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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2018 12:37 pm
by Spaghetti
Centrale wrote: Not to shovel more coal into an already chugging hype train, but the matter of the timing of the VO and E3 doesn't seem problematic to me. Simply because if a trailer is being prepared, they can just record the lines for that trailer first of all, then proceed to the bulk of the VO work for the actual game. Not that I'm predicting or expecting a trailer or even anything at all at E3, at this point.

Don't get me wrong, the same thought has crossed my mind about just doing trailer lines.

It's pretty unorthodox though, and might not result in the best performance from the actor/most appropriate for the scene. Not to say it hasn't happened before in high profile games; MGS4's E3 2016 voice acting was recorded specifically for the trailer but I think all of it was later re-recorded (maybe with the exception of the "war has changed" monologue) and had some changes in line delivery too.

It could happen, but there are caveats like if they're willing to spend money recording lines they may have to go back to later, and just the simple time factor of getting the lines implemented and facial animation into a presentable state. If it were to happen, it'd probably have to be with the Japanese cast just to make the process as quick as possible.

Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2018 12:56 pm
by Rikitatsu
Lack of VO never seemed like an indication for whether or not they'll release an E3 trailer... After all, they could make a trailer with no VO like they've done in the past. I don't think anyone will mind as long as it actually looks good and features gamepaly.

Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2018 1:24 pm
by Spaghetti
I dunno if you can get away showcasing a story-based game without it, though.

Same goes for any kind of extended look at gameplay, because it makes it difficult to show stuff like the questing which is the backbone the rest of the game is built on.

EDIT: I'm trying to see it as Deep Silver's marketing team might. If they're really going to take the reigns on the PR from here, then they may be happy to sit on their hands a few months until the VO is in a state where a more fleshed out look at the game can be presented.

I'm not going to discount the possibility of something quick and teasery happening over E3 (new screens, or a quick video, or a dev update, or just info on when to expect the game next), but it feels really slim, and undoubtedly the big guns will stay in their holsters for a bit longer.

EDIT #2: And to be honest, the next proper showing of Shenmue III might largely be a big "fuck you we told you that stuff was temporary" in regards to the impression the Gamescom progress video gave the uninformed, and that means showcasing facial animation; which in a lot of instances would need a VO track to progress.

Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2018 9:47 am
by FlagshipFighter
Personally I'm still very patient for Shenmue 3's reveal whether it's E3/GC or later in the year (with maybe some light ks news here and there), S1&2 will continue to draw a lot of attention for a long time and I don't mind if they're withholding that info until they're absolutely prepared/certain on a release schedule and are confident with showcasing the current build/screens etc.

I only fear for the repercussions in terms of backlash from the media (despite the fact we're getting 1 and 2 and that there's enough games as it is this year).

If they announce a specific month early in 2019 i think they'd be understanding and easier on it, if it needs more time and plans to ship into late 2019 or TBC I can imagine we'll see a lot more of the usual backlash, negativity and scepticism from journo's when a game gets delayed twice or more.

Hopefully more news pertaining to S1&2 willl continue to excite people and that DS's marketing plans for shenmue 3 will be stellar.

Personally I think if they were able to announce a release that shenmue 3 trial/demo for late 2018/very early 2019 that might soften any news of a delay (alongside maybe more S1&2 news) because it gives a lot of people something more tangible to look forward to and makes folks realise that release is within distance.

I think a lot of the media folks will pass off the rest of this year as RDR2 enters the limelight and so (hopefully) sympathise with others games wanting some distance. Hopefully.

Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2018 11:03 am
by BalHan
Bizarrely enough, I’d be rather relieved to hear that the release has been delayed until 2019. It would indicate to me that they haven’t rushed anything and that the makers are delighted with the finished article. For whatever reason, a 2018 release wouldn’t fill me with much confidence that we’d be getting a game that Yu is over the moon with; I don’t know why. Anyone else feel this way? We’ve waited this long for S3, what harm’s another year?

Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2018 12:44 pm
by KidMarine
BalHan wrote: Bizarrely enough, I’d be rather relieved to hear that the release has been delayed until 2019. It would indicate to me that they haven’t rushed anything and that the makers are delighted with the finished article. For whatever reason, a 2018 release wouldn’t fill me with much confidence that we’d be getting a game that Yu is over the moon with; I don’t know why. Anyone else feel this way? We’ve waited this long for S3, what harm’s another year?

I feel the same way, a delay sounds great to me. I think it wouldn't even be that big of a deal now that I & II HD are coming out to tide people over. It would probably give newcomers a chance to get totally caught up with the series.

Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2018 1:13 pm
by Let's Get Sweaty
They already delayed the game by up to a year to make it bigger and better than it was originally intended to be. What gives you the impression they're rushing it?

Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2018 5:55 pm
by mrandyk
If the scope of the game shifted at all due to Deep Silver's involvement, then I'd say a delay is a near certainty. If the scope changed and they tried to release yet in 2018 then it would be a rushed product.

Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2018 6:58 pm
by Let's Get Sweaty
It did change, hence the delay of up to a year.

Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2018 9:18 am
by Spaghetti
Automatically assuming 2018 = rushed/Yu isn't happy with it is a bit silly considering Yu and Ys Net set that release window in the first place. They know the logistics better than we ever could, and if they think it's deliverable with something they're happy releasing, we can't really argue with that. I hope everybody keeps this in mind if the game does manage to squeeze a very late 2018 release.

Yu obviously does not want to just shove the game out the door and be done with it. He wouldn't have bothered approaching Deep Silver last year if that was his intention, as we'll all remember that partnership was forged to expand the game into something that would do better to suit his standards.

The only real question is how far the money can go, but even then I don't think that's an enormous threat. Deep Silver seem to be backing up Ys Net on a 2018 release, but at the same time the THQ Nordic purchase slides listed Shenmue III as TBC. There's only so much we can read into this, but I like to believe it's a sign that Shenmue III will have the support to cook beyond 2018 if needed.

As ever, it's a case of wait and see. This summer should have answers. We just have to sit tight a little longer.

Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2018 9:20 am
by johnvivant
I hope Eric Kelso returns to voice Ren. A future update confirming this would be cool.

Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2018 9:44 am
by Hazuki00
I think Yu delayed the game to the end of this year after having meetings with Deep Silver and because of this, enhance the whole game. Yu delayed the game knowing that it would be bigger and better so that's why he settled 2 half of this year for the release.

Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2018 10:37 am
by Telekill
I don't see the need for another delay. I'm not sure why some of you believe that it would be rushed with an already year delay. Sure, had they released Shenmue 3 five months ago, it would have been rushed, but with the year delay, everything should fall into place. I'm not worried.

If Shenmue 3 is delayed to next year, there will be backlash and negativity surrounding the title... again. The Shenmue HD Collection will definitely give people a chance to replay and catch up making it so that a possible second delay wouldn't hit as hard but I really don't see the need for the second delay. We really haven't seen much of Shenmue 3 and I believe that's due to more to them not wanting to give info out that they felt wasn't perfect more so than the game simply not being on schedule.

Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2018 11:37 am
by Valascaziel
The biggest proponent behind the mentality that expects another delay is the fact that we haven't really seen the game in motion, as it stands in a current state of development, really ever.

The Gamescom footage was months old when it was shown and the extended trailer was probably older as well, despite having some newer stuff.

I've come to understand that Yu perhaps values secrecy over this project due to possible spoilers(would you want to leak too much of your 15 year old dream project too soon?)

I'm hopeful for the upgradable pledges to come forth in the next couple of months. I've been saving to upgrade a couple of tiers up.

Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2018 12:42 pm
by Spaghetti
Telekill wrote:If Shenmue 3 is delayed to next year, there will be backlash and negativity surrounding the title... again.

Time will tell with this, I think.

Shenmue I & II will keep the community happy in the meanwhile, and for a lot of people unfamiliar with the circumstances of how the IP was licensed out for III; they already consider I & II coming out later this year to mean III will follow in 2019. In a lot of people's minds it's already a done deal, and there's been no huge blowup so far.

As for others, y'know... some people are always going to be salty about Shenmue III, for illogical of reasons a lot of the time. Just look at the "announced at E3 2015 and NOT EVEN OUT YET?!?!?" arguments, conveniently forgetting the game obviously was not in development at the time. I think potential gripes about another delay shouldn't be taken at face value, whether it be just some console warrior shit flinging or any other type of ignorance.

The circumstances around another delay matter a lot as well. If it happens at the end of say - a story trailer or gameplay demonstration then I think people will be hard pressed to make too much of a fuss. If the delay is to a specific window of release (like a quarter, or maybe even a named month), then that'll soften the blow too.

Things might go sour if it's a matter-of-factly delay to 2019 with no further information, but I don't see that happening. The last delay at least explained the reasons, and then in the months after the Deep Silver announcement validated what Yu said about using the time to "power up" the game. I think reasonably, another delay would be followed with/announced alongside a further look into the game.

Valascaziel wrote:The Gamescom footage was months old when it was shown and the extended trailer was probably older as well, despite having some newer stuff.

The extended version was shown to press and select community reps at Gamescom last year, that and the short version released publically are as old as each other. All that footage would be going on a year old now.