Shenmue III Mod -Story/Concepts/Scene Ideas!!

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

Shenmue III Mod -Story/Concepts/Scene Ideas!!

Postby Jrayner » Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:57 am

Post your ideas and concepts here guys!!

If its for the final scene, the first scene, or even the whole thing!
Any contribution is welcome here!!

So post away and help eachother out guys!

(Note: Any ideas here could and probably will be implemented into the mod, this is the first stage of many to get the script refined for the mod. Being just a very 'vague' concept thread for people to note down and explain some of thier ambitions for the mod, and the shenmue franchise. This is a totally free forum for anyone to post without discretion or fear of rejection, anyone is welcome.)

Please remeber guys this is just very small and unrefined concepts so any ideas are totally welcome!!

(If you show huge potential you could be asked to join the mod team work as a script writer for the mod.)

Ill start!!

I definetly want a scene in the mod where Ryo has to sneak past Patrolling or Stationary guards. It would be great because we can add code that tells the guards to investigate noises they hear and could make it a very new and refreshing refinement to shenmue gameplay.

I think it would be really cool to have the guards sat around talking about a charcter, maybe one Ryo will later meet or something. So it kind of tells the story whilst being a gameplay asset.

Tell me what your thoughts on that are guys! Just a small scene or concept for you to think about, nothing narrative.
Last edited by Jrayner on Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Clint » Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:01 pm

I might have mentioned this before, but i'd like to see a flashback of Iwao and Zhao Sunming to start off Shenmue III. I think it's the perfect time to explain atleast some of the history between these two. And what better place to start off than in Bailu Village, where Ryo is heading to directly.

Just a thought.
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Postby shenmue3comeoutsoon » Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:26 pm

I really like Clint's idea, I'd also like to see somewhere down the line Master chen's son and Ren of heavens meet up and kind of clash a bit. Also there has been alot of talk about the 4 leaders of the Chiyoumen and there is even the photo of woman which could be included. Also I was thinking of when Ryo encounteres Lishao Tao's brother that Master Lishao Tao herself shows up and fights her own brother and eventually converts him or something where you learn the bulk of the information of the Chiyoumen. We could also try and figure out what happens after the end of shenmue ii in a sense of taking out the sword and such and them heading to Bailu village to study the history.
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Postby sylentknyte » Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:48 pm

I think it would be cool if when Ryo got out of the Cave they went to Bailu village and found all the houses burning and in ruin. Then he would go to the Bailu dojo (the Shenmue dojo haha) to find either Lan Di, or maybe another of the big 4 (I personally would think it would be cool if it was Xuings brother). So they would fight it out in a battle that would be impossible for Ryo to win with Shenhua being captured. This would set up an incentive to have a problem and an enemy for Shenmue 3 other then Lan Di. Anyways after Ryo is defeated he would be left for dead in the village he would wake up, be saved by someone or something like that. And then you would be left in the village using investigation skills to try and find any clues to where they went or to your fathers past (and maybe something then could trigger a cutscene).

EDIT: I like Clints idea on the opening cutscene. However I think it would be more effective for Ryo to find out on his own instead of it just being thrown in there so we know and Ryo doesnt. Also there could be a potential sub plot like Ryo only getting some of the information on what happend (maybe from lan did, or some kind of burnt up journal from his mother or something) but thinking that his father is just a cold blooded and maybe having a bit of sympathy and understanding for Lan Di.

Now something Wayyyyy down the line in the game, I think it would be cool if maybe there was a choice in the end (the power to undo OR destroy him) to either go down the same path as Lan Di or turn to the path of righteousness.
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Postby shenmue3comeoutsoon » Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:15 pm

Also I think it would be cool if there was a note or something left in Bailu village for Ryo. From either Su Ming Zao or his father or mother sort of like they knew about this prophecy which would give him insight on the power he has within or something.
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Postby Jrayner » Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:46 pm

sylentknyte wrote:I think it would be cool if when Ryo got out of the Cave they went to Bailu village and found all the houses burning and in ruin. Then he would go to the Bailu dojo (the Shenmue dojo haha) to find either Lan Di, or maybe another of the big 4 (I personally would think it would be cool if it was Xuings brother). So they would fight it out in a battle that would be impossible for Ryo to win with Shenhua being captured. This would set up an incentive to have a problem and an enemy for Shenmue 3 other then Lan Di. Anyways after Ryo is defeated he would be left for dead in the village he would wake up, be saved by someone or something like that. And then you would be left in the village using investigation skills to try and find any clues to where they went or to your fathers past (and maybe something then could trigger a cutscene).

I think that idea.... is pure... awesome!!

I love the burning houses part, it would really set the game off fantasticly especially with a big fight that could create an absolutely awesome prologue for the game... and add for another great story goal of finding Shenhua!!
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Postby sylentknyte » Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:09 pm

Im glad you like it man. I will take tonight and write a long draft of what happens. But I think the best enemy to go for would be Xuings brother. The idea have is that he would be the leader of the east, Lan Di of the west (or the other way around lol), that lady in the red dress as the leader of the south and the north being the big boss of the Chi Yu Men. Basically I think it would be cool if it was implied that Lan Di and Ziming (Xuings bother) are both big in the Chi Yu Men but absoluty hate each other, so they are competing the find the great power (unlocked by the 2 mirrors and Shenhua, which I kind of gathered from the shenmue online trailer). This rivalry could go all the way back to the days that Lan Di and Ziming were being trained by the Chi Yu Mens leader, and Lan Di would almost always come out on top in their battles.

