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Re: Ideas to help the Kickstarter campaign

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:56 am
by sand4fish
Damn... If Shenmue 3 Kickstarter makes past the $7 million mark, I'll impregnate my loved one and name my baby after Yu Suzuki. Maybe I should do a campaign...

Re: Ideas to help the Kickstarter campaign

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:07 am
by Amir
One major thing the Kickstarter campaign is lacking is scarcity in its rewards (besides the 4 x $10,000 rewards). I honestly thought the $500 tier would be limited to at most 1000. There needs to be more scarce rewards so people feel a sense of urgency to donate a certain amount before a reward disappears. Psychology, yo ;)

Re: Ideas to help the Kickstarter campaign

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:11 am
by sand4fish
Amir wrote: One major thing the Kickstarter campaign is lacking is scarcity in its rewards (besides the 4 x $10,000 rewards). I honestly thought the $500 tier would be limited to at most 1000. There needs to be more scarce rewards so people feel a sense of urgency to donate a certain amount before a reward disappears. Psychology, yo ;)

I asked them about that before in the faq section... Maybe if we all asked we could get something going.

Re: Ideas to help the Kickstarter campaign

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:22 am
by Himuro
We need to work on this! Contact Rocco!

Riku Rose wrote:
Himuro wrote: I posted this on the Kickstarter comment section. Agree/Disagree?

Thank you Yu, and everyone else involved doing this. However, there's a lot of confusion with this Kickstarter. I think you guys are unknowingly damaging the potential for the Kickstarter. Besides revealing Sony's involvement on the first day of the Kickstarter, giving people the idea that there is no more need to back it on Kickstarter because a big company like Sony is supporting it, there's also a lot of vagueness in relation to the stretch goals.

For example, what exactly is Raport? What is the Skill Tree? What are Character Perspectives? No one knows or understands, and this vagueness leaves doubts not only on your potential backers but current backers. Could you further expound upon these features?

Finally, why isn't Yu doing interviews all over the place for the Kickstarter to give information? There was a French interview on Youtube, but not one available in English. A lot of the marketing so far is scattershot and unorganized. Please do better. Thank you, a grateful Shenmue fan.

Just be a total slut for 30 days. Try and get interviewed by everyone and get news sites posting about Shenmue. Yu needs to get in the public light similar to how other Kickstarter project leaders have. Get more developers to make videos about why they love Shenmue, plenty of people have said they love it over the years in interviews. Get someone in the team to interview Yu and put it on the Kickstarter page and drop them every few days. Interviews should have been arranged weeks ago for every major gaming news outlet. I can imagine Yu will just go back to Japan after E3 and we won't hear from him again for months.

Make it clear what these S I&II scenes are. If it's like Shenmue the movie let people know so it doesn't put people off who have never played the series and that they can catch up. Nowhere on the Kickstarter page does it sound welcoming at all to newcomers to the series.

Do a let's play of certain sections of the original Shenmue. In these Yu could just speak about making the game and the history at SEGA. Let's plays aren't my cup of tea but people go crazy for them. Add a tier where you get a monthy skype session or online Q&A's with members of the team working on the games.

Get an english twitter account similar to what Kojima has. The Japansese audience is very small compared to America and America has the biggest funding potential. Only starting to use Twitter again about a day before E3 was silly. This isn't like the FFVII announcement where it's a nice surprise. For a Kickstarter that only lasts 30 days you should be teasing it for quite awhile.

Don't announce you'll do shows like the one in Monoco. Announce stretch goals that you will go to places like PAX, Tokyo Game Show, Playstation Experiance and Gamecom. No one outside of the core people who already have donated will care about seeing a game at an anime convention in Monoco. A tier could be made that if you donate enough you get access to a special Q&A with Yu or early hands on time with the game at Pax would bring in some extra money. If people are willing to pay £10,000 and also pay to fly to Tokyo to have dinner with the guy they'll do it if they don't have to pay to fly and his coming to PAX so extra dinners is something.

