Shenmue 3 for the Nintendo Switch

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Shenmue 3 for the Nintendo Switch

Postby sand4fish » Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:21 am

A fan is currently petitioning for Shenmue 3 to be released on the hybrid Nintendo console in the website
Even if you are not a Nintendo fan, you could help signing this petition or spread the word out there. Though very unlikely to happen before the PC and PS4 versions, it's another chance to hype Shenmue 3 and increase its fanbase across another platform.

Shenmue 3 on Nintendo Switch Petition Link


Edit: I made a mistake stating that Shemue500K was behind the idea, so that's reason for the editing.
Last edited by sand4fish on Fri Mar 17, 2017 7:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Shenmue 3 for the Nintendo Switch

Postby abaww » Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:39 am

I'm sorry, I don't see much sense in forcing the developers to work on a Switch version right now. They're already busy working on the other versions, and I think they don't have time to face complications on porting the game they've been workin on for 2 years to a console that's clearly underpowered. I want Shenmue3 to be the best game they can possibly make, without big hardware limitations. Plus, I don't think Shenmue can gain a big fanbase boost by releasing Shenmue3 on Switch. But this is just my opinion, obviously.
Last edited by abaww on Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Shenmue 3 for the Nintendo Switch

Postby sand4fish » Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:48 am

I understand your point, but there's no forcing whatsoever. The petition in no way guarantees the game will be ported to the Switch, but if it gains momentum it will get more people to pay attention to Shenmue 3 at the very least.
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Re: Shenmue 3 for the Nintendo Switch

Postby Rikitatsu » Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:21 pm

I can't get behind this, sorry.
The Switch is almost a generation behind the PS4, and Ysnet would have to redesign a lot of assets and do a lot more work in order to make it run decently on the Switch... For how small Ysnet is and their limited budget, it will be an almost impossible task.

That said, I can get behind a Shenmue 1/2 remastered for the Switch, the more people can experience those games, the better.

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Re: Shenmue 3 for the Nintendo Switch

Postby Himuro » Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:23 pm

If they're going to port it to Switch I hope they have the foresight to do so AFTER production has ended so they waste resources Mighty No 9 style. Switch version could possibility give us more money as well by way of Nintendo.

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Re: Shenmue 3 for the Nintendo Switch

Postby Esppiral » Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:23 pm


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Re: Shenmue 3 for the Nintendo Switch

Postby Hyo Razuki » Wed Mar 15, 2017 2:50 pm

Right now, I'm not really convinced I should sign this. I think in the long run this could backfire against S3. Don't get me wrong, I'm always in favor of widening the scope of the potential market but with the PS4 and the PC we have two platforms with an already established massive user base. Also, if YS Net are hoping to be receiving any kind of marketing support from Sony, there's no way they can put S3 on the Switch.

On top of that, please keep in mind how other Kickstarter projects like Bloodstained, Elysian Shadows or Mighty No. 9 have suffered from delays and/or quality issues because they are on too many platforms.

The last thing YS Net can afford now is freeing up financial resources, manpower and time for a Swith port, plus, the Switch being underpowered and its storage capacity severely limited sure won't make the port easier to do. The only way I could see this make sense is if YS Net do the port after releasing the PC and PS4 versions. And even then I'd only want it to happen with Nintendo or another publisher offering a deal. Otherwise I'd prefer for Yu Suzuki to invest all the profit made on the PS4 and PC versions of S3 to get S4 off the ground, be it under Sega's roof, or independently, by striking yet another licensing deal again.
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Re: Shenmue 3 for the Nintendo Switch

Postby Monkei » Wed Mar 15, 2017 3:42 pm

A small group of Switch owners signaling their interest is cool I guess, but trying to turn this into a community effort involving all or most of the fanbase seems pretty nonsensical to me..
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Re: Shenmue 3 for the Nintendo Switch

Postby Spaghetti » Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:01 pm

In principle, I'm not against this. Shenmue III on the go, and available to more people, would be good news all round.

Buuuuuuut we know the game will only be initially developed with PS4 and PC in mind, and any ports to other platforms will only come after if the economics of the situation work out, and whatever exclusivity period with Sony lapses. Asking for Shenmue III to be ported to your platform of choice that isn't already supported is a question for after the game is out, realistically.

