Ok, so there is not going to be a Shenmue 3.

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

Ok, so there is not going to be a Shenmue 3.

Postby David Hazuki » Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:43 am

A couple of years ago, I was probably one of the biggest optimists that Shenmue 3 would eventually be released, and that the story would be continued.
Now, not only do I realize that Shenmue 3 will NEVER be released, but I have also come to accept this fact. It is not even something that pains me or causes me anguish.
What does pain me, however, is the thought that the STORY may never be continued. At this point, I don't really care about being able to play the game. I just want to know the STORY. The story that captivated us from the day that Shenmue 1 was released on the Dreamcast.
So that brings me to the main point of this post: Just because there is going to be no more Shenmue in GAME form, doesn't mean that we can't know how the STORY finishes.
Thats the great thing about the story. We don't need a console for it. We don't need, Sega, AM2, or any other bullshit. All we need is the author, the man who started it all, Yu Suzuki.
So why hasn't anybody who has recently interviewed Yu Suzuki ask him about this? Why doesn't Yu just give us the rest of the story. I don't care how- write a book, film a movie, ANYTHING. But just let us know how the story plays out!
I'm sure there are those who are holding out hope and will say, "But he can't give us the story because the game will still be released someday!"
How much longer are we suppose to wait for someday? How long have we already been waiting for someday?
If on the day Shenmue 2 was released, somebody asked me how long I thought it would take for Shenmue 3 to come out, I would have never, in my WILDEST dreams, imagined waiting this long. Even if I made a "worst case scenario" estimate, it would not even come CLOSE to how long its already going to be.
The fact that Shenmue Online was cancelled just further cements the fact that Shenmue as a game is OVER.
Its time to stop hoping for the game, and instead its time to reach out to the man who started it all and demand that we get the rest of the story.
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Postby Captain Lars Kegstealer » Mon Jan 14, 2008 2:08 am

No shit.
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Postby HappyKillmore » Mon Jan 14, 2008 2:11 am

I doubt Suzuki would spill the beans about the story in an interview, he probably think there is still going to be a third game. No book or movie please, just a game
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Postby Snoopbob2006 » Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:27 am

Yeh to be honest he could of just gave us the story if he still didnt have a feeling that the 3rd installment would get released in some shape or form
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Postby Shin_Ishikawa » Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:07 pm

I also lost hope on Shenmue 3. I dont think we ever going to see another Shenmue game. This waiting is just too much. I honestly cant take it anymore. If Shenmue 3 is almost complete like kikiso said. Why the hell they dont release the game. What are they waiting for?
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Postby Jed » Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:52 pm

If yu spills the beans on what happens in the story then that basically means yu himself has given up hope of a shenmue 3 game ever being made again. i would like to know what happens but there still is a tiny bit of hope of their being shenmue 3 so i dont want him to tell us what happens anytime soon unless he is going to die soon.
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Postby Uchiha_Hai » Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:56 pm

I agree. If the game isn't going to come out and Im pretty sure Yu realizes this, he should just spill the story. Don't make a movie, maybe a documentary, but not a movie. That will only degrade Shenmue.
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Postby Preffect » Sat Jan 19, 2008 6:09 am

I don't know... I think YS would rather just keep quiet about the whole thing than going out and telling everybody: "Hey my game is never going to happen but the story would have continued like this.."

I might be wrong though.

btw I dont care about the story if it will not come with a game. 8)
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Re: Ok, so there is not going to be a Shenmue 3.

Postby ys » Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:06 pm

David Hazuki wrote:So why hasn't anybody who has recently interviewed Yu Suzuki ask him about this? Why doesn't Yu just give us the rest of the story.

Some have asked. And the last that I have seen was that he stated that the series will be continued as games. IF they continue that is.
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Postby ChiefNeo » Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:04 am

1. Yu doesn't own the story, SEGA does.

2. SEGA would never throw away a franchise by revealing it's secrets. And yes, when discussing a story-heavy game like Shenmue, revealing said story would definitely hurt any future games.

No company would ever simply give up on a franchise, no matter how unsuccessful it is.

Think about the intricacies of the matter and realize the fact that, in the eyes of Sega, Shenmue is only a game.

I'm not saying it'll never happen. I just think that it's VERY, VERY unlikely.

Think about it as you would a movie. To give you a bad example, the Halo movie. It's up in the air and it seems like it will never really see the light of day. (No matter what MS execs keep saying...the thing is simply not being made at the moment). Does that mean that Microsoft will release the script? 3 years from now? 6 years from now? When nobody but a few hundred people give a damn? :)
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Postby santino » Sun Jan 20, 2008 1:09 pm

david hazuki, long time no see...i was actually thinking the same thing recently. how long are we supposed to wait? i was like 15 or 16 when i played shenmue 2, now im 21 and we've had nothing but bogus rumors. ill never completely give up hope on the game, but i think it is about time the story was released in book form, hell even comic form, i dont care. i just want to know what happens to ryo.
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Postby santiman12 » Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:38 pm

in an interview yu said that the saga would be ended by games
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Postby Ryo911 » Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:00 pm

I agree that if they havent actualy started any work on the game and are just going to leave it to die the least they could do for us, the fans is tell us how it ends. Even if they did tell us it doesnt mean the game shouldnt be released, hey they dont even have to go into much detail. When/if they decide to ever release the game people are still going to buy it regardless of knowing the spoilers of the storyline.
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Postby stigee » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:05 pm

I too am dying to know how the story ends but a small part of me doesn't want to know if it isn't going to be through the third game. If it comes down to Shenmue 3 being confirmed that it will never be made, I would actually like to finish the story in a novel or a very long and detailed graphic novel.

As for the rumors that the game has been finished, it is possible that the game was in development and even finished but not tested. And in software engineering, it is fact that one of the most costly aspects of software development is testing. So, yes, it is possible that the design and overall implementation of Shenmue 3 is finished but Sega may be reluctant to spend the money on testing the game. As we all know, development for Shenmue 2 started and was almost done, if not finished, before Shenmue came out.

Anything is possible, but only Sega and Yu Suzuki know the truth. We may never know...
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