SINGLE PLAYER GAMER (updated March 29)

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Re: SINGLE PLAYER GAMER (updated October 31)

Postby Kenny » Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:55 am

Just like Disaster Report, it makes me want to buy the game and try it out for myself. Thought the intro was good but stretched out a little too long, but that's my view.

I also agree that it'd be great to hear what works and what doesn't work in the actual game. You can make those parts short while keeping the majority of the video about the game's background (which are always very interesting). I don't think you need to elaborate as much when it comes to the mechanics, showing a few brief clips and talking about it will suffice. That's how Gametrailers did it and it got the point across in like 4 seconds.

Other than that, great video. Make more, dammit. MORE!

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Re: SINGLE PLAYER GAMER (updated October 31)

Postby OL » Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:36 am

Yeah, I figured the intro would probably seem a little long. I was just having too much of a blast editing that stuff together. That's the one place I usually get any opportunity to do anything creative (because otherwise it's all just matching words to images), and since it was Halloween, I figured I may as well try to set a mood with it.
The other problems mostly stem from the fact that I kept seeing it as a sort of "adaptation" of my earlier text review, so while I did have to change certain things that would have made it overlong (I originally had something to say about every single character; that would have killed it :lol: ), I mostly had a sort of "autopilot" mindset on it, which basically kept my writing weaknesses from a few years ago intact.
Ah well. 20/20 hindsight and all that.
Writing-wise, I am still kind of proud of the Tenchu comparison though.

Anyway, just hoping I can get that next video out before the end of the year. AC3 is holding me up a bit on recording footage, but the writing should be much quicker for this one, so... guess we'll see.
Blathering on for a couple minutes on each of my favorite games of the past year shouldn't be too hard.

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Re: SINGLE PLAYER GAMER (updated October 31)

Postby KiBa » Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:43 pm

Just awesome. Thank you so much. Please make more, and keep them coming.

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Re: SINGLE PLAYER GAMER (updated October 31)

Postby Thief » Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:31 am

Where is the next Single Player Gamer!!?!?!?!?!?!!!

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Re: SINGLE PLAYER GAMER (updated October 31)

Postby OL » Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:06 pm

Okay, update time I guess...

Back in November, I started working on a new video for a game where I was going to extol its virtues as something artistic. I fully recorded footage for the game and wrote a big long essay on it... but eventually I realized that the writing just wasn't going to work. When I write narration, I try to think visually; that is, I try to come up with what I could be showing on-screen as the lines come out. And when you're speaking about purely conceptual subjects like "art," it becomes much harder to come up with things to be shown on-screen. Not to mention that, in speaking about a subject like art, there were just too many areas where I was having to talk about exceptions to rules and that kind of thing, which means there was too much time spent talking about a concept as opposed to actually talking about the game itself.
So, after working really hard on the writing for that one, but eventually scrapping the whole thing, I figured I'd try something else. I may return to that project eventually; I still have the footage all recorded on my computer, so it's just a matter of figuring out how to properly write for it.

Then in December, I came up with a new idea; three successive videos covering an entire series spanning from the PS1 all the way into PS3 era.
The first video would cover the PS1 games, the second would be for the PS2, and the third would be for the PS3.
I've recorded all the footage for it, I've gathered almost all of the various resources I'll need for it (music, pictures, etc), and I've completed the writing for the grand majority of it (just need a proper ending and a tweak or two to the wording here and there).
I've been slowly piecing that together since December, and last week I finally started recording the narration for the first video... but then I got sick, and my voice got all effed up (I haven't been this sick in a long time).
I took what I had recorded and started editing the first video together.
So, at the very least, that work is all in place, and will be finished eventually. Altogether, it should equal out to roughly a half-hour's worth of videogame rambling stuff. A full tv episode, so to speak. Just need my voice to return to normal.

Last month, while working on the previously-mentioned project, I also started writing for another game which I'd been meaning to do for a long time. I got so caught up in it that I also went ahead and recorded all the footage for it as well, and had a helluva fun time doing it. I want to finish the three-parter first, but I'm really excited to get back to this one.
I was already planning on making it kind of a "tribute" to someone close to me (if only making mention of them in the closing of the video), but coincidentally a few weeks ago... they died.
So this one will definitely be finished in due time.
I feel an obligation to do it now. I just need to get the writing ironed out.

So there ya go. I've been working on stuff this whole time, it's just been a matter of keeping at it. I guess experience still hasn't made me any faster in putting them together. :lol:

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Re: SINGLE PLAYER GAMER (updated October 31)

Postby Kenny » Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:37 pm

Sorry to hear about your loss, man. But its nice to know you didn't give up on this series.

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Re: SINGLE PLAYER GAMER (updated October 31)

Postby Bambi » Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:12 pm

Off topic: Forgot to comment on your last video OL.

Really enjoyed it as usual, picked up Blood Curse and am about halfway through, I only ever play it with friends over though, not because I'm a scaredy cat or anything!

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Re: SINGLE PLAYER GAMER (updated October 31)

Postby OL » Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:19 pm

Actually, I just finished recording the voiceover for the last little project I mentioned, so my three-video series is going on the backburner for the moment. I'll keep whittling away at it over time, but I was just feeling a little more excited to do the newer one.
I only have to record some reference footage (or just swipe some pictures off the internet or something) and edit it together and it should be out sometime before the month is out. Hopefully, at least.
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Re: SINGLE PLAYER GAMER (updated October 31)

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:44 pm

Making all your eager fans wait this long! How dare you! You are nothing but a money changed celebrity that got lazy after getting rich... but we still love you, and hope you release more material soon. <3

Sincerely, your fans.


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Re: SINGLE PLAYER GAMER (updated October 31)

Postby OL » Sun Mar 31, 2013 11:15 am

Still sick when I recorded narration (so the delivery is a little off), but it turned out okay.
Dedicated to my dog Brak. I miss that little snapperhead.


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Re: SINGLE PLAYER GAMER (updated March 31)

Postby Who Really Cares? » Sun Mar 31, 2013 11:21 am

Video simply reminds me i need to get that at some point.

Shame its not on the XBL marketplace as i have a load of points i can use up.

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Re: SINGLE PLAYER GAMER (updated October 31)

Postby Henry Spencer » Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:12 pm

OL wrote: Still sick when I recorder narration (so the delivery is a little off), but it turned out okay.
Dedicated to my dog Brak. I miss that little snapperhead.


Good review man, DTR: Retribution was a great game, I agree and I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

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Re: SINGLE PLAYER GAMER (updated March 31)

Postby Rakim » Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:57 am

I don't even wanna know how or why you have a pigeon. Great video as always.

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Re: SINGLE PLAYER GAMER (updated March 31)

Postby OL » Mon Apr 01, 2013 9:39 am

Well you're gonna find out anyway! :devillaugh:
Nothing special really. He was likely kicked out of his nest for being the runt/having some kind of health problem, and would have been fox food, but we found him and took pity.

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Re: SINGLE PLAYER GAMER (updated March 31)

Postby Riku Rose » Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:44 pm

Nice review. This video has made me really want a game which shows the relationship between a man and his dog like The Walking Dead did with children.

RIP Brak

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