Would you rather?

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

Spend 2.5 years in jail or NEVER play Shenmue 3? (Total votes: 16)

I'll spend 2.5 years in jail if it meant I got Shenmue 3 upon release
I would rather NEVER get to play Shenmue 3 than go to jail for 2.5 years.

Re: Would you rather?

Postby zema » Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:46 am

Henry Spencer wrote: ...I'll say it again like a I did a month or two ago, this place is weird.

After witnessing this thread, I'm forced to agree.
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Re: Would you rather?

Postby Kenny » Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:05 am

Zoltor wrote:
OL wrote:
SMDzero wrote: I just think we've all spent a decade and a half agonizing over Shenmue 3.... what would another 2.5 years in the slammer be anyway? We have to wait 2.5 years anyway for Shenmue 3.. why not spend it in prison if you had a guarantee that you would never be harmed while incarcerated?

Can you imagine being forced to live out THE REST OF YOUR LIFE being sentenced to never play Shenmue 3 just to get out of a little jail time??

You make it sound like the only thing any of us have done for the past 15 years is sat in a corner waiting for a game. There's a chance that most of us have enough going on in life that the loss of 2.5 years over a videogame would be, y'know... pretty effing retarded.

And I just have to say, "agony" is a pretty strong word. "Mild annoyance" might be a better descriptor for how the wait has been, and even that's pushing it.

It's much more then a mild annoyance, Shenmue wasn't designed like anything else in the gaming industry, the "endings" for lack of a better word, aren't open ended endings, like any other title that wants to tell a single cohesive story through multiple games. They are literally cliffhangers, and to make it worse, they execution is beyond godly(the first game's cliffhanger ending, is as good as the best wuxia series out there, but the 2nd game's cliffhanger ender far succeeds that. Yu took one of the most gipping aspects from wuxia series, which are made by people far more experience in this type of story telling, and someone manage to far exceed anything that was done before or even since).

Then there's the game its self, yes It's hard to believe we're talking about a game, that is created by use of a computer programing code, and some art, because it sure as hell doesn't feel that way.

If the only game that exist, was Shenmue 1, it wouldn't be this much of a problem, because even with how amazing Shenmue 1 was, and infact still is, you can still tell It's a computer program(From what I can tell, why the first game doesn't really get there, is the NPCs don't have enough dialog options, so It's really easy/common to hear everything most NPCs have to say).

Well Yu Suzuki, being Yu Suzuki has to always be constantly improving upon a formula/something he created, thus enter the holy grail that achieved what so many developers at the time were wanting to accomplish, yet never getting close. A game with a world that feels literally like a real, living, and breathing world(if you want me to list all/try to list all the things that make it feel so real, just ask, but for the time being, since you're on this site, I'm just going to assume you know these things already).

Now this whole thing is as great, as it is a serious problem, you see, Yu Suzuki did such a godly job, it set the bar to such a height, no one else would even try to make such a game ever again, so all there is, is Shenmue 1, and Shenmue 2, there is no bandaid substitute out there for either of those games or for a potential new entry in the series.

A series so great, only became a possibly because of a phenomenon that happen in 95ish, with a window lasting until 2001, and it just so happened, it landed in the hands of the best developer possible, to be given such a once in the lifetime opportunity(hell such a event will never again happen in the industry in general, It's a downright miracle it happened at all, nevermind also managing to fall into the hands of someone like Yu), boy did he run with it too.

This so called "game" series, is so realistic, and indepth that it really has changed lives in the real world, and effected things in the real world, that has nothing to do with the gaming industry at all, so you really can't treat this series as just another game.

Hell 14 years later, we're still finding new things about as well as even meaning from such(we live in a internet driven world now, you know, the so called information super highway, yet there's still new things being discovered, now that's beyond impressive. That's how dynamic the world is).

I'm going on a limb here and guessing you'd take the 2.5 years getting hammered in the ass over a videogame?

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Re: Would you rather?

Postby Zoltor » Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:26 am

To Kenny: I can handle myself, and I'm not the type of person to just take it, tyvm.
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Re: Would you rather?

Postby Henry Spencer » Tue Aug 25, 2015 5:32 am

Magic will protect you. Better buff yourselves with Protect and Shield spells. Reflect would be the most effective spell though.

Prison is brutal, y'all. Don't know if you knew that already or not, but there it is. Confessions of a True Shenmue Fan who is all black and blue (no, I'm not Sonic The Hedgehog) to prove my worth as the bestest Shenmue fan of them all.
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Re: Would you rather?

Postby alexh86 » Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:56 pm

I can't think of any tangible thing that I would be willing to lose 2.5 years for. I would consider doing it if I stood to gain such a substantial amount of money that I didn't have to work again. In that case, I'd be trading 2.5 years for the 20-ish cumulative years I will lose over my lifetime at work. As soon as I was out, I could spend all of my time with my wife and kids and would not have to spend a large part of each day away from them. No video game or any non-monetary item would be worth 2.5 years to me, however.
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Re: Would you rather?

Postby Shibiryo » Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:13 pm

Imminent death is at it's lowest peak. Playing Shenmue 3 whilst getting your ass whipped is not as bad as you'd think. Meh
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Re: Would you rather?

Postby Zoltor » Tue Aug 25, 2015 5:12 pm

alexh86 wrote: I can't think of any tangible thing that I would be willing to lose 2.5 years for. I would consider doing it if I stood to gain such a substantial amount of money that I didn't have to work again. In that case, I'd be trading 2.5 years for the 20-ish cumulative years I will lose over my lifetime at work. As soon as I was out, I could spend all of my time with my wife and kids and would not have to spend a large part of each day away from them. No video game or any non-monetary item would be worth 2.5 years to me, however.

There are things worth more then money.
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Re: Would you rather?

Postby rigo8582 » Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:04 pm

I'll go to jail if my name is Michael Scofield.
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Re: Would you rather?

Postby Kenny » Thu Aug 27, 2015 1:07 pm

Zoltor wrote: To Kenny: I can handle myself, and I'm not the type of person to just take it, tyvm.

Somehow I doubt that.
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