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Shenmue 3:My Final Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:49 am
by Domosuke
So now with the latest update that now people who because they don't keep up with the gaming industry, and/or had funds to support the kickstarter (mind you I did want to), are not going to be able to have the incentives, I need to share my final thoughts as I envisioned this and knew this was coming months and months ago.

I told you guys this shit was gonna happen long ass time ago.


Been a shenmue fan for fourteen years. I found out about the second game first, on the Xbox Original launch title disc for Jet Set Radio Future and went to gamestop and was told to buy the first one first and I did. Loved the first, thought the second was ok. Kept waiting for the third game, and when it was announced, in which I found out much later because I hate the video gaming community nowadays. Everything is a fucking FPS, I was happy, but it was a bittersweet feeling after analyzing all the bullshit that's behind it.

I will buy the game eventually. I don't have a ps4 or a gaming pc and who's to say I will when the game gets released, but as someone who has played the first and second game, I'm sure I will play this one, but I'm no longer going to countdown the days until it gets released. I'm gonna go on with my life and focus on other franchises and hobbies, and if if winter 2018 gets here, and I'm still breathing and alive, and I have a ps4 or a gaming pc, I will buy the game.

I'm really not donating a penny to this game anymore. I'm sorry. This is just unprofessional that I'm surprised this fandom is that narcissistic and greedy that more than half of you voted against, or neutral to not having incentives available for everyone, mind you some of the shit was in game content, shit you can't sell on ebay or amazon. Smh. I'm done, you guys are something else.

Just so many things to piss me off about this whole thing.

Strike 1 was Shenmue Online and Shenmue City, released in 2006 and 2009ish which never made it to the interview stage and failed miserably. This itself kinda made me go away from the Shenmue series. The trailer in which Joy is being held hostage and the graphics was so nice, that shit was never released like wtf. People seem to forget about that shit. I'm not saying Shenmue 3 is gonna follow suit, but this is what Yu Suzuki is capable of. He makes bad judgments sometimes.

Strike 2 was resurrecting a moderately average cult series really nobody knew and people forgot about, and that's what made it good. I'm glad nobody really knows about Jet Set Radio or cares about it. Shenmue was good, but it wasn't that good. People thought the interaction was cheezy which it was, Sales were terrible, Yu Suzuki is terrible with money as he was given a blank check for both games and the grand cost ended up to be 10 times more than what we already made for the third game. That's like if there was an announcement for a Jet Set Radio sequel. Yeah old and retro gamers which is what 90% of Shenmue fans are are gonna appreciate it, but it's not gonna be executed in the same fashion in a business sense.

Strike 3 was not making an OVA or Manga, movie to conclude the series; in addition to continuing a lackluster and predictable double standardized story. I'm being brutally honest the truth hurts, story wise, even though the second game left on a cliffhanger, it's pretty much cut and dry what I already know Ryo's father isn't who he is claiming to be, and that Xiuying, Lan Di and Shenhua have a pre existing history with Ryo that he doesn't know about. It's obvious. So I could understand if Shenmue 3 featured a new storyline but with the same theme and open world visionary things, I might bitch less, but I kinda already got tired of Ryo's story. His father is in the Chinese mafia and he isn't a saint and Lan Di murdered him for good reason.

They should have just made an OVA, or a Manga or a comic or something to conclude the story.

And lastly, Strike 4 was the whole kickstarter controversy, the game not being released on Xbox One, and Yu Suzuki being greedy, the fans being greedy and selfish and pretty much ruining any chance of new fans being introduced to the series, and Sony not giving a single fuck to support this game.

I'm done. My rant is over. This is going to be it. I know people don't agree or feel the same way as me and I respect that. I'll keep most of my negativity to myself, but I just had enough. Whether I play Shenmue 3 or not, I just won't be gung ho about it anymore, yet I will respect all the fans regardless if I disagree with them.

Take care. :)

Re: Shenmue 3:My Final Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:57 am
by reptile
Unprofessional? Agreed

Just play the game when it comes out if you are alive, like you said you will. There really isin't anything else to argue about.

Most of us are not into what is going on regarding little things like a stupid poll miscount or how we are disappointed about updates.

Just glad the game is coming, ya' know.

Re: Shenmue 3:My Final Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 6:16 am
by KidMarine
Jesus fucking Christ what a bunch of self important garbage.

