Halo 2

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Halo 2

Postby Shibiryo » Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:47 am

Halo 2 has always been my favorite game in Microsoft's flagship series, one I played for endless hours while in high school (back when you had to invite people over to play multiplayer or co-op). The campaign has always been closest to my heart, filled with complex characters whose motives and intentions (and affiliations) aren't known until the action-packed last act of the game. Two great warriors must sacrifice everything by game's end in order to finish the fight against the Covenant. Better days loom over them just beyond the darkness of space.

Back in 2004, Halo 2 had some very big shoes to fill. Following the blockbuster that was Halo: CE, it had the difficult task of one-upping its predecessor. Whether you think it did or didn't, whether you think Halo 2 is the most vital entry in Halo canon or a pass, that's irrelevant. 2015 is about celebrating the title, and what a grand reception it's been thrown.

Like Halo: Anniversary before it, Halo 2: Anniversary is very decked out -- a graphical upgrade, a completely re-recorded score, and re- done cinematics that perfectly complement the game's great narrative. For all intents and purposes, Halo 2 is still the game you know and love -- all the familiar things are still there, down to the original controller configuration (which I must admit is a bit too dated for me to use) -- and that's a good thing.

Not to say Halo 2 doesn't show its wrinkles at times. It absolutely does. Not only are the controls blasphemous to today's standard shooting controls, but action sequences sometimes tend to
move a little too slowly. Chief doesn't always respond when you need him to and the AI is even
worse. Actually, I'd completely forgotten just how bad the AI was back in 2004. Or was it just Halo? The point is that you never want to get caught in a firefight with Marine NPCs covering your back.
They'll be dead in seconds, and you'll be left to fend for yourself pretty much the entire game. But that's how you like it, right?

Halo 3 and 4 (especially the latter) were more of an update to gameplay than I remembered. Halo 2 sometimes feels stiff. Mobility wasn't what it is now. I do recall feeling like Chief was ridiculously
overpowered by the time the third installment
rolled around. He was more versatile, faster,
stronger. Basically untouchable. Beating that game on Heroic was no sweat. Halo 2, though, has given me a run for my money.

After spending hours with Halo 2: Anniversary , I feel like perhaps today's console FPS fanbase is too pampered. The dawn of Call of Duty did really streamline enemy AI to the point where it's all
become a shooting gallery. But the enemies in Halo 2 seem smart, swarming you at just the right moments or holding back and picking me off at
long distance. The hierarchy in command is always apparent during a firefight. Shoot down the Elite and the Grunts lose their minds, running in circles like loose chicken until you've punched them to death. Not that THAT'S smart AI, but it is an example of the enemy AI reacting to you. It's more than I can say about Rodriguez and Jenkins over there.

After Halo 2, the next two main installments (sandwiched in the middle is the excellent and
daring ODST) were your usual sci-fi shooter fare. Nothing was ever quite like this game again. So do you think Bungie missed with Halo 2?
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Re: Halo 2

Postby elfshadowreaper » Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:38 pm

I enjoyed Halo 2 but I'm not really sure which one is my favorite. I haven't gotten a Xbox One so I'm still disappointed they only released the Master Chief Collection on One and not the 360 too because I REALLY wanted to play with all of the previous maps.

The lack of several maps is probably my biggest Halo complaint. For example, I got into a Halo 4 multiplayer kick a few weeks ago after a couple of years away from Halo. Most people play Big Team now which only utilizes maybe three or four maps. So I'm stuck playing those over and over again. I downloaded the map packs but because 343 requires you to pay for them I never get to even play on them. They need to either make them free or restrict the ones who haven't downloaded them to fewer playlists and have the larger playlists open to the ones who actually download them.

The idea of having ALL of the maps from ALL of the Halo games was really enticing, but not enough to drop $400 for an Xbox One.
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Re: Halo 2

Postby Yama » Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:25 pm

If you ever want to play some Halo add me. YamaMX
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Re: Halo 2

Postby Shibiryo » Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:07 pm

Every time I would boot up Halo 2, the one thing I looked forward to was hearing that choir start out in the main menu. There's something about that that is just so amazing. And damn, I love it. The woman makes that choir fucking amazing and defiant, chills brought down my spine.
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Re: Halo 2

Postby ShenSun » Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:49 pm

Best FPS ever. Give me a match on lockout or ivory tower any day :)

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Re: Halo 2

Postby Raithos » Sun Sep 13, 2015 7:24 pm

We used to go to Lockout and practice our BR strafe daily to warm up.
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Re: Halo 2

Postby Axm » Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:29 pm

Halo 2 in MC collection is something id love to be playing a ton of right now, but with so many other games out there I want to play theirs just no time left in the day for it. I fall asleep at like 10pm these days like an old man too so that doesnt help me either.
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Re: Halo 2

Postby Shibiryo » Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:24 pm

phpBB [video]

The game never turned out like this and I can see why most of you are pissed, this would of made Halo 2 a successor to CE. The audience's reaction is priceless.

Halo 2 is not too bad how it is now tbh.
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Re: Halo 2

Postby Sonikku » Thu Sep 17, 2015 1:21 pm

I played plenty of Halo 2 back when I was in college. It was played like mad over the dorm network until the brass blocked the ports to the internet bandwidth we paid for, citing we should be studying instead. My favorite part was always the energy sword. :)
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Re: Halo 2

Postby shengoro86 » Mon Sep 28, 2015 5:52 pm

Halo 2 was awesome. I still play on XBConnect for Halo and Halo 2 till this day.
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