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shenmue dojo campaigns mailing list

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:58 pm
by R3N
Shenmue dojo campaign
free account
0-1,000 users
6 messages a month

The problem with campaign is that in order for the campaign to work.
Users have to visit the campaign area of the forum as we know not many people visited that area before...

I think it is a better Idea is we make it easier for them and contact them about it.
Tell them give us your primary email if you want to help shenmue.

Basically let someone in charge of campaigns and he will judge campaigns ideas and if he agree he will send campaign plan in shenmue campaign list.
Someone like Yama or Ziming for example

We could use votes choose 1 campaign idea each month the winner will be posted.

or only contact the list when necessary

But we should avoid using the list for sending not so important news.

For example Remember the time we vote for that France gaming magazine so they made an article about shenmue history?
How we worked together and achieved our goal.
Now Just imagine if we could get a list of thousands of members and gain that success in various places.

You could put the Opt in asking for email in the home page of this site

Also try to get people to sign up to the list people from myspace, facebook, other shenmue sites members(I know there are not many but at least a few is something), at the end of shenmue youtube videos.

We together could:

vote on sites

post in SEGA twitter

SEGA forums

SEGA facebook.

We plan it carefully and we all act the same exact day thousands or hundreds of votes,post or emails in a single day....

Also we could add emails of friends we know that like shenmue enough to invest a single minute for it when it's necessary.

The point is get in touch with thousands of shenmue fans especially the not so hardcore fans that visit this forum regularly or fans that gave up but still will be willing to invest a single minute to help.
Also as everyone knows many of us are not teens anymore and we are busy with real life and work but I bet a shenmue fan has at least 5 minute in a month to help.

Also we could make list based on language so we not only have English speakers but we also have other members that don't know english.
French,Spanish & any other language.

together as fans we are strong especially is we all act the same time in a single day.