Re: Shenmue 3:My Final Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 6:19 am
by Domosuke
This is a fan forum last time I checked. This is where fans can share their opinions. I'm a fan, and this is my opinion.

Re: Shenmue 3:My Final Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 6:26 am
by Hyo Razuki
So you think Shenmue 1 & 2 were good but not that good, but you've still been a fan for fourteen years? That sounds interesting. I usually don't become a fan of games which I find OK but "not that good". Well, everybody is different anyway.

The KS campaign and even more so the Paypal campaign have been run very unprofessionally, yes. But then again, on every Kickstarter you invest in a product which is far away from completion and you never really know what you're gonna get.

As for further funding the development, I don't see how that makes Yu Suzuki greedy. Loads of games have kept their Slacker Backers open for years. He's been wanting to make that game for 14 years and so I guess he just wants to make sure he's done everything he can to get as much funding as possible.

I myself haven't decided what to do yet. If they will implement the upgrade option for the KS pledges I might well be throwing some more money at the game's development, since I'd be very interested in some of the higher tier rewards. If not, I'm done funding the game.

In your case, I guess it's best to just wait until the game hits the shelves and buy it then. Which you said, you are gonna do. So yeah. Have fun playing the game.

Re: Shenmue 3:My Final Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 6:52 am
by Monkei
Domosuke wrote:And lastly, Strike 4 was the whole kickstarter controversy, the game not being released on Xbox One, and Yu Suzuki being greedy, the fans being greedy and selfish and pretty much ruining any chance of new fans being introduced to the series, and Sony not giving a single fuck to support this game.

Pretty much most of your post is bullshit, but especially this part reeks so hard of uninformed and utter stupidity and Xbox fanboism that it's not even funny anymore. Just make this community a tiny bit better by getting lost already.

Re: Shenmue 3:My Final Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 6:58 am
by SMDzero
This post is intellectual rot.... is that you Peter Moore?

Re: Shenmue 3:My Final Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:27 am
by Let's Get Sweaty
Has this entire diatribe been sparked by a misinformed belief that PayPal backers will no longer receive any rewards?

Re: Shenmue 3:My Final Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:59 am
by Sonoshee
Monkei wrote:
Domosuke wrote:And lastly, Strike 4 was the whole kickstarter controversy, the game not being released on Xbox One, and Yu Suzuki being greedy, the fans being greedy and selfish and pretty much ruining any chance of new fans being introduced to the series, and Sony not giving a single fuck to support this game.

Pretty much most of your post is bullshit, but especially this part reeks so hard of uninformed and utter stupidity and Xbox fanboism that it's not even funny anymore. Just make this community a tiny bit better by getting lost already.

There being no Xbox One version is down to Phil Spencer and not Yu Suzuki. Cedric Biscay even tweeted that MS were offered Shenmue 3 several times over the past few years but they always turned it down. That's Microsoft's choice. Therefore the blame can't be laid at Suzuki's feet when Sony came in offering to help get the game done.

As for Sony not giving a f*ck - they have done far more than Sega to bring the title to the fans. They even approached Yu themselves and are offering publishing support. Could we ask more of them? Sure. But in my eyes they've done what we all really wanted done - Shenmue 3. I can't grumble at them even if I wanted to.

Re: Shenmue 3:My Final Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:20 am
by Anonymous81
There are still rewards for PayPal backers. They are just different than the "exclusives" offered to KS backers.

Do I agree with that? No. I wish they had interpreted the poll as yes + indifferent = majority vs no = minority, rather than yes vs no being such a slim margin they went with no, while ignoring the indifferent votes. Precisely because I know there will be people like yourself who will not back the game on PayPal now. And I want the game to get every last cent it can. That, for me, is the beginning, middle, and end of this process. Money. Funding. As much as humanly possible. From wherever they can get it. That's all I care about as far as any of these machinations go: what will net them the most funding. And clearly there are people like yourself whose money they will now miss out on.

Sure it can be argued that if they alienated those who voted "no," they might lose all that funding somehow too (even though I would assume the KS funds have by now already been withdrawn, so that should be moot.) But ultimately I feel this hurts the campaign, if only marginally.

Myself? I couldn't care less about rewards. Which makes me disagree both with those who voted "no," AND with those like yourself who will witholds backing over this. I would happily give up all the rewards in the tiers I pledged at if it would help the game. I just want the thing to get as much money as humanly possible and be the greatest possible Shenmue experience it can be. Full stop.

