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Re: david deville Interview with Yu suzuki

PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 4:22 pm
by JMan
First off, David thanks for this. Its always nice to be given some new material to get excited over while we wait. Its a kindness to your fans to do this I think when stuff gets delayed rather than acting like Valve and saying absolutely nothing about HL3.

What does bother me though is that I gather from what you have said that no progress on the story being wrapped up has been made judging from when you said S3 is probably not even planned. This is probably the thing that bugs me the most, that we've pretty much wrung all opportunities dry and its still no different than it was six years ago. ](*,)

Re: david deville Interview with Yu suzuki

PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:16 pm
by johnvivant
I'm really looking forward to this new info.

he knows the real identity of baihu? this finally proves that baihu is more than just street fighter.
this idea just came to me now, probably isn't right but I wonder if lan di is behind the mask. he wanted to test ryo's skills.

does Suzuki carry around his Shenmue artbook with him or were you shown images from a laptop?
if giving you this information was a fan service then why did he tell you not to disclose all of it?

are you going to give written descriptions of the north and west bosses and tentei?
when are you going to release this info? i'm hoping that its not going to be months.


Re: david deville Interview with Yu suzuki

PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:49 pm
by ShenSun
Any Shenmue news is good news in my book. I look forward to the interview.

Is there any chance of uploading the audio file?

With regards to Shenmue 3, I can see where some of you are coming from. At this point though, I dont think any of us should get hyped until we see an official trailer of Shenmue 3. It seems like every 3 months, there's a shenmue tease, which inevitably amounts to nothing. Sega can renew the trademark, create a new site, tease an upcoming shenmue game etc, etc. But until I see an official announcement trailer and release date, my hype levels will remain in check.

Re: david deville Interview with Yu suzuki

PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:21 pm
by mue 26
Yeah I defo agree with Giorgio, I don't really understand the thirst that some have for what are essentially minor story spoilers without the context of the full game. There are definitely more pertinent things to ask, as Giorgio mentioned, which could even help towards making the actual game a reality. But that's just my opinion, whatever floats your boat.

Re: david deville Interview with Yu suzuki

PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:36 pm
by JMan
I hope there will be some details about the state of the franchise as well as the interesting story content in the interview. I think the last time we were told something about Shenmue III’s plot was last summer with Shenmue Master’s interview and since then we’ve had nothing to feed us. So my thanks go to David for that. (Also, it’s pretty neat to know concept art exists for Tentei, I didn’t think they’d get that far in his development.)

ShenSun that is pretty much the best thing to do…but it’s so damn hard :sad: . I’m a sucker for these hypetrains I'll admit. If you can do it then I envy your willpower. I'll probably have to keep a salmon nearby which I'll use to slap myself with when the hype starts building up again.

Re: david deville Interview with Yu suzuki

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:00 am
by DEVILLE_David
Hi guys.

I am actually working on it, i have some free time. It's in french right now and i am about half way through it.

Just to make things clear :

- Do not expect a Shenmue III release date

I suppose it'd be useless to detail everything right now, you will be able to read it soon enough, once i am done writing everything on my free time. I will do a double check on what i am able to share, so you might get more than expected, or less, but trust me, you will get something.

Be back later !

Re: david deville Interview with Yu suzuki

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:30 am
by KX-5
Ugggh, David you're KILLING me with that tiny tidbit of Baihu being more than just the fourth street fighter and you know who's behind the mask XD. But people REALLY need to respect the fact that you agreed not to divulge that information or any other information Suzuki-san asked you to keep to yourself. That's a shenmue fans dream, just to know a little bit more about ANYTHING and that's part of the reason why I think people are calling all of this a fraud. It saddens me that people within the community have to be jerks when you went through all of this FOR the community. Take your time getting things translated and know that the majority of us really appreciate what you did for us.

Merci beaucoup David!

