PS4 small leap in power less costly *RUMOR*

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Re: PS4 small leap in power less costly *RUMOR*

Postby Martin » Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:39 pm

Sonikku wrote: he console makers clearly negotiated with each other at least enough to ensure they would all go cheap low end this generation[/color]

Where did you learn this? There's many rumours concerning the PS4 and Durango having large amounts of processing power.
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Re: PS4 small leap in power less costly *RUMOR*

Postby Bluecast » Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:44 pm

Martin wrote:
Sonikku wrote: he console makers clearly negotiated with each other at least enough to ensure they would all go cheap low end this generation[/color]

Where did you learn this? There's many rumours concerning the PS4 and Durango having large amounts of processing power.

Those rumors are just total BS. Nothing will have 16 cores and shit otherwise be 3D0 all over again.
What I posted is what's reported on the recent Dev kits. Dev kits are not final but at least gives something to base a rumor on. Those BS rumors of 13 billion cores and shit are just BS.
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Re: PS4 small leap in power less costly *RUMOR*

Postby QWERTY » Sun Nov 04, 2012 2:10 pm

Ryudo wrote: To be fair PSN is the same PSN on Vita that it is on PS3. It's cross platform.

Exactly. The account you have now will be usable over the next platform, for sure. They (as in Sony and Micrsoft) know that there would be a massive uproar if they forced their end users to start all over again at additional cost.

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Re: PS4 small leap in power less costly *RUMOR*

Postby Bluecast » Sun Nov 04, 2012 2:19 pm

Yeah I think PSN/XBL will carry on to the next systems. Backwards compatible is a big marketing point and Sony and MS know that people now have more tied in with those services than maybe retail games. So they will keep it to next gen. My Vita trophies show up on pS3 and PS3 trophies on PS3. I think you can play some DD games you bought on vita on the pS3. So no worries there
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Re: PS4 small leap in power less costly *RUMOR*

Postby Martin » Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:34 pm

Ryudo wrote:Those rumors are just total BS. Nothing will have 16 cores and shit otherwise be 3D0 all over again.
What I posted is what's reported on the recent Dev kits. Dev kits are not final but at least gives something to base a rumor on. Those BS rumors of 13 billion cores and shit are just BS.[/color]

You don't know that. They're only bullshit as much as this rumour is bullshit. 16-cores is possible, and that particular rumour came from a manufacturing leak. Doesn't mean it's true, I'm just saying. I know Epic are pushing MS and Sony to deliver platforms which can run something like this..


.. in real-time. You'd need a lot more than a PS3, 360 or Wii U to run that. Anything near that, in fact. That's totally FMV-territory for the aforementioned consoles. If they were just going to offer mildy more-capable consoles, then why bother at all? Why not just carry on with PS3 etc forever?

QWERTY™ wrote:
Ryudo wrote: To be fair PSN is the same PSN on Vita that it is on PS3. It's cross platform.

Exactly. The account you have now will be usable over the next platform, for sure. They (as in Sony and Micrsoft) know that there would be a massive uproar if they forced their end users to start all over again at additional cost.

Well yeah, but that's just the store interface. Things on the store can only be played on certain platforms. I'm done buying all the same games again and again. I want to migrate all my old content over to the new console and be able to use it. That was what my question concerned - the content, not the store-front.

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Re: PS4 small leap in power less costly *RUMOR*

Postby Bluecast » Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:14 pm

Is MS or Sony don't want to be another 3D0 they are not going to have visuals like that. Besides Console gamers don't buy consoles for top of the line visuals. If they do they are foolish. That is what PC's are for. Halo from the graphics department in realism and such is amazing looking. Watch Dogs will be dumbed down but for sure look fantastic next gen. Since I just go where games interest me on a console I often go where games have more visual flair and style. From Darksiders to 3D Dot Game Heroes to Gravity Rush. So top of the line graphic pushing games are not my personal thing. Still 7-800$ consoles or consoles that powerful sold at 3-400$ not going to happen otherwise Sony who is bleeding money would have to leave the industry.

Sony as a company keeps making cuts and is losing so much money. While Ken is no longer there he left a bad mark on the gaming division. Sony has been making many similar mistakes as SEGA and some new ones. Suing Kevin Butler is not helping. If Sony keeps on this path the PlayStation Console division will be cut. If PS4 uses the graphics gimmick and overpowered under developed console again. That's it they are done. PS brand will be kept in tablets and Sony phones only as PSN game center. Manny I'm pretty sure is right that PS4 will resemble Vita more in architecture.
That isn't a bad thing at all.
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Re: PS4 small leap in power less costly *RUMOR*

Postby Who Really Cares? » Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:19 am

Console owners don't buy for top of the line visuals? I would suggest you look around other forums because a lot of console gamers do care about graphics. Sure its not all but you should go look at any vid on youtube and so on comparing graphics between the current consoles and PC's.

