Alright, if in S3 we DO go back to Dobuita....

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

Postby Silas » Tue Jan 06, 2004 2:36 pm

At the end of the game, a free roam mode in all playable areas from all the games would be absolutely great. This would include Dobuita, of course, and since someone would actually have to design and implement Dobuita for the new game, they are hardly likely to look at the cinema under renovation and say, "Well, we'll leave that as it is." Whether it would have "playable" features, like the cutscenes and extras from Shenmue I Disk 4 would be a different matter.

According to a preview of Shenmue the cinema was supposed to be gradually completed as you progressed through the game, but apparently that did not happen in the finished product.

Story-wise, I'm firmly convinced that the playable part of the saga will end in China, but that Ryo (assuming he's still alive) will return to Yokosuka and to the Dojo in a long ending cutscene in which he is re-united with Fuku-san (much matured due to having to run the dojo on his own) and Ine-san, and of course to introduce them to his bride Shenhua!
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Postby Beck » Tue Jan 06, 2004 2:56 pm

I was about to say the free raoming idea that Silas has just said. Maybe if you walked into the cinema it would be like the passport, you can select and view the cutscenes that you have unlocked maybe?

Free-Roam would be ace, it would be cool if you could get the old jobs (forklift and box moving) whilst in free roam, and maybe some new jobs.

And if the game would support Xbox Live, then maybe they could make a building in which you can connect to the internet to trade toy from the toycapsules for rare toys, or trade with other people.

Nice Topic :D
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Re: Alright, if in S3 we DO go back to Dobuita....

Postby Amin » Tue Jan 06, 2004 2:59 pm

Yamagishi San wrote:Remember when in Dobuita when you pass Tom's Hot Dog Truck? Yeah, that one. Well, if you used the L Button on the place with the cones, it was the "New Yokosuka Movie Theatre" or someting to that extent. So what if you go back in S3, and it is fully renovated? Then you could watch trailers of other Sega games, or real short movies that Digital Rex makes up? Yeah, it's a dumb idea, but the more you play S1, the more you think about the future............. Anyway, that would be real neat. Also, the place in Sakagouroka next to the phone booth where there is a construction zone, what if that place is an arcade or somethin'? And they have different games like bowling? :lol: :lol:

That would be so brilliant! I've thought about that before. I still wish I could play about in shenmue 2 and find something huge relating to shenmue 3, something that was hidden in there buy Yu still not uncovered.
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Postby Ryo's Room » Tue Jan 06, 2004 5:01 pm

Thanks for the kudos on the topic. I was just playing one day (S1) and stopped at the theatre, thinking why it had a name but there was nothing there. So I decided to post about it. Glad I could share my ideas with you guys. I'll try to be more creative w/ future topics as well.....
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