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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:24 am
by James Brown
When I woke up today reading that interview, I too had concerns like shenmue852 said up above. I hope again it has been poorly translated as to me the answer to that question does sound as though Yu is trying to squeeze the rest of the story into Shenmue 3. This would be a huge mistake in my eyes, as not only would the story feel rushed, but his original vision of the series would be completely crushed when say 3 or 4 more games were originally planned and all that content is completely cut just to tie the knot in the third game. I know nothing up until this one question has sounded at all like he's planning to crush the story into 1 more game, but it has been over a month since the last update and alot can change. My other concern with this, is that finally we have the media coverage, we can self market this game through loads more mediums that we previously could when the Dreamcast was around, we have youtube, twitter, facebook, all these highly sharable and self marketable avenues to spread the word about Shenmue...which is one of the reasons Shenmue 3 is actually happening. The hype around the series right now and especially when the third game is close to being released, I think Shenmue this time around could be a success, and I would hate that Yu and his team realise the potential was there in this era to return to his original plan and have a Shenmue 4, and maybe even a Shenmue 5, but everything was cut to compensate for wrapping the series up in Shenmue 3. I can understand the other side of the argument that is saying that it would be another risk not finishing the story and people don't want to have to wait another 15 years for another game that this time likely won't be returning...but I don't think it will be as hard this time around for the series to bomb when we already have the attention of millions of people from the E3 conference, we hold a couple of world records on Kickstarter now, and the game is being released on the best selling console compared to the Dreamcast which was potentially the worst selling console at the time. Things are different this time around that mean that Shenmue can live on successfully through a game or 2 more.

Again, it's just one question and one weirdly worded answer, I hope that it was just slightly mistranslated :)


PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:39 am
by Kiske
I think you guys assume too many things from an interview. (In all honesty, I do that too...)

I'm convinced Yu Suzuki will do the best and make the right decisions for the good of the game and the gamers.

Cédric Biscay confirmed on Twitter his presence at the TGS.

Ca fait toujours du bien les vacances ! J'y serai également les 17 et 18.

Vacations are always good! I will be there on 17th and 18th. ... 1952780288

That means both Yu Suzuki and Cédric Biscay will attend TGS... another secret meetings on the way? :-s


PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:41 am
by strider16
Great update! Shenmue 3 is happening!!!! One update every month is a welcome idea too! Keep it up!

joka wrote:I'm pretty sure it's a typo or slightly mistranslated and he means the entire Shenmue series was planned as 11 chapters divided into 11 locations. Yu has stated as much previously.

Pretty sure he's also previously stated S3 doesn't complete the story- I take his comment on story planning as they no longer have the luxury, time or budget to do 1 chapter = 1 location and so S3 will cover multiple chapters (but not all).

Pretty much pointed it.

I can't really see reasons for be alarmed, Yu has reiterated N times before that he cannot and want not rush story in this game, and that the saga will not finish in this game. At the first reading I take that Yu is fitting chapters and sequences for this game, Shenmue 3, any misunderstandings on this statement are AJ business to blame again, what else?

I just hope the next game(s) don't need to rely on crowdfunding, I just cancelled my card.


PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:00 am
by amiga1200
yu and cohorts got a grip on their dicks. :P
there's NO reason the whole remaining story couldn't fit.
have we so quickly forgotten the advances in the storage technology?
bdrom. (and whatever the fuck variants down the road.)
coming from on old fart perspective, the standard today is lazy, too much inefficient coding, and way too many video datatype clips.
if the devs utilize their skills properly, and write proper instruction sets (sort of like risc) like they used to do on 16/32 bit systems, that could go on for some time. (the tools to spam a game wasn't about, they devs had to know the full architecture and language of the chipsets, and build an os prior to the game development that was usually custom to the game.)
look up on youtube a partyscene demo 'farbrauch debris' for an example of efficient coding, (should be a link to the xp exe as well last i checked) that used hardly any storage space, but has all the hallmarks of a modern engine properly built without any shit bloaty code.
i can't really explain it as i'm a hardware guy, but i understand the fundamentals.
storage capacity of media inline with todays tech and NO lazy cob-together speed hacks and shit coding, there's NO reason the remaining story UNCUT and ungimped couldn't fit on.
the question would be:
do they have have what's required at their fingertips (a banked amount that no matter what, the game is covered on costs at the worst case scenario) and are they going to take the required time to do it?
at this point, if yu and team have a secret weapon up their sleeves, they could make this game an all-round tech demo in of itself. (a game that truly tests that ps4 thing out)
massive, immersive game (divided with intermissions at the parts where a chapter would generally end) with minimal cgi/digitized data (aside vocal recordings) would justify the end.
look at s1 and 2, uncompressed as gdi, over 4g easy...and they were good for the day, no lazy codes there.
moores law, and i'm expecting as much here. :P :mrgreen:


PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:04 am
by Zoltor
Oh wait a second, I think the reply was over a month ago now, bloody hell time goes by fast(I remember getting it like 2 weeks after KS ended), let me double check...