Neither Sony or MS will go cheap next gen and both will take losses for the first few years on the product because they will be able to afford to as the 360 and PS3 will still sell at a profit and lets face it MS has money to burn and Sony seem to belive that big risks are worth it. And Epic had a big say on the current consoles and will have a big say on the next ones as well.

And yeah I'm 99% sure that everything will carry over from XBox 30 and PS3 to their next console
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Re: PS4 small leap in power less costly *RUMOR*

Postby Bluecast » Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:26 am

Sony is bleeding too much to take anymore PS3 sized risks. Look at Vita. They went a more conservative route. Sure it's high tech but they made sure the hardware was very efficient cheaper and easy to develop for. Hell even cheaper than PSP was. And look Sony considers Vita a huge disappointment right now. Sony even released ANOTHER slim PS3 to cut even more costs down. Sony is getting much more conservative. PS4 will not be a thrown together overpowered underdeveloped machine like PS3 was. That was all on Ken Kutaragi. He left a while back. He was the one that wanted every console like a super computer. His insanity and big losses lead to his departure. Sony will push as much as they can but with much more conservative thinking now as they have done with the new PS3 and the Vita. It willhave a decent balance og good power but not to cost heavy on both ends. Sony has been burning both ends of the candle too long and they know it. If I'm wrong I will buy a copy of a Cod Game and play one of you online for a day.
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Re: PS4 small leap in power less costly *RUMOR*

Postby Who Really Cares? » Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:46 am

Sony released various PS1 and 2 models its just what they do and lets face it a 500GB PS3 for the same price as the last is a damn good deal. They have been bleeding for ages but they have not changed their ways.
And the whole like a PC thing was simply to get out of paying tax. Sony tried claiming the PS2 was more a PC than a console and again with the PS3 but got told nice try but you still have to pay the tax.

But the PS brand is still the best thing they have going right now so they will continue to take risks with it and try to make it the best it can be.

And again Epic will have a big say on how powerful the console are.
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Re: PS4 small leap in power less costly *RUMOR*

Postby Bluecast » Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:47 pm

Ok number one 1 developer does not have say so in a company. 1 developer. Never has a console manufacture designed a console around what 1 developer wanted. 2 Epic is like Crysis devs. They bitch no matter how poerful the console. They are PC Elitists first and PC developers. They have a long history of just bitching that consoles are not PC's. Sony has not been bleeding for ages. Right now they just cut several thousand more jobs Sony isn't fucking around right now,they have come out with statements. Again Manny said PS4 will be more like Vita. Sony never released two slim models outside of PSP. Sony never gave a shit about developer costs until Vita and now PS4. Even Sony has said PS4 will be cost friendly but no slouch either. Sony is a more conservative company. They have already proven it. The facts are in the hardware itself.
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Re: PS4 small leap in power less costly *RUMOR*

Postby Who Really Cares? » Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:30 pm

More studios use Unreal than any other engine and yes Epic DID have a say on parts of the 360 and at the moment are openly saying the next XBox and PS4 need more Ram and I'm pretty sure Bethesda pushed MS hard on something as well when making the 360.

MS wanted to release it with only 256MB memory Epic got it upped to 512
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Re: PS4 small leap in power less costly *RUMOR*

Postby Crimson Ryan » Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:06 pm

Ryudo wrote: Sony never released two slim models outside of PSP.

They did with the PS2..


Who Really Cares? wrote:More studios use Unreal than any other engine and yes Epic DID have a say on parts of the 360 and at the moment are openly saying the next XBox and PS4 need more Ram and I'm pretty sure Bethesda pushed MS hard on something as well when making the 360.

MS wanted to release it with only 256MB memory Epic got it upped to 512

I remember reading that. They showed Gears of War running on both 256 and 512MB to prove a point.

For the record though, there's never been one single development house that dictates a console's development, but for the Vita, the entire of Sony Worldwide Studios pitched ideas and feedback.
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Re: PS4 small leap in power less costly *RUMOR*

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:29 pm

a bias PC gamer I know was talking shit about PS4 after reading this article. Basically bashing the specs saying they arent respectable and that there is no reason to buy one when you can emulate and pirate everything on PC blah blah blah. He doesnt play console games nor likes them, all he will play is PC. I really really hate when a gamer calls themselves "hardcore" but will only play games in one format/system that they think is vastly superior than everything else, but when you listen to their rants you are like "what as dumb ass".
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Re: PS4 small leap in power less costly *RUMOR*

Postby Who Really Cares? » Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:37 pm

Yeah the move cost MS a billion $ but its also why the hard drive is not standard with the console.
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Re: PS4 small leap in power less costly *RUMOR*

Postby Martin » Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:56 pm

And why, in retrospect, the 360 was able to go toe-to-toe with the PS3 and win on many grounds. Had the RAM been 256MB, all these Face-Offs on Digital Foundry would be a very different story.

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