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Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

Postby Bluecast » Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:01 pm

Why are some companies (Sony) so insistent on teraflops/gigaflops? It's like the appendix of specs. It means nothing because every architecture is so different. May as well be saying to your friend want to compare armpit hair. It's useless and meaningless.
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Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:05 pm

Ryudo wrote: One thing I will never say again..or at least personally I should never say again "done buying games for console X" because it never ends up being true. Even if a long hiatus I still end up at some point buying something for it

thats actually a good point, I should clarify I mean new games.

theres a few games I want to replace and a few i might have missed but I've had it since Gears 1 came out and the list of stuff to get is all pre 2012 so I'm not buying any new games for it. I've got zero interest in Judgement (kind of ironic because I bought the system after being impressed by the first game).

On ps3 theres a lot I want but its mostly old, the jak collection, ico+sotc collection, god of war collection. Mostly replacing stuff. I gave some thought to bioshock 3 on ps3 considering my battles with 2 on pc but thats still in the air.

the backwards compatibility deal makes me want to buy new games even less on consoles.

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Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

Postby Riku Rose » Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:27 pm

The possibility of your PSN and downloaded PS3 games not working on PS4 is strange. You're able to carry over the stuff you bought for PSP to Vita as well as PS1 games bought on PS3. I'm going to wait on concrete details before I make decisions but this could sway where I put my money. Also interested to see how Sony handle PS+.
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Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

Postby Bluecast » Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:01 pm ... 6293.phtml

DS3 won't work on PS4. Not a big deal but would have been nice. I can use my PSone/PS2 controllers on PS3. GCN with Wii and Wii with Wii U. MS also if leaks are to be true Durango controller will be basically the same but 360 controllers won't work on it.
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Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

Postby Axm » Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:23 pm

Since im the resident sony fanboy. Heres an essay you bastids.

A day later, after further confirmations and dwelling here's what im liking and disliking about the PS4.


That sexy new controller: Concave sticks, integrated move, better handles, better D-Pad, better triggers, built in stereo and mic jack, instant share button and the touch pad.Yes x1000 I love it.

The developer friendly specs: Making it possible for more and better games.

The vastly improved PSN: On all ends it looks like we are getting a better than XBL experience with stuff like in-game chat and in game video chat. Always on background downloads and a streaming ability I will need to warm up to using but will probably eventually love. Especially if that means virtually everything can be on the go with the Vita.

Discs! And the ability to play used games aslong as the publisher isnt a dick about it. Sounds fair to me. I just hope Sony lives up to what they say and makes atleast all first party games unlocked. But my main positive here is discs. Physicall media. I think we all honestly dodged a bullet with this one. Hopefully this is a standard with the system and not a optional pay more for the optical drive excuse to charge us more for the hardware.

Games: We know a decent amount of games will be available in the launch year..Time frame... area..Despite others opinions I think they made a good debut of some software. Deep Down, Drive Club and Destiny all look impressive and games id actually buy. The multiplatform stuff is also encouraging to know developers are going to emidiately provide games available on other systems too. This makes me think developing on the system isnt an issue and we can always look forward to a PS4 version of whatever new multiplat game is coming out.


No disc based BC:
Because Fuck You said Sony. Fine ill just keep my PS3. Right next to my other 5 consoles I have pluged in under my TV. FUCK

Unanounced PSN account purchase support:
I guess I have to keep my PS3 pluged in for that too? What are you kidding me? Say you will do this Sony. Dont beat around my bush. Just say yes you will honor the money I already spent in your new fancy stream everything under the sun store.

Lack of a huge game that makes me say Day 1:
This better happen at E3 or abit later, or else I wont be spending anywhere near $400+

The logo:
Ok its nice.. But i hope it not the final version. Its just the PS3 font with a 4 in its place. Boring. Change it at E3 if you care about effective marketing and commercials in the future.

I probably have more negatives but my Sony goggles are blocking the hate rays. Overall I think sony is off to a good start. And I will probably get 0 likes for this post for saying that.
As a Sony fanboy. If I was to rate it from 1-5 they would get a solid 3.
Some of the negative stuff was way too expected. But the positive stuff really proves why I like Sony and why I will eventually buy that system over the next xbox even though I havent seen the next xbox.
Last edited by Axm on Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

Postby Bluecast » Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:31 pm

The used games thing is a deal breaker for me
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Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

Postby Riku Rose » Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:32 pm

Been reading all the different interviews from Shuhei Yoshida (President of Sony Entertainment) and a few interesting things.

He pretty much said that if they can find a way to emulate games on the PS4 then they will honor what people have already bought.
He also said to expect more game announcements at both E3 (June) and Gamescom (August).
Pretty much every Sony owned studio is working on games for PS4.
E3 may be where we get release date and price information.

None of this is confirmed but just what he has said he hope's happens.

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Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

Postby Axm » Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:37 pm

Ryudo wrote:The used games thing is a deal breaker for me

At the same time, this has not been confirmed officially at all that any one 3rd party publisher is locking down their games. Sony has officially stated they dont want to do a disservice to gamers that way. So this tells me that if Sony isnt going to do it to their first party line up, they will have alot of sway and positive examples to give to 3rd partys by not doing it themselves. And ultimately sales will speak for themselves there after. ... ames-stuff
Last edited by Axm on Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

Postby Bluecast » Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:41 pm

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Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

Postby Sonikku » Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:02 pm

Axm wrote: No disc based BC:
Because Fuck You said Sony. Fine ill just keep my PS3. Right next to my other 5 consoles I have pluged in under my TV. FUCK

Your television is a filthy filthy whore.

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Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

Postby Mitsuzuki » Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:40 am

The non-disc based BC is a bit of a drag. But otherwise there was a lot I liked watching the press conference.

I've been a big supporter of the PS2 and PS3, so all I can say to Sony right now regarding the PS4 is:

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Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

Postby Bluecast » Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:44 am

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Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

Postby Who Really Cares? » Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:38 am



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Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

Postby Who Really Cares? » Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:42 am

April announcement for the new XBox? ... -in-april/

Someone from Sony thinks "At first caught Microsoft off-guard". "We definitely ruffled some feathers,"




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Re: Xbox 3 & PS4 Talk

Postby Bluecast » Fri Feb 22, 2013 6:57 pm ... st-60-max/

PS4 games will remain retail MSRP of 60$
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Jean Valjean
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