Yea I got the reply July 31, so it was 1 month ago from today.

I suppose they can be waiting for the TGS, but It's stupid to wait, just so you can announce it there(especially when the series doesn't even do good in Japan anyway, but even if it did, it wouldn't make sense to wait).


PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:19 am
by Kiske
Zoltor wrote: Oh wait a second, I think the reply was over a month ago now, bloody hell time goes by fast(I remember getting it like 2 weeks after KS ended), let me double check...

Yea I got the reply July 31, so it was 1 month ago from today.

I suppose they can be waiting for the TGS, but It's stupid to wait, just so you can announce it there(especially when the series doesn't even do good in Japan anyway, but even if it did, it wouldn't make sense to wait).

It depends... what if there is some important annoucement related to Shenmue at TGS?
Only assumptions, but still, the wait for PayPal campaign would make sense then.


PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:43 am
by James Brown
I'm just generally looking forward to TGS for whatever Sega have up their sleeves in terms of getting back in touch with the fans :D, if Yu Suzuki has something other than just wanting to visit the show then i'm really excited :)


PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:49 am
by Three Blades
Now I'm really considering going to TGS. Do game developers typically wander around when they aren't busy doing their speeches? I'm asking because I'd really want YS to sign my copies of Shenmue 1 and 2 if I was lucky enough to run into him... Or is there at least an opportunity to meet, even if it involves waiting in line for 3+ hours?


PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:00 am
by Zoltor
James Brown wrote: I'm just generally looking forward to TGS for whatever Sega have up their sleeves in terms of getting back in touch with the fans :D, if Yu Suzuki has something other than just wanting to visit the show then i'm really excited :)

It's very weird that Sega would wait so long, just to announce how they are planning to turn things around at TGS, especially when It's not the Japanese consumers/fanbase they betrayed(and they openly admitted/agreed It's "specifically" the western markets they screwed over, Japan actually has had it well in the past 10 years or so, It's everywhere outside of Japan, that they royally screwed over).

I mean I suppose they can make a big announcement like they are porting Shenmue 1, and 2 over to PS4/PC, but I don't even see that as a realistic possibility. At the beginning of the KS or more likely after it ended, would've made the most sense.

While I don't think Sega will ever port over the other Shenmue games, I'm interested in hearing what they have to say, I'm just not hopeful they'll be bringing over any non-sonic games, even though they promised they would.

The fact is since Sega made their big confession, they "literally" haven't announced jack, which to admit something like that, then go a few months without proving they are indeed taking steps to follow through with what they promised, is a really bad dicision(it leads to people thinking they were nothing but talk)


PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:35 am
by Kintor
Zoltor wrote:It's very weird that Sega would wait so long, just to announce how they are planning to turn things around at TGS, especially when It's not the Japanese consumers/fanbase they betrayed(and they openly admitted/agreed It's "specifically" the western markets they screwed over, Japan actually has had it well in the past 10 years or so, It's everywhere outside of Japan, that they royally screwed over).

I mean I suppose they can make a big announcement like they are porting Shenmue 1, and 2 over to PS4/PC, but I don't even see that as a realistic possibility. At the beginning of the KS or more likely after it ended, would've made the most sense.

While I don't think Sega will ever port over the other Shenmue games, I'm interested in hearing what they have to say, I'm just not hopeful they'll be bringing over any non-sonic games, even though they promised they would.

The fact is since Sega made their big confession, they "literally" haven't announced jack, which to admit something like that, then go a few months without proving they are indeed taking steps to follow through with what they promised, is a really bad dicision(it leads to people thinking they were nothing but talk)

No offense but you're reading way too much into the statement made by Sega, while also giving yourself unrealistic expectations about how quickly new games can be released. Suffice to say, there have been plenty of phenomenal Sega games released in the West these past few years. These include awesome games from Sega's Japanese studios such as Sonic Generations, Valkyria Chronicles and the entire Yakuza franchise; just to name a few examples. While Sega's western development teams have also been hard work as well; best-selling strategy game franchise like Total War, Company of Heroes 2 and Football Manager has made Sega a powerhouse PC publisher. This is in addition to the success of many mobile games such as Chain Chronicle and Sonic Dash, two of the most popular mobile games in their respective genres.

