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I'm gonna start saving for a SIV Kickstarter...just in case.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 4:35 am
by DamonPlus
Imagine a worst case scenario... Shenmue III is not succesful and doesn't get too many sales. Thus, SIV is not feasible, but Yu Suzuki and the fans, want the final chapter of the saga made. Would we be able to gather enough money to create a game that would probably be bigger in scope than 3? Outside financial backing would be even more difficult to get then.

I shudder just to think of it, so I'm going to start saving money just in case.

Re: I'm gonna start saving for a SIV Kickstarter...just in c

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 4:55 am
by SMDzero
I wish they would work on Shenmue 3 and 4 simultaneously just like Shenmue 1 and 2 were developed side by side.

Re: I'm gonna start saving for a SIV Kickstarter...just in c

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:43 am
by JaySw34
I'm sure that if for some reason IV wasn't possible, Yu Suzuki would find some way to finish the story for the fans.

Re: I'm gonna start saving for a SIV Kickstarter...just in c

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:09 pm
by Thief
I wouldn't personally pledge towards a Shenmue IV kickstarter.

Re: I'm gonna start saving for a SIV Kickstarter...just in c

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:15 pm
by Henry Spencer
Depends on how Shenmue 3 comes out, really. If 3 sucks for some reason (which I doubt it will) then I won't be supporting 4, but if 3 is one of the best game sequels of all time, which it would have to be for it not to be a disappointment, considering how amazing 2 was as a sequel, then damn right I would pledge. I get the feeling that they should find it easier getting funding next time with 4, though. Cedric pretty much has said as much.

Re: I'm gonna start saving for a SIV Kickstarter...just in c

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:28 pm
by sand4fish
I pray it will not come to KS for the fourth game, and that the big guys will finance the game after Shenmue 3 proves to be successful. Perpetuating game projects through KS can't be a good sign as seen by other companies.

Re: I'm gonna start saving for a SIV Kickstarter...just in c

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:34 pm
by Thief
I'm happy to help Shenmue get itself up and running again by giving to the Shenmue III kickstarter, but I'm not gunna keep this thing on life-support for the rest of my life. If Shenmue is going to succeed then it's going to have to stay up on its own two feet. We've helped give it another chance, now it's YSnet's turn.

It'll be fine though, I have no worries.

Re: I'm gonna start saving for a SIV Kickstarter...just in c

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:44 pm
by Yokosuka
Don't think it will be necessary. On the other hand, Shenmue V...

Re: I'm gonna start saving for a SIV Kickstarter...just in c

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:46 pm
by ShinChuck
Shenmue... yeah, I'd donate again. I wouldn't be nearly, nearly as big the next time around (unless my financial situation is better in three years, and God-willing, it will be!), but I'd do it.

I agree it's not necessarily a good trend to set, and I can't see myself doing it with virtually any other series (and if I did, it would be a few bucks, not a big donation). However, Shenmue is a special case.

Re: I'm gonna start saving for a SIV Kickstarter...just in c

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:52 pm
by johnvivant
ShinChuck wrote:Shenmue is a special case.

same here. i highly doubt i will ever use kickstarter again unless another shenmue game is on there.
and its also dependent on my liking of 3 and actually wanting the sequel.

Re: I'm gonna start saving for a SIV Kickstarter...just in c

PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 5:28 pm
by Supa
Only if it came down to it. I need to finish the Shenmue story.

Re: I'm gonna start saving for a SIV Kickstarter...just in c

PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 7:27 pm
by Sonoshee
Biscay already stated another Kickstarter is almost certainly not required for the next games.

But I'd still donate again if it does happen. I want to see the story concluded.