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Re: What's happened in your life in the past 14 years?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 7:58 pm
by LucBu
Agent_Morgan wrote:It's depressing reading all these success stories, lol. I was 14 in '99 when I first played Shenmue. 16 or 17 when I played the sequel on the Xbox. I am now 29, and will be hitting dirty thirty in less than a month. There's been a whole book of events and changes. I never finished college, though, and have been toiling away at crappy, dead-end jobs pretty much ever since I graduated high school. I met the love of my life in '08, and got dumped by the love of my life in '10. Had a few meaningless flings since then, but I'm thoroughly damaged goods. A has-been that never was. I rent a decent apartment I can barely afford. I sleep way too much. Yeah... life was a lot better when I was 14 - 17. I've been watching a lot of porn and contemplating suicide lately. But hey, Shenmue 3's coming out, so I got that going for me!

Don't worry. Shenmue 3 will heal your broken soul.

Re: What's happened in your life in the past 14 years?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:37 pm
by Truck_1_0_1_
MiTT3NZ wrote:
Truck_1_0_1_ wrote:I'm going to propose to her next year, when we go to Japan (in July).

How do you know she doesn't secretly read your posts on here?

Lol, I know she doesn't :p

She knows its going to happen in Japan, but she doesn't know WHEN or WHERE ;-)

Re: What's happened in your life in the past 14 years?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:56 am
by robatfreedom
Man...reading all these posts.
Sooo much has happened in 14 years. I first played the game as a bright eyed 13 years ago.
I stopped living at home at 14, didn't even get to take my dreamcast with me! But still loved games though!
Dropped outta high school, moved out to live by myself, started smoking, stopped smoking, got involved with a really cool community of people, (where I met my now wife!). Rediscovered the internet in 2008 (didn't have internet when I moved out at 14 lol) and searched for Shenmue and joined this community!

Went back to school, and graduate from Uni in a couple of weeks!

Travelled a load, and finally went to Japan + China last year ( ... ilgrimage/), and probably replayed Shenmue dozens of times.

It's been a long journey!

Re: What's happened in your life in the past 14 years?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:02 am
by Snakiest
School, uni, Japan, marriage, full-time job, MA, uni job. In short, I have learned a lot. -)

In Yu we trust.

Re: What's happened in your life in the past 14 years?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:36 am
by Fei Fong Wong
Oh man so much happened, when Shenmue 1 was released here in Spain in christmas 99' i was 15, and since the year 2000 when S2 was released a ton fuck happened, i finished attendind school a year before the last course because i had so much problems with it, i was been bullied since childhood and i had social problems because of that, very depressing times (thankfully videogames were my scape route, specially Shenmue, it was like a gift). Later on i was searching for a job and finally when i was 18 entered the job that until today gives me the life. Later when i was 24 met an otaku girl that loved the same things as me and we dated for like a year, until she got away with another man, the second girl that made me the same thing.
After that it was the same until 2011 that i met my actual wife, she is from another country and hell it was hard to make the wedding legal for she to come here to live with me; nowadays we are a happy married couple with a 10 month healthy and good hearted child, a good job and fucking shenmue 3 announced!

Re: What's happened in your life in the past 14 years?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:03 am
by EverybodyLovesRen
Oh wow, basically my whole life happened. In 2001, I was a 10 yr old girl. So I've graduated from elementary school middle school, high school, and 2 different colleges. I have bachelor degrees in music business and in information technology. I graduated in 2013. I'm currently working as a junior software engineer in boston. I've been with my awesome boyfriend for over 4 years and we share a really nice apartment. I love to travel and I've been to most continents. Got my TEFL certification in Thailand in 2011. Just came home from morocco in May. Life's pretty good. :) even better now that there will be a shenmue 3!!!! 8)

Re: What's happened in your life in the past 14 years?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:21 am
by RiGoRmOrTiS
yeah 14 years damn, in the time I've been waiting for this I finished college, finished 4 years of univserity, got cancer, cured my cancer, got a job which I've been in for 10 years now, met a girl in China, got married.. and now.. Shenmue 3!

back in 2001 after finishing Shenmue 2 I never thought I'd have to wait this long....