Suffice to say, Sega has already done much that is worthy of your respect, if you’d just look around and starting playing all the amazing games that Sega has already available. Plus there a few more great games in the pipeline as well, with Persona 5 perhaps being the closest AAA Sega nearing launch. Anyway, the point of Sega’s statement is re-alliterate the whole corporation’s commitment to delivering the high quality experiences possible – while making sure the whole world knows it! Of course, this doesn’t mean that Shenmue 1 and 2 HD will be making an appearance at TGS 2015; it all depends on the timing of the situation and what other priorities Sega has for the event. Nevertheless, Shenmue 1 and 2 HD could be announced at any time over the next couple of years, it’s simply a matter of perseverance.


PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:45 am
by Yokosuka
If Shenmue 3 would be the last episode, I'm pretty sure this kickstarter would never happen and a company have put the bills since a long time. Suzuki seemed even ready to make a 2$ million Telltale game just to respect the pace of his original story.

By the way, I'm happy that Yu finally planned a China trip to help the development. And read "Shenmue 3 development progress" is a pure joy.


PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:01 am
by Zoltor
Kintor wrote:
Zoltor wrote:It's very weird that Sega would wait so long, just to announce how they are planning to turn things around at TGS, especially when It's not the Japanese consumers/fanbase they betrayed(and they openly admitted/agreed It's "specifically" the western markets they screwed over, Japan actually has had it well in the past 10 years or so, It's everywhere outside of Japan, that they royally screwed over).

I mean I suppose they can make a big announcement like they are porting Shenmue 1, and 2 over to PS4/PC, but I don't even see that as a realistic possibility. At the beginning of the KS or more likely after it ended, would've made the most sense.

While I don't think Sega will ever port over the other Shenmue games, I'm interested in hearing what they have to say, I'm just not hopeful they'll be bringing over any non-sonic games, even though they promised they would.

The fact is since Sega made their big confession, they "literally" haven't announced jack, which to admit something like that, then go a few months without proving they are indeed taking steps to follow through with what they promised, is a really bad dicision(it leads to people thinking they were nothing but talk)

No offense but you're reading way too much into the statement made by Sega, while also giving yourself unrealistic expectations about how quickly new games can be released. Suffice to say, there have been plenty of phenomenal Sega games released in the West these past few years. These include awesome games from Sega's Japanese studios such as Sonic Generations, Valkyria Chronicles and the entire Yakuza franchise; just to name a few examples. While Sega's western development teams have also been hard work as well; best-selling strategy game franchise like Total War, Company of Heroes 2 and Football Manager has made Sega a powerhouse PC publisher. This is in addition to the success of many mobile games such as Chain Chronicle and Sonic Dash, two of the most popular mobile games in their respective genres.

Suffice to say, Sega has already done much that is worthy of your respect, if you’d just look around and starting playing all the amazing games that Sega has already available. Plus there a few more great games in the pipeline as well, with Persona 5 perhaps being the closest AAA Sega nearing launch. Anyway, the point of Sega’s statement is re-alliterate the whole corporation’s commitment to delivering the high quality experiences possible – while making sure the whole world knows it! Of course, this doesn’t mean that Shenmue 1 and 2 HD will be making an appearance at TGS 2015; it all depends on the timing of the situation and what other priorities Sega has for the event. Nevertheless, Shenmue 1 and 2 HD could be announced at any time over the next couple of years, it’s simply a matter of perseverance.

No, I never said they had to actually release something right away, but they had to announce something that they are going to localizes in the near future. Don't tell me, those numbskulls can't tell us what they're going to be starting to work on soon.

No Sonic game counts, that's just standard crap Sega would mainly release outside of Japan anyway. I have always considered the Yakuza series a slap in the face from Sega, so while I admit It's generally liked, I avoided that, on the grounds that I don't want to play just a dumbed down, appealing to a wider audience, wannabe Shenmue game(although I admit I like the idea of a action game using the Shenmue fighting system, providing it really does use the same fighting system, and 1-2 buttons doesn't auto do the moves)

I have no faith in Sega to do anything out of their normal western released games outside of Japan at all, infact I have more faith in Square release a quality game(which my faith in Square is way in the negative numbers at this point, but atleast they care about the non-Japanese market, where as far as Sega believes, Japan is the only gaming market in the world).

