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Re: I'm I the only who has not backed Shenmue III?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:32 pm
by cactusjack901
SMDzero wrote: You're at a prime age to play Shenmue 3 then son!

Ya' see everyone here was around 18 when they played Shenmue... we saw the world of Shenmue through Ryo's eyes since Ryo was 18 himself.

NOW we're a bunch of miserable old 30+ year old geezers and have to resort to playing Shenmue 3 controlling a young whippersnapper!

But at least you can go in fresh!

=( I was 10 when I first played Shenmue, and now I'm 26... I've anxiously been awaiting Shenmue III for more than half of my life... This is why I threw $120 at it as soon as I could. I may very well throw more at it; and I still plan on buying it when it comes out to A) inflate sales numbers and B) keep my boxed PC copy pristine.

Re: I'm I the only who has not backed Shenmue III?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 9:37 am
by Karimov
khmlight3 wrote: Unfortunately I can't since I'm not old enough yet I will get the game when it comes out though!

im jelouss of you i gave some good cash and im still sceptic. i should v given it to the poor.
but hey i hope it will turn out well. if u didnt supoort then u can now. u can ask someone with a paypal to do it for u