Re: What's happened in your life in the past 14 years?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:32 am
by Wude-Tang Clan
I was young and stupid back then, but now I'm not so young anymore.

Re: What's happened in your life in the past 14 years?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:40 pm
by hannanshah
Was 16 years old in school when I finished Shenmue II back in 2001. Remember finishing it late one night at around 2am and just remember the high I felt at the time as I went to bed and the desire I felt to continue on to Shenmue 3!

Since then...

Finished school, college, university and graduated all with great a job and qualified as a Chartered Accountant, pretty much stopped playing games as real life takes over...through this period visited the Dojo from time to time in hope of Shenmue 3...

Coming to the past year...found my future wife, planning the wedding....then see a headline on BBC News about Shenmue 3's record breaking Kickstarter! :shock: :shock: :shock: :D =D> [-o< \:D/

Re: What's happened in your life in the past 14 years?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:13 pm
by DEVILLE_David
A lot !

Kept learning japanese, had the chance to live in Japan for a year and half, got married to a japanese woman and met Yu Suzuki !

I never gave up on Shenmue during the past 14 years and my passion is still the same, if not stronger than ever before. Also met Takenobu Mitsuyoushi, Naoki Yoshida etc, so I've really enjoyed everything I've went through.

I am looking forward awesome events and definetly going to try my best to lead a beautiful life.

Glad there's still so many fans out there and can't wait for all of us to share our feelings about Shenmue III once we get the chance to play it !

Re: What's happened in your life in the past 14 years?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:54 pm
by Phong
My life fell apart after high school, I was homeless, I started losing my hair, I cut off all contact with my abusive family and any other toxic person in my life, I eventually got a bad efficiency apartment in a bad part of town, but it was my own, I worked part time jobs until I got a full-time one, saved up enough money to buy some nice things and then moved across the country to live in the desert far away from where I grew up, safe and free to rethink my life and start living for the first time truly on my own terms.

In that time I gained 80 pounds, then lost it after becoming a marathon runner, then an ultramarathon runner, I would run double marathons on the weekend for fun. Once I ran 100 miles in one go. I stopped. I realized what things I could never get or get back, even if I was an ultra-fit financially secure person. I started gaining weight again. I gained 150 pounds. I still live life on my own terms, although I don't care about much.

After June 15th I was forced to stop and think about everything in my life that I had given up on, about everything that I thought was dead, or impossible. I cried so much.

I remember 14 years ago having a conversation with the only long-term girlfriend I ever had. Things were not going well between us because I knew that I was not the kind of person who would be able to give her a stable life like she deserved and it made me depressed. I told her I had no passion for anything and that I didn't really like anything. "That's not true," she said with conviction. "You like Shenmue."

I had a dream last night that we got back together and lived happily ever after. I understand waking up that that's incredibly unrealistic, but deep inside a part of me feels like anything is possible, and I can dream again.

Re: What's happened in your life in the past 14 years?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:28 pm
by Drakul
Cool topic :)

First of I'm 35, born in 1980 so I played Shenmue around the time I graduated from high school and I guess I'm one of the older farts up in here. I bought a JP DC pretty much as soon as it came out and got JP Shenmue. Couldn't care that I didn't understand everything I just loved getting lost in that world (and thank God for gamefaqs translations!)

Since then... so much honestly.
I went to Japan 3 times including once for 2 months as an exchange student in college and had a blast.
I met my wife while exchanging in NY, broke up with her even though I didn't want to and went back to France to finish college and then moved to NY after I went back to her so afraid she'd find someone else and begged her to take me back. We married in 2007.
Had a bunch of jobs here and there and my dream job at a game start up in NY for 2-3 years as a producer before we went bankrupt and went under.
Moved to Houston where my wife hails from, bought a house, got a dog, working a crappy retail job and voila more or less.