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Re: Shenmue 3 for the Nintendo Switch

Postby SMDzero » Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:13 pm

What about Shenmue 3 for the N64 while we're at it?

I know the game would probably REQUIRE the expansion pak... but I think it would run well aside from some frame rate inconsistency and a slight drop in polygon count.
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Re: Shenmue 3 for the Nintendo Switch

Postby Let's Get Sweaty » Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:26 pm

sand4fish wrote:Shemue500K team is currently petitioning for Shenmue 3 to be released on the hybrid Nintendo console in the website

To clarify, this petition has nothing to do with Shenmue500K. There are unfortunately a few social media profiles and pages, including a website, that claim to represent Shenmue500K but are in no way affiliated with or endorsed by the real group.

It's a tiresome and long-running situation that sadly leads to situations like this where the group is misrepresented in media reports that understandably take such claims at face value, because the reality is far too ridiculous to even contemplate.

For the record, the only outlets approved to run under the Shenmue500K banner are this Facebook group and this Twitter account.

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Re: Shenmue 3 for the Nintendo Switch

Postby Anonymous81 » Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:35 pm

I love my Switch. And I'll consider signing this after Shenmue has released for the platforms its crowdfunding campaign was intended for. And I love Nintendo.

But I've seen what trying to publish a crowdfunded game on too many platforms (*cough* MN9 *cough*) can do to a game's QA and level of polish. I'm also cognizant of the reality that the only reason the budget they have is even viable is because Sony is assisting with distribution on PS4, and the related cost barrier on PC to publish is lower than on console.

And so while this would be great in principle, I'm not willing to apply one iota or pressure or persuasion - no matter how gentle, unlikely to succeed, voluntary, or well intended - on Ys to port the game to another platform until after the game has released. After that, then it would be fantastic.

It's also worth noting that barring the game being incredibly low spec at launch, it would require some degree of downgrade. Which is fine, graphics aren't everything, and if that's the cost of having S3 on the go, sign me up. Just not yet.

And, as noted, this isn't really 500K's doing.

Great idea, though.
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Re: Shenmue 3 for the Nintendo Switch

Postby Serenade » Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:53 pm

How about Shenmue 3 on the Game Boy aswell while we're at it huh? wouldn't that be cool with no voice acting but pure text and pixels

No, seriously though, this is a terrible idea, why have a version on the Switch when its a backwards arse system that isint even capable of what PS4 can currently do, it would just rewire the game bad
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Re: Shenmue 3 for the Nintendo Switch

Postby Spaghetti » Wed Mar 15, 2017 5:20 pm

Serenade wrote: How about Shenmue 3 on the Game Boy aswell while we're at it huh? wouldn't that be cool with no voice acting but pure text and pixels

No, seriously though, this is a terrible idea, why have a version on the Switch when its a backwards arse system that isint even capable of what PS4 can currently do, it would just rewire the game bad

Let's tone down the console wars bullshit.

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Re: Shenmue 3 for the Nintendo Switch

Postby FlagshipFighter » Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:42 pm

Thanks for sharing this OP. I like the photoshop render of the controllers! It's great to hear the enthusiasm that comes from different communities, the Switch community sound really passionate for this to happen. The idea for this port has been perusing in my head since that awesome 'Snake Pass' game trailer.

Sadly, I'm going for have to agree with the others here, not with the intention of supporting the switch, but for the sake of not retreading the same pitfalls as other kickstarter devs (like comcept) who over-promised with really ambitious stretch goals that included ports which ended up making the end game suffer more as a result.

Even if it does just take a week or two (like it did for Snake Pass) I would rather spend those two weeks of development, polish or preparation for launch.

Just so you know, this is coming from someone who only owns an xbone to play current gen games atm! As much as I'd like to see a port for it on that (or heck scorpio compatibility) I would always prefer they deliver exactly what they envision to accomplish really well over promising more when it isn't a priority. I'm planning to buy a PS4 for this game so I can play in an environment familiar to the dreamcast. It would be cool to see xbox one and switch ports after launch though. Going through a scenario similar to mighty no. 9 would be really painful if it were to ever happen... :-/

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