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Re: Would YOU donate to a Shenmue Project? (& how much)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:42 pm
by ShOzO MiZuKi
Axm wrote:
mue 26 wrote:Yeah with a good developer on board (like Sumo digital, perhaps) a kick starter initiative might well help. The problem is that without the license (or the OK from Sega) this couldn't really get off the ground.

The closest thing we could get to that would be doing a charity fundraiser in the name of Shenmue, to demonstrate to Sega that we will put our money were our mouths are.

Ya too true. I guess we have to know a guy who knows a guy to talk to someone in sega who knows another guy in segas licencing dept or something.
Too bad Ryan Payton doesnt live in Japan still. He's a Shenmue fan aswell and commented on the Dojo's redesign when Yama took over. We do know CVXfreak however and I think he knows Ryan Payton or he atleast has his connections of some kind.
Or ofcourse if we had any certified lawyers on the board...
Am I getting crazy with this or.. :geek:
Maybe we can just do some actual research into how this works. How the other fan base peter mentioned did it.
Seems like a shit ton of time, money and work to try to dedicate for something that might just crash and burn. But im willing to explore this if others are.

Really good to have you back Axm. I think it's awesome having another die hard Shenmue fan interested in helping this cause. I simply tweet once a month, but I am always on board if we need more help getting this thing off the ground!

Re: Would YOU donate to a Shenmue Project? (& how much)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:12 am
by Yokosuka Martian

Re: Would YOU donate to a Shenmue Project? (& how much)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:29 am
by Axm
Damn Shenmuekidsx, you got me dieing with those Shenmue memes you got. Keep them coming man. It's gold.

ShOzO MiZuKi wrote:Really good to have you back Axm. I think it's awesome having another die hard Shenmue fan interested in helping this cause. I simply tweet once a month, but I am always on board if we need more help getting this thing off the ground!

Absolutely man. Im all about having a positive proactive outlook on the situation. If we chip away at it we might actually get somewhere. Like prisoners.. stuck in a cave..
We're like those Chilean miners that got stuck in the well.
Or Batman when he got thrown in the prison.
I can keep going with this or... :lol:

Re: Would YOU donate to a Shenmue Project? (& how much)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:26 am
by Joe Pesci
I would donate at least 100 dollars to something like this. SEGA is crazy for not pursuing this, they could make a profit before the game is even in production!

Re: Would YOU donate to a Shenmue Project? (& how much)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:43 am
by Peter
Probably could, especially if they went down the nostalga route and just do Shenmue 3 on its original engine. Always said if there was a Shenmue kickstarter, it would destroy all kickstarter records before it.

Shenmue news/related interviews have been a bit scarce on the ground lately, so would someone maybe want to fire an email to one or two developers, just asking their thoughts and opinions from inside an industry standpoint. First name that comes to mind is Steve Lycett from Sumo Digital. The links with Sega could give some more info on Kickstarter campaigns.

Re: Would YOU donate to a Shenmue Project? (& how much)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:14 pm
by Ziming
Peter wrote:Probably could, especially if they went down the nostalga route and just do Shenmue 3 on its original engine. Always said if there was a Shenmue kickstarter, it would destroy all kickstarter records before it.

Shenmue news/related interviews have been a bit scarce on the ground lately, so would someone maybe want to fire an email to one or two developers, just asking their thoughts and opinions from inside an industry standpoint. First name that comes to mind is Steve Lycett from Sumo Digital. The links with Sega could give some more info on Kickstarter campaigns.

They did recently ask a few game journalists about Shenmue3. ... -shenmue-3

Re: Would YOU donate to a Shenmue Project? (& how much)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 2:08 pm
by mue 26
Joe Pesci wrote:I would donate at least 100 dollars to something like this. SEGA is crazy for not pursuing this, they could make a profit before the game is even in production!

Yeah, but you have to understand that SEGA will never be involved in a kickstarter scheme. They are reasonably big publisher (that is admittedly in financial straits) and with a long history, it simply won't happen with SEGA. The only way a Shenmue Kickstarter could ever be possible is if Yu Suzuki had the license. He would also need the balls to actually initiate the kickstarter, but at least it would then be genuinely viable option.

And I agree with Peter that a Shenmue Kickstarter could raise more money than any Kickstarter that's gone before. Shenmue would have a lot potential with Kickstarter in my opinion.

Re: Would YOU donate to a Shenmue Project? (& how much)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 2:29 pm
by FlagshipFighter
With the Double Fine project being the only game I've ever supported on the website, I would happily pay $100-$150 for a Shenmue 3 project and less if it were a port of the previous games (though probably more if it came with decent swag)

I only spent $25 for the double fine one, as it was a nostalgic thing between me and my bro when I was young, but shenmue means so much to me (as you may know) because it means so much to us I actually would be prepared to spend more for it.

Tbh it's the only game left that I would want to come out. Street Fighter had its resurgence (and perhaps overdid it!), Monkey Island came out (new and remastered versions) and now a broken sword game has been announced on Kickstarter, what more is there?

I hope SEGA is doing something!!! Even the ports! That's progress!

Re: Would YOU donate to a Shenmue Project? (& how much)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:23 am
by GriffithFR
Hello everybody,

I have seen a topic similar from one I have created in a French forum, so I wanted to share the idea worldwide.

In fact, I have discovered also recently kickstarter with the videogame Brokensword 5 (I don't know if it is well known in your countries?). Whatever, it was also a video game I was hopping another (true) sequel and I was so happy that I give as much as I can to support it.

It makes me start thinking about all video games I would like to see "reborn" and of course the one which came first in my mind was Shenmue 3...

As lot of action were done in the past which had unfortunatly no results, I was thinking about a concept like kickstarter but just a little bit different.
The community of fans give money to kickstarter (or another website), but the money is kept by the website during 1 year.
It would be a petition but with true financial investment from the fans.

Indeed, everybody know it, the major problem of Shenmue is the financial risk...if fans can show that at least 10% of the cost of the game can be reached only by the fans worldwide they would feel more secure about it.

The website which organise the "donation" will have the responsability to communication between fans/developer and of course manage the money (refound it...blablabla)

This website would win money by placing the money during one year on an account and winning 3-5% of the donation in case of success.

This would be the ultimate action from shemue fans and would show clearly to the developper and fans what is the future of Shenmue 3. Because, frankly speaking if after 1 year only 100 000 $ are reached it, everybody can forget it.

I have sent an email to kickstart in order to propose them the idea (I m not sure they will answer). If you are interested, I will post the feedback if I have.

PS: sorry for my english, this is not my mother tong :)

Re: Would YOU donate to a Shenmue Project? (& how much)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:22 am
by Ziming
^ The truth is no kickstarter related to Shenmue will ever work without Yu Suzuki supporting it. Before that Yu Suzuki has to somehow acquire the license from Sega. My point is any fan-made kickstarter will fail miserably even if you have honest intentions.

Re: Would YOU donate to a Shenmue Project? (& how much)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:44 am
by Peter
Absolutely. I wouldnt contribute anything at all to something, kickstarter or not, without a studio having Suzukis, or at least Segas support.

Oh, and no offence intended, i really wouldnt donate any money outside kickstarter. Especially not to a website, even if it was this place! But its good to see some effort at least.

Re: Would YOU donate to a Shenmue Project? (& how much)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:23 pm
by HappyKillmore
I'd rather have the shenmue series left as it is, with two great games, than have the series' reputation ruined with some low budget kickstarter.