Shamefully enough I still haven't played Shenmue II.... :-"
Since the E3 bomb I've got the itch so I pulled out my old DC but realized I've lost the box, the joypad, the VMU and the cables.... So I'm scouring ebay to re-complete the package (if anyone has a JP box they don't want I'll take it!) and hoping the undub get finished so I can chain 1 and 2 :P

Re: What's happened in your life in the past 14 years?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:00 pm
by Fei Fong Wong
aizen59 wrote: A lot !

Kept learning japanese, had the chance to live in Japan for a year and half, got married to a japanese woman and met Yu Suzuki !

I never gave up on Shenmue during the past 14 years and my passion is still the same, if not stronger than ever before. Also met Takenobu Mitsuyoushi, Naoki Yoshida etc, so I've really enjoyed everything I've went through.

I am looking forward awesome events and definetly going to try my best to lead a beautiful life.

Glad there's still so many fans out there and can't wait for all of us to share our feelings about Shenmue III once we get the chance to play it !

Wow man, not only you had to meet Suzuki-san but Takenobu Mitsuyoshi! Now if thats not absolute awesome i dont know what else might be! I tought i was the only person on earth that enjoyed his music.

Re: What's happened in your life in the past 14 years?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:56 pm
by rigo8582
Since I finished Shenmue 2. I've had a wife and two kids. Spent 7 years in the Air Force. Went to Korea and back. Became a homeowner.

Re: What's happened in your life in the past 14 years?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:45 pm
by TheSonicRetard
When shenmue first came out, I had just finished my first semester of freshman year of highschool. Since then, I've attended college and graduated. I went from someone who was learning the basics of SDL and game programming, to learning microprocessor assembly all on my own, to picking up and learning virtual reality development, to now owning my own game development studio. I do professional work in VR, I am currently working with MD Anderson on VR cancer research and development (long story, but short explanation is we are designing VR games that can alleviate pain in cancer patients simply by playing).

I got a puppy the same year Shenmue was released. He was put to sleep about 6 months ago.

I have fallen in and out of love twice in that time. My nephew was born just before Shenmue was released, he now has his driving permit.

I got a Turbo Duo alongside Shenmue that christmas. I had 1 game for it. Today, my Turbo Duo collection totals over 150.

My best friend moved from down the street to an entire state away about 2 months after Shenmue was released. Against all odds, we remained extremely close friends, and still remain best friends to this day. He now lives about 2 hours away (houston to Austin) and we see each other regularly. He is the only other person I know who played Shenmue (he also played Shenmue II with me when it first came out, as I visited him in Louisiana with my Xbox and we marathoned the game). He was just as excited as I was when I told him Shenmue III was coming out. He has a PC now, and has backed the game.

Man how time flies.

Shenmue means a lot to me, but honestly Yu Suzuki making games means way, way more. More than most would really understand. I grew up playing Yu Suzuki's games. All my neighbors and friends had NESes growing up. My dad, hero of mine, got me a Sega Master System instead. He told me "Sega was better." It was. The pack-in game was Hang-On. My father and I would play hang-on over, and over again. We lived out in the country outside of Houston, by this small airport. I used to think, as a kid, that the course from Hang-On was modeled after our drive from our home into the city of Houston and then back because of the way time would change in the game and the general look and feel of the graphics. It always reminded me of christmas eve, because we would drive to my grandma's and open presents at midnight, then come back home as the sun was coming up, just like the pink sky at the end of the game.

I played Yu Suzuki's games on the master system, then the genesis, then several arcade cabinets, then my 32X, then Saturn, then finally dreamcast. I got them all as they were new. We didn't know at the time that the same guy was responsible for all the games we were playing, but my dad and I always said there was something about those Sega games we played that just were flat-out better than the competition.

Those games had a profound impact on me. It got me started in computer programming at 8 years old. My father, noticing my interest, really encouraged me to persue my career. Yu Suzuki's games instilled upon me a fascination with 3D and ultimately VR, and it was a lifelong dream to work with virtual reality. I opened my VR company about 2 months before Shenmue III was announced.

Dreams do come true.