Re: david deville Interview with Yu suzuki

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:09 pm
by JMan
That happened sooner than I thought, great news David. Really looking forward to reading this. I thought a release date would be pretty unlikely to expect but Im keen to see if he will have any reassuring comments about the likelihood of this game eventually happening and why it isn't currently being pursued.

Re: david deville Interview with Yu suzuki

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:18 pm
by DEVILLE_David
Hi guys, i have some news, a good one and a bad one.

Before arranging the interview, i contacted a french magazine to see if they could let me write it down and publish it. I did not get any news until today. I got a phone call and they said that if i wanted to get it published, i'd have to share it as a temporary exclusivity. I've asked them how long and they said atleast one month. Since the magazine will be available on october, i'd have to wait until november to post something on the net.

Now i am a bit lost on what to do. As a magazine, Shenmue could get more views and might attract more than just a plain copy paste on internet (which would still happen on november anyway), so that wouldn't change anything.

If i do accept, would it be okay or would you be all angry ? I know that i was supposed to share it with you soon, but if i can get another chance to publish it somewhere else, that'd be great. And just to make it clear, even if they publish it, i am not paid, so there is no money involved.

Re: david deville Interview with Yu suzuki

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:28 pm
by elfshadowreaper
I would give them exclusivity. It's your story, not ours. As excited as I am for news I belive you took the initiative and interviews Suzuki, so you say who publishes your article. You have no obligation to us unless somehow someone here helped you get the interview. So I'd say go for it. But please at least tell us how good the news/info is.

Re: david deville Interview with Yu suzuki

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:31 pm
by JMan
The magazine would be fine for me and it would probably be the route I'd go with if I was in your position as well because it's a good opportunity. Your interview would be too important to waste an opportunity like this by a mere copy and paste on the net. And seeing as it's all plot details which I think some people can agree are of less importance than comments on the state of the game being made, I think it wouldn't kill us to wait.

My opinion though.

Re: david deville Interview with Yu suzuki

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:58 pm
by ShenSun
Why don't you try and get an exclusive with Kotaku or Eurogamer? I know Eurogamer love Shenmue and always respond to emails and such. At least this way it will get MASSIVE exposure.

Re: david deville Interview with Yu suzuki

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:03 pm
by johnvivant
definitely go with the magazine publication. waiting until November is more than tolerable.
excited for this. thank you David

Re: david deville Interview with Yu suzuki

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:24 pm
by Ziming
It depends on the contents of the interview. If it consists of mostly Shenmue related questions it's better suited that a fan site like Shenmue Master cover it. If it's mixed with general questions about his career including other games he's made then a gaming magazine is the ideal choice.

Re: david deville Interview with Yu suzuki

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 3:02 pm
by Giorgio
aizen59 wrote:If i do accept, would it be okay or would you be all angry ? I know that i was supposed to share it with you soon, but if i can get another chance to publish it somewhere else, that'd be great. And just to make it clear, even if they publish it, i am not paid, so there is no money involved.

Without judgement and emotions, objectively/logically talking:
If you want to get more exposure, then the Internet is the way to go. You have already create some stir among the fans. One month wait will just fade away all the hype for the news.

Furthermore, using the social media will bring much more exposure for the interview than a French magazine (this is crucial it will not be in English, the international language) ever could. Being posted to Shenmue Master, then to Shenmue Dojo (here), then to other major gaming forums over the Net (like NeoGAF), it will gain exposure than a mag ever could give.

Especially, if you also publish the audio version (for example, just like this interview with Corey Marshall) along with the text, I believe it has the potential to be published later by big gaming sites, just like Kotaku, Eurogamer etc (as they did with Shenmue Master's interviews of Yu Suzuki).

If it is not a matter of money, is it a matter of credibility for yourself? Will your name on a magazine enrich your portofolio/CV? If it is not a matter of money or fame/credibility, and your incentives are just to give as much exposure as possible to it, then for the reasons explained it's better to publish it as planed before the call from that magazine; that is to Shenmue Master, then Shenmue Dojo and then anywhere on the Net. That will give it the ideal exposure.