Include tiers like letting people voice a character or to let them name something in a tier between the $500-$10,000. You're letting people include their name in the credits why not let some people add a message next to their name for a few extra dollars to get a few people to up their pledge. Heck for even more money get your photo in the credits. Include a tier where people can have themselves made into a toy capsule Ryo can collect.

The toy capsules replicas are great but have a donation pledge to get replicas of the mirrors. Make them a decent quality so you can ask for more to get them.

The Double Fine team did a documentary about making the game that certain backers got access to. The Shenmue III story will be one people want to watch.


shredingskin wrote: FUck yeah, a let's play commentated by Yu Suzuki would be incredible.

Gametrailers is doing one of Shenmue II, would be awesome to see Huber, Yu Suzuki, Rocco from mega64, or some guys hyping the shit of Shenmue for people that haven't played it.

The whole 70 man battle scenes, the third disk of shenmue II, the ending.

Don't make it 1 hour long, but something like 15 minutes hyping the shit out of the game.

+1 to the mirrors replicas.

The documentary is great, but actually quite expensive, DF hurted a lot, it was awesome (even more so than the actual game), but just saying "exclusive making of videos for X tier backers" would be great.


Re: Ideas to help the Kickstarter campaign

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:59 am
by Set12
sand4fish wrote: This Forbes article is affecting negatively our campaign =(

Making a refutation video or post might be a good way to use it. It's an excuse to talk about the game and why backing it would be a good idea/point out all the issues in the article.

I wouldn't be too worried about the dip in donations; it's not uncommon for projects to do really well on the first day or two and then dip for the rest. Hopefully it'll see the less common spike during the last day.

They should add more reward tiers, move the stretch goals higher on the list (iirc originally Bloodstained had the goals much further down) and explain a few things more clearly (maybe a Q&A series like Iga's would be beneficial or something of that kind).

Re: Ideas to help the Kickstarter campaign

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:04 pm
by ShenSun
These fucking idiots trying to ruin the campaign make me sick. What fucking losers. There is also an article from Eurogamer trying to indirectly do the same thing. I mean, who goes out their way to spread negativity to so many peoples dreams?

With regards to the campaign. #Saveshenmue needs massive promoting from now on, not just on the 3rd; along with a message in the tweet about donating to shenmue 3.

I really want to see this thing hit 10 million.

Re: Ideas to help the Kickstarter campaign

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:19 pm
by Luke_09
ShenSun wrote: These fucking idiots trying to ruin the campaign make me sick. What fucking losers. There is also an article from Eurogamer trying to indirectly do the same thing. I mean, who goes out their way to spread negativity to so many peoples dreams?

With regards to the campaign. #Saveshenmue needs massive promoting from now on, not just on the 3rd; along with a message in the tweet about donating to shenmue 3.

I really want to see this thing hit 10 million.

Exactly! Could not agree more.

Those idiots who think we should just stop now we have reached $2 million, is a very naive and one-dimensional view to take. This KickStarter campaign is NOT just about reaching the $2 million goal. It's WAY more than that. It's about raising awareness of the game and also it's about sending a MESSAGE to those 3rd party investors who are willing to put their money into the game.

As I have said before, if you had a game on KickStarter that made $2 million, compared with a game that made $8 million; which game would you be more willing to put your money into? It's a pretty obvious decision isn't it.

The more money that this KickStarter makes, the more the investors will be willing to put MORE of their OWN cash into funding the development of Shenmue III, so it can be the best game it can be and the game that Yu Suzuki truly wants to make.

Those who think it's JUST about reaching the $2 million goal need to think again and look at the bigger picture!
This KickStarter campaign is about sending a message and a vote of confidence to those investors; to get them to inject as much money into the development of this game as possible.

Re: Ideas to help the Kickstarter campaign

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:16 pm
by sand4fish
FUCKKKKK.... Pledges dropped down $7000 just now... Damn troll pledgers!!!

Guys, remember to save all complaints and pleads for tomorrow (19/06/2015) at Reddit:


Re: Ideas to help the Kickstarter campaign

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:52 pm
by Set12
ShenSun wrote:I mean, who goes out their way to spread negativity to so many peoples dreams?

