrs to do! The room stank so hard of burning basal wood (think matchsticks) at one point my mother came over, walked inside and exclaimed "are you taking drugs?" xD priceless


Unfortunately one of the shenmue projects I was working got deleted. It was my most ambitious one yet and was a little disheartening to lose those 2ish hours of progress :(. But I've learned a long time ago that one shouldn't be put off by these setbacks and rather tackle the task again and with better knowledge + efficiency.

P.s. just finished watching the 3rd one of Peter's dojo streams. This has been my new favourite thing to look forward to in the week and a true reward for the middle of the week. I want to take this moment thank Peter for being an amazing host and the community in chat, it's been the biggest step for the dojo community since tapatalk integration imo xD thank you all and hope you all end 2016 on the highest note whilst it's still around!

Take care, love and respect!

Re: Flagship's Shenmue Design Projects

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:47 pm
by FlagshipFighter
January 31st Update:
Greetings everyone, we're already towards the end of the first month of the year! :O Crazy! I managed to get up to quite a lot of stuff done for here, though I'd never talk about it 'till it was done, just like sony and the other big boys, I like to shadow drop, I'm sure you would agree it's more fun to see results rather than talk-talk-talk of intentions, I sure do! xD Here's the rundown!

SEGA DVD/Blu-ray Stand:
I've been wanting a cool desk stand for my games for a while now. This month I thought I would take soem time/steps to designing one:
After the design/3D modelling phase was over, I was ready to start printing the pieces:
And through that journey, there were many setbacks and failures, that's the name of the game when it comes to product design, you can't let yourself get discouraged for too long, you must persist!
And then we get to post processing and assembly to complete the final product. As a one-off personal piece, I'm happy, but going forth if I wanted to produce some more, I would think about improving some of the draft angles on the sides of the design as well as producing a more cost-effective+weighted piece. (I haven't printed the back part of the rack connector yet due to some work commitments with my machine and not being happy with its current state)

Coin Series - Poker/Chess Pieces:
I like iconography and appreciate good graphic design and art, especially from video games! I thought it would be cool to print a set of 5cmx5cmm study coin pieces.

I know for a fact we have splinter cell fans at the dojo! :D I'm sure you'll recognise that this is from SC Blacklist (the icons for each of the distinctive playstyles: ghost, panther, assault). Printed with transparent filament to give it a cool camo/armour effect. Been thinking to paint the middle icons gold)
And a set I've very much been wanting to make, Valkyria Chronicles wooooh!!!1 Again, I just need to sand+paint the inner icon.

I also produced two more wooden plaque engravings for my collection from stratch (only references): one based on a movie nobody's heard of, the other based on Asura's Wrath.

And finally, I produced some graphic design art yesterday for kazuma kiryu called 'the beast is unleashed' to covey his inner dragon spirit in a very altered beast/Bill Bixby sort of way. I hope to make an engraving of this as well! :-)

And that about wraps the month! Thank you for viewing, hope you enjoyed the journey, I knowthere is a distinct lack of shenmue this month but after i lost the files to my previous shenmue project I did loose a bit of steam in the stort term. I hope to pursue and complete it by the end of Feb but we shall see how things turn out. 'Please be excited' for the end of February, hopefully it will bring many new and interesting stuff. Hope by that time, we do get an juicy update for Shenmue 3! Thoughts? Love and Respect everyone! :-)

UPDATE: Apologies for the broken image links. Google, you've failed me!

Re: Flagship's Shenmue Design Projects

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:32 pm
by KidMarine
Wow, nice! You should totally sell some of these SEGA stands on etsy or ebay, I'd buy one!

Re: Flagship's Shenmue Design Projects

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:44 pm
by FlagshipFighter
KidMarine wrote:Wow, nice! You should totally sell some of these SEGA stands on etsy or ebay, I'd buy one!

Thank you very much for the kind words! I've had such positive buzz from people who see my work in real life that I may look into it. I'm just not certain on what the legality of the whole thing using sega's brand + working on the digital model further for it give immaculate prints worthy of purchasers will take some planning in terms of logistics/time. I hope to get a lot of my portfolio work completed by the summer. I will let you know how things go! :)

The release towards shenmue 3's launch fills me up with so much exhilaration (despite all the drama happening in the world atm) that I can't help but not see how many things I can accomplish before then to nicely bookend the years that I've been waiting for the 3rd entry (like us all).

Re: Flagship's Shenmue Design Projects

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 11:52 pm
by Switch
Your creations look very slick, nice work.

FlagshipFighter wrote:And through that journey, there were many setbacks and failures, that's the name of the game when it comes to product design, you can't let yourself get discouraged for too long, you must persist!

Wise words indeed! It's also exactly what Yu Suzuki advises for young game developers.