Random Thoughts

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Brothaman » Fri Jul 12, 2013 6:44 pm

Kenny wrote:Not really. Rallying on about general history and rallying on something that directly affected someone are two different things. So its completely relevant. He took something he knew would easily piss them off to get back at them. Unfortunately it's the easiest way to get back at them, very low brow on his end.

It still makes it wrong. It still makes it justifiable that people got pissed at him and are probably still pissed at him. But does it make him a racist? I don't think so. He also apparently made anti-semetic remarks prior to the racist ones (not Holocaust related but still). The guy's just an idiot, bottom line.

He's a racist dude, bottom line. And racist are idiots by default. You don't say racist things just because you're upset. You have to have those beliefs in your subconscious. I could give a pass on using racial stereotypes, but he went straight to Jim Crow. And that article only proves my point, especially since that's not the only example. *done*

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Kenny » Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:08 pm

He also did blackface on Seinfeld.

Allegedly, James Stewart was accused of racism by firing an actor from his own show just cause he was black. He supposedly said:

'Blacks are bossing white people all over the country and now we're going to have the same damn thing on prime time television? A black is going to be lecturing me with millions of people watching? No way. I get casting approval and Williams is out.'

And John Wayne in a 1971 Playboy interview:

I believe in white supremacy until blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don't believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people.... The academic community has developed certain tests that determine whether the blacks are sufficiently equipped scholastically.... I don't feel guilty about the fact that five or ten generations ago these people were slaves. Now I'm not condoning slavery. It's just a fact of life, like the kid who gets infantile paralysis and can't play football like the rest of us.

That to me is racism. Unprovoked, not manufactured for a cheap laugh. Just doing it cause you really believe the other race is inferior to your own even even going as far to jeopardize the other person's livelihood.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:31 am

In really rough shape, I think I almost had an anxiety attack tonight. Everything is weighing me down right now, my procedure at the hospital on tuesday, a bunch of other problems in my personal life, shits just straight up not going right, and its like the way the situations are (and there are more than one like this) all I can really do is just watch everything fall apart, and its completely out of my control, so its really frustrating I cant do anything about it. Its just... tough, extremely tough right now. im stressed. Hope I stay alive.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby MiTT3NZ » Sat Jul 13, 2013 9:46 am

I get the whole racism argument here, the way I see things though (without watching the video) is that there's a huge difference between racism n racial jokes. Racism is maliciously targeting one ethnicity due to ignorance or hatred. Racial jokes are, as Bman said, shit like "My black friend took me on a night out to pick up some chicks. Best bargain bucket I ever had." It doesn't really matter how far you go with it though, could be harsh as fuck, but as long as it's a good joke, the word "racist" shouldn't crop up, coz at the end of the day, it's their job to make people laugh, and their craft to be the wittiest out there.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby mue 26 » Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:28 am

The people here who are defending that guy's racist rant are completely nuts. I had never seen that video before, but Brotherman is completely spot on. You don't just say things like that because your upset. He got rattled and whatever latent racism that was inside of him erupted to the surface. And yes if a guy said to a woman that she was a dumb cunt who should know her place and that 50 years ago she could get legally raped by her husband and so shouldn't interrupt a man, then that man hates women and is deserving of being called a misogynist. That is the closest equivalent to that guy's rant I can think of, so I can't understand how anyone cannot consider it racist. I wish I could defend him, I love Kramer's character in Seinfeld, but there is just no way. He only has himself to blame for ruining his own career.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Riku Rose » Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:58 am

I don't hate all fat people but when a fat person has pissed me off I'll bring that up and rub in in their face to make them feel like shit. Doesn't mean deep down I have an issue with people being large.

On that new Seinfeld show where he interviews people Richards said he should have walked off stage but being in the heat of moment you say things you regret. The people in the audience where being cunts and deserved to be made to feel like shit but he totally went about it the wrong way. Maybe not as extreme as this but everyone has had the moment where they think of a different comeback or thing they should have actually said a few minutes after the actual conversation just like George in Seinfeld wanting to say the jerk store called.

As Kenny quoted those people are true racists. People who think other races are inferior.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Kenny » Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:21 am

phpBB [video]

What a legend.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby mue 26 » Sun Jul 14, 2013 8:30 am

I don't hate all fat people but when a fat person has pissed me off I'll bring that up and rub in in their face to make them feel like shit. Doesn't mean deep down I have an issue with people being large.

No, but it does mean you clearly think being fat is worthy of mockery and that you are better for not being fat. Just like Richards thought being black was worthy of mockery and he was better for being white.

The people in the audience where being cunts and deserved to be made to feel like shit but he totally went about it the wrong way.

Richards is actually lucky he was in front of that audience and no one decided to give him a beating, which he would have fully deserved.

As Kenny quoted those people are true racists. People who think other races are inferior.

Your thinking is fallacious quite frankly. Richards called a black man a nigger, mocked his race in disgusting ways and stated "that's what you get for interrupting a white man". Pretty clear cut.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby MiTT3NZ » Sun Jul 14, 2013 8:44 am

Mue, you're being ridiculous. The majority of comedy is mockery, and anything goes. If you don't like it, choose your favourite swear word and follow it up with the word "off".

Come to think of it, that'd make for a semi-decent topic if the Junk forum still existed.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby OL » Sun Jul 14, 2013 11:03 am

In the end none of it matters whatsoever because we're all just animals anyway, fighting our basest instincts on this pretentious assumption that civility actually means anything. It's ridiculous that anyone gets upset over such trivialities to begin with.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Bambi » Sun Jul 14, 2013 11:07 am

The audience member calls the person on stage two derogatory terms for a Caucasian. Is he too a latent racist? I just want to try and understand everyone's point of view here.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby OL » Sun Jul 14, 2013 11:10 am

Everyone is racist in some way. It doesn't have to equate to "hate" or a desire for violence against another race. It can be something small and inconsequential, some tiny detail where you think one race is above others, and it still counts as racism.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby mue 26 » Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:03 pm

I really hate that "everyone is a little bit racist" argument that people seem to love to employ when defending racists. No, not everyone is racist.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Sonikku » Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:48 pm


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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Kenny » Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:03 pm

Bambi wrote: The audience member calls the person on stage two derogatory terms for a Caucasian. Is he too a latent racist? I just want to try and understand everyone's point of view here.

He sure did but of course the ones who throw "racist" around ironically don't take that into consideration.

About the "everyone is a little racist" bit, everyone is actually prejudice. Think about that for a second...
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