I just thought of something though, I don't think It's going to happen, but if they announce any western plans at TGS(I still find announcing releases for non-Japanese markets at TGS to be beyond silly, but still, developers have done such before), I think the most likely thing would be PSO 2, since It's a MMO(why this wasn't released outside of Japan, is probally one of the biggest mysteries in the entire history of the gaming industry, MMOs are insanely huge outside of Japan, WTF was Sega thinking), which would sure make a lot of people happy, and I guess would be a good start.


PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:31 am
by Kintor
Zoltor wrote: No, I never said they had to actually release something right away, but they had to announce something that they are going to localizes in the near future. Don't tell me, those numbskulls can't tell us what they're going to be starting to work on soon.

No Sonic game counts, that's just standard crap Sega would mainly release outside of Japan anyway. I have always considered the Yakuza series a slap in the face from Sega, so while I admit It's generally liked, I avoided that, on the grounds that I don't want to play just a dumbed down, appealing to a wider audience, wannabe Shenmue game(although I admit I like the idea of a action game using the Shenmue fighting system, providing it really does use the same fighting system, and 1-2 buttons doesn't auto do the moves)

I have no faith in Sega to do anything out of their normal western released games outside of Japan at all, infact I have more faith in Square release a quality game(which my faith in Square is way in the negative numbers at this point, but atleast they care about the non-Japanese market, where as far as Sega believes, Japan is the only gaming market in the world).

I just thought of something though, I don't think It's going to happen, but if they announce any western plans at TGS(I still find announcing releases for non-Japanese markets at TGS to be beyond silly, but still, developers have done such before), I think the most likely thing would be PSO 2, since It's a MMO(why this wasn't released outside of Japan, is probally one of the biggest mysteries in the entire history of the gaming industry, MMOs are insanely huge outside of Japan, WTF was Sega thinking), which would sure make a lot of people happy, and I guess would be a good start.

You're setting yourself up for failure, by definition the Tokyo Game Show is a decidedly Japanese-centric event. Announcements that are directly applicable to Western markets can and do regularly happen but they should never be taken as an absolute certainty. Sega, like any publisher, can make announcements at TGS and then follow up months later with the confirmation of a Western release. It's pretty standard practise, just as how announcements made at E3 (an American event) can't always confirm when or even if a game will see a release in PAL territories. In regards to Shenmue 1 and 2 HD, if Sega even mentions the game at all there’s no certainty that a western release will even be discussed – TGS is the wrong venue to talk about western releases.

On an unrelated note – play one of the Yakuza games they’re a heap of fun. Don’t go into them expecting a Shenmue style experience, because no games ever made are quite like Shenmue. Rather, it’s better to think of the Yakuza games as an organised crime JRPG with a strong beat‘em up influence. In a way, you might say that the Yakuza games are kind of like a cross between Phantasy Star and Streets of Rage, over-the-top drama combined with the gratuitous joy of hand-to-hand martial arts combat. Play the Yakuza games on their own terms and don’t compare them to Shenmue, they are two completely different experiences.


PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:39 am
by KidMarine
Honestly I'd rather Shenmue 3 just didn't happen than have the whole saga rushed crammed into one game. Do it right or don't do it at all!

Zoltor wrote:No Sonic game counts, that's just standard crap Sega would mainly release outside of Japan anyway. I have always considered the Yakuza series a slap in the face from Sega, so while I admit It's generally liked, I avoided that, on the grounds that I don't want to play just a dumbed down, appealing to a wider audience, wannabe Shenmue game(although I admit I like the idea of a action game using the Shenmue fighting system, providing it really does use the same fighting system, and 1-2 buttons doesn't auto do the moves)

Sonic Generations and Colours are legitimately great games, certainly the best since the Mega Drive. Yakuza is fantastic too. Not as similar to Shenmue as people would have you believe. It's more like a more Japanesey Streets of Rage in 3D.


PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:46 am
by Yokosuka
Cedric Biscay retweeted
Team Yu ‏@TeamYuNeedsYOU 9m9 minutes ago
Shenmue 1 & 2 HD = New fans buying @Shenmue_3 = Budget for Shenmue IV.