Receiving Stretch Goal Rewards Regardless?

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Receiving Stretch Goal Rewards Regardless?

Postby we420 » Fri Jun 19, 2015 2:56 am

Ok so with the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter slowing down, by chance that we dont make these stretch goals (God forbid). Do you guys think that with Sony's funding we'll receive the rewards regardless if the goals are met or not?
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Re: Receiving Stretch Goal Rewards Regardless?

Postby b_ren » Fri Jun 19, 2015 3:55 am

It's hard to tell. This is our chance though to try and get as much put in the game as possible. Hopefully we don't blow it after being so vocal after all these years!
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Re: Receiving Stretch Goal Rewards Regardless?

Postby denile » Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:00 am

I think that the Stretch goals are about marketing rather than reality.

If the campaign approaches 5 million, new stretch goals will appear.
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Re: Receiving Stretch Goal Rewards Regardless?

Postby RiGoRmOrTiS » Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:02 am

Sony have confirmed they are only helping with marketing and some small amount of funding (probably to help with the ps4 version and put a development team together), the majority of the money is from kickstarter, so put in as much as you can possibly afford.
Last edited by RiGoRmOrTiS on Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Receiving Stretch Goal Rewards Regardless?

Postby BayStone » Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:03 am

we420 wrote: Ok so with the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter slowing down, by chance that we dont make these stretch goals (God forbid). Do you guys think that with Sony's funding we'll receive the rewards regardless if the goals are met or not?

At this point I kinda doubt this. There's quite a few places where Sony's money, (whatever it is and what I doubt is that much) could go outside of actual game feature development.
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Re: Receiving Stretch Goal Rewards Regardless?

Postby Hyo Razuki » Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:23 am

I'm not sure about that. It depends on how far we would be from that stretch goal. If it's only a couple thousand $, yes, I think Sony will fund it, if we're hundreds of thousands or even millions away, then probably not. We will see.

I think the strech goals are things Sony and whoever else is spending their money on S3 were not willing to pay. I guess it went something like "Mr Suzuki, you've exceeded your budget. The fighting system is fine without the Skill Tree. It has to go. Oh, and we need to kick out some of the mini games and side quests too."

So, that's what I guess. Sony have probably made it very clear to Yu how much they plan on spending on S3 and the stretch goals are not included in that. While I am fully aware that Sony could easily throw a 100M $ at Yu and give him carte blanche, I still do not see Sony spending an extra 200 thousand $ on some side mission. Not gonna happen. Sony are in S3 for the money, not as fanboys (apart from Mark Cerny probably ;-) ).

Maybe they'll pop in a little bit of money, like if we're only 10 or 20 thousand short of making it but they're not gonna go out of their way for us fans. Businesses don't function like that.
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Re: Receiving Stretch Goal Rewards Regardless?

Postby disbeliever » Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:29 am

RiGoRmOrTiS wrote: Sony have confirmed they are only helping with marketing and some small amount of funding (probably to help with the ps4 version and put a development team together), the majority of the money is from kickstarter, so put in as much as you can possibly afford.

This. I doubt they'd support a PC (Windows) game that much, especially after selling Sony Online Entertainment. I also believe that Sega has something to do with it as well, maybe not wanting to sell it over to Sony (for a reasonable price) so the game would be an exclusive. I also believe that Sony is helping them out with their own Devs, maybe even people from Naughty Dog, as there might be a clue on the kickstarter page as I mentioned in this thread:
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