But what I would like to happen is that Shenmue:the fan chronicles (not shenmue 3) would take place in the city run by Ziming. By the end Ryo would battle Ziming, put up a good fight but would still lose as Ziming would be a close comparison to Lan Di. The game would end with Xiuying convincing Ziming to turn around and become good again, but then Lan Di would surround the building with his Chi Yu Men. Ziming would sacrafice himself to keep Lan Di at bay, the gang would escape in maybe a QTE sequence from the Chi Yu Men and would come to the ending.

Another point that I would like to add is that when I said someone would save Ryo from the fire I was thinking it would be some old hermit who lived in the woods. After a while Ryo would learn that he was the man that trained his father and Longsun Zhao and would train Ryo in preparation for his fight with Ziming.

Wow I got wayyyyy ahead of myself. But ya I will try and type up a long draft of the story in the next few days. Please everyone keep in mind Im not trying to make this my story, I just want to throw out my ideas, so please dont think Im trying to be an asshole. I just want to help with the project. If you guys all hate it then screw it, but I will still try and write up a better script which would better define my idead. Hope you liked it.
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Postby shenmue3comeoutsoon » Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:49 pm

I like your idea alot sylent but I say if this happens might as well finish the enitre sotry of shenmue based onf an point of view just because to create a sort of "shenmnue 4" two copies would take an extremely long time. you have great ideas but we should incorporate it into one large game instead of trying to make several.
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Postby Jrayner » Fri Aug 28, 2009 6:04 pm

Im begining to think more and more that it shouldnt end the series.

Im not totally sure because who are we to end it in all fairness?

But then again will there ever be a shenmue 3? who knows, doesnt look like it! So maybe we should? What do you think guys?
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Postby Riku Rose » Fri Aug 28, 2009 6:18 pm

Ryo should get a pet Tiger.
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Postby Dorian » Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:57 am

I know, I know! It should go like this:

Ryo should awaken to godhood and achieve enhanced speed, strength, reflexes, telekinetic abilities and flight and then go to fight an epic wire-fu battle with a Mayan Oracle that works for an Illuminati-like secret society ruling our Planet and wanting the mirrors to become immortal and rule the Earth for eternity.

Oh, wait... Someone done this great ending before... Fuck, we're at such a loss... :<
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Postby Jrayner » Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:49 pm

Riku wrote:Ryo should get a pet Tiger.

Dorian wrote:I know, I know! It should go like this:

Ryo should awaken to godhood and achieve enhanced speed, strength, reflexes, telekinetic abilities and flight and then go to fight an epic wire-fu battle with a Mayan Oracle that works for an Illuminati-like secret society ruling our Planet and wanting the mirrors to become immortal and rule the Earth for eternity.

Oh, wait... Someone done this great ending before... Fuck, we're at such a loss... :<

Honestly guys your really hilarious, and not only are you super funny but like really helpful too!!

Thanks for ur input its really apprechiated we all really care about your views
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Postby szymon247 » Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:53 pm

Since we are fans I'm sure everyone has hundreds of ideas and a picture of how they want Shenmue 3 to look like. If people from this board are in charge I'm sure it would be great.

It's all good untill there are no fireballs and no flying and everything is in a similar, touching and spiritual mood as Shenmue 1 and 2 were. Since these games were all about mimicing real life It'd be really awesome if Shenmue 3 could move it to a higher level. And I don't mean the need to eat and fancy bars like in the Sims. I mean little details that would make it more realistic (like weather effects actually affecting Ryo and the surroundings, more interactions with people who could also act depending on their own mood, and stuff like that).

I wouldn't want the action to go too fast. If just after leaving the cave Ryo was to face a boss it would be sort of unrewarding, especially for people who haven't played earlier parts of Shenmue. I wish the action was rather slow at the beginning. I'd rather see Ryo finding some information in that cave that would make him move to another place to search for someone (someone who might know something about his father) but before that he would spend some time in Bailu village preparing for his journey while for example helping out Shenhua or some other locals - at that time he could learn moves from local people and do little quests.

Sure I have my own vision of Shenmue 3 but hey, I'm sure everyone does and it's probably a bit different in every case.

Also new people to spar and ways to practice moves would be great.

And don't forget about the music and elements of local culture :-)
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Postby Bobs Pizza » Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:12 am

Last scene....The Heavens help Ryo get into the ChiYouMen Headquarters where Lan Di is. How I see it is a massive fight outside the headquarters between the black suits and the heavens.
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Postby Jrayner » Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:57 pm

szymon247 wrote:It's all good untill there are no fireballs and no flying and everything is in a similar, touching and spiritual mood as Shenmue 1 and 2 were.

I wouldn't want the action to go too fast. If just after leaving the cave Ryo was to face a boss it would be sort of unrewarding, especially for people who haven't played earlier parts of Shenmue.

And don't forget about the music and elements of local culture :-)

I totally agree with these 3 suggestions,

The 2nd makes sense as your right, there may be people who have no clue about Lan Di or for that fact anyone of the big 4, So i suppose we have to cater to everyone in this mod, not only the hardcore SFans.

Like you said about an Unrewarding boss battle at the beggining, I agree with this point also.

What does everyone else think?
Thanks for your contribution!
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