So, I respect your choice. But I would humbly ask that you reconsider. If not... so be it. Nothing more to be said in that case.

Take care. I hope the game ends up being something you can love upon release.

Re: Shenmue 3:My Final Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:25 am
by Telekill
Domosuke wrote: And lastly, Strike 4 was the whole kickstarter controversy, the game not being released on Xbox One, and Yu Suzuki being greedy, the fans being greedy and selfish and pretty much ruining any chance of new fans being introduced to the series, and Sony not giving a single fuck to support this game.

There seems to be a lot of misinformation in this part of your post.

1. Not being available on X1 - Already mentioned in a post above as to why, but that doesn't mean it won't eventually come to the system.

2. Yu Suzuki being greedy - I view Suzuki-san as being an honorable man. Shenmue is a risk given its history and due to that, it was up to the fans to put their money where their mouth is. We have been clamoring for a continuation of the series for a long time and he as well as investors wanted to know what kind of support the game would really have before taking the risk. That's not being greedy... that's business sense. Plus, if you backed it on either Kickstarter or Paypal, you get the rewards at the tier that you pledged, which usually is accompanied by a copy of the game so long as you've pledged $30 or more. That's a pretty good deal.

3. Fans being greedy - I'm a bit lost on this one. If you take a look at the poll, it clearly shows that the least amount of votes were for not letting Paypal backers have the same rewards. Sure it was close between the Yes and No, but then you look at how many voted "don't care either way" and my bet is that had that option not been available, that they would have voted yes. It's an option to throw away your vote if you think about it and I don't think it should have been added. The choice to not include the same "prizes" as Kickstarter backers was one of three things. 1). They didn't want to anger the 49% of the backers that voted No, or 2). It was so close they decided against it to allow those extra funds to be put towards the game itself (a smart decision in my opinion), or 3). a combination of the two.

4. Sony not giving support - It's because of Sony that we're getting Shenmue 3 and the reason that it got the backing that it did; Yu Suzuki promoting the Kickstarter campaign during their E3 press conference. Other ways in which they are supporting Shenmue 3 are listed above in other posts.

Look, I understand that Shenmue not being on your platform of choice can be annoying, but that's no reason to not back a game that you know you would enjoy. The great part about Shenmue 3 is that the fanbase as a whole made it happen. That wasn't because of greed or malice towards Xbox or Nintendo fans... it was the sheer excitement that fans of a once thought dead series with no ending would get to continue their story after all these years. It's something to be celebrated... not something to sneer at because of this or that. Be a part of the celebration and contribute, or buy it in a bargain bin 10 years from now; either way, Shenmue 3 will welcome you back in the continuation of Ryo's quest.

Re: Shenmue 3:My Final Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:46 am
by mrandyk
To recap:

Strike 1 - They never released Shenmue Online

Strike 2 - It's a niche franchise and he is upset it came back into the public eye

Strike 3 - Should have released the rest of the series as a manga instead

Strike 4 - Yu Suzuki is greedy and the project shouldn't have been kickstarted

Don't buy Shenmue III everyone.

Re: Shenmue 3:My Final Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:52 am
by mjq jazz bar
You found Shenmue 2 merely ok and think the series' storyline is predictable and not very good. Not sure why you were ever looking forward to a third game.

Re: Shenmue 3:My Final Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:34 pm
by James Brown
Not sure how you can say that the continuation of the story would be predictable, did you even complete Shenmue 2?...the ending of that was so far from the rest of the story who knows what Suzuki had in mind.

I think this whole topic was just a anger induced bitter taste after probably reading a click bait media news wesbite about how you won't receive any rewards via Paypal anymore. If you even come back to your own topic and read the replies, please be rest assured that everyone else is talking out of their arse and nothing has changed to the Paypal, extra rewards generally for the even higher teirs that were on the kickstarter are simply not going to be added to the current list on Paypal because a strong amount of people for some stupid reason voted no in the poll.

Re: Shenmue 3:My Final Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:38 pm
by mjq jazz bar
By the way, I stand by my opinion that Shenmue 2 is the greatest game of all time. I don't care if it's aged poorly or if the English dub is terrible. I have never been more affected by a videogame in my life. It truly marked the end of an era for me as well. I pretty much lost interest in gaming after Shenmue 2. It's going to take more than some Kickstarter cock-ups and VG media bullshit to make me lose interest in Shenmue 3.

The most offensive thing about your post is that you found Shenmue 2 just 'ok'. 8)