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Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:08 pm
by *Kenshin Himura*

^Interesting.. I like it but I need a HD version of this trailer with better quality. QTE system looks good and Ryo's persona seems more brighter.

Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:25 pm
by Your Boy Leroy
That's what I took away from it too. Sure, it's all old footage, but I really like the direction. It's got that straight-up old school Kung Fu vibe to it.

Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:30 pm
by johnvivant
i like the trailer too, but i think this should have been a bonus on top of some other shorter trailer which had a more up-to-date build of the game, kind of like a comparison of progress to show people the improvements. its more for the fans i suppose than the wider public, which is probably why they didn't want it filmed, although many people did. it will be interesting to see what the update will include. i suppose e3 will be the big one, with a proper polished 'get hyped' kind of trailer.

Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:33 pm
by Yokosuka
*Kenshin Himura* wrote:

^Interesting.. I like it but I need a HD version of this trailer with better quality. QTE system looks good and Ryo's persona seems more brighter.

That's the best I could find.

phpBB [video]

Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:39 pm
by Reprise
I actually liked the original "trailer" too, despite all the negative comments. I thought it worked fine as a teaser that shows off the current progress of the video. The full, extended version of the trailer isn't bad either. At least the opening message makes it clear that it's not the latest build and is an old trailer, I guess... We won't be seeing an official version of that trailer. Looks like it was just something for the audience members to enjoy.

But, that said, it's just frustrating that 5 months later, at an event and conference that they've hyped up, that they've chosen to not show off anything new other than a few bits of game art. We haven't had a proper update in months and then at an actual event, they just show off an old video!? It seems like a bit of a piss take. Do they really have nothing new and substantial to show? I mean, let's be honest, these new screenshots/bits of art would have been a weak normal update via email, but to have the cheek to do that at Magic Monaco. Meh.

And for those saying wait till E3, A) You know developers don't have to wait until E3 before showing off gameplay or releasing trailers right? In the modern world, developers just release gameplay videos or trailers or press releases on Social Media all the time. And B) I bet Shenmue 3 is another no show at E3 2018 anyways. Just you wait, they'll be more disappointment in a few months time.

Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:46 pm
by delvec19
I'm not watching E3 this year. Not getting my hopes up for the millionth time. I didn't watch E3 2015 and was pleasantly surprised so hoping something similar happens.

Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:06 pm
by Your Boy Leroy
Yokosuka wrote:
*Kenshin Himura* wrote:

^Interesting.. I like it but I need a HD version of this trailer with better quality. QTE system looks good and Ryo's persona seems more brighter.

That's the best I could find.

phpBB [video]

Well, at least they were smart enough to include some sort of disclaimer at the beginning of the video this time :|

Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:09 pm
by *Kenshin Himura*
The extended trailer is actually cool.. I know everyone is disappointed with not seeing gameplay,but i think they will get around to it eventually. Just don't dwell on it. Its gonna happen. This just shows that Yu-san is a perfectionist. He doesn't display anything unless its the final product or at least close to it.

Edit: They really need to release a High Quality trailer of this..

Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:12 pm
by gillian_seed
*Kenshin Himura* wrote:

Edit: They really need to release a High Quality trailer of this..

I hope not, for God's sake.

Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:17 pm
by *Kenshin Himura*
^Nah they do.. this is like watching a bootleg dvd in the states

Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:19 pm
by Reprise
They won't. They have that disclaimer for a reason. The cut that was released last year was the final cut. Showing the full thing was just a 'gesture' for the audience members.

Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:25 pm
by punkmanced
I really like the extended trailer!

Re: Magic- It's a microcosmic conference held in Monaco. The only reason it's being (artificially) hyped is because Biscay has a vested interest in the event itself.

Let's hope that bigger and better events will give us more to chew on, in terms of substantial content.

Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:28 pm
by ChiefNeo
This is getting fucking old.

My brother has always known of my love for the series and has asked me multiple times "How's shenmue doing?" since 2015.

This is the 4th time I have told him "Wait until (blank date/gaming event) and you'll see" only to have to say "never mind, they didn't show shit again"

You know what, don't show shit, delay it to 2019, I'm fine with that. But then stop fucking teasing me. I'm getting tired of waiting patiently for a specific day on my calendar only to be disappointed.

Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:41 pm
by Sappharad
Yokosuka wrote:That's the best I could find.

That was the version posted by Shenmue Forever on Twitter right after it was shown, which was split into two parts and both tweets were deleted. Only the last 10 seconds or so are missing. Those last 10 seconds have not been lost though, I have my own copies that I saved and stitched together on the correct frame once I realized those tweets were deleted. I'm not going to share that just yet, because I'm hoping that one of the people who originally recorded it will release their video in full quality. And I also want to see how the whole thing goes regarding whether they get taken down or left alone. In absolutely worst case scenario, it can resurface once we have proper new footage, at a time where the outdated footage wouldn't be a problem to share anymore.

I posted my thoughts elsewhere, but simple summary:
1. Liked the new QTE stuff that we saw, QTE Title Arcade game, and more people in Choubu.
2. Disliked the fact that they showed a video that we know is 6 months old at this point.

In a few days, preferably after we get a kickstarter update about this (and depending on it's content) I will probably quote my old post about why I thought they were still on schedule because they potentially failed my criteria for showing they could meet a 2018 release. It's hard to tell because they're really not giving us any information about what they hope to have accomplished by what times, so I have to base it on what I think their schedule needs to be and in order to evaluate that they need to tell us how various things are going. I now have a new estimate for where I think they are, but I'm going to hold on to my thoughts for a little longer because we haven't heard much from those who attended the event who can provide more information.

Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:44 pm
by Reprise
punkmanced wrote: I really like the extended trailer!

Re: Magic- It's a microcosmic conference held in Monaco. The only reason it's being (artificially) hyped is because Biscay has a vested interest in the event itself.

Let's hope that bigger and better events will give us more to chew on, in terms of substantial content.

True. They didn't really show much at last year's either, did they?

I just let myself get hyped up. I figured that because A) It's been in development for 2 and a half years now, B) It's been ages since we've had a real progress update and C) They announced it and hyped it up; that all this meant we would be getting a proper update there. That was my own presumption though :(