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Shenmue 2 on Xbox for the first time in 14 years

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 8:35 pm
by marcrollins89
As the title suggests, I am playing Shenmue 2 for the first time since around 2002. The Xbox version was actually my introduction to Shenmue. I wanted a Dreamcast so much when it released but I was too young to get a job yet, so I missed out. However in 2001 I was able to get a job bussing tables, and I saved my money to buy a PS2 and an Xbox. I got Shenmue 2, used, for about 20$. I started it and was immediately addicted-- I probably put 300 or more hours into the game on my first playthrough.

After playing Shenmue 2 I decided I wanted to checkout the first game, so I did a little research and found out the first game was on Dreamcast. I saved up and got a Dreamcast from a used video game shop for about 75$ and a copy of Shenmue, and a few other choice games-- along with a blue-translucent VMU, and a purple-translucent jump pak. I realized that even though the game mechanics were pretty much identical, the feeling and experiences were so vastly different.

Shenmue, to me, encourages you to explore and become very familiar with Ryo's home town, meeting and learning about the people Ryo has known all of his life, and seeing how things change around Christmas time. The amazing mini-games, capsule toys, and job was initially much more immersive; as I played Hang-On, or Space Harrier, or QTE Challenger I knew that Ryo had been there many times before, playing the games before I ever learned about him. Where as Shenmue 2 was more about exploring massive parts of Hong Kong, dungeon-like buildings, and becoming familiar with a wholly different culture, and how people from various walks of life in China are. Experiencing a completely new world with Ryo was a huge thrill-- we were together and experienced new things at the same time. From Aberdeen to Kowloon, and into Guilin, you see so many different kinds of people in this living, breathing world; taking in an alien and unique culture.

I haven't gotten too far yet, on this playthrough; I've been walking around mostly, checking out the changes in graphics and lighting, comparing it to the Dreamcast version as well as I can. I have my Dreamcast near my desk, to play it at any given time, in case I get a hankering for Power Stone, Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense, Shenmue, or Bangai-O; and I play Shenmue almost continuously, as in playing the game a few hours every day or every other day, from month to month. I sold my Xbox long ago, but the Dreamcast has always been close to my heart.

So for Xmas this year I decided to treat myself. I bought an Xbox along with copies of Shenmue 2, Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, Fable, and a few other games I had nostalgic memories for, from so long ago. It was a very cheap haul overall, but rich in emotions; remembering being high school age and pausing Shenmue 2, or Otogi, to go out with a friend to get a slice of pizza, only to return home and snatch that controller right up. It makes me quite sentimental. I've even shared these experiences, and my Dreamcast, with my wife.

While I am enjoying my Xbox playthrough, I can certainly see it's faults and the faults of the console itself. The QTEs, and even lifting crates with Delin, are much more difficult on Xbox because of the D-Pad. The graphics are a bit more polished, with nice environment shadows, but the colors look washed in the daytime because of the light filters, while at night the world seems more beautiful and lively because of those same filters.

The buttons, controls, and controller are practically identical because of the Xbox's Dreamcast-like controller(even if the Dreamcast controller is cooler and more comfortable to hold). I know a huge appeal to Shenmue and Shenmue 2 is being able to transfer save data between the games, as I have done many times, but playing it on Xbox is a unique, if not somewhat inferior, experience compared to that of the Dreamcast.

I know this is a long post so I imagine it won't get many responses, but I've never known anyone around me, in real life, who ever had a Dreamcast or even knows what Shenmue is. I just wanted to spill my guts to people who have the same love for this game that I have.

I'd like to know other people's first experiences with Shenmue, their emotions about it, or even their first foray into Shenmue 2 on Xbox.

Re: Shenmue 2 on Xbox for the first time in 14 years

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 8:25 am
by drunkensailor
wow, great story. nostalgic feelings are so powerful. I know exactly what you mean.

Re: Shenmue 2 on Xbox for the first time in 14 years

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 11:43 am
by marcrollins89
Thanks. I, like probably most people on this forum, hold the Shenmue games very close to my heart. I love sharing them with anyone I get the chance to.

Re: Shenmue 2 on Xbox for the first time in 14 years

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 8:23 pm
by Cyberman
Shenmue 2 was probably the reason why I got an Xbox in the first place.

Re: Shenmue 2 on Xbox for the first time in 14 years

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 4:02 am
by drunkensailor
My first experience with shenmue was also shenmue 2 when it was just released on the dreamcast in 2001. I immediately got shenmue 1 after that as well. really glad my experience started with the subbed version since the dub is beyond atrocious, worse even than in shenmue 1

Re: Shenmue 2 on Xbox for the first time in 14 years

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 5:40 pm
by hxcx af fan
I had the DC and Shenmue I was the first game i bought outside of the games that came with the console. Fell in love with it obviously. When Shenmue II got cancelled for DC in North America, I took all my saved holiday money and got an EU version shipped from France to my local gamestop, got a game shark and there ya go.

When it was announced it was coming out on Xbox, I uprgraded(still have my DC to this day though :D ). Playing Shenmue II on Xbox was different. There were pros and cons. Surprisingly I preferred the Japanese voice acting. I assumed when I got the DC version that that would be something I didn't like, but once I got the Xbox version I realized I preferred it.

I'm with you on the graphics/lighting. Night time was craaaaazy special.

At the end of the day I gave my Xbox and all my Xbox games away, but I haven't and will never give away my DC or my Shenmue I & II on DC. It is way more special to me.