Out of touch video game journalists, it seems.

Luke_09 wrote:Those who think it's JUST about reaching the $2 million goal need to think again and look at the bigger picture!

Not to mention the stretch goals. They're basically saying "you shouldn't give any more for a larger game, foreign option subtitles, etc." If they think those would be included if they weren't reached on the KS, they're pretty silly. If people didn't donate to show they wanted those features, why would they include them?

Re: Ideas to help the Kickstarter campaign

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:00 pm
by Luke_09
sand4fish wrote: FUCKKKKK.... Pledges dropped down $7000 just now... Damn troll pledgers!!!

Guys, remember to save all complaints and pleads for tomorrow (19/06/2015) at Reddit:


Yea I'm not sure what happened there.

I'm keeping track of the KickStarter pledges; the counter stayed static for the past 2.5 hours (stayed on $3.198 million). Very bizarre, not sure what's going on. It has been steadily growing all day for the past few days. Makes you wonder if some have withdrawn their pledges?

Anyway, lets stay positive, the counter is continuing to climb now; $3.2 million has now been reached again.

Re: Ideas to help the Kickstarter campaign

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:01 pm
by Henry Spencer
The goal should have been higher so that people knew that the Shenmue 3 people wanted costs so much.

Re: Ideas to help the Kickstarter campaign

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:01 pm
by ImGladUmad
To be honest a $2million Shenmue will be really bad.

I hope Sony is investing quite heavy on the game, now that Shenmue has proven to at least get $2million.

Thats not enough however, the game needs to at least beat the video game fund raising record on Kickstarter.

However the Marketing is really bad. They need to show the Life of the Shenmue series, thats the reason Shenmue 1 was so succesful because it showed another breathing living world...they have failed to show that to new fans.

Re: Ideas to help the Kickstarter campaign

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 3:36 pm
by ShenmueForeseen
I'm concerned that the stretch goals seem so expensive for what we get...

4.2m to include an infiltration mission? Battle event and side quest for another 0.4m? Really? This worries me that the game is going to be tiny with a 3m budget.

Re: Ideas to help the Kickstarter campaign

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 3:59 pm
by sand4fish
Hey guys, while we await for the big showdown with Suzuki on Reddit, I came up with a couple of ideas that can be feasibly done by each one of us:

-I'm going on other Kickstarter game project' forums like The Bard's Tale IV and offering my donation for their project in exchange of theirs on Shenmue 3. I gave $5 bucks on two of them (I'm not rich), and there were really some people who helped out with Shenmue 3! Even if the amount from them might be small (not counting that maybe more than 2 of them might be genuinely interested in Shenmue 3), the ultimate goal here is to see the number of PLEDGERS go up and so generate interest and demand from the general public on the campaign (and make us not look like just rabid fans that spend $85 on average on a game yet to be made). SONY is watching the numbers closely after all. THIS WOULD BE A BIG WIN FOR THE ENTIRE GAMING COMMUNITY!

-And this one should be interesting: APPEAL THE SCALPERS AND COLLECTORS in game forums. With the Kickstarter's record broken by Shenmue 3, the awareness of the series is bigger than ever even though an entire generation of gamers never even heard of Shenmue. So we should pitch the rewards (specially the signed editions) to collectors, telling them they would be missing the chance of getting (and maybe selling for a fortune) that sweet signed colletor's edition copy.

What do you guys think? :-k

Re: Ideas to help the Kickstarter campaign

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:36 pm
by Shenmuehua
What can we do?

We have waited 14 years and there was so much different campaigns with nothing in sight.

Now we have Shenmue III and a masterpiece in sight with the stretch goals reached one after the other.

What I mean is that the community only need one more push and easier than what has been done along the past years to get so much money on the kickstarter.

But instead of pushing to Sega, Yu Suzuki, Sony or Microsoft or Nintendi this time it is to the people to put their money.

The only question is what?

After this we will be able to say we did everything to get Shenmue III.

Copied from news posts