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Megatons at PSX on Dec 6th and 7th

PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:35 am
by ShenmueTree

So, Sony is having an event called Playstation Experience on the 6th and 7th of December of this year, they will most likely being showing new stuff there. Several Sony/GAF insiders (You're vetted there, if you're wrong you're instabanned and the mods ask for undeniable proof for any claim made.) have stated that there will be a The Last Guardian level announcement. An insider said "for those who aren't expecting TLG level announcements, you're going to be wrong" paraphrasing there. Several insiders have also confirmed that FFVIIremake is in active development, I don't think it'll show up at PSX personally... Another insider said that multiple people are going to be vindicated by their bets on what's happening. (There's an avatar bet and a list of what might be announced, if you lose your avatar is changed to Knack for some months. ) what's more, there's plenty of teases that there is going to be an announcement of revival of an OLD IP, anyway, my point... maybe Shenmue HD collection is finally happening? Maybe a Shenmue remake altogether?

Gematsu: recently had this to say
SCE Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida reveals that SCE had considered Sega a rival during the PSone days, but in the end, both had similar goals and therefore Sega became more of a “war buddy.” Yoshida also said that he hopes to continue bringing PlayStation 4 more Japanese games after Bloodborne that highlight the platform’s capabilities.

I think Shenmue has as much chance of Crash Bandicoot or FVIIRemake or The Last Guardian, especially since Sony have been the most vocal about the IP. And if there are truly megatons that will make people rage there then Shenmue would fit the bill perfectly, no one is expecting it, Yu wants to do it, Sony seems open to it, Sega and Sony are on super friendly terms and they plan to make more Japanese games for their system. It just seems that it might be something here or I am extremely delusional.

Also Scott Rhode did say on Twitter that they're showing some "super early stuff that maybe we shouldn't"

Re: Megatons at PSX on Dec 6th and 7th

PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:21 pm
by BlueMue
The stars seemingly start to align again. Let's see, how close they get together this time...

Re: Megatons at PSX on Dec 6th and 7th

PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:06 pm
by ShenmueTree
Here are some things that MIGHT happen according to a trustworthy Neogaf insider. Bolded and underlined lines are my own opinions and not of Amir0x.

Neogaf's Amir0x wrote:
● Things we've been waiting for previously announced to make appearance Maybe the new Rachet and Clank game and Uncharted 4?
● Something that was much requested finally coming true Wasn't Shenmue #1 on Adam Boyles list of most requested games for sony to bring back?
● And some announcement for a franchise that is going to be really interesting for people and cause some waves Crash Bandicoot, The Last Guardian, Final Fantasy VII, and and Shenmue are the things most likely to make waves. Sony providing localizations for games like Yakuza0, Yakuza5, etc aren't unprecedented so if that turns up, I wouldn't be quite surprised, YES excited as all fuck but not suprised.

And I know the details of two of the announcements, but the third was left blank for me with the emphasis that it is going to be a very considerable announcement.

I don't want to do the WorthyEdge Worthy's another person with some megaton info that has been vetted by the mods, fyi. BUT he was banned for hyping excessively, not for being wrong about the information. GAF dun like spoilers. :P thing but that's the outline of the three announcements I've heard without spoiling it for people. I am by no means an insider and never claim to be so I'm going on the trust of the people I talk to, and there has been a case before where I had my leg pulled (years ago World of Warcraft coming to consoles). So I'd take anything with a grain of salt. I won't PM people because I don't give information out that people give me in confidence (unless it's really fucked up and people deserve to know), but I think that's sufficiently vague enough to not really give anything away.

So that's all, you people are already on a runaway hype train so I'll leave you to it :P

Other things.

Negaf's Amir0x wrote:

So what do we actually know? As in, on the record?

Sony's upcoming PlayStation Experience event--a two-day community-focused gathering in Las Vegas meant to celebrate all things PlayStation--is going be like nothing you've ever seen. That's according to PlayStation boss Scott Rohde, who labeled the event "unprecedented," and even teased that it will include some special announcements or reveals.

"This event that we're gonna hold; this is pretty unprecedented," Rohde said during the latest PlayStation Blogcast. "This is an event for the fans, and I am so incredibly geeked about it. We're gonna show you a bunch of stuff that maybe we shouldn't show you yet."



1. Unprecedented; Some special announcements
2. Show a "bunch" of stuff maybe we shouldn't yet
3. This is an event for the fans
4. Eighty indie games; "super special" NMS announcement
5. Morpheus will make US hands-on debut


+ Uncharted 4 will be there in some form I don't think we have to stretch far to say
+ Capcom has a special announcement (given the teasing these past few weeks)
+ NMS Sean Murray said "Lovely day with @TheSakeDiary and the Sony crew. Saw something amazing coming to PS4 owners soon that I probably can't talk about"
+ Gameblog France Editor said he heard big announcement that will make people RAGE in December
+ New Bloodborne Features/Gameplay to be shown
+ New David Jaffe title to be shown
+ ?Sony Bend Open world Horror game?

Re: Megatons at PSX on Dec 6th and 7th

PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:20 pm
by Peter
So it literally could be anything. Literally.

Re: Megatons at PSX on Dec 6th and 7th

PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:36 pm
by ShenmueTree
No, not anything. It's not going to be anything that we know for a fact that is coming sooner or later. Maybe this thread could be moved to the gaming subforum though?

Anyway, I am biased about Shenmue but all my points and evidence are fact as well, it does consistently win most wanted polls, it did technically win most wanted game in a official PS magazine, Adam Boyles did say that Shenmue was about at the top of the most requested games for Sony to work on, it IS the most likely to cause waves, etc. :rotflmao:

Re: Megatons at PSX on Dec 6th and 7th

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 12:00 am
by JMan

Re: Megatons at PSX on Dec 6th and 7th

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 12:18 am
by ShenmueTree
There's apparently several announcements though and not all the insiders know everything. And isn't that just speculation?

Re: Megatons at PSX on Dec 6th and 7th

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 3:34 am
by Axm

Re: Megatons at PSX on Dec 6th and 7th

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 4:09 am
by Yama
Haters gun' hate, I wants me some FFVIIR.

Re: Megatons at PSX on Dec 6th and 7th

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:56 pm
by JMan
phpBB [video]

Re: Megatons at PSX on Dec 6th and 7th

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 4:54 pm
by Wanderin'
What can I say? With every passing year there is always some kind of happening or event that stirs even the hearts of longtime Dojo lurkers into hopelessly believing that something, *anything* regarding Shenmue will happen. So, here's my worthless two cents:

1) Even if nothing happens at all with Shenmue at this upcoming Playstation Experience event (which, is more than likely), we gotta keep at it. Although the various little nods/things Adam Boyes (ie. "Rome wasn't built in a day," when asked about Sony and Shenmue 3 at E3), Gio Corsi, Scott Rohde ("You Shenmue fans sure are persistent," when tweeting about the ongoing Twitter campaign for Shenmue), etc. have mentioned towards a Sony X Shenmue collaboration have mainly sounded like mere lip service, it is meaningful.

Think about it. When was the last time *any* major and competent first party was willing to even entertain the idea and possibility of continuing on with Shenmue when we the fans asked for it? Probably never. Even Microsoft doesn't actively make a habit out of giving these little nods to us - and yet Sony does. Let's take it for what it's worth and keep trying. It's a minor foothold at least, and we've almost never had any kind of footholds, ever. Which leads me to...

2) Does anyone here actually have the privilege of going to the event this weekend? Or do they know anyone who is going to the event? Because this is going down: ... #storytime

Essentially Shuhei Yoshida, Adam Boyes, and Scott Rohde are holding a Reddit style "Ask Me Anything" panel at the event. If we can literally ask them anything in good faith, then all it takes is one of us to ask something along the lines of "How likely is a collaboration between Sony and Yu Suzuki/Sega to continue with the Shenmue series?" or "Many Sony fans and long time gamers wanting to join the Sony family (is it too much to suggest that Sony would see a minor, but appreciable bump in PS4 sales and ownership if they made Shenmue a Sony exclusive?) strongly wonder whether or not Sony can work together with Yu Suzuki/Sega to continue the Shenmue series. Can you speak about that possibility?".

If we can maybe at least fire off a question like that with all three of Yoshida, Boyes, and Rohde in person at the same time in front of all the major gaming media, we might get an entertaining response, at the very least.

3) Other than all that, did anyone else think the "Between Shu Ferns" crack about wanting a game called "Shamwow 4" from Gio Corsi's #BuildingTheList was another nod towards Shenmue (and not just a random gag about the shamwow cleaning sponge)? Nevertheless, even Sony's own PR continues to entice us to contribute to their #BuildingTheList campaign. With all our continued effort, let's hope the Shenmue series becomes one of the campaign's triumphs.

Re: Megatons at PSX on Dec 6th and 7th

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:26 pm
by Giorgio
Wanderin' wrote:
What can I say? With every passing year there is always some kind of happening or event that stirs even the hearts of longtime Dojo lurkers into hopelessly believing that something, *anything* regarding Shenmue will happen. So, here's my worthless two cents:

1) Even if nothing happens at all with Shenmue at this upcoming Playstation Experience event (which, is more than likely), we gotta keep at it. Although the various little nods/things Adam Boyes (ie. "Rome wasn't built in a day," when asked about Sony and Shenmue 3 at E3), Gio Corsi, Scott Rohde ("You Shenmue fans sure are persistent," when tweeting about the ongoing Twitter campaign for Shenmue), etc. have mentioned towards a Sony X Shenmue collaboration have mainly sounded like mere lip service, it is meaningful.

Think about it. When was the last time *any* major and competent first party was willing to even entertain the idea and possibility of continuing on with Shenmue when we the fans asked for it? Probably never. Even Microsoft doesn't actively make a habit out of giving these little nods to us - and yet Sony does. Let's take it for what it's worth and keep trying. It's a minor foothold at least, and we've almost never had any kind of footholds, ever. Which leads me to...

2) Does anyone here actually have the privilege of going to the event this weekend? Or do they know anyone who is going to the event? Because this is going down: ... #storytime

Essentially Shuhei Yoshida, Adam Boyes, and Scott Rohde are holding a Reddit style "Ask Me Anything" panel at the event. If we can literally ask them anything in good faith, then all it takes is one of us to ask something along the lines of "How likely is a collaboration between Sony and Yu Suzuki/Sega to continue with the Shenmue series?" or "Many Sony fans and long time gamers wanting to join the Sony family (is it too much to suggest that Sony would see a minor, but appreciable bump in PS4 sales and ownership if they made Shenmue a Sony exclusive?) strongly wonder whether or not Sony can work together with Yu Suzuki/Sega to continue the Shenmue series. Can you speak about that possibility?".

If we can maybe at least fire off a question like that with all three of Yoshida, Boyes, and Rohde in person at the same time in front of all the major gaming media, we might get an entertaining response, at the very least.

3) Other than all that, did anyone else think the "Between Shu Ferns" crack about wanting a game called "Shamwow 4" from Gio Corsi's #BuildingTheList was another nod towards Shenmue (and not just a random gag about the shamwow cleaning sponge)? Nevertheless, even Sony's own PR continues to entice us to contribute to their #BuildingTheList campaign. With all our continued effort, let's hope the Shenmue series becomes one of the campaign's triumphs.
Sham-wow! Wanderin' is back! I missed your posts.

Does he really say "Shamwow 4: The Infomercial" at 0:36? If so, it looks like they are parodying Shenmue.

Gio Corsi said that there will be announcements about ‪#‎BuildingTheList‬ at the PlayStation Experience event. [But this tweet from a Sony employee it seems they are just joking about it:]

Re: Megatons at PSX on Dec 6th and 7th

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:33 pm
by Henry Spencer
Parappa the Rapper and Crash Bandicoot are my guesses. Square-Enix and Capcom are supposed to be attending too and both have PS4 exclusives they have yet to reveal. (New Deus Ex or FFXII HD or Vagrant Story off Square and Dino Crisis or Mega Man Legends 3 off Capcom and I'm happy. :lol: )

Gravity Rush 2 is what I want the most from Sony, by far, though.

Re: Megatons at PSX on Dec 6th and 7th

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:41 pm
by Esppiral
I wouldn't be disappointed if they announce a new parappa game, is one of my fave games.

Re: Megatons at PSX on Dec 6th and 7th

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:55 pm
by ShenmueTree
WHAT IF Sony are announcing Kickstarters for wanted games instead of already funded